Read Zooey Deschanel's Cosmic DNA

Zooey Deschanel
Zooey Deschanel
39N6 95W25 (0 GMT)

Birthchart Info

Zooey Deschanel
39N6 95W25 (0 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info


Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Parenting

How You Would Handle Single-Parenthood

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Being a single parent can be challenging, but with a little help from Astrology, you can learn how to avoid common parenting pitfalls and make the journey smoother. Each zodiac sign has a unique parenting style that makes the process distinctive. So, let's uncover the different parenting quirks exhibited by each sign under the less-than-ideal condition of single parenting.

Your Parenting Style, Raising Them Your Way

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Nurturing children based on the traits of your Sun sign
Parenting Approaches by Zodiac Sign While countless manuals, books, and websites are dedicated to parenting, the oldest and most impactful guide might be the one written in the stars. These celestial bodies have guided humanity for ages. Our children deserve the best, and what better way to comprehend ourselves and our parenting style than through the teachings of the stars? In this concise guide, we will emphasize the parenting strengths of each sign while suggesting occasional parental time-outs to minimize harm to ourselves and our children.

As a Mother, How You Are With Your Daughter

Sun /

Astrology offers valuable perspectives in building strong mother-daughter relationships
The role of a mother in shaping her daughter's life is immense. Yet, amidst the chaos of everyday life, maintaining perspective on nurturing a strong bond can be challenging. While numerous works explore mother-daughter relationships, few delve into the astrological aspect. Gaining insight into a mother's Sun sign can enhance the understanding and improve the relationship between mothers and their daughters.

As a Mother, How You Are With Your Son

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As a mother with an Aries Zodiac sign, you may come across as a formidable presence?one that might even outshine the father's influence. Your son will undoubtedly recognize the power of an independent woman. However, your assertive nature may conflict with society's limited views on femininity. Your son might become overly reliant on you or fiercely protective of his independence. Remember to let your child explore his own path.

Your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Mom

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