Read A. A. Milne's Cosmic DNA

A. A. Milne
A. A. Milne
12:00 pm
Kilburn, England
52N28 0W12 (1 GMT)
Capricorn (28) / Aquarius
Capricorn (11)  
Aquarius (5) / Capricorn
Capricorn (20)  
Gemini (28) / Cancer
Taurus (16)  
Taurus (5) / Aries
Virgo (18)  
Taurus (13)  
Taurus (27) / Gemini

Birthchart Info

A. A. Milne
12:00 pm
Kilburn, England
52N28 0W12 (1 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Capricorn (28) / Aquarius
Capricorn (11)  
Aquarius (5) / Capricorn
Capricorn (20)  
Gemini (28) / Cancer
Taurus (16)  
Taurus (5) / Aries
Virgo (18)  
Taurus (13)  
Taurus (27) / Gemini

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: How I Want To Get Picked Up On

A Park Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
If they appear slightly out of place, it's because they aren't accustomed to venturing outdoors, except under specific circumstances: work, tending to their garden, coaching little league or soccer, or dutifully guarding their young ones on the swings and slides. They may have realized that the great outdoors offers respite from endless responsibilities. Approach with politeness, but don't shy away from introducing yourself. Capricorns admire individuals with strong backbones. Impress them with your display of respect, thereby making a memorable Stage One impression.

A Park Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Aquarians possess an unmistakable air of "difference." They may not have unconventional hair colors, peculiar piercings, or visible tattoos, yet their interactions with others showcase their distinctiveness. Aquarians are keen on setting themselves apart. If you set your sights on winning the heart of an Aquarius, make it evident through your gaze when your eyes meet. Accompany it with a smile and a bold gesture such as a wink. You'll instantly capture their fascination. Your next challenge is to maintain that intrigue and curiosity.

A Summer Beach Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
When a group congregates on the beach, a Capricorn inevitably takes charge, their authoritative demeanor captivating all in their orbit. Initially, they may not notice your presence, engrossed in their own pursuits. Acrobatic leaps into the water or audacious dives fail to grab their attention, for they seek partners with extraordinary conversational skills. To captivate a Capricorn, you must possess the ability to embark on a discussion that effortlessly transitions between fascinating topics, captivating their intellectual prowess. Before making your approach, equip yourself with an array of remarkable subjects, ensuring your conversation holds their interest from the very first word.

A Summer Beach Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
An Aquarius reveals their presence through their eccentric appearance—a riot of vibrant hair colors, multiple piercings, or an unconventional adaptation of beachwear that defies categorization. If your heart yearns for an Aquarius, you stand in close proximity to your desired mark. The challenge lies in keeping this extraordinary being amused and intrigued, a task that requires boundless creativity. Fear not, for you need not disrobe or engage in table-top dancing or fully clothed pool dives. Instead, embark on a journey of ingenuity, mirroring the very essence of their unique disposition.

A Video-Store Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):
Suspension of disbelief is a challenge for the dignified Capricorn, making them more inclined to explore the Documentary section. From Morgan Spurlock's quirky brilliance in "Supersize Me" to real-life corporate dramas like "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room," Capricorn appreciates an insider's view of situations. They also have a taste for "mockumentaries" such as "Borat" and "The Rutles," relishing the dry humor infused within.

A Video-Store Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):
While the word "Independent" might initially catch Aquarius' attention, the trendiness of "art house" movies tends to bore them quickly. Instead, head to the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section, where their future-minded spirit can indulge in concepts like galactic government and advanced technology. Aquarius finds solace in films that make them believe such imaginative worlds are not as far away as they seem.

Pickup at a Gym

Sun / Capricorn

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Recognizing a Capricorn: The gym is a bit informal for dignified Capricorn. Look for the person who looks up guiltily every time the door is opened, as the Goat is terrified of running into somebody they know while they're sweating it out on the exercise bike. This sign also favors blindingly white t-shirts that look as though they've been starched to perfection, exhibiting their desire for order and cleanliness. When in doubt, check the feet?Cappy usually springs for top-of-the-line athletic shoes, reflecting their commitment to quality.

Seducing a Capricorn: Take the old-fashioned approach with Capricorn, as they appreciate tradition and respect. Wait until they've finished working out and open a conversation with, "I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but I couldn't help noticing your shoes. Can I ask where you got them?" This will put the Goat in a position of authority, where they are most comfortable. As soon as possible, establish that you have a steady job or career and show ambition and dedication, as this sign values hard work and dislikes slackers. Demonstrating stability and responsibility will surely catch their attention.

Pickup at a Gym

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Recognizing an Aquarius: Trust Aquarius to try out the latest exercise equipment or attend the newest aerobics class. If it's strange and unfamiliar, the Water-bearer wants to experience it. This sign often sports eye-catching sports gear, like fluorescent colors or shiny fabrics, reflecting their unique and unconventional style. When in doubt, check out the person's iPod or cell phone. This sign is a tech-lover and usually has the latest gadgets.

Seducing an Aquarius: Engaging an Aquarius in intellectual conversations is the key to their heart. Ask them their opinion on the morning's headlines or a recent social issue, as this sign loves to discuss current affairs and societal trends. Express some unconventional opinions of your own, showing your independent thinking and unique perspective. If there's anything the Water-bearer can't stand, it's someone who blindly follows the crowd. If all else fails, just go up and introduce yourself. Aquarius loves meeting new people and will admire your direct approach.

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