Read Albert Einstein's Cosmic DNA

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
12:00 pm
Ulm, Germany
48N24 10E1 (2 GMT)
Pisces (23) / Aries
Sagittarius (14)  
Aries (3) / Pisces
Aries (16)  
Capricorn (26) / Aquarius
Aquarius (27) / Pisces
Aries (4) / Pisces
Virgo (1) / Leo
Taurus (7) / Aries
Taurus (24) / Gemini

Birthchart Info

Albert Einstein
12:00 pm
Ulm, Germany
48N24 10E1 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (23) / Aries
Sagittarius (14)  
Aries (3) / Pisces
Aries (16)  
Capricorn (26) / Aquarius
Aquarius (27) / Pisces
Aries (4) / Pisces
Virgo (1) / Leo
Taurus (7) / Aries
Taurus (24) / Gemini

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: How I Want To Get Picked Up On

A Park Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces tend to stand apart from the crowd, not out of boredom but due to their preference for observing from a distance. They opt for measured participation to avoid expending excessive energy in social interactions. These sensitive beings select their company carefully, navigating groups and gatherings cautiously. Spot them in the park, leaning against a tree, quietly engrossed in reading poetry or indulging in other soothing activities. Approach them with utmost gentleness, matching their serene disposition. Demonstrate your consideration by offering to leave if you're causing any disturbance?an act that may just earn you an invitation to stay.

A Park Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Identifying an Aries is a breeze. Look for someone donning the color red, engaged in a spirited game of ball. Alternatively, you might notice their distinctively bored expression when forced into a state of relaxation. For these action-driven individuals, unwinding is an arduous task. Your strategy? Come to their rescue. Initiate a conversation and whisk them away to a fun-filled activity. It matters not what it entails; they'll be delighted that you noticed their predicament and will eagerly express their gratitude.

A Summer Beach Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
A lone figure graces the beach, shrouded in an aura of invisibility, as the Pisces seeks solace in remaining unseen. Masters of the art of hiding, they pride themselves on blending into the background effortlessly. Yet, Neptune, their ruling planet, embodies not only romance but also a hypnotic presence that defies easy concealment. Though challenging, your task is twofold: approach the Pisces as you would a skittish creature, with utmost caution, and touch them gently, like the wings of a butterfly, fully aware that a drastic action might cause irreparable harm.

A Summer Beach Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Burning with the intensity of a scorching flame, the Aries exudes a captivating allure, fueled by their audacious spirit and ruled by the fiery planet Mars. Picture this: a splash of red catches your eye amidst the sun-kissed beach, revealing a tantalizing clue to their fiery nature. But it's not just their vibrant attire that gives them away; it's their unwavering confidence that radiates from within. With an Aries, discomfort is a foreign concept, and their fearlessness knows no bounds. Even the slightest hint of your interest, conveyed through a gentle smile or a mischievous wink, is enough to capture their attention. They don't wait for introductions; they seize the moment, leaving you scrambling to come up with an irresistible opening line as they meet your gaze.

A Video-Store Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):
As the eternal dreamer, Pisces is likely to have a frequent renter card and a deep desire to immerse themselves in fantasy. Almost any enchanting world will capture their imagination, but the one section that holds a special place in their heart is Faith and Spirituality. Look for Pisces among films like "Touched by an Angel" and the captivating tale of "Whale Rider." Spirituality, oceanic wonders, and adorable aquatic mammals will keep Pisces spellbound for hours.

A Video-Store Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19):
With an abundance of energy that could power a small town, Aries is irresistibly drawn to the Action & Adventure section. From heart-pounding films like "300" to the entire "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, Aries salivates over exhilarating fight scenes, imagining themselves as fearless heroes leaping fearlessly from one rooftop to the next. However, be prepared to seize control of the remote before Aries fast-forwards to the "good parts."

Pickup at a Gym

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Recognizing a Pisces: Dreamy Pisces is a bit absent-minded, often displaying small indicators like trailing shoelaces, mismatched socks, or a backwards t-shirt. You probably won't find this sign doing reps on the Nautilus or logging floors on the Stairmaster?these folks generally prefer to swim in the pool, engaging in gentle yet transformative exercises like stretching in the yoga studio. People born under the sign of the Fish often hum under their breath while exercising, their minds drifting to a world of imagination.

Seducing a Pisces: Claim a sports injury, even if it's a small exaggeration, and ask Pisces to recommend a good spa or masseuse for relaxation and healing. This sign will be happy to oblige and will likely probe you for more information about your health and well-being. Fish are always looking for someone to rescue, and showing vulnerability or a need for support is often the first step toward winning their heart. Loudly proclaiming a hatred of exercise or expressing your preference for more creative pursuits will probably win a sympathetic smile, as Pisces understands the allure of imagination and escapism.

Pickup at a Gym

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Recognizing an Aries: Keep an eye out for someone dressed in vibrant red attire, exuding an aura of confidence and strength. They're likely to be energetically dominating the treadmill, pushing themselves to the limit, or participating in intense aerobic classes, always striving to be the best.

Seducing an Aries: Wait for them to finish their workout, as Aries is always on the move and refuses to break their stride. Approach them and seek their guidance on fitness tips or exercise techniques. Shower them with admiration for their athletic prowess, acknowledging their determination and leadership qualities. By giving this natural-born athlete plenty of admiration and respect, they'll be more than willing to reward you with a date.

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