Read Barack Hussein Obama II's Cosmic DNA

Barack Hussein Obama II
Barack Hussein Obama II
12:00 pm
Honolulu, Hawaii
21N19 158W9 (-10 GMT)
Leo (12)  
Taurus (29) / Gemini
Leo (1) / Cancer
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Virgo (22) / Libra
Aquarius (0) / Capricorn
Capricorn (25) / Aquarius
Leo (25) / Virgo
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Virgo (6) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Barack Hussein Obama II
12:00 pm
Honolulu, Hawaii
21N19 158W9 (-10 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Leo (12)  
Taurus (29) / Gemini
Leo (1) / Cancer
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Virgo (22) / Libra
Aquarius (0) / Capricorn
Capricorn (25) / Aquarius
Leo (25) / Virgo
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Virgo (6) / Leo

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Employee

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Leo

The LEO Employee
The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright-
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.

If you have the pleasure of employing a Leo, you'll quickly realize that it's nearly impossible to overlook their presence. Even if they happen to be more reserved, ignoring them would be unwise. The assertive lions will ensure that you appreciate their talents and acknowledge their value by simply informing you of their greatness. The timid pussycats will sulk until they receive the same treatment. Ultimately, it all boils down to the same thing - you mustn't disregard your Leo employees.

Whether the lion roars from center stage or bides their time in the wings, their pride is unmistakable. They possess a sense of dignity and recognize their inherent superiority, and they won't allow anyone to overlook it. Leos are not the kind of individuals who conceal their brilliance. If their vanity isn't acknowledged, both types of lions will seek greener pastures elsewhere. They simply cannot tolerate being underestimated.

Leos have a profound affinity for titles. The grander and more extravagant, the better. Even if you offer the lion a significant raise, granting their coworker the title of "Chief of Office Coordination" will hardly be appreciated. They'll brood over their colleague's increased status, firmly believing that they, and only they, deserve such a promotion.

Their insistence on asserting their rights should not be mistaken for perversity. It is an inherent part of their nature to be the masters of all they survey. Leadership courses through their veins, and it is impossible to completely extinguish this quality. Leo is naturally inclined to assume responsibility. They feel useless and unwanted when they aren't given some form of obligation. If no other avenue exists for them to establish their importance, they'll provide free advice to friends and family. Even strangers won't be neglected. Leos freely dispense their pearls of wisdom to all. They'll tell you how much you should be paying for that extra room you want to build over your garage, offer guidance to your secretary about her alimony troubles, inform the cleaning lady of the best ointment for her sore toe, and explain to the mailman how he could improve the efficiency of his deliveries. The less significant their role in the workplace, the more seriously they will embrace their role as counselors.

I once knew a Leo man (of the quieter variety) who worked for a large company. For years, his family operated under the vague impression that he was the district sales manager. In reality, he was an ordinary salesman and a route supervisor, though he was one of the most indispensable individuals in the company. Unable to assume the position of sales manager until the well-qualified man holding the title retired, the Leo swallowed his wounded pride and allowed his family to believe he held the position.

His immense sense of responsibility was evident in his unwavering loyalty and dedication over the years. He spent a quarter of a century supplying the company with creative advertising ideas that translated into steadily increasing profits. Simultaneously, he competently supervised the company's truck routes in all types of weather, at all hours, and awaited the recognition he rightfully deserved. However, when the sales manager finally retired, a younger individual was brought in from New York to assume the role. It was on that day that the Leo resigned. With a heavy Capricorn influence in his birth chart, he handled the situation with greater ease than the typical Leo. However, the scars from the deep wound inflicted upon his pride will remain with him for the rest of his life. There is nothing sadder than witnessing the dignified lion robbed of the respect he so desperately seeks and genuinely deserves.

Make a note that the leonine sense of responsibility, which can be incredibly impressive, typically emerges in full force during maturity. In their youth, Leos are classical playboys, joyfully prancing through days and nights filled with wine, women, and song. They wear the flashiest clothes, making everyone laugh with their clown-like antics and roaring when someone steps on their magnificent tails.

Young Leo employees are ideally suited for roles in promotion and sales. They possess a natural showmanship and their warm, sunny dispositions will keep your customers satisfied. Later, as they mature, these big cats can gradually transition into top-level positions, where they will dutifully fulfill any responsibility entrusted to them. It's wise for any manager to recognize when the lion has graduated from the role of playboy prince to the just and dignified king.

It's a peculiar trait of Leos, regardless of gender. Beneath their brave exteriors, they secretly fear lacking genuine courage. They may exhibit pride, vanity, and even laziness, but when a crisis emerges - be it personal or professional - they suddenly display unwavering strength. Surprising everyone, they reveal their true nature, their inner power, when faced with immense pressure or burden.

Jacqueline Kennedy's childhood of ease and comfort left people wholly unprepared for her incredible courage in the face of unspeakable tragedy. A Leo with a reputation as a playboy will astonish their friends when they bravely and cheerfully support an invalid spouse and two elderly aunts after a thoughtless, carefree, and irresponsible youth. Individuals born under the sign of the Lion, ruled by the Sun, rarely realize the extraordinary power they possess until tested. Until that time arrives, always remember that they are merely pretending to be strong. Behind their fierce roars lies an unnecessary inferiority complex.

If a Leo cannot assume a position of authority, they must have a role that allows them to showcase their talents and abilities to the world in some way. After changing jobs a dozen times due to a lack of promotion to at least a vice presidency, the typical Leo will often gravitate toward professions where they can be their own bosses. If denied the opportunity to be an executive or a leader, they find contentment as teachers, salespeople, doctors, lawyers, managers, counselors, speakers, announcers, actors, actresses, writers, plumbers, or tourist guides. The lion seeks a vocation that enables them to impart their superior knowledge to others in some capacity or to bask in the bright spotlight of publicity. They shine brightest in the fields of politics and public relations.

Remember that your Leo employee will either ascend to an executive position on par with your own within a reasonable timeframe, or they will depart. They can never be satisfied working behind the scenes. They crave applause and adoration, and it is your responsibility as the manager to provide them with a steady stream of compliments. Withholding flattery from your Leo employee will diminish their potential value by at least fifty percent.

Ensure that your lioness's vanity is regularly nurtured as well. Occasionally bring her a yellow rose to adorn her hair, disregarding the whispers of gossip. You can't afford to lose her. Those gossips lack her virtues and abilities. Frequently express how lovely she looks, how intelligent she is, and occasionally provide her with complimentary tickets to a concert or a grand event. Always ensure you have two tickets available, as the Leo woman will inevitably be married, in love, or have a special someone in her life throughout the year.

As for the lion, treat him to lunch frequently, preferably at an upscale restaurant where important people can observe him in the company of a high-ranking individual. Whenever possible, assign the responsibility of training new employees to your male and female Leo team members. They won't mind the extra work; they'll take pride in the additional responsibility, relishing the opportunity to assert their authority and guide others.

A little astrological psychology, cleverly applied, can transform your proud and touchy Leos into true assets for the company. They will adorn the office with their grace and enthusiasm. Surround them with bright lights, vivid yellow or orange draperies and carpets, and the most luxurious desks and typewriters within your budget. Nothing dampens a Leo's spirit more than having to work with outdated, shabby equipment, unless it's working with pessimistic and unimaginative individuals.

Leos require generous expense accounts and a bit of extra time for lunch. Meals are social occasions for them, and they utilize these opportunities to showcase their promotional skills. Provide them with a general idea, and they will transform it into a dramatic campaign that may attract numerous new customers. You can't expect them to operate at full speed when they're watching the clock and worrying about finances. While Leos can quickly calculate figures, they seldom develop the skill of counting pennies.

As for the clock, it restricts their style. The lion is easily tamed if you know how. Loosen the rules and lower the barriers slightly. Leos cannot be confined, as doing so will lead to sulking and a loss of their natural drive.

It's a wise decision to hire a Leo. They bring excitement to the workplace and can shoulder enormous burdens without complaint. They require a rich diet of compliments, authority, raises, titles, and freedom, but this isn't too high a price to pay for their intelligence, loyalty, faith, ideas, and sense of responsibility. After all, how many bosses have royalty on their payroll? Cater to both your big cats and shy pussycats, providing them with an ample supply of catnip, and they will justify the investment by becoming your most ardent supporters, proudly representing your company as if they were the owners themselves. The lion's heart is as vast as their ego.

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Leo

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Leos demonstrate confidence, charisma, and authority, making them excellent leaders. They're dedicated to seeing projects to completion. However, they may forget who's in charge and expect excessive praise for their accomplishments, causing friction in the workplace.

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