Read Albert Einstein's Cosmic DNA

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
12:00 pm
Ulm, Germany
48N24 10E1 (2 GMT)
Pisces (23) / Aries
Sagittarius (14)  
Aries (3) / Pisces
Aries (16)  
Capricorn (26) / Aquarius
Aquarius (27) / Pisces
Aries (4) / Pisces
Virgo (1) / Leo
Taurus (7) / Aries
Taurus (24) / Gemini

Birthchart Info

Albert Einstein
12:00 pm
Ulm, Germany
48N24 10E1 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (23) / Aries
Sagittarius (14)  
Aries (3) / Pisces
Aries (16)  
Capricorn (26) / Aquarius
Aquarius (27) / Pisces
Aries (4) / Pisces
Virgo (1) / Leo
Taurus (7) / Aries
Taurus (24) / Gemini

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: SEX Sun Mercury Mars

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Mars / Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn
Straightforward sex is generally best. Simple and lots of it. Capricorn-type lovers are often attracted to experienced, and sometimes older, partners - but when the Capricorn is female, especially, the reverse can also often be the case. They often prefer strong, powerful lovers who display some sort of authority or know-how. Capricorn's earthy nature shows up in their love-making style?it's generally no-frills that is most appealing to these lovers. They can be quite happy with consistency, as variety is less important to them than is security in sexual expression. And quantity of it. Their sexuality is, however, deep and powerful. Though they are often quite private about what goes on in the bedroom some will want others to know that they are on top of things in their sex life, if avoiding the details. The sign most likely to have a toyboy/play-girl, or a sugar-daddy/sugar-mama.

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Mars / Aquarius

Mars in Aquarius
The Paradox of Detachment. Prepare to enter the paradoxical realm of Aquarius, where Mars finds its unique expression. A "take it or leave it" style characterizes their approach to sex, a style that can be both alluring and maddening. At times, they may exhibit demanding passion, exuding an aura of magnetic intensity. Yet, in the blink of an eye, their ardor may transform into a spell of chilly abstinence, leaving their partners bewildered and craving their touch. Warmth, my fellow seekers, is not the hallmark of Aquarius in the realm of intimacy. However, in their minds, they consider themselves open-minded, curious, and experimental, finding delight in the realm of sensation. They project an air of sophistication and detachment, cultivating a sense of coolness within the bedroom. Distance, both physical and emotional, often becomes the realm where they truly shine, finding allure in cyber or phone sex, or affairs that do not disrupt existing marriages. They find themselves most turned on when you are not, relishing the challenge of conquest and detachment. However, the more eager and available you are, the less likely they will reciprocate. Only when you find yourself miles away, tethered only by the ethereal connection of a phone call, do they become truly engaged. For Mars in Aquarius, the idea of sex holds greater excitement than the physical act itself. Their fantasies often revolve around the thrill of getting caught, and they gravitate toward individuals who embody a sense of offbeat or eccentric allure. Aquarius, my dear seekers, holds the distinction of amassing a collection of vibrators and sex toys that goes beyond convention.

Your Sex Drive and Desires

Mars / Capricorn

With Mars grounding itself in the earthy realm of ambition and pragmatism, manifests a strong, enduring, and ambitious energy. Though possessing a lusty sexuality, individuals with Mars in Capricorn project an outward demeanor of restraint and control, revealing their passionate nature only to those who become intimately acquainted with them. Mars in Capricorn champions endurance over quick sprints to the finish line, favoring deliberate pacing in sexual encounters. Their unique ability to harness and control their sexual drives sets them apart from other signs. Capricorn individuals are capable of denying pleasure altogether, choosing to focus their ambitious energy on career pursuits instead. When engaged in a sexual relationship, they gravitate towards experienced partners or those who are older, seeking a sense of wisdom and tried-and-true compatibility. The familiar and established form the foundation of their sexual satisfaction.

Your Sex Drive and Desires

Mars / Aquarius

With Mars infusing their being with eccentric energy, holds unconventional ideas and attitudes towards sex. Their energy radiates an air of eccentricity as they pursue their desires, often leaving others perplexed. What arouses their desires may confound the average person, for Aquarius seeks a mental connection before experiencing physical stimulation. Without mental arousal, physical satisfaction remains elusive. The challenge lies in the fact that what excites those with Mars in Aquarius may differ from one day to the next. Phone or cybersex holds particular appeal for them, as do all forms of nontraditional and experimental encounters. Mars in Aquarius propels individuals towards unexplored frontiers, directing their energy where others would never dare to venture.

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Venus / Aries

Venus in Aries
Passion thrives in spontaneity for these lovers. They easily succumb to infatuations, diving headfirst into intense romances that upend their lives. Aries individuals crave someone to worship and idolize. Their desire knows no bounds, and they detest any form of restriction. Foreplay takes a backseat as they impatiently charge towards the main event. Aggressive and swift, they may appear self-centered in bed but are sincere and wholehearted, driven by their powerful urges. While others revel in the romance of the moment, individuals with Venus in Aries find explicit pleasure in their partner's physical attributes, stripped of any frills. They are known to leave the neighbors wide awake.

How Sex Begins in Your Thoughts

Mercury / Aries

The Fiery Tongue of Honesty Ignites Passion. In the realm of Mercury in Aries, the air crackles with the electrifying energy of honest and unabashed communication. Aries, the fiery sign that yearns for swift action and adventure, wastes no time on idle banter or superficial conversation. When Mercury takes up residence in this audacious sign, conversations must possess a sense of novelty, freshness, and intellectual stimulation to captivate their attention. In matters of the heart, those with Mercury in Aries are often the initiators, fearlessly embracing their role as the passionate pursuer. Expect a lover who is unafraid to express their desires with bold and provocative words, armed with an arsenal of seductive pick-up lines that leave you both intrigued and beguiled.

How Sex Begins in Your Thoughts

Mercury / Pisces

The Dreamy Reveries of Creative Intuition. Finally, let us immerse ourselves in the realm of Mercury in Pisces, where dreamy reveries and creative intuition hold sway. Those with this placement possess a boundless imagination and an extraordinary capacity for emotional expression. Their thoughts dance like ethereal wisps, weaving intricate narratives that stir the depths of your soul.

When it comes to sex, Mercury in Pisces indulges in the realm of fantasy, often navigating elaborate scenarios that unfold within their minds. Their intuitive nature guides them in the art of pleasure, as they strive to please you with an uncanny ability to read your deepest desires. However, be mindful that their propensity for dreamy musings may occasionally detach them from reality. At times, it falls upon you to gently pull their minds back into the present moment, reminding them of the tangible delights that await in the realm of shared experiences.

Sex, How You Like It

Sun / Pisces

Sex of Pisces
Sex for Pisces is an emotional voyage, mirroring their approach to life in general. Sensual and imaginative, Pisces adores playful and fluid encounters. Shyness dissipates when it comes to intimate matters. The Fish possesses a voracious appetite for sex, embracing the ever-changing nature of desires. Indulging in flights of fancy with their lover keeps them primed throughout the night. Pisces thrives on the complete union of love and sex, creating a safe and uninhibited space. They take pleasure in pleasing their partner, ensuring that the experience ignites a fiery connection. As for their preferred playground, the wet and wild Fish finds the water to be the sexiest backdrop for their amorous adventures.

Sex, How You Like It

Sun / Aries

Sex of Aries
When it comes to matters of love and sex, Aries is like a fierce predator, always ready to embark on the thrilling pursuit of pleasure. Fearless and physically charged, Aries possesses remarkable stamina, capable of going all night long. Their insatiable curiosity drives them to explore new sexual horizons, making them crave an open-minded and adventurous partner. The infamous Mile-High Club could have been invented specifically for individuals born under this sign. Needless to say, Aries requires a lover who can match their intensity; otherwise, they won't hesitate to move on. Although eroticism plays a significant role, Aries also seeks a deep mental connection with their partner. On top of their demanding nature, they long for a sense of security in their sexual relationships to ward off any traces of jealousy.

Who You Are Sexually Compatible With

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Possessing a vivid fantasy life, Pisces imagines various intriguing encounters and scenarios. When the earthy Virgo arrives to make Pisces' dreams a reality, the temperature rises as fact and fiction intertwine into a whole new world. Pisces is captivated by Virgo's precise attention to detail, hitting the perfect spots every time. As they explore the fine line between fantasy and reality, Pisces and Virgo create an exclusive synergy that is uniquely theirs.

Who You Are Sexually Compatible With

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries, with its fervent and passionate personality, craves challenges in bed. Thus, the ideal partner is Gemini, who keeps the dynamic Fire sign on its toes with their flirtatiousness and ceaseless movement. Gemini's agile intellect and witty conversation will maintain Aries' interest, even when the initial passion fades, allowing for a possibility of a lasting connection beyond just a fling.

Who You Are Sexually Compatible With

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Possessing a vivid fantasy life, Pisces imagines various intriguing encounters and scenarios. When the earthy Virgo arrives to make Pisces' dreams a reality, the temperature rises as fact and fiction intertwine into a whole new world. Pisces is captivated by Virgo's precise attention to detail, hitting the perfect spots every time. As they explore the fine line between fantasy and reality, Pisces and Virgo create an exclusive synergy that is uniquely theirs.

Who You Are Sexually Compatible With

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries, with its fervent and passionate personality, craves challenges in bed. Thus, the ideal partner is Gemini, who keeps the dynamic Fire sign on its toes with their flirtatiousness and ceaseless movement. Gemini's agile intellect and witty conversation will maintain Aries' interest, even when the initial passion fades, allowing for a possibility of a lasting connection beyond just a fling.

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