Read Ana Hickmann's Cosmic DNA

Ana Hickmann
Ana Hickmann
12:00 pm
Santa Cruz Do Sul, Brazil
30S17 52W26 (-3 GMT)
Pisces (10)  
Capricorn (10)  
Aquarius (19)  
Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Pisces (17)  
Libra (8) / Virgo
Libra (8) / Virgo
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Sagittarius (24) / Capricorn
Libra (24) / Scorpio

Birthchart Info

Ana Hickmann
12:00 pm
Santa Cruz Do Sul, Brazil
30S17 52W26 (-3 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (10)  
Capricorn (10)  
Aquarius (19)  
Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Pisces (17)  
Libra (8) / Virgo
Libra (8) / Virgo
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Sagittarius (24) / Capricorn
Libra (24) / Scorpio

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Emotional Side Moon

How to Feel Happy, Safe and Fulfilled

Moon / Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn
With a pragmatic Moon, satisfaction arises through productivity, competence, and the achievement of ambitious goals. Feeling respected by others is crucial, and working hard to earn this respect comes naturally. Organized surroundings and high-quality material possessions bring security. In relationships, you seek durability and quality; you have the patience to wait for the best. Learning to relinquish control and embrace vulnerability is essential.

Your Hidden Character

Moon / Capricorn

Moon in Capricorn
When the Moon finds its abode in the steadfast realm of Capricorn, an air of practicality and management permeates the individual's inner character. Those born with the Moon in Capricorn often display a lack of sympathy and a preoccupation with their own self-interest. However, beneath this seemingly unyielding exterior lies a sense of responsibility and an earthy practicality.

These lunar goats possess an unshakeable determination, rendering them steadfast and loyal once they commit their hearts to someone or something. Their dignity and tenacity allow them to navigate the world with a realistic perspective, unswayed by the expectations of others. The Moon in Capricorn, coupled with the Sun in Virgo, is said to be the most practical of all Soli-Lunar combinations.

The Capricorn Moon endows its natives with a reverence for concentration and a keen, active, and far-seeing mind. They possess a predilection for plotting and scheming, and their chosen course of action is rarely deviated from. However, this lunar placement can bring about defeated ambitions, misfortunes, and credit difficulties. The Moon in Capricorn imparts an air of formidable dignity and a lust for power and recognition.

Occupations in executive roles, administration, public service, commercial pursuits, and organizational positions align harmoniously with the Moon in Capricorn's managerial inclinations.

Emotions, alwaysastrology

Moon / Capricorn

Capricorn Moon individuals strive to feel useful and productive. They remain composed and collected, even when their emotions churn beneath the surface. They seek realistic goals and establish clear boundaries, as they are not inclined to take risks. Security and safety are paramount to them, and they plan meticulously to prepare for every eventuality.

Dealing with intense emotions does not come naturally to Capricorn Moon individuals. They harbor a fear of confronting their emotions and often avoid delving into the depths of their emotional world. They are their own harshest critics, and they can be quite hard on themselves. Behind a sarcastic demeanor, they conceal their sensitivity. They possess acute awareness of their faults and weaknesses and work diligently to compensate for them.

Moon in Capricorn individuals may come across as cold and calculated, but in reality, they feel uncomfortable displaying their emotions in public. They prefer organization and efficiency, embracing a practical approach to life. Those born under this Moon sign have a strong desire to feel valued and respected in the eyes of others. Patient and capable of enduring significant challenges, Capricorn Moon individuals possess a strong sense of duty. They willingly assume responsibility at work and at home, often feeling that they give more than they receive. Learning to accept that others reciprocate their efforts can be a significant lesson for them. Expressing affection does not come naturally to them, even though they may feel it intensely for their loved ones.

In relationships, Capricorn Moon individuals often struggle to understand and fulfill their partner's wants and needs. They worry and find it difficult to relate to those with differing values and opinions. Discussing their own problems is a challenge, and they rarely feel relaxed and content within themselves. Rejection is a deep-seated fear for them, and they often feel insecure unless everything is clearly defined. Trust and love may take a considerable amount of time for them to develop. With age, they tend to mellow, finding enjoyment in healthy competition and the fun it brings.

Capricorn Moon individuals have a strong desire to have things their way. They possess ambition and a resolute will, especially when it serves their career aspirations. They thrive in the spotlight and excel in public positions. Often highly intelligent, they hold great respect for knowledge and know how to leverage it to their advantage. However, they struggle with repressed anger and resentment, which can manifest as illness or depression when left unresolved.

Moon in Capricorn individuals emanate dignity and tenacity. They have exceptional focus and dislike idleness. Their motivation can inspire others. However, when they lose control, their emotions can erupt like Mount Vesuvius. Fortunately, such occurrences are rare.

Emotions, lifetips

Moon / Capricorn

Emotions find solace within the grounded and steadfast domain of Capricorn when the Moon assumes its celestial mantle. Those born with the Moon in Capricorn may encounter challenges when it comes to expressing their innermost feelings. Perhaps their mother's emotional nourishment was stifled or absent, leaving them emotionally undernourished. For those with this lunar placement, emotional safety necessitates structure and limits, allowing them to feel secure enough to express the depths of their emotions. Driven by an innate ambition, they strive for recognition and success, though the enigmatic nature of the Moon ensures that their efforts may not always be fully acknowledged.

Emotions, trans4mind

Moon / Capricorn

With the Moon in the prudent and reserved sign of Capricorn, your emotional responses are governed by practicality and self-restraint. Your ability to initiate new endeavors is deeply intertwined with your emotional landscape, and you may feel a sense of fulfillment only when you are engaged in practical pursuits. You often find solace in holding back your emotions, presenting a reserved and composed facade to the world. This restraint is born out of a desire for stability and a fear of being vulnerable. You may find yourself continuing down a path that no longer aligns with your true desires, simply because it has provided you with the material resources necessary for a comfortable life. Your prudence serves as a guiding force in your emotional journey, ensuring that you prioritize long-term stability over fleeting emotional gratification.

Your Habits, Reactions, Instincts, Innermost Needs, How You Show Emotions and Mother-or-Baby Yourself

Moon / Capricorn

Lunar Capricorns possess a strong desire for productivity and usefulness in their lives. They are known for their competence and steady demeanor, often keeping their emotions in check. While they may not always exhibit outward displays of affection, their reliability and steadfastness make them dependable individuals.

There is a deep-seated need for clear boundaries and realistic goals in the lives of Lunar Capricorns. They gravitate towards stability and security, often planning meticulously for the future. Their respect for authority and tradition guides their actions, and they are proactive in protecting their interests and ensuring their long-term well-being.

Underneath their composed exterior, Lunar Capricorns may experience turbulent emotions and occasional mood swings. They have a tendency to be hard on themselves and often hide their sensitivity behind a sarcastic manner. However, their strong sense of responsibility drives them to persevere and overcome challenges.

Moon in Capricorn individuals possess a keen sense of self-control and a preference for practicality. They excel at managing their emotions efficiently and approach life's ups and downs in a methodical and pragmatic manner. They find comfort in structure and control, harnessing their emotional energy to navigate through life with practicality and efficiency.

At the core of Lunar Capricorns lies a deep-seated need for respectability and a strong attachment to the tangible aspects of life. They value the material world and find security in the physical realm. Recognition and respect from others play a significant role in their sense of security and self-worth.

While their reserved nature and focus on practicality may lead some to perceive them as cold and calculating, Lunar Capricorns possess a hidden warmth and compassion. They value loyalty and strive to be trustworthy and reliable friends and partners. Their strength lies in their ability to balance their emotions and provide a steady presence in the lives of those around them.

Life is a journey towards stability and accomplishment for Lunar Capricorns. They take pride in their practicality and ability to navigate the real world with a strong sense of purpose. Their commitment to their goals and their unwavering determination make them formidable individuals capable of achieving great success.

Your Emotional Needs for Sex, Love, and Relationships

Moon / Capricorn

Within the realm of Capricorn, where responsibility and resilience reign supreme, a lover with the Moon in this steadfast sign approaches emotions with a sense of reserved grace. Their emotional landscape may initially appear shy and reserved, as they navigate the intricacies of their feelings with utmost seriousness. They harbor a profound need for responsibility and a deep desire to prove their capabilities, ensuring matters of the heart are not taken lightly. Sexual desires intertwine with their need for stability, as they seek routines and a sense of order to navigate the terrain of intimacy. While emotions may not flow as freely, once the walls come down, their love knows no bounds. It is imperative to create an environment where their emotions can be expressed, and in doing so, you shall witness their unwavering devotion and willingness to lend a hand in times of need.

Men: Attracted to brooding, capricious, and callous partners, Capricorn men find solace in those who possess an air of mystery and resilience. They are drawn to partners who exhibit patience and reliability, as they seek a steadfast companion who matches their level of dedication.

Women: Drawn to older lovers and partners, Capricorn women yearn for the stability and maturity that comes with age. They are captivated by formal partners, those who exude a sense of responsibility and embody the values they hold dear.

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