Read Ali Landry's Cosmic DNA

Ali Landry
Ali Landry
12:00 pm
Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
30N16 92W6 (-5 GMT)
Cancer (28) / Leo
Aries (10)  
Cancer (26) / Leo
Leo (25) / Virgo
Aries (18)  
Aquarius (8) / Capricorn
Gemini (28) / Cancer
Libra (19)  
Sagittarius (4) / Scorpio
Libra (2) / Virgo

Birthchart Info

Ali Landry
12:00 pm
Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
30N16 92W6 (-5 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Cancer (28) / Leo
Aries (10)  
Cancer (26) / Leo
Leo (25) / Virgo
Aries (18)  
Aquarius (8) / Capricorn
Gemini (28) / Cancer
Libra (19)  
Sagittarius (4) / Scorpio
Libra (2) / Virgo

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: ATTRACTED TO Her Sun Mars Him Moon Venus

Your TYPE of Man, What You Are Attracted To In A Man

Mars / Aries


The kind of gentleman that catches your eye is unapologetically bold, adventurous, and frank.

You tend to be allured by assertive, even "macho" personas, and men in authoritative roles such as military or police officers. Additionally, those with a touch of peril can stir your interest. You crave challenge and competition, finding appeal in men who aren't easily won over.

You're magnetized by triumphant figures - whether in sports, business, or any arena of competition, including the pursuit of your affection.

Beneath your exterior demeanor, you harbor a valiant spirit. What you seek is a courageous mate who can match your own tenacity.

Your secret desire resonates with the timeless line, "You Tarzan, me Jane."

Should Mars be in Aries in your birth chart, you might find yourself particularly drawn to strong, athletic men or those with an assertive demeanor. Your inner "warrior woman" thrives on action, competition, and challenges - even relishing a good tussle from time to time.

3 Things That Can Turn You On

Sun / Cancer

1. Plan a cozy night in; staying home can be incredibly alluring with a Cancer.
2. Treat your Crab with kindness and warmth, and tenfold affection shall be returned.
3. Show vulnerability, and Cancer will guide you to deep emotional safety within the relationship.

3 Things That Can Turn You On

Sun / Leo

1. Compliment your Leo's magnificence and vibrancy.
2. Put your Lion in the spotlight, and they will gladly share it with you.
3. Be submissive, and your Leo will bring your wildest fantasies to life.

Attracting-Seducing You

Sun / Cancer

To Seduce a Cancer Woman
The ideal partner for a Cancer woman is one who possesses protective instincts, prioritizes security, and exhibits sensitivity and understanding. When she feels safe and secure in a man's presence, an emotional attraction blossoms. Financial stability plays a significant role in her desires, particularly if he possesses his own home, has a savings account, and displays the capacity to create a nurturing environment for raising a family. The intense sensuality of a Cancer woman is most responsive to emotions and security. She may find herself drawn to a partner who unconsciously fulfills a fatherly role or seeks the nurturing affection of a maternal figure. A man who adores children, appreciates culinary delights, and yearns for a cozy and comfortable home will surely capture her heart. And, of course, fostering a positive relationship with the mother-in-law wouldn't hurt either!

Attracting-Seducing You

Sun / Leo

To Seduce a Leo Woman
To tame the fiery lioness that is the Leo woman, one must radiate warmth and display affection in a physical manner. If, in addition, he possesses wealth, fame, power, or striking physical attributes, the Leo woman will relish the opportunity to bask in their combined spotlight. Respect-commanding individuals who are also generous hold particular appeal to her. Leo women adore admiration and praise, and they certainly appreciate a handsome face and a beautiful physique. Superficial as it may seem, they embrace their inclination for the finer things in life. However, Leo women can also be drawn to sensitive and creative souls, such as actors, artists, musicians, and performers, as long as they have achieved societal success.

Your TYPE of Man, What You Are Attracted To In A Man

Sun / Cancer


When it comes to matters of the heart, Cancer, you are deeply attracted to a particular type of man. You find yourself drawn to individuals who embody qualities such as protectiveness, security-consciousness, sensitivity, and understanding. It is the sense of emotional safety that truly captures your heart and makes you feel an undeniable pull towards a man.

Financial security plays a significant role in your attraction, particularly if a man owns his own home, has a nest egg saved for the future, and possesses the means to provide a stable and comfortable environment. As a Sun in Cancer woman, your strong sexuality responds best to emotional connections and a sense of security. A man's sensitivity and emotional availability are often more important to you than sheer sexiness.

Unconsciously or consciously, you may find yourself drawn to a man who represents a father-figure in your life. There is an innate desire within you to nurture and care for others, and this can manifest in your attraction towards someone who needs to be "mothered." A man who loves children, appreciates your cooking, and yearns for a cozy and comfortable home environment is particularly appealing to you. If you hold a deep admiration for your mother, finding a partner who shares this sentiment can also contribute to your attraction.

For those with Mars in Cancer, the planet of passion and desire, your attraction may be particularly drawn to a protective and mature man. You might find yourself naturally gravitating towards someone who acts as a "father-figure" to you, embodying qualities of stability, wisdom, and guidance.

Your TYPE of Man, What You Are Attracted To In A Man

Sun / Leo


As a Leo woman, you have a magnetic attraction to a specific type of man. Your heart skips a beat for individuals who radiate warmth and affection, someone who isn't afraid to show their feelings. But what truly captures your attention is a man who possesses an air of grandeur and power, someone who commands respect wherever they go.

Riches, fame, power, and physical beauty all serve to heighten your interest. A man who embodies these qualities and can reflect his glory onto you becomes even more intriguing. You find yourself irresistibly drawn to men who are generous and capable of admiration. A fine face and a beautiful body easily capture your attention, and you may feel a strong affinity towards individuals in positions of authority or those who hold leadership roles.

Your attraction extends to the creative types as well. Actors, artists, musicians, and performers possess an undeniable allure for you. Their ability to captivate and express themselves through their chosen art forms fascinates you on a profound level.

If your Mars is in Leo, the planet of passion and desire, you find yourself aroused by the self-assured and confident nature of a man. Seeing a man act with a sense of pride, even bordering on arrogance, can ignite your passions. In your ideal world, you see yourself as a princess, deserving of royal treatment from a handsome and powerful prince.

Your Way of Being Attracted and Then Seduced

Sun / Cancer

(Tip: Remember, Attract first, then Seduce Cancer)
Attracting the Cancer Woman

Cancer, a cardinal water sign, exhibits moody and sentimental tendencies. To attract a Cancer woman, delve into her emotions and create an atmosphere of nostalgia. Understanding this fundamental principle will help forge a deep connection.

Engage her in conversations about her family, recount childhood memories, or share whimsical stories. Touch upon subjects that resonate with her on an emotional level. Touching her feelings holds the key to capturing her heart.

Ensure your presence remains within her line of sight, even when not actively communicating. Familiarity breeds comfort, and the more she sees you, the stronger the bond you can form. Take advantage of these opportunities to initiate conversations.

Cancer women tend to be suspicious and easily feel rejected or excluded. Be mindful of their sensitivities when aiming to attract them. Embrace the role of a supportive rock in their lives. Clearly communicate your needs, allowing her to reciprocate in kind.

As careful spenders, Cancer women are conscious of their finances. Avoid situations where payment becomes a contentious issue. Steer clear of extravagant shopping sprees to prevent any potential discomfort.

Physical attributes can sway the interest of a Cancer woman. If you possess Nordic features, height, or exude a business-like aura, you gain an advantage in capturing her attention.

Cancer's affinity for nature, plants, and environmental concerns should not be overlooked. Initiating conversations on these subjects can foster a deep connection. Remember, it's the quality of your appearance and personality that will entice a Cancer woman.

Seducing the Cancer Woman

Seducing a Cancer woman requires setting the right mood. Create an ambiance filled with candles, tantalizing food, and music that resonates with her soul. Pay attention to the environment, the people around her, and her emotional state, as these factors greatly influence her receptivity.

Embrace traditional and conventional approaches when seducing a Cancer woman. Infuse tenderness and an abundance of romance into your interactions. Make her feel cherished and secure within your presence. Under the radiance of a full moon, invite her for a moonlit stroll.

Avoid excessive teasing, as it can potentially hurt her sensitive nature. Tune into her needs and desires, offering unwavering support. Cancer women are often shy and deeply rooted in domesticity. Convey your appreciation for their homemaking skills and create a haven where you both can thrive. Dance cheek to cheek, indulge in romantic movies at home, and surprise her with flowers or thoughtful gift baskets.

Harness the power of gifts to seduce a Cancer woman. Find offerings that resonate with her emotions and preferences, leaving a lasting impression. Embrace the force of hypnosis, engaging her senses and allowing her vulnerability to surface.

Your Way of Being Attracted and Then Seduced

Sun / Leo

(Tip: Remember, Attract first, then Seduce Leo)
Captivating the Leo Woman

Leo, a fixed fire sign, possesses an extraordinary sense of self-awareness and a strong presence.

To attract a Leo woman, exude an aura of coolness and composure. Stability and confidence are the key elements that will catch her attention.

When interacting with Leo, approach her as if she were your sister. By treating her with a relaxed and friendly demeanor, you'll pique her curiosity and draw her towards you.

Remember, Leo is just like a big cat. If you try to chase and pet her, she'll elude you. Instead, act nonchalant around her, even ignoring her at times. This unpredictability will make her more interested in your presence.

Engage her by seeking her advice or opinion, as Leo craves attention and being in the center of it all. Asking questions that elicit positive responses will stimulate her desire to interact with you.

Avoid delving into emotional topics when trying to attract Leo. Keep the conversation practical and focused on daily events or areas of her expertise, such as her job.

Since Leo values cleanliness and neatness, choose a pristine and well-maintained location for any outings with her. This attention to detail will resonate with her preferences.

Position yourself as the one who can guide and command her. Let her know how she can please you, as Leo has a natural inclination to be useful and productive.

If you work in the healthcare field, you may have an advantage in capturing the attention of a Leo woman.

Discover her dietary preferences and interest in health food or wellness. Demonstrating your commitment to cleanliness and proper hygiene will also leave a positive impression.

Seducing the Leo Woman

Leo, a fixed fire sign driven by desires, possesses an immense ego and takes pride in herself.

To seduce a Leo woman, you must make her the center of your attention. Flatter and adore her, constantly expressing how nice, beautiful, and extraordinary she is.

Ensure that you offer her undivided attention and appreciation. Be her audience, actively listening to her and showering her with compliments.

When planning dates, opt for exquisite candlelit dinners, as Leo appreciates the ambience and visual appeal. Pay close attention to your outer appearance and clothing, as they contribute to the overall seductive atmosphere.

Attracting Leo through parties and social events is highly effective. As the most sociable sign of the zodiac, Leo enjoys meeting new people and engaging in superficial interactions. Flattery plays a crucial role in seducing her.

When selecting gifts for a Leo woman, aim for personalized and beautiful items. Perfume, jewelry, or additions to her wardrobe are excellent choices.

Remember not to overpower her during the seduction process. While Leo appears confident and strong, she is also highly sensitive. Exude refinement and demonstrate your understanding of her boundaries.

Financial status and social position may influence a Leo woman's preference in a partner. Being financially stable and having an impressive bank account can capture her attention.

Wear a subtle perfume with a black licorice undertone to enhance your seductive aura.

Compose heartfelt and perfect love letters to express your deep affection and commitment to her.

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