Refund Policy

Effective Date: 6/13/2024

1. Eligibility for Refunds

Refunds are only considered in the following circumstances:

  • The compatibility report was not delivered to the email address provided by the customer.
  • The compatibility report contains significant errors or omissions that make it unusable.

2. Refund Request Process

To request a refund, please contact us at within 7 days of receiving your report. Include your order number and a detailed explanation of the issue.

3. Evaluation of Refund Requests

We will review your request and respond within 7 business days. If your request is approved, we will process the refund to your original method of payment within 14 business days.

4. Non-Refundable Situations

We do not offer refunds for:

  • Change of mind after the report has been delivered.
  • Incorrect information provided by the customer that affected the report's accuracy.

5. Contact Information

For any questions about our Refund Policy, please contact us at