Read Anna Nicole Smith's Cosmic DNA

Anna Nicole Smith
Anna Nicole Smith
12:00 pm
Houston, Texas
30N14 95W22 (-5 GMT)
Sagittarius (5) / Scorpio
Libra (24) / Scorpio
Scorpio (19)  
Libra (20)  
Capricorn (27) / Aquarius
Virgo (4) / Leo
Aries (5) / Pisces
Virgo (28) / Libra
Scorpio (24) / Sagittarius
Virgo (22) / Libra

Birthchart Info

Anna Nicole Smith
12:00 pm
Houston, Texas
30N14 95W22 (-5 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Sagittarius (5) / Scorpio
Libra (24) / Scorpio
Scorpio (19)  
Libra (20)  
Capricorn (27) / Aquarius
Virgo (4) / Leo
Aries (5) / Pisces
Virgo (28) / Libra
Scorpio (24) / Sagittarius
Virgo (22) / Libra

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Employee

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Sagittarius

"Why don't we start the day with a little perplexity?"
"I've always wanted to explore this topic,"
said the Curious Mind.
"You won't find the answers you seek,"
said the Evasive Spirit.
"But go ahead and dive into the next adventure."

When it comes to discussing future financial rewards, most employees show keen interest in the prospects of increased earnings and incentives. However, your Sagittarius employee is more intrigued by the immediate compensation?the payment that awaits them today. Tomorrow is distant enough, and the notion of next year or five years from now is unfathomable. It's like play money to them. They value real cash in hand. As for what lies ahead, they leave it to the whims of fate. They'll roll the dice and hope for the best. And more often than not, fortune smiles upon them.

Having a Sagittarian in the office is a delightful experience. Yes, they may occasionally knock over a filing cabinet or spill coffee on outgoing mail, but their cheerful nature and willingness to help far outweigh any clumsiness. They're not complainers or whiners. They possess a positive outlook, filled with enthusiasm and optimism reminiscent of your own when you first joined the firm. Remember that feeling? The difference is that they'll maintain that spirit even after retirement. It's an integral part of their nature. Some of that enthusiasm may rub off on you, and who knows, they might illuminate that dark corner where you lost your sense of wonder, allowing you to polish up your ideals and give them another chance to shine.

Sagittarius individuals never do things half-heartedly. The only area where they may hesitate is in matters of marriage. In all other aspects, they act swiftly. Admittedly, there are Sagittarians with Taurus or Capricorn ascendants who exercise caution, but they aren't sluggish in their emotional or mental attitudes. Typically, the Sagittarian is steps ahead of you, and they're not shy about letting you know. Humility may not be their most prominent quality. Some Sagittarians wear a thin veil of modesty to cover their fiery egos, but if you take a peek beneath it, you'll find a self-assured individual content with themselves in general. They may occasionally feel uncertain in matters of love, but that's a universal experience, isn't it?

Sagittarius can appear both casual and careless at times, but beware of underestimating their sharp Jupiter intuition and their often brilliant mental processes. There will be instances where you're left wondering where they've been or where they're headed. On other occasions, you'll ponder whether they're truly shy or merely waiting for the right moment to execute the plan brewing in their mind. And then there are moments when there's no room for doubt?they'll make bold moves that leave you astounded by their straightforwardness. There's nothing small-scale about their gestures, ideas, or actions. They make grand mistakes and achieve extraordinary victories against seemingly insurmountable odds.

The Sagittarian's curiosity may occasionally test your patience. They won't be content with mere instructions; they'll want to understand the reasoning behind your orders and the logic behind your methods. If your logic resonates with them, they'll shower you with honest praise. If not, be prepared for their frank assessment of the flaws in your procedures. That's before you collect yourself and perhaps become angry. While collecting yourself is advisable when dealing with a Sagittarius, getting angry is a futile waste of adrenaline because few can sustain anger toward the archer. They're the kind of person you want to scold and embrace simultaneously. Since that's impossible (scolding is out of the question if they're your secretary, and embracing is off-limits if they're your sales manager), you might as well surrender.

Most Sagittarian employees won't blush when you compliment them. They thrive on applause. However, you might blush on their behalf when they begin boasting about their talents and abilities. One of Jupiter's minor flaws is the willingness to promise anything?truly believing that the sky is the limit?only to fall slightly short due to the target being farther away than anticipated. But next time, they'll take better aim and deliver. The more discreet archers, in their own gentle way, may also occasionally take on more than they can handle. Yet, both types will prove themselves often enough to keep you captivated.

It's the Jupiter luck that seems to favor these individuals. Born with reliable hunches and excellent perception that leads them to logical conclusions, they're right more often than they're wrong. Couple that with the typical Sagittarian luck, and it's no wonder they often find themselves at the forefront. A friend of mine recently mentioned what he believed to be an exception?an aspiring Sagittarian actress who has been struggling to make a breakthrough for years. Although success now appears imminent, she waited and worked diligently to earn recognition. But her delay in achieving stardom had nothing to do with her consistent Jupiter-type good fortune. Everyone experiences occasional bumps in their journey. Still, she manages to get the landlord to fix the doorknobs while water floods the bedroom in another apartment. She arrives at the store just in time to buy the last honeydew melon from the shelf. And when she tears her only pair of stockings and doesn't have a dime until next Tuesday, she discovers a new pair in the refrigerator. Her first significant job opportunity came about because the producer mistook her for another actress, and he was pleased with the mistake after seeing her performance. These kinds of incidents are a regular occurrence for Sagittarians. Before things get too bleak, the sun emerges from an unexpected source to shine on them, as if the sun itself wanted to reward Jupiter's pure and naive optimism.

Occasionally, the Sagittarian luck may work in reverse for the archer in your employ. They may fumble the biggest deal your company has ever had the chance to seal, but just before you fire them, you discover that the president of the company they insulted and called a phony has been indicted for selling fraudulent stocks. That Sagittarian's blunder probably saved you from a catastrophic disaster. Your Jupiter secretary, who forgot to mail those critical letters, barely has time to dry her tears from your harsh reprimand before you find out that one of the letters contained a check for an amount exceeding your firm's bank balance that week.

Dishonesty is not among their weaknesses. Neither is tact. You may have to mend some office squabbles or play peacemaker when your brutally frank Sagittarian sympathizes with the bookkeeper's baldness and suggests a remedy, after you've spent years pretending he had a full head of hair to keep him happy because he's a Leo. Your gal Friday won't soon forget the time she was on the phone with the company's most important client, and your Sagittarius team member rushed over excitedly, shouting near the mouthpiece that the pipes were broken and the ladies' room was flooded. It can be disconcerting, but you'll overcome these minor character flaws.

The Sagittarius employee might surprise you with occasional bursts of temper directed at anyone from the elevator operator to yourself (they're not picky). Their fiery, righteous indignation usually arises when someone questions their integrity. They're paragons of honesty, even if their path to the truth is winding and unconventional. Doubting them or accusing them of deceit can cause them to dip their verbal arrows in flame, piercing your sensitive spots as if they were trained by Robin Hood himself. In fact, Robin is an apt nickname for them. They likely sympathize deeply with the concept of robbing the rich to help the poor. And their anger, though intense, never lingers, and their arrows rarely leave lasting scars?just small nicks to your ego.

If they can't find an apartment, your archer will happily move into one of your spacious suitcases and pay rent. They prefer living out of a suitcase over being confined by four walls and a roof that threaten their sense of freedom. When they return from a trip with their briefcase adorned with travel stickers, they're subtly telling you that their wanderlust is stirring. Take the hint and send them on an adventure. They probably need it. They'll come back with a bag full of orders and a lighter heart. They make great salespeople, although you may need to train them to rein in their impulsive enthusiasm. Sagittarius individuals can impulsively charge into a challenge without considering caution. However, when they have their thinking cap on securely, they can outperform seasoned professionals with their sound, logical, albeit occasionally startling ideas. Money is important to them because they want to maintain a lifestyle that befits their aspirations. They're seldom stingy, and if you are, they'll seek more accommodating environments.

Your Archer may push you to the brink of despair, but it won't do any good. When they see you throw your hands up in defeat, they'll simply toss you a ball and say, "Catch!" What choice do you have but to catch it? The exercise will be good for you.

"Use French words when you're at a loss for English,
Turn your feet outward and remember your identity!"

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Scorpio

The SCORPIO Employee
"But when you have to turn into a chrysalis, you will some day, you know, and then after that into a butterfly, I should think you'll feel it a little queer, won't you?"
"Not a bit," said the Caterpillar.

Your office holds a secret, a enigmatic individual who exudes self-containment. This employee possesses inner confidence that isn't flaunted, steady eyes that hold unwavering gazes, and a remarkable composure. Do others perceive a certain level of fear around them? Absolutely. This is the Scorpio employee.

Unlike anyone else in your firm, the Scorpio employee is the architect of their destiny and the commander of their soul. They are entirely self-motivated and resolute. Few possess their resourcefulness and unwavering belief in their potential. The Scorpio has the power to shape their own life, and they're fully aware of it. They never deceive themselves and seldom blame anyone but themselves for their own mistakes. To whatever extent they choose, this employee can ascend, expecting little assistance along the way. They're the last person you'd accuse of harboring an inferiority complex (unless they've transformed their power into silent defeat, turning themselves into a gray lizard. Yet, even in such cases, it was their own choice to do so, not a mere pawn of destiny).

Understanding their actions won't come easily. You've likely heard about the ruthless nature of this Sun sign, their thirst for revenge, and the determination of Pluto to even the score. However, you may find it puzzling that these qualities seem absent in their interactions with you. Rest assured, they're not absent. They have been temporarily set aside, for the end justifies the means in their focused and sharp mind. They know precisely what they're doing, even if you don't.

The Scorpio employee's response to you will be directly linked to what you can offer them—what they desire from you and from life. If an average person opposes, insults, treats them rudely, breaks a promise, or steps on their tail, may the gods have mercy on that person. They will rue the day they challenged Pluto. However, if you represent power and the realization of their secret dream, their reaction to the same treatment will be detachment. If you possess something that Scorpio wants and needs, they will accept almost anything from you with deliberate tranquility, astonishingly devoid of retaliation or defensive stings. The fact that they can control their deep-seated resentment and erase it from their mind is a testament to their immense inner strength.

Before putting the theory to the test, ensure you know which category you fall into—the average person, encompassing ordinary bosses, friends, neighbors, co-workers, servants, and even relatives or loved ones—or someone who embodies power, security, and that secret dream. Unless you are absolutely certain you belong to the latter group, it may be perilous to experiment.

Let's assume you're a television producer who has commissioned a Scorpio writer to craft a script tailored to specific requirements. After the fourth rewrite, you can still tear apart their efforts and demand they try again, saying, "It's terrible. Add more jokes." What will this dangerous Scorpio do? They will write another draft and include more jokes. You possess something they want, you see. You have the power to bring their script to life on film. They may not entirely agree with you from an artistic standpoint, but you're the boss—the one calling the shots, for now. Later, when they achieve success, you won't have to nervously wonder when they'll seek revenge for the past. It's not part of the Pluto code. You granted them power and became the instrument of their secret dream. They harbor no bitterness, but they will make it clear that their position has changed, and you are not to question their artistic taste or dictate how they express their creative ideas in the future. You'll understand the message, and that will be the end of it. However, anyone other than you who criticized their earlier efforts without considering their sensitive pride may bear a few scars to show.

If there's one thing a Scorpio knows, it's on which side their bread is buttered and who holds the marmalade. They are absolutely certain that they will eventually achieve their goals. Therefore, they are in no hurry to knock down brick buildings. Nor are they ashamed to submit to their superiors when it's expedient to do so. That's why your Scorpio employee is fearless. Confidence breeds courage. To them, everything is a matter of timing. With a deep and mystical insight into the secrets of the universe, they know when their time will come. This may not be the hour of command, but that hour will arrive. No wonder they are not the anxious type.

I recall a young Scorpio lawyer who recently joined a prestigious law firm with a wealth of prestige and lucrative clients. His superior (let's use the anonymous name Mr. Fink of Fink, Brink, Link, and Katz) asked him to prepare a lengthy memorandum for a corporate merger. The request meant that the Scorpio lawyer would get no sleep at all because Mr. Fink insisted on having the papers for a conference promptly at ten o'clock the following morning. On the next day, our hero was at his desk at nine a.m., fully alert, calm, and waiting for Mr. Fink to summon him. He had stayed up all night completing the necessary briefs, much to his wife's displeasure as he had to cancel the dinner reservations they had made to celebrate their anniversary. At nine forty-five, Mr. Fink's secretary apologetically informed him that Mr. Fink had changed his mind and decided to hold the conference the following week. The weather was so delightful in the spring, and he thought he'd enjoy a few holes of golf with some out-of-town clients. The secretary murmured that her boss had mentioned something about "hoping it didn't inconvenience him too much." She added that Mr. Fink had remarked, "That Scorpio lawyer is good. I hope he didn't stay up all night to finish it." You might be wondering, at this point, if the Scorpio lawyer grabbed a .45 automatic and headed for the golf course to confront Mr. Fink. But that's not how the cookie crumbled. How did the Scorpio react to such boorish behavior? He simply shrugged, smiled a cool and enigmatic smile, handed the secretary the completed memorandum, and said courteously, "Please put this on Mr. Fink's desk. I am going home to get a few hours of sleep. I'll be back in time for my two o'clock appointment." Then, with the patience of Taurus and the discipline of Capricorn, he called his wife, informed her he would be home for lunch, and left. The moral of the story? That Scorpio lawyer is aiming for a partnership at Fink, Brink, Link, and Katz. As for you, are you wondering if his wife had his lunch ready on time, despite her disappointment the previous night? Of course, she had his lunch ready on time. She's not his boss—Mr. Fink is his boss. At least for now.

If you're of significant importance to the future of your Scorpio employee, you too can be a Mr. Fink. It's akin to being immune to nuclear power, but I wouldn't let it inflate your confidence excessively. If I were in your position, I would keep incidents like the aforementioned to an absolute minimum. Fortunately, I am not in your shoes, as I'm uncertain if I would possess the audacity to play Russian roulette with Pluto.

The Scorpio man or woman can be expected to accept the inevitable with grace when the stakes are high enough. They meticulously evaluate the potential, weigh the consequences, assess the possible reward, and ultimately make the decision to comply with a cool head and a definite purpose in mind. Most bosses appreciate and admire the Scorpio philosophy. They understand the price of success and are willing to pay it without seeking special favors. However, once that success arrives, don't forget: it's halftime—time to switch sides.

Compared to the average worker's attitude, there's another quality to admire in your Scorpio employee—an old-fashioned word called loyalty. This is not the lip service paid to your position as "boss" or the insincere servility often seen in ambitious employees. Scorpios possess their own sense of loyalty.

During my time at a radio station in a small Pennsylvania town, I was struck by the comment made by a Scorpio program director. The owner of the radio station was the meanest individual in town, resembling a combination of Scrooge and Captain Hook. The kindest thing one could say about him was that he was sometimes meaner than other times. He had only one friend—his mother. Given his ownership of half the town, in addition to the station, he was surrounded by respect and obedience. Although the staff called him "Sir," smiled excessively when he entered a room, and jumped to immediate attention whenever he uttered the slightest request, they mocked him behind his back, ridiculed his funny bow ties and squeaky voice. They would have considered his funeral a cause for celebration, and their favorite office game when he was out of town involved writing his obituary, with a prize for the most amusing one.

Yet, the Scorpio employee never participated in this game. They were always too engrossed in their programming. One day, a secretary asked the Scorpio why they never contributed to the office pastime. They fixed her with one of their hypnotic Scorpio stares and simply replied, "He pays my salary. I work for him."

"What does that have to do with anything?" she inquired. "He yells at you in front of the staff every morning, and he hasn't given you a vacation in two years. He never praises you. Don't you have any self-respect?"

The Scorpio's expression remained unchanged. "I can't deposit compliments in the bank," they said calmly. "I prefer cash."

"But why do you tolerate the way he treats you?" she persisted.

Their response was concise. "When I take a man's money, I accept his orders. When I decide to stop accepting his orders, I stop taking his money and leave. Do you have the program schedule for next week? I need to review it before timing the commercials."

Silently, the secretary handed them the schedule, and they pulled out their stopwatch and went to work. A few days later, she asked them to bring her coffee upon their return from lunch. Somehow, they conveniently forgot. They also forgot to send her an invitation to their wedding the following spring. They remembered her insinuation that they lacked self-respect. Scorpios have long memories. This incident exemplifies when and why the typical Pluto employee chooses revenge—against whom and for what reason. It also illustrates their personal code of loyalty toward the one who employs them.

These workers are focused and persistent. They take their careers seriously and never lose sight of their goals. Scorpios can be stubborn, passionate, overbearing, and rebellious. However, you'll rarely find them wasting office time by writing amusing obituaries. Death is a serious matter to them. So are you. You represent the path to power, and as a result, you are respected until the Scorpio safely crosses the metaphorical bridge to the other side. Astute strategists do not burn bridges, and Scorpios are astute. Some of them are even brilliant. All of them possess shrewdness and logic. Scorpio men and women often gravitate toward professions that involve unraveling mysteries and delving into the puzzles of life, machinery, facts, or human beings. Many become detectives, psychiatrists, scientists, surgeons, police officers, researchers, reporters, and even undertakers. They strive to expand their knowledge each day, simultaneously advancing their talents, skills, and income.

Never pry into a Scorpio's private affairs. They will not tolerate it. If they like you and their job, they will be generous and fair. They will give you eight hours of work for eight hours of pay, and if the project captures their interest, they won't watch the clock. However, remember that they are committed to their own code and ideas above all else. They will remain true to them, even above love and ambition. No one but themselves can compel them to alter their views and opinions. It must come from within their own nature through the power of Pluto. If their decision is negative, no one on this earth can slam the door shut more abruptly and permanently than a Scorpio, even a door adorned with the title Vice-President in golden letters. They will endure only so much and pay only so high a price. When they feel the cost is too great, they will leave. That's how they play the game. Ultimately, their loyalty lies with themselves. This is not always as selfish as it may sound. From a young age, their favorite verse began, "This above all: to thine own self be true." They have always believed that if they adhere to this principle, they cannot be false to anyone.

"You may charge me with murder,
or lack of common sense
(We are all weak at times),
But the slightest approach to deceit
has never been among my crimes!"

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Sagittarius

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarians bring intelligence, wit, and a good-natured spirit to the workplace, making teamwork enjoyable and productive. However, their carefree attitude and belief that they know best can lead to issues, especially if they act dismissively towards authority figures.

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios are resourceful, charismatic, and diligent, infusing a sense of passionate intensity into their work. Their focus on job completion is admirable. However, they may become emotionally distant or vengeful if they feel slighted, creating a potentially toxic work environment.

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