Read Ali Landry's Cosmic DNA

Ali Landry
Ali Landry
12:00 pm
Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
30N16 92W6 (-5 GMT)
Cancer (28) / Leo
Aries (10)  
Cancer (26) / Leo
Leo (25) / Virgo
Aries (18)  
Aquarius (8) / Capricorn
Gemini (28) / Cancer
Libra (19)  
Sagittarius (4) / Scorpio
Libra (2) / Virgo

Birthchart Info

Ali Landry
12:00 pm
Breaux Bridge, Louisiana
30N16 92W6 (-5 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Cancer (28) / Leo
Aries (10)  
Cancer (26) / Leo
Leo (25) / Virgo
Aries (18)  
Aquarius (8) / Capricorn
Gemini (28) / Cancer
Libra (19)  
Sagittarius (4) / Scorpio
Libra (2) / Virgo

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Boss

As a Boss, How Would You Be Buttered Up

Sun / Cancer

The Cancer Boss (June 21 to July 21)
Cancer bosses often see their workers as family more than any other zodiac sign. Though the office clan may have all the workings of the Soprano family, cozy holiday parties may make up for the drama. The Cancer supervisor often has trouble separating personal and professional matters, so gain points by showing you're willing to listen to your boss's concerns when necessary, but always keep what you share on the professional level.

As a Boss, How Would You Be Buttered Up

Sun / Leo

The Leo Boss (July 22 to August 22)
Leos are born to lead and thrive on warmth, generosity, and creativity. Assist your Leo boss in bringing fun into the office, like sports pools, parties, or incentive programs. They are usually better with face-to-face interaction and may need help with understanding the latest technologies, so gain points by lending them a helping hand. Leos love grooming new leaders, as long as they don't upstage Numero Uno.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Cancer


"You see," he went on after a pause,
"its as well to be provided for everything.
That's the reason the horse has all
those anklets around his feet."
"But what are they for?"
Alice asked, in a tone of great curiosity.
"To guard against the bites of sharks,"
the Knight replied.

Contrary to popular belief, working for a Cancer boss is not akin to spending your days in a comedy club. While Cancerians possess a unique sense of humor, their workplaces tend to be more serious and focused. The Cancerian executive appreciates a well-timed laugh, whether it's at the expense of an overconfident competitor or a clever quip that lightens the tension. However, their humor is sparingly utilized during working hours, with most of their amusement reserved for moments of human folly and occasional acts of kindness. The majority of their time is dedicated to the serious and diligent pursuit of success.

While you may find the Cancer boss a bit strict and lacking in a relaxed demeanor, it is crucial to understand that they value professionalism and dedication above all else. Their focus is on efficiency and productivity rather than cultivating a lighthearted atmosphere. Jokes and attempts at playing the jester are unlikely to impress them. Instead, they appreciate employees who exhibit attention to detail, a sharp intellect, and a genuine commitment to their work. When your performance reflects these qualities, you earn their respect and acknowledgement that you're on the right track. It's best to prioritize meeting their expectations rather than attempting to become the office's resident comedian.

The Cancer boss's primary objective is to generate profits. Money is the ultimate measure of success in their eyes, and they believe that hard work is the key to acquiring wealth. The more effort you invest, the greater your rewards in terms of financial gain. This philosophy guides their actions and decision-making, shaping their approach to business. To thrive under their leadership, it is wise to adopt a similar mindset and align your goals with the pursuit of financial success.

It is essential to dispel any misconceptions about the Cancer boss being overly rigid or lacking in generosity. While they prioritize their family and their business, they also exhibit a genuine sense of sympathy and charity towards those in need. However, their acts of benevolence are not impulsive or reckless. Cancerians exercise discernment in their charitable endeavors, ensuring that their aid is well-deserved and truly necessary. They strike a balance between compassion and practicality, demonstrating both a soft heart and a shrewd mind.

Behind their serious and focused exterior, Cancer bosses are profoundly sensitive and gentle individuals. They often grapple with insecurities and seek validation through their achievements. When hurt or disappointed, they retreat into their protective shell, shielding themselves from further emotional harm. Their withdrawal can be an effective defense mechanism that often elicits sympathy and coaxing from others to reemerge. Cancerians possess an uncanny ability to understand and perceive the unspoken emotions of those around them, making it crucial to be mindful of what you leave unsaid.

Cancerian bosses, both male and female, excel in the business world, leveraging their astute intuition and keen understanding of human desires. They are skilled at discerning what people want and capitalizing on it for profitable ventures. Many Cancerians are self-made individuals who have worked diligently to achieve success. They possess a strong work ethic from an early age, often juggling part-time jobs alongside their studies. These experiences shape their entrepreneurial spirit and instill in them a drive to prove their capabilities.

While Cancer bosses exhibit dedication to their work, they prioritize their families and loved ones. They strive to strike a balance between their personal and professional lives, valuing affection and support alongside financial security. Female Cancer bosses, in particular, often have a desire to compete in a predominantly male domain, challenging stereotypes and achieving success while maintaining their feminine and romantic nature.

Working for a Cancerian executive provides invaluable opportunities for growth and learning. Their considerate nature serves as a constant reminder to treat others with kindness and empathy. Cancer bosses uphold a sense of fairness and support their employees through both their successes and setbacks. Their unwavering dedication to their goals and their ability to turn dreams into tangible realities are testaments to their character.

So, the next time you share a joke with your Cancer boss, save it for a lunch break rather than during working hours. Their laughter is an indication of their inner strength, a courageous response to the fears and wounds they carry. Observe their eyes, and you'll witness the lunar laugh?a bright and resilient answer that only the patient Cancer, with their tender heart and protective shell, can provide.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Leo

The LEO Boss

"Now don't interrupt me,
I'm going to tell you all your faults
It puzzled her very much at first
But after watching it a minute or two
She made it out to be a grin.

Working under a Leo boss for more than a year? Impressive. You must possess exceptional listening skills.

Your Leo boss might view corporate taxes, government regulations, and union rules as a personal conspiracy against their grandeur. Nevertheless, they effortlessly navigate through these nuisances. Lions are skilled organizers and excel at delegating authority. When faced with such bothersome situations, they might turn to you with flourish, dictating a few resounding statements on the matter, and then, with a regal wave of their hand and a dazzling smile, vaguely proclaim, "Take it from here." They'll probably add that they expect the report on their desk promptly. "No rush," they'll say. "Just make sure it's there before noon tomorrow." Details are not their forte. They prefer broad strokes, leaving you to fret over trivialities like figures and statistics.

A prime example of a Leo boss is one I know who summoned his secretary to dictate a response he had prepared for a crucial client. "Have you decided what to say?" asked the unsuspecting girl, pencil poised, ready to transcribe his words. "Yes, indeed," beamed her Leo employer. "Tell them 'maybe.' Got it? 'Maybe.' You can fill in the rest." With those masterful instructions, he cheerfully went off to lunch, entertained several acquaintances at an upscale bistro, played a few rounds of golf, and returned to the office around five o'clock, inquiring if the letter was ready. It was. (The secretary happened to be a Virgo.) After reading it with solemn approval, the Leo boss reached for the phone and recited the contents of the letter to a colleague. His words wafted through the office door, reaching the long-suffering secretary. "What do you think?" he asked into the receiver. "I believe I did an exceptional job capturing the essence of the situation and making our stance clear, don't you? I've always had a talent for expressing myself. My wife often suggests I should pursue a career in writing," he modestly concluded.

While this may be an extreme case, you'll detect traces of such behavior if you have a typical Leo boss. Provide them with your original ideas, and they'll adore you for it. August-born executives tend to value employees who infuse creativity into the company. However, prepare to witness them grinning like a Cheshire Cat the next day as they proceed to organize the plan you presented the previous night, casually remarking, "It's one of the best ideas I've ever had." They genuinely believe they thought of it first. Truly. You ignited their imagination, which is why you hold such value. But in their mind, it was their idea. Remember that.

Occasionally, your Leo boss may appear slightly ungrateful. They might casually toss a massive stack of letters on your desk, unable or unwilling to peruse them themselves. Then, the following morning, when you're bleary-eyed from working late into the night to complete the additional tasks they assigned, they'll shake their majestic mane disapprovingly and mutter a comment about the disarray of your workspace as they saunter to their plush sanctuary. Oh, yes, they're likely to have a luxurious private office. It could be adorned with soft lighting, music, flowers, a plush sofa, and a cherry-wood desk. Even if the budget is modest, you'll seldom find them surrounded by crates and bare windows. The walls may feature exquisite prints of renowned artwork or photographs of themselves alongside influential dignitaries. Any awards or certificates they've earned will be elegantly framed and prominently displayed.

I recall another Leo boss who had an assistant working overtime every night and all day on weekends for three months to execute a special promotion. Amidst managing the move of filing cabinets, packing large merchandise boxes, and changing the water cooler bottles every other day, she also found time to complete her boss's Christmas shopping and pick up his dry cleaning once a week. Then, one bright sunny morning, she overheard him lavishing praise on her to a vice president of the company. "Hester is an absolute gem," he declared. "I don't know what I'd do without her. This girl is truly remarkable. Although, I suppose she can be a tad lazy, but you can't expect perfection from one person."

Did Hester quit on the spot? Absolutely not. Why would she allow such a trivial matter to bother her? She's a shrewd individual who understands that anyone's efforts pale in comparison to her boss's astounding vitality (in between his daily beauty naps on the velvet chaise lounge in his private office). Why would she abandon a boss who never fails to admire her latest attire? She wouldn't dream of resigning from a position where her boss presented her with a topaz bracelet on her birthday and a set of exquisite Waterford crystal for her future home. He even empathetically recognized that the color of her typewriter agitated her and graciously painted it a bright yellow, although he was a touch careless, resulting in drips of paint on the keys. The paint lingered on her fingers for weeks, but she didn't mind. After all, it was a pleasure to wash her hands frequently with the scented soap he stocked in the restroom.

Her Leo boss assisted her father in finding a new job, covered her mother's hospital bill, and generously obliged her request to employ her cousin in the mailroom. Moreover, she takes pride in his professional reputation. He received two awards last year, he's dictating a book about his life with her as the scribe, and he graces the top of Esquire's list of best-dressed men. He deeply adores his wife, cherishes his children, and has significantly increased the company's profits despite taking a few daring risks. He rarely notices if she takes an extended lunch break. Last week, he helped her secure a larger apartment at a lower rent and scolded her fiancé for not treating her well. Quit? What on earth do you mean, quit?

If you're a man working for a Leo executive, you'll face unique challenges. Be original, daring, creative, and hardworking. But bear in mind that your boss will always be more original, daring, creative, and hardworking than you—in their eyes. Say "Yes" to most of their brainstorms (and they'll have quite a few in a week). If you must say "No," preface it with a hefty compliment and conclude with another one. Sandwiched between such adulation, they might accept it. Exercise tact and proceed cautiously.

Even the gentler, less flamboyant Leo executives possess an innate desire to radiate warmth and oodles of charming charisma. When your leonine boss receives the respect they demand and the credit they rightfully deserve, they'll make you glow with their praises for a job well done. They won't skimp on compliments. Their disapproval, too, will be evident. The lion loathes office intrigues. They detest being kept in the dark. They must know everything transpiring within the company. Don't be dismayed if your Leo boss displays an interest in your personal affairs or offers unsolicited advice on managing your personal life. It's truly a seal of royal approval, indicating that they care enough to safeguard you with their superior wisdom.

Leo bosses possess a keen insight into human nature. They grasp the meaning behind your words with uncanny accuracy and perceive the unspoken messages you leave hanging in the air. Be cautious of what you leave unspoken. Cancerians are not true loners; they surround themselves with people. Solitude can be disconcerting to most lions, except those who have sought it due to profound early wounds. Even then, they experience deep dissatisfaction in isolation, even if they're not consciously aware of it.

Working for a Leo boss can be an enriching experience. You'll learn more from them in a month than you would from other bosses in a year. The most crucial lesson they teach is consideration. A Leo boss drives a hard bargain but remains fair in their shrewdness. Playing a win-or-lose game with influential figures holding the blue chips is one thing. Exploiting the innocent is entirely different.

Deep down, they are kind and decent individuals, moved by both cruelty and misfortune. Courtesy and compassion are not archaic concepts to them; they form the core of their code of conduct. If your intentions are genuine, your motives pure, and your heart sincere, they will support you through misguided opinions and personal struggles.

The lion waits patiently and tenaciously, their eyes ever watchful. Their mind remains sharp and practical, while their heart weaves dreams as enchanting as moonlight. These dreams can transport them on glamorous and exhilarating journeys worldwide or inspire them to establish towering industries that channel excess profits toward scientific research benefiting humanity. However, every dream is built upon a solid foundation. Their poetry is beautiful, yet it always retains coherence.

As for that joke you've been itching to share, save it for lunch, not during working hours. If it revolves around ordinary individuals and possesses a clever point, they'll laugh. Then you'll catch a glimpse of their true nature. Observe their eyes, and you'll witness that their laughter serves as a courageous and brilliant response to internal fears and hurts, a response only the patient crab with a tender heart and resilient shell would dare offer.

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