Read Brittany Murphy's Cosmic DNA

Brittany Murphy
Brittany Murphy
12:00 pm
Atlanta, Georgia
34N15 84W23 (-4 GMT)
Scorpio (18)  
Scorpio (9)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Scorpio (0) / Libra
Leo (5) / Cancer
Cancer (5) / Gemini
Leo (29) / Virgo
Scorpio (12)  
Sagittarius (14)  
Libra (15)  

Birthchart Info

Brittany Murphy
12:00 pm
Atlanta, Georgia
34N15 84W23 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Scorpio (18)  
Scorpio (9)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Scorpio (0) / Libra
Leo (5) / Cancer
Cancer (5) / Gemini
Leo (29) / Virgo
Scorpio (12)  
Sagittarius (14)  
Libra (15)  

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Boss

As a Boss, How Would You Be Buttered Up

Sun / Scorpio

The Scorpio Boss (October 23 to November 21)
Nothing escapes the watchful eye of Scorpio bosses, so assume that he or she knows everything that goes on in the office. If your Scorpio boss is the paranoid type, avoid fueling their neuroses with office gossip, which could create enemies. Show stamina, persistence in finishing projects, and resourcefulness in working with others behind the scenes to get things accomplished. Like the Taurus boss, a Scorpio supervisor prioritizes a healthy financial picture, so always keep the bottom line in mind.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Scorpio


"Keep your temper," said the Caterpillar . . .
"You'll get used to it in time," and
it put the hookah into its mouth;
and began smoking again.

The Scorpio boss operates on the principle of "speak softly, but carry a big stick," embodying the wisdom of President Theodore Roosevelt. This Pluto-ruled individual possesses an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power, eager to uncover the secrets that lie within and beyond the realms of heaven and hell. In their pursuit, they also seek to unravel the mysteries that reside within the depths of your mind. Their intense gaze can draw out your deepest confessions, effortlessly leaving you vulnerable and exposed. Beware of their hypnotic eyes, as they possess an uncanny ability to see through your facade.

Your Scorpio boss possesses an empathetic nature, capable of sensing your moods and adjusting their behavior accordingly. This rare quality can provide a soothing experience, a respite from the thoughtless indifference displayed by others. However, don't be fooled by the appearance of their office, for it may not be explosive or impressive. The Scorpio boss exudes a calm and controlled atmosphere, extending their self-control to everything around them. Only under certain influences might the pace quicken slightly, but chaos will never take hold.

One of their most formidable weapons is their secrecy of purpose and intent. They shroud their emotions and motives with such mastery that even their adversaries struggle to read them. They possess an innate ability to strike from unexpected angles, catching their opponents off guard. This strategic approach ensures victory, both in professional arenas and personal conquests.

When it comes to loyalty, the Scorpio boss attracts devoted allies while keeping enemies at bay. They draw an invisible circle, allowing only chosen individuals to stand within, while others are banished to a safe distance. Their radar is finely tuned to detect potential threats, creating an invisible barrier that renders the unwelcome invisible in return. To be disregarded by a Scorpio is to exist as a ghost, yearning to be seen and heard again.

Despite their ability to inspire unwavering loyalty, the Scorpio boss is not necessarily sweet. While they possess kindness, talent, brilliance, sincerity, and protectiveness, sweetness is not a defining characteristic. Their passion and intensity run deep, manifesting in moments of crisis or during acts of romance. In times of urgency, they can unleash a torrent of fiery action that may surprise those who are not familiar with their hidden depths. Yet, once the crisis subsides, they regain their calculated composure, bottling their emotions until the next outburst is required.

Beware of flattery, as the Scorpio boss is perpetually suspicious. Innocent remarks can be misconstrued, and excessive praise may be perceived as ulterior motives. They appreciate sincere recognition of their abilities, but anything excessive will raise their suspicions. Financial matters must always be crystal clear, as they are sticklers for transparency. Furthermore, attempting to challenge or harm them is a grave mistake, as Scorpio revenge is not to be taken lightly.

The Scorpio boss possesses an unwavering determination to conquer any problem or adversity that comes their way. Tragedy, illness, or business disasters are faced head-on with remarkable courage and indomitable willpower. However, their individual personalities can vary widely, making each Scorpio boss a unique enigma. Penetrating the depths of their complex nature is an impossible feat, as their hypnotic gaze and voice erase any memories of what you might have learned.

Stay vigilant and keep an open mind when working under a Scorpio boss. Be prepared to defend yourself and remain receptive to a man whose truth and bravery you will admire endlessly. Though their nature remains inscrutable and their image deceiving, your Scorpio boss never deceives themselves?a quality that few can claim, regardless of their perceived ruthlessness.

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