Read Barack Hussein Obama II's Cosmic DNA

Barack Hussein Obama II
Barack Hussein Obama II
12:00 pm
Honolulu, Hawaii
21N19 158W9 (-10 GMT)
Leo (12)  
Taurus (29) / Gemini
Leo (1) / Cancer
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Virgo (22) / Libra
Aquarius (0) / Capricorn
Capricorn (25) / Aquarius
Leo (25) / Virgo
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Virgo (6) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Barack Hussein Obama II
12:00 pm
Honolulu, Hawaii
21N19 158W9 (-10 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Leo (12)  
Taurus (29) / Gemini
Leo (1) / Cancer
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Virgo (22) / Libra
Aquarius (0) / Capricorn
Capricorn (25) / Aquarius
Leo (25) / Virgo
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Virgo (6) / Leo

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Assertive Mars

Assertive, Yang Principles of Action, Leadership, Competitiveness and Aggression, lifetips

Mars / Virgo

Those with Mars in Gemini demonstrate restlessness, good humor, and a quick wit. Engaging them in a battle of wits may not be wise, as they often emerge victorious. However, they risk dispersing their energy over too many projects, leaving some unfinished.

Assertive, Yang Principles of Action, Leadership, Competitiveness and Aggression, lifetips

Mars / Libra


Assertive, alwaysastrology

Mars / Virgo

Mars in Virgo signifies individuals who possess a strong focus on their goals. They exhibit practicality, albeit with a tendency to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously, which can occasionally lead to scattered energy. Nevertheless, they possess an impressive ability to efficiently accomplish everything they set out to do. It is not uncommon for Mars in Virgo individuals to take on more responsibilities than they can handle, driven by their logical mindset and disciplined nature.

While Mars in Virgo individuals may display a critical and stubborn streak, they generally avoid aggressive behavior. However, it is important to exercise caution not to push them too far, as they can become quite difficult when annoyed. These individuals tend to experience nervousness quite easily and prefer to follow their own methods and systems. Known for their organizational skills, they are not afraid to put in the hard work required to achieve their objectives. They possess a restless energy that prompts them to seek variety and avoid sticking to a single project for too long.

Mars in Virgo individuals often thrive in careers within the health field, driven by their innate desire to assist and care for others. They derive a sense of fulfillment from feeling wanted and useful. However, it is worth noting that they can occasionally exhibit intolerance and have a preference for maintaining emotional distance.

Virgo Mars draws energy from their various pursuits, be it work, hobbies, or other activities. They find idleness challenging to handle, as they are inherently perfectionistic, even if they deny it. Although somewhat shy and humble, their curiosity and eagerness to learn and experience new things often help them overcome any initial shyness.

In matters of relationships, Mars in Virgo individuals tend to be subtle in their affections. They shine the brightest with their partners in private, finding it challenging to relax and let go of their critical tendencies. They seek a partner who is sensitive to their needs and aligns with their ideals of cleanliness. Casual encounters or one-night stands are not their preference, as they often choose to remain chaste until they find the right person.

While they maintain a healthy attitude towards sex, Mars in Virgo individuals may grapple with insecurities. They are generally drawn to individuals who lead unassuming lives. In a committed relationship, they exhibit devotion and express their love through thoughtful gestures and attentiveness. They are respectful partners who strive to please their significant other. Their inherent curiosity drives them to explore their desires, but they may only fully embrace their adventurous side when in the company of the right partner. Contrary to common perception, they are not excessively picky or selective and may even appreciate a partner's imperfections as an opportunity to care for and nurture them. Overall, Mars in Virgo individuals can be ideal partners for those seeking stable relationships without excessive drama or emotional intensity.

Assertive, alwaysastrology

Mars / Libra

When Mars, the planet of action and energy, resides in the sign of Libra, it creates a unique blend of characteristics. Individuals with Mars in Libra can display a certain indecisiveness, often taking their time to weigh all options before making a decision. Procrastination may be a common occurrence as they strive to find the perfect balance. While their goal is to create harmony, their pursuit of it can sometimes lead to disruptions and unrest among others.

Charm is a prominent trait in those with Mars in Libra, and they place great importance on always appearing pleasant and agreeable. This tendency can sometimes result in passive-aggressive behavior, as they prefer to avoid direct confrontation. Instead of openly expressing their frustrations, they may resort to subtlety and subterfuge to make their point. However, when they channel their Mars energy, they can become highly action-oriented and use their charisma to captivate and entertain those around them.

Individuals with Mars in Libra possess an innate ability to anticipate and manage conflicts. They excel at finding compromises and adhere to social etiquette with great dedication. Seeking approval from others is a driving force for them, and they thrive in intellectual pursuits. Their approach to emotions tends to be objective and somewhat detached, as they prefer to avoid confrontations and battles. In their pursuit of their desires, they may exhibit manipulative tendencies.

Motivation is crucial for Mars in Libra individuals, and they thrive when paired with a partner they deeply admire. They are affectionate and romantic, although their own sex drive may be relatively low. While they have the ability to awaken passion in others, they themselves lean towards a more conservative approach to intimacy. They may find intrigue in role-playing scenarios, but they shy away from rudeness and vulgarity. Creating the right atmosphere is essential for setting the mood, and they are often skilled at pleasing their partners.

Mars in Libra has acquired a reputation for being unfaithful, but this stems more from their struggle to say no rather than a wandering eye. They may expect their partner to intuitively understand their desires and needs, often leaving their own unspoken expectations unmet. In such instances, they may suppress their anger, letting it simmer beneath the surface as they wonder why their partner fails to understand. They thrive on praise, affection, and being the center of attention in their relationships.

Individuals with Mars in Libra may have exceptionally high standards and can be even more selective than those with Virgo placements. While they may tolerate being pushed around for a while, ultimately, a power imbalance will leave them feeling unhappy. It is crucial for them to establish relationships where equality and reciprocity prevail.

Assertive, trans4mind

Mars / Virgo

Mars (to assert) in Virgo (Analytical and Critical)

Analytical and critical, Mars in Virgo asserts itself through a meticulous examination of words and actions. These individuals possess a natural inclination to defend themselves by dissecting and scrutinizing what others say. Their critical eye, accompanied by a sharp tongue, allows them to navigate verbal terrain with ease. A strong interest in health and service often leads them toward careers in the military, surgery, or related fields. Hard work is ingrained in their nature, as they tirelessly invest their Mars-infused energy into their Virgoan pursuits. Precision and attention to detail drive them forward, ensuring that their actions align with their discerning standards.

Assertive, trans4mind

Mars / Libra

Mars (to assert) in Libra (Diplomatic and Harmonious)

Diplomatic and harmonious, Mars in Libra seeks to establish balance by gracefully shifting between conflict and resolution. Like a skilled tightrope walker, these individuals flit from one side of a conflict to the other, fervently fighting for justice and fairness wherever it may be lacking. Their tendency to choose a side simply because another has taken the opposite creates a unique approach to assertiveness. Instead of expressing affection conventionally, they engage in spirited arguments, utilizing interpersonal dynamics to convey their emotions. Seeking out conflicts and championing the underdog, they become enterprising advocates of justice. While driven by personal reasons, their actions often find resonance in their partnerships and relationships, particularly within the realm of marriage and other unions.

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