Read Barack Hussein Obama II's Cosmic DNA

Barack Hussein Obama II
Barack Hussein Obama II
12:00 pm
Honolulu, Hawaii
21N19 158W9 (-10 GMT)
Leo (12)  
Taurus (29) / Gemini
Leo (1) / Cancer
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Virgo (22) / Libra
Aquarius (0) / Capricorn
Capricorn (25) / Aquarius
Leo (25) / Virgo
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Virgo (6) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Barack Hussein Obama II
12:00 pm
Honolulu, Hawaii
21N19 158W9 (-10 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Leo (12)  
Taurus (29) / Gemini
Leo (1) / Cancer
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Virgo (22) / Libra
Aquarius (0) / Capricorn
Capricorn (25) / Aquarius
Leo (25) / Virgo
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Virgo (6) / Leo

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Childhood

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Leo

The LEO Chid

"Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Agreed to have a battle;
For Tweedledum said Tweedledee
Had spoiled his nice, new rattle."

In a world filled with wild adventures and daring escapades,
the Leo child shines brightly, ready to lead the way.

Remember the game you used to play called Follow the Leader?
Well, there was always that one friend who sulked when he didn't get to be leader,
and if that friend happened to lend you money for licorice sticks and Eskimo pies,
chances are, you had a Leo in your neighborhood gang.

The typical lion cub is a bundle of sunshine, radiating joy and playfulness,
but when things don't go their way, storm clouds gather,
accompanied by a thunderous roar or a hurtful withdrawal.
Their enthusiasm and high spirits should not be constantly suppressed,
for doing so can leave deep scars that darken their Sun for years.

Little lions and lionesses have a natural inclination to boss around other children,
which may irk the mothers of more reserved youngsters,
but they should be gently restrained and never harshly scolded in front of their playmates.
The Leo's great pride reacts fiercely to any attack on their vanity, especially in public.

While it's important to nurture the natural leadership qualities in Leo children,
they must also learn that everyone deserves their turn to lead,
even if they possess more strength and confidence than the others.

The lion's sense of justice will usually guide them to understanding,
as they realize the importance of fairness.
These boys and girls have an innate desire to show off,
and if left unchecked, it can become excessive.
The little lion is the one who proudly stands on his head in the schoolyard,
or walks along a fence to impress the girls.
Wise parents will teach their Leo child that showing off is undignified,
and in most cases, this lesson will be well-received,
as Sun-ruled children have an inherent sense of dignity.

You'll notice this regal bearing even in the tiniest Leos,
giving them an air of being the monarch of all they survey.
The term "His majesty, the baby" seems to perfectly describe a Leo infant,
and from an early age, they effortlessly command the attention and adoration of doting parents and friends.
Their pleased and smug expression when strangers fawn over them is unmistakable.

Your Leo child will be more adventurous and willing to take risks than the average youngster,
followed by periodic bouts of laziness when they lie around the house,
too tired to lift a finger, except to request your assistance.
Leave them be and make it clear that no one is their servant.
If they want something, they can retrieve it themselves when their energy returns.
Otherwise, a spoiled Leo child can easily become a tyrant.

There are two kinds of Leo boys and girls.
The first kind are extroverts, exuding cheerfulness, warmth, and generosity,
although they may display occasional pushiness.
The second kind appears quieter and almost timid on the surface,
often a result of their vanity being wounded by domineering parents or neglected attention from siblings.
Yet, they secretly crave power and applause just as much as the others,
and prolonged denial of their needs can lead to untold damage to their Leo ego.

As youngsters, Leo boys may enjoy playing with toy soldiers,
engaging in games of chance and challenge,
while the little Leo girls will embody a sense of ladylike behavior,
albeit with a strong-willed nature.
They may take pleasure in dressing nicely and being told they're pretty,
and giving them responsibilities around the house will make them feel important.
Occasionally, a Leo girl may even exhibit tomboyish tendencies,
but their vanity will eventually prevail, and this phase will pass.
Don't expect these youngsters to relish menial tasks,
as they will rebel against them, so assign them more significant and dignified duties that provide a sense of authority.

Teachers can anticipate Leo students taking on the role of a substitute instructor,
as they relish explaining things to others,
and nothing delights them more than being in the spotlight.
When left in charge at school, a Leo child will eagerly assume disciplinary duties,
though occasionally, their playful nature may transform the classroom into a three-ring circus.

Young Leos possess a quick learning ability, though they can be a little lazy when it comes to studying.
They prefer to rely on their sunny personality and charming demeanor to get by.
Teachers may be momentarily blinded by their smiles and compliments,
and it's not uncommon for little cubs to receive better grades than they truly deserve.
Developing good study habits may require some encouragement,
but instead of forcing them, appealing to their vanity can yield better results.
When they do well, lavish them with genuine praise, ensuring they truly feel the impact.
Light taps on the back won't suffice; their hunger for compliments is insatiable.

Leo children may require more spending money than their frugal peers.
They might generously give away most of their spare change,
but they won't skimp on themselves.
Teach them the Rockefeller children's rule of finance:
"Give some, spend some, save some," especially the last part.

As they grow older, young lions and lionesses will notice the opposite sex much earlier than their peers.
Expect a tumultuous adolescence filled with a rollercoaster of emotions.
Friendships and romances will be brimming with drama,
overflowing with both ecstatic highs and heartbreaking lows.

Leo children simply adore parties,
so grant them plenty of freedom or they'll claim it for themselves.
Harsh orders only serve to crush their pride and dignity.
Instead, build their courage and flatter their ego,
sincerely letting them know that you believe in their abilities,
and they will proudly rise to the occasion for you.

Raising an August child is no easy task.
There will be moments when you feel that your caged lion will never be tamed.
However, with gentle and consistent discipline, along with love and affection,
you hold the keys that unlock their golden heart.
Remember that they may pretend to be brave, but deep down, they fear they aren't.
Hug them tightly every night and love them with all your heart.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Leo

The Leo Child
Leo children have a flair for drama and exuberance, often craving the spotlight. As natural-born leaders, it is essential for parents to prevent animosity among siblings. Parents should foster an environment that encourages self-expression and allows their Leo child to shine.

Personality Overview, As A Child

Sun / Leo


As A Child
The Leadership-Oriented Leo Child
In every setting, whether at home, on the playground, or in the classroom, the Leo child is determined to take the lead. They expect to be the captain of all the games, and if they're not, they might sulk. Their brightness, cheerfulness, mischievousness, and overall happiness are maintained as long as things go their way. However, the moment they're forced in a different direction, they may fiercely fight back like an angry lion or retreat with a brooding demeanor, resembling a wounded lion. Encouragement is key with a Leo baby, as their enthusiasm and bright ideas should be nurtured.

While many of these ideas may revolve around themselves, it's important not to dismiss them, as it could leave a lasting impact. Attempt to gently subdue their bossy behavior, but avoid openly scolding them in front of others. Leo children have immense pride and vanity, which should never be intentionally hurt. Their natural leadership qualities should be encouraged, while also teaching them the virtue of accepting the leadership of others.

Leo children enjoy showing off, and it's crucial to ensure they don't become excessively boastful. They'll go to great lengths to maintain their dignity, even refraining from shedding a tear after falling off a bicycle for the third time. They thrive on attention and have a knack for getting it. They can be careless, daring, and energetic, but there are times when they enter a lazy spell, refusing to move a muscle. This is when they must understand the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions and not relying on others to fulfill their responsibilities.

As parents, it's essential to teach Leo children the value of respecting other people's rights. Remember, the most effective way to tame a lion is by showering them with love while occasionally administering a gentle reprimand. If you encounter Leo children who are timid, shy, quiet, and withdrawn, it's likely because their vanity has suffered a significant blow. The best approach is to appreciate them, give them the attention they deserve, and help them develop their skills. Acting promptly is crucial, as their frustration could take a dangerous turn if left unaddressed.

Leo boys embody masculinity, while Leo girls exude femininity. From an early age, Leo babies dislike menial tasks and resist performing them. Give them responsibilities that require authority, and you won't have to remind them twice. They possess intelligence and learn quickly, but only when they're motivated to do so. However, they may exhibit laziness when it comes to studies, requiring immense patience to encourage them to work hard. Alternatively, you can highlight how achieving the top position will set them apart from their peers.

You'll seldom find your Leo child wasting time on frivolous activities when their class assignments await completion. Remember to offer compliments and praise when they achieve first place in class. They crave recognition, regardless of how much they've already received. The concept of savings is foreign to most Leo children, as they tend to be prone to extravagance. They're likely to lend money to their friends and may even forget to collect it back.

Leos are often the first among the zodiac signs to experience attraction toward the opposite gender. They'll encounter love and heartbreaks throughout their journey. Most Leo children relish parties, as they become the center of attention. Freedom is essential to them, and harsh words can wound their ego. Approach them with patience, indulgence, a hint of strictness, and above all, love. With your guidance, they'll grow into secure, generous, proud, and resilient lions!

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