Read Brooke Burke's Cosmic DNA

Brooke Burke
Brooke Burke
12:00 pm
Hartford, Connecticut
42N14 73W20 (-4 GMT)
Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Birthchart Info

Brooke Burke
12:00 pm
Hartford, Connecticut
42N14 73W20 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Employee

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Virgo

The VIRGO Employee
There is an inherent perplexity in the nature of a Virgo employee that makes them truly unique. Treasure this employee, plan their advancement slowly and meticulously, and consider grooming them for the role of your trusted assistant. Avoid rushing their progress, as quick promotions may instill a sense of unpreparedness and reluctance.

While it's not necessary to shower them with excessive bonuses, it's important to ensure fair compensation. Virgos are well aware of their own value in the job market and won't hesitate to seek opportunities elsewhere if they perceive unfair treatment. It's a common misconception that Virgos provide service without seeking personal gratification. In truth, they do expect to be rewarded for their efforts, as financial security holds significant importance for them. It's not about material status or a desire to accumulate wealth; rather, it's rooted in their deep-seated fear of being dependent on others in old age. The mere thought of such vulnerability sends shivers down their spine. However, it's worth noting that Virgos often enjoy better health in their later years compared to other zodiac signs. Despite this, concerns about health and financial stability linger in their minds. The twin specters of hospitals and poverty are never far from their thoughts, motivating them to seek career advancement and secure their future. When that point of financial security is reached, the nervous intensity that characterizes Virgos begins to ease, though they never truly relax. Nail-biting and allergies may lessen, but a certain level of concern remains.

Virgo employees possess an impeccable eye for detail, sometimes to an uncomfortable extent. Being the boss won't shield you from their keen observation and straightforward manner of pointing out mistakes. Titles and positions hold no sanctity for them; what matters most is achieving perfection. Nevertheless, they will likely display more outward courtesy and respect toward you compared to their peers.

You can always rely on these employees, whether male or female, to possess strong analytical skills and excellent taste. Their sharp sense of discrimination makes them exceptional critics, swiftly identifying weaknesses in a plan or project. Virgo workers are adaptable, versatile, clear-thinking, precise, intelligent, and dependable. They never submit sloppy work and have no tolerance for incomplete tasks or laziness?be it from others or even occasional laziness from the boss. If you take a day off for a game of golf, don't be surprised if you return to the office to find a subtly disapproving look from your Virgo employee, although they will likely keep their thoughts to themselves.

Virgos thrive in businesses that provide service to the general public. Publishing, the literary field, medicine, pharmacy, food-related industries, scientific laboratories, service agencies, bookkeeping, and accounting are all domains where Virgos excel. They handle their tasks competently and efficiently, leaving no detail unconsidered. Virgos have no patience for half-done work or laziness, including their own. Thus, it is safe to entrust your Virgo employee with tasks that require minimal supervision. Their unwavering ethics and sense of responsibility make them reliable team members. However, they may prefer working alone or beside you rather than facing possible criticism from coworkers. Virgos work quickly, though it may not be immediately apparent. They feel insecure about taking shortcuts and will not be satisfied until they have checked all the facts. Their cautious and methodical approach ensures thoroughness, even if it gives the appearance of slowness.

Advertising may not be a natural fit for their practical and realistic nature, but Virgos can be valuable in roles where they meticulously address the aftermath of creative brainstorms gone awry. They ensure that grand ideas thrown into the promotional mix are free from major flaws.

Sending your Virgo employee out for company promotion or sales isn't advisable. Their honesty and plain-spoken nature make it difficult for them to paint overly optimistic pictures for potential customers. Moreover, their inherently shy and reserved disposition prevents them from pushing themselves or your firm with excessive enthusiasm. Only a few exceptions to the rule become successful salespeople.

Virgo employees dress neatly, speak with refined diction, maintain impeccable cleanliness, and often have a desk so tidy it may seem bare. While a Virgo's desk may appear cluttered to an outsider, they know the exact order amid the apparent chaos and can locate any item with precision. Every postage stamp and paper clip is accounted for, even if it appears as a heap of rubbish to others.

When a Virgo employee becomes noticeably untidy, whether at work or home, it often indicates underlying emotional unhappiness?similar to a Sagittarian suddenly becoming neat and meticulous.

Resist the urge to criticize a Virgo's work. They will likely identify their own mistakes before you do. If criticism is necessary, keep it brief and gentle. Forget any unnecessary criticism entirely. It takes very little to warm their hearts with loyalty and gratitude, but it also takes very little to cause a Virgo to bristle, fret, and sulk. However, when faced with a genuine crisis, they will astonish you with their unwavering support and assistance. During such times, they will appear to have grown two feet taller.

Avoid subjecting Virgos to environments with wild, bright colors, as it disrupts their inner tranquility. Provide them with modern and efficient equipment to optimize their performance. Virgos dislike noise and confusion in their workspaces. Additionally, they thrive on regular schedules, so granting them a fixed day off and adhering to it is crucial. While they are willing to work overtime when needed, they detest the insecurity and confusion of shifting schedules. Though their emotional needs may be concealed, they still exist, and showing genuine appreciation can make a significant difference.

While it's true that some Virgos engage in esoteric or imaginative work, their fundamental nature remains unchanged. An astrologer born under this sign will approach their occult investigations with meticulous precision. A Virgo poet will adhere to precise meter, a Virgo painter will focus on intricate details, and a Virgo actor or actress will diligently study and perfect dialects or accents for their roles. Do not be surprised when individuals born under a particular Sun sign do not align with the stereotypical career choices associated with their sign. Through careful observation, you will see that they are still true to their fundamental nature.

Once you have gradually elevated your Virgo employee from an entry-level position (which they don't mind starting with) to become your trusted right-hand person, you can truly relax and enjoy a game of golf, knowing that a reliable individual is holding the fort at the office. However, you may experience a twinge of guilt when you return, met with reproachful gazes from those lovely, clear Virgo eyes. Have you ever noticed just how attractive your Virgo employee is? Take another look.

"Will you, won't you, will you, won't you,
will you join the dance?
The further off from England, the nearer is to France."
"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledum,
"if it was so, it might be;
and, if it were so, it would be;
but as it isn't, it ain't.
That's logic."

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos possess keen attention to detail and a high-quality skill set, making them valuable employees. However, their tendency to overanalyze may lead to stress and defensiveness, hampering their productivity.

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