Read Andrew Johnson's Cosmic DNA

Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson
12:00 pm
Raleigh, Nc
36N13 79W22 (-4 GMT)
Capricorn (7) / Sagittarius
Taurus (25) / Gemini
Sagittarius (25) / Capricorn
Aquarius (13)  
Libra (9)  
Pisces (13)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Sagittarius (5) / Scorpio
Pisces (12)  

Birthchart Info

Andrew Johnson
12:00 pm
Raleigh, Nc
36N13 79W22 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Capricorn (7) / Sagittarius
Taurus (25) / Gemini
Sagittarius (25) / Capricorn
Aquarius (13)  
Libra (9)  
Pisces (13)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Sagittarius (5) / Scorpio
Pisces (12)  

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Power Pluto

Power, alwaysastrology

Pluto / Pisces

Those born with Pluto in Pisces constantly consider how their actions will affect others emotionally. Their preoccupation with understanding the emotional impact they have on others often hinders them from acting directly upon their own desires. They may attempt to tap into the emotions of others at a subconscious level, sometimes leading them to become secretive and manipulative. They may find themselves living too much in fantasy or getting entangled in addictive substances.

Pisces Pluto individuals possess a remarkable ability to empathize with others and often strive to understand human emotions. They may even possess psychic abilities. Their impressionable nature may sometimes make them feel alienated from the world around them.

Abraham Lincoln, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, and Florence Nightingale are examples of influential figures influenced by the Pisces Pluto placement, showcasing the transformative power and empathic nature associated with this placement.

Power, astroscoped-astrolibrary

Pluto / Pisces

The ethereal realm of Pisces bore witness to Pluto's enigmatic presence during the first two decades of the 1800s. In this realm of dreams and illusions, a generation emerged, tethered to fantasies and obsessions. However, we must eagerly anticipate the year 2043 to behold the resurgence of Pluto in Pisces?a time when the world may face the resurgence of drug addiction, ensnaring society in its perilous grip.

Power, trans4mind

Pluto / Pisces

Pluto (to transform) in Pisces (Impressionable and Inspirational)

In Pisces, Pluto ushers in an impressionable and inspirational transformation, centered around transcendent beliefs, spirituality, and universal love and compassion. Your journey plunges into the depths of emotions and hidden secrets, potentially unlocking heightened psychic abilities. The search for religious ecstasy and an escape from emotional pressures may lead to an increased reliance on pleasure-inducing, psychic substances among this generation.

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