Read Brooke Burke's Cosmic DNA

Brooke Burke
Brooke Burke
12:00 pm
Hartford, Connecticut
42N14 73W20 (-4 GMT)
Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Birthchart Info

Brooke Burke
12:00 pm
Hartford, Connecticut
42N14 73W20 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Lighter Side
Section: Lighter Side / Report: Fun

Cities That Satisfy Your Soul

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Revitalize yourself in Budapest, Hungary's stunning capital. Choose from numerous spas fed by underground mineral hot springs. Knowledgeable staff offer tailored fitness programs and treatments, and you can even indulge in the city's renowned wines?just remember to drink responsibly!

Your Party Personality

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Your organizational prowess is invaluable when it comes to prepping for a party or cleaning up afterwards. Just make sure you don't get carried away distributing makeshift coasters during the festivities.

A Bad Horror Movie You Might Like

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos, known for their keen analytical minds, may be drawn to One Missed Call, which involves a group of people receiving ominous voicemails from their future selves predicting their deaths. Rational Virgos will relish dissecting this critically panned film to reveal its various flaws.

What is Your Type of Scary Movie

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
People born under Virgo have an unyielding need for order and are compulsive about wellbeing. In The Others, Nicole Kidman portrays a woman who's convinced her gloomy, ancient family home is haunted after she discovers the drapes mysteriously opened.

Your Pick for a Thanksgiving Movie

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
As the post-munchkin hours approach, Virgos can relish in the brilliance of "Hannah and her Sisters." This Woody Allen masterpiece ranks among the filmmaker's best, offering a captivating exploration of human relationships. Centered around Thanksgiving festivities, the film follows Hannah (Mia Farrow) as she gathers her family in New York City. With a dash of familial drama and a touch of humor, this cinematic gem portrays the intricacies of family dynamics, accompanied by stellar performances from Barbara Hershey, Michael Caine, Dianne Wiest, Carrie Fisher, and Woody Allen himself. Prepare to embark on a journey through the complexities of love, loyalty, and personal growth, all set against the backdrop of a memorable Thanksgiving celebration.

Your Taste In Romantic Movies

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Escapist movies appeal to you due to your often predictable life. Romancing the Stone gives life to romance novelist Kathleen Turner's wildest fantasies, satisfying your sense of adventure and belief in true love. Sommersby, a tale of passion and mistaken identity, also intrigues you with the undeniable chemistry between Richard Gere and Jodie Foster.

What You Might Like To Do on a Day-Off

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Efficiency and organization are your strong suits, Virgo, so take advantage of your days off to declutter and reorganize your personal space. However, don't forget to schedule some relaxation time as well! Consider volunteering as a way to uplift your spirit and make a positive impact on others.

How You Write a Facebook Status, Answering the Question, Whats On Your Mind

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
It's no surprise that this analytical sign agonizes over crafting the perfect status update. When the zodiac's wordsmith finally settles on one, you can bet it will be flawlessly written with impeccable grammar and spelling. Virgo often employs its dry wit to make cutting observations or lets a touch of self-awareness slip through, always with a humorous twist. This well-read sign enjoys clever puns and one-liners, occasionally borrowing famous quotes and giving them a witty Virgo spin. As Oscar Wilde once said, "Virgo can resist everything but temptation."

Your Facebook Page

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Your photo: Virgos often delay posting a photo, in pursuit of the perfect shot. You'll likely settle on an image showcasing your pets, your office, or an altruistic moment.
Your applications: As the practical and eco-friendly sign, you prefer apps that highlight your "clean and green" ethos. Growing Gifts, I Am Green, and What Cleaning Appliance Are You? are tailor-made for you!

Your Inner Video-Game-Player

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Puzzle Games
With a keen attention to detail and a highly logical mind, Virgos excel at solving puzzles and deciphering perplexing situations. Conveniently, many of these games are easily accessible on mobile devices, making console investments unnecessary.

Your Star Trek Alter Ego

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Detail-oriented Virgos excel in jobs requiring utmost precision. Hikaru Sulu, the Enterprise's Helmsman, embodies this Virgo trait. Stellar in astrosciences and with proficiency in both botany and fencing, Sulu successfully navigates the Enterprise through various challenges, displaying the meticulous nature of a true Virgo.

A Prank that Would Get You Good

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos enjoy tending to small details, such as making sure clothing labels are properly tucked in. For a lighthearted prank, attach a needle to the end of a thread from a spool and leave a portion dangling from your sleeve. Watch as the Virgo can't resist the urge to fix the problem, only to be met with an endless pull.

Bad Holiday Gifts to AVOID Giving You

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Avoid giving Virgos anything that might embarrass them, such as inappropriate lingerie or private bedroom items. Acknowledge their more reserved nature, and respect their boundaries by presenting them with tasteful, discreet gifts.

Gifts You Would Like to Get

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Practicality reigns supreme for Virgos, so steer clear of dust-catching trinkets and opt for gifts that align with their pragmatic nature. A bread-making machine or a power drill, depending on their interests, would be equally welcome. Since Virgos pride themselves on their impeccable appearance, consider scented soaps, lotions, and shampoos made by earth-friendly companies. For the highly organized Virgos, a good-quality watch or a leather-bound date book will serve them well. Alternatively, a health-conscious basket filled with organic foodstuffs is a thoughtful and nutritious option.

Guilty Pleasures, How You Have Fun in Secret

Sun / Virgo

Virgos are known for being hard workers and rarely taking sick days - but when they do, it's time for an indulgence. For Virgo, self-care is important, and one of their guilty pleasures is to splurge on a wellness day at a spa or simply having a day of relaxation. A spa day offers Virgo a much-need recharge without breaking the bank while allowing them to enjoy a day completely devoted to their well-being.

Your Way to Have Fun on Vacation

Sun / Virgo

Meticulous Virgo, you're the type to plan every stage of your journey. An organized tour of an exotic destination may be perfect for you. Engage a local guide who knows the ins and outs of the area, including shopping, dining, and relaxation spots. You'll find an engaging challenge in experiencing the daily customs of exotic countries like India, Egypt, or Peru.

How to Use Nighttime Dreaming to its Potential

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Your logical nature may make deciphering your dreams a challenge. Pay close attention to animal dreams, as they provide vivid symbols that can correspond to your intuition. Trust the metaphorical language of dreams, and remember that dream insights may not correlate with facts until much later.

Your List of Things to Do Before You Settle Down

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
As a master of meticulousness, the prospect of someone invading your personal space can send shivers down your spine. Before taking the leap into cohabitation, it's crucial to ensure that your new love nest aligns with your high standards of organization. Sneak into the sanctuary of your future abode or the room soon to be graced by a little one and meticulously arrange every detail according to your liking. If circumstances prevent this level of scrutiny, channel your need for order by reorganizing recipes or decluttering digital files on your computer. Remember, a serene and harmonious environment is essential for your well-being.

Fun, Money-Savvy-Socializing, Save Money and Have Fun with the Girls

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgos have a passion for nature and productivity, which makes a garden party a perfect gathering. Encourage everyone to help with gardening tasks and then enjoy al fresco dining with freshly picked food.

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