Read Brooke Burke's Cosmic DNA

Brooke Burke
Brooke Burke
12:00 pm
Hartford, Connecticut
42N14 73W20 (-4 GMT)
Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Birthchart Info

Brooke Burke
12:00 pm
Hartford, Connecticut
42N14 73W20 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Personality

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Aquarius

The Unconventional Visionary: Embracing the Independent Power of Mars in Aquarius

Mars ventures into uncharted territories when it aligns with the unconventional sign of Aquarius, giving birth to a unique and original cosmic energy. Mars in Aquarius individuals possess an extraordinary outlook on life, reveling in the art of surprise and defying conventional methods.

Independence is highly prized by these individuals, who refuse to conform to the tried-and-true approaches. They relish in the astonishment of others, thriving on the unexpected. While Mars in Aquarius individuals maintain their personal freedom with fervor, their obstinacy can manifest when they feel cornered or confined. Predictability is anathema to their innovative spirits.

With Mars, the planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign like Aquarius, mental and intellectual pursuits become paramount. Mars in Aquarius individuals channel their vigor into cerebral realms, employing a shotgun-style approach to projects and endeavors. They possess a remarkable talent for getting what they desire, cleverly manipulating situations to align with their vision. Their versatility and ingenuity ensure they are not easily dominated by others, maintaining a degree of creative autonomy.

These individuals value the freedom and individuality of both themselves and others, carving out ample space for personal expression. Touchy-feely sentiments and traditional gestures often elicit laughter and disbelief from Mars in Aquarius natives. Intimacy is approached with detachment, perplexing those who crave greater emotional connection. However, compassion and love serve as their guiding mission, as they champion the cause of humanity.

Details of Your Personality, as The Woman

Sun / Virgo

The VIRGO Woman
A Gentle Reminder of Her Strength

She had never quite forgotten that
if you drink much from a bottle marked "poison,"
it is almost certain to disagree with you,
sooner or later.

Sometimes she scolded herself so severely as to bring tears into her eyes.

Unveiling the True Virgo Woman

Do you visualize the Virgo girl as a gentle, virginal maiden, pure as the driven snow? You may be about to get some illusions shattered. She is no White Rock nymph in a gauzy tunic, kneeling by the pool. Sorry to spoil your image.

A Woman of Determination and Independence

A Virgo woman can leave her husband for a man she met beside some faraway ocean, bear her lover's child before the benefit of marriage, and face a hostile world with her head held high. That's not very maidenly or virginal. There's a lot to learn about this tender, fragile little symbol of spotless womanhood. For one thing, her spine is made of stainless steel.

The Fire Within

It's quite true that she's basically shy. No argument there. Virgo girls don't climb on soap boxes to make fiery, aggressive speeches or chop up saloons with hatchets, like Carry Nation. They don't get arrested for drunken driving, either, and I'll give you a five dollar bill for every one you find featured in a burlesque show. But a Virgo woman is a woman. She has all the necessary wiles and weapons, including a determination to pursue happiness wherever the path happens to lead her. A few prickly thorns along the way won't cause her either to faint or cry weakly for help.

Love Beyond Boundaries

When you hear of a Virgo woman who has outraged the laws of society, be sure you read between the lines. She is basically pure-minded-true. But so is love. Real love. And Virgo is not interested in any other kind. She'll climb the tallest mountains and storm the raging seas in galoshes and a pea jacket, once the spirit of Mercury has been exalted, which can considerably dim that wispy, chiffon image. Remember, too, that Virgo's true ruler, the distant Vulcan, is the god of thunder. A Virgo woman who recognizes her marriage as imperfect and finds a-love without a flaw (or thinks she has, which is the same thing), won't hesitate to cut former ties. When she uses the knife, she'll be as cool and precise as a surgeon. Much as she hates to break the family circle, the Virgo hates hypocrisy more.

The Perfectionist in Love

Once she's accepted a love as true and ideal, the purity of her own concept of the relationship reigns supreme over all the pieces of legal paper in the world. She's the one woman in the zodiac who can be deadly practical and divinely romantic at the same time. That situation of the love affair beside some faraway ocean may seem casual and immoral on the surface. Actually, it's a predictable example of a Virginian behaving true to character when caught in a difficult decision. She'll suffer agonies of embarrassment over the condemnation of society in such an affair, but that won't alter her course of action any more than it will alter the purity of her motivation. It's a perfect example of the firm practicality of Virgo's earth element, blended with the mental, airy, ideal-seeking Mercury. There's a white heat to Virgo love, once it's ignited, that can put the passions of other Sun signs to shame by its very intensity and singleness of purpose. Igniting it may take some time, however.

Passion of the Spirit

I will admit that the fiery, physical aspect of love may be somewhat subdued in the typical Virgo female, but there's a mysterious, quiet, waiting quality in this woman, and "passion of the spirit" is a most satisfactory substitute to men who prefer the delicacy of understatement in romance.

The Fussy, Yet Lovable Perfectionist

She's a perfectionist, but that doesn't mean that she herself is perfect. She has her negative traits, and they can be very trying. To begin with, Virgo females have this dogged belief that no one can do things as orderly and as efficiently as they can. What really drives you wild is that- usually-no one can. They're also sticklers for promptness. Did you ever keep a Virgo woman waiting for a date? When she's upset or cranky, she won't rage and storm and break bottles over your head, but she can be shrewish and fussy when you've annoyed her. You might as well expect a frank scolding. An occasional Virgo woman can come pretty close to behaving like a virago, but most of them don't carry it that far. Take her flowers. Admit you're wrong and don't argue. It won't do you a bit of good, you can't win with a Virgo. The earth is her element, so she appreciates the creations of nature, and the posies will soften her irritation. As for the apologies, keep them brief and accurate. The Virginian is nobody's fool. Her clarity of vision will spot an elaborate lie by the smoothest talker, and the faintest smear of lipstick on the edge of a collar. She may be pure-minded, but she's certainly not naive.

Beyond the Critic

I'm not implying that she'll go through your laundry, at least not before you're married. After that, it will be in her house, and she won't feel so guilty about it.

The Financial Guru

This girl has a mental block when it comes to admitting she's wrong-like a block of wood right in front of her brain-so you'd be smart to take the blame right away. Most of the time, she'll be right, frustrating though it may be. So why fight it? When you've put her back into her normal mood, she's such an exquisite delight, you won't care who won or lost.

The Virgo woman possesses a remarkable eye for detail and order.

Overall Personality, As A Woman

Sun / Virgo

Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Planetary ruler: Mercury
Birthstone: Peridot
Flower: Pansy
Color: Navy blue
Key characteristic: Detail-oriented
Strengths: Precise, orderly, efficient
Challenges: Nervous, sarcastic, overcriticial

The Virgo Woman

With the dawning of a new astrological phase, the Virgo woman emerges as a paragon of intelligence, humility, and practicality. Born under the symbol of the Virgin, she possesses a discreet charm that captivates all who have the privilege of encountering her.

Intelligent and observant, the Virgo woman's analytical mind cuts through the complexities of life with ease. With a keen eye for detail, she effortlessly dissects problems, finding efficient and practical solutions. Her quick thinking and meticulous nature make her an invaluable asset in any endeavor she undertakes.

Patience is her virtue, as the Virgo woman possesses an unwavering commitment to precision and order. She approaches tasks with a sense of discipline, striving for excellence in every aspect of her life. Her efficiency and organizational skills are unparalleled, allowing her to navigate the complexities of personal and professional responsibilities with ease.

Beneath her composed demeanor lies a thoughtful and caring soul. The Virgo woman's humility is a testament to her character, as she never allows her achievements to overshadow her moral compass. She values honesty and integrity above all else, always striving to do what is right. Her selflessness extends to her relationships, where she offers unwavering support and guidance to her loved ones.

Balancing personal and professional responsibilities is a skill the Virgo woman has honed to perfection. Her innate ability to multitask allows her to excel in her career while maintaining a harmonious home life. She is an adept budget manager, handling the family finances with precision and ensuring stability for her loved ones.

In matters of style, the Virgo woman embraces a refined and classic aesthetic. Her wardrobe is a reflection of her precise nature, featuring tailored pieces that exude elegance and sophistication. Neat and orderly, she pays careful attention to every detail, ensuring that her fashion choices align with her impeccable taste.

The Woman Personality Overview

Sun / Virgo

Virgo Woman
Meticulous Charm and Inner Strength. Unveiling the Essence of a Virgo Woman.

There's one thing to remember about a Virgo woman?she possesses immense courage, even if her shyness and reserve may suggest otherwise. She is capable of going to great lengths for the people she loves. When she says love, she means true love?no other type exists in her world. A Virgo female is a complete package! She possesses all the allure and femininity of any other woman, but she is far from weak. In fact, she exudes a resolute determination that allows her to achieve anything she sets her mind to.

In a relationship, she is unwaveringly devoted and loyal. However, if it becomes evident that the relationship is not working, she will sever all ties and become as distant as the North Pole. The characteristics profile of a Virgo woman showcases a peculiar blend of emotions and practicality, romance and common sense. When she falls in love, her passion and intensity are unmatched, rivaling only a select few. Yet, capturing her heart is an entirely different endeavor. She demands absolute perfection from her partner, even if she falls short in that very aspect.

Prepare yourself for her critical nature; it's best to become accustomed to it. A Virgo girl firmly believes in her own efficiency and organization?and frustratingly enough, she is often right. She values punctuality greatly, so it's wise not to be late when meeting her. While she won't shatter expensive vases when upset, she can be demanding and meticulous. If the fault lies with you, admitting your mistake while presenting her with flowers is a wise move. Avoid arguments, as they may incite her temper.

Giving her some space for a while will allow her to cool down. However, it is challenging for a Virgo woman to accept that she is wrong. Truth be told, most of the time, she isn't. While courting her and even after marriage, it is advisable to mind your manners. Abusive language, tardiness, sloppy attire, and disregard for table manners are intolerable to her. It would benefit you to enhance your vocabulary as well. She won't cling to you nor become completely aloof.

She possesses excellent financial management skills and extravagance is not among her traits. Public displays of affection make her uncomfortable, so it's best to keep such gestures subtle. Her taste is refined, and her intellect is highly developed. When attempting to win her over, taking her to places like the theater or art gallery would be ideal. Like a typical Virgo, she tends to worry excessively, and she may even take on your share of the worrying. She remains grounded and prefers to dwell in the real world.

Allow a Virgo female to execute her pursuit of perfection, and she will captivate you with her feminine allure. She is sensitive, and her emotions are delicate, yet she becomes incredibly strong when you require her support. With children, she exhibits considerate care, ensuring they don't run wild in their underclothes. She balances gentleness with firmness and demands discipline from them. Despite her critical nature, a Virgo woman does not handle criticism gracefully. This is because she is acutely aware of her own imperfections, as much as she is of yours.

Rather than fretting over her perfectionism, consider yourself fortunate to have such an enchanting woman who keeps your home pristine. Your toast will never burn, and your coffee will always be impeccably brewed. She possesses a delightful wit, and the sound of her laughter resembles the tinkling of little bells, doesn't it?

Personality Overview In Astro-Speak

Sun / Virgo

The Virgin is often associated with prudishness, but there is more to your character than meets the eye. In ancient times, the Virgin denoted a woman who was not owned by a man and possessed the right to refuse. In the modern context, Virgos are known for their discerning nature, especially when it comes to matters of personal desire. Once ready, your passion and intensity are unleashed, far from prudishness.

Virgos possess an uncanny ability to spot flaws in people, situations, and environments. Your practical analytical skills are unparalleled. While your thinking may not be the most creative, your sharp and precise mind proves highly effective. Like the maiden depicted in your glyph, you separate the wheat from the chaff, discerning the good from the bad. Though you may have a messy closet or a hidden disaster under your bed, you are far from perfectionistic.

Your motto could be "Perfect is almost good enough." This trait makes you highly employable as you refuse to settle for subpar work. However, being overly critical can limit your experiences and interactions before they even occur. Finding a balance between being discerning and open-minded will bring you greater happiness.

Element: Earth

Earth signs are rooted in practicality. We are bound to Earth during this lifetime, with no escape from the reality that surrounds us. Earth is tangible, felt, weighed, and possesses substance. Consequently, earth signs base their lives on what is real rather than what is imagined. Sensation holds more value than thoughts or emotions. Earth signs keep their feet planted firmly on the ground, sought after for their practical sensibility. Seeing is believing for earth signs.

The earth of Virgo is changeable and light, its touch gentle. It represents practical analysis, utilizing mental tools to discern the best use of what is within reach.

House: Sixth

The Sixth House revolves around the performance of work-related tasks. It encompasses not only careers but also the jobs that provide sustenance. Additionally, this house delves into matters of health and healing, encompassing daily habits and routines.

Key Planet: Mercury

Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods, holds the fastest orbit around the Sun. It symbolizes our thoughts and communication. Language, in all its forms, falls under Mercury's domain. It represents our active and rational mind, more than just the conveyance of factual information. As the key planet of Virgo, Mercury embodies intellectual discrimination. It governs the binary nature of our brain's neurons, determining whether an impulse is fired or not. Mercury represents the fundamental "yes" or "no" decision we make for every piece of information that enters our consciousness.

Greatest Strength:
Your ability to focus and concentrate.

Possible Weakness:
The pursuit of perfection can hinder enjoyment.

Personality Overview, Sign Info

Sun / Virgo


Symbol: The Virgin
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Quality: Mutable
Element: Earth
Basic Trait: I Analyze
Closest Metal: Quicksilver
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Lucky Colors: Saffron Yellow and Azure Blue
Lucky Gems: Topaz, Agate and Aquamarine
Lucky Flowers: Lilies

Personality Overview, cafeastrology

Sun / Virgo

Unveiling the Complex Tapestry of Diligence. In the modern era, it is a rare occurrence to encounter the stereotypical nitpicky, perfection-seeking, and obsessively clean Virgo. Yet, beneath the evolved surface lies an array of unmistakable traits. Virgo individuals are hard-working, honorable souls, driven by a love for knowledge and practicality.

Symbolized by the Virgin, Virgo embraces the concept of "natural" and exudes a sense of purity, self-sufficiency, and self-containment. While their sensitivity to the environment might cause them to blush with embarrassment, Virgos initially appear reticent in the face of novelty. However, once comfort settles in, they possess the gift of gab. Many Virgos feel at ease dwelling in the background, as long as they feel valued and useful. A strong sense of responsibility courses through their veins, compelling them to worry even when they deliberately embrace irresponsibility.

Not all Virgos are consumed by workaholism. Nevertheless, an idle Virgo experiences a vague sense of discontent. Even amidst an abundance of tasks, restlessness and nervous energy remain constant companions. Fear of underperforming weighs heavily on their minds. Virgos yearn to excel, to achieve mastery. Some exhibit meticulousness and thoroughness, while others struggle with perfectionism, leaving a trail of unfinished projects in their wake. However, the happiest Virgos find solace by pursuing genuine interests, no matter how small or grand, and truly mastering them.

The Virgo realm boasts a profound connection to the physical realm. Solar Virgos exude a heightened body awareness. While some may exhibit hypochondriac tendencies, most Virgos exhibit genuine concern for health and nutrition. Virgo is drawn to the realms of both natural purity and exploration of the unknown. Curiosity permeates their being, allowing them to become connoisseurs of various subjects. Their analytical prowess and attention to detail equip them to delve deep into any topic, although grasping the bigger picture might prove challenging.

The practical, material world often engulfs Solar Virgos, urging them to surrender to automatic pilot mode from time to time. In doing so, they discover liberation for their spirits. Yet, Virgos are notorious for being too hard on themselves. Health concerns and performance-related anxiety can lead to bouts of self-criticism and fussiness. Grievances and minor tantrums become commonplace when they are unwell.

Perfectionism defines the essence of Virgo. They yearn for mastery and dream of achieving excellence. Some Virgos succumb to their fear of perfection and convince themselves of indifference. Others perpetually dabble in various endeavors, leaving a trail of incomplete projects in their wake. Yet, the happiest Virgos embrace their innate need to strive for perfection without succumbing to its overwhelming grip. The key lies in finding a passion, however niche or expansive it may be, and becoming a true master of the craft.

Virgos are often private and meticulous about their workspaces. They grow anxious when others lay eyes on their unfinished endeavors, fiercely guarding their methodologies. Despite an overall lack of confidence, they can display a remarkable sense of pride and even arrogance in their work, routines, or hobbies. Secretly, they believe their way of doing things is the best?often with good reason. Virgos take pride in the minutiae of their actions, while simultaneously embodying self-effacement and self-criticism.

Solar Virgos often bewilder others, as their curiosity can be mistaken for passion. The surprising truth lies in their ability to keep certain pursuits confined to the intellectual realm. Nonetheless, their loyalty, research prowess, helpfulness, and keen observation skills make them invaluable assets in their social circles. They exude kindness and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure smooth functioning and harmony.

Beneath their refined exterior lies an enigmatic blend of intellect and practicality, often misinterpreted as aloofness. In reality, Virgos possess an underlying self-effacement and shyness, downplaying their accomplishments and deflecting compliments. Nevertheless, they crave respect and appreciation, finding contentment in feeling valued and useful. With worthwhile projects to occupy their minds and an abundance of appreciation, Virgos reveal their sweetest and most altruistic selves.

Personality Overview

Sun / Virgo


Strives for perfection,
Grounded in realism and practicality,
Dependable and sincere,
Exhibits patience.

Tendency towards excessive criticism,
Lacks demonstrativeness,
Pushes themselves beyond their limits.

The zodiac sign of Virgo is symbolized by 'The Virgin,' yet the similarities end there. Individuals born under the sign of Virgo are deeply devoted to their families. They are not particularly talkative and often stand apart from the crowd. However, they possess a keen eye for even the smallest details. The defining trait of a typical Virgo is their pursuit of perfection. Every aspect of their surroundings must be flawless. Rather than asking for change, they prefer to carry the exact amount required when purchasing bread. They are not inclined towards being party-goers, as they generally dislike large crowds.

Virgos are firmly grounded in the real world. They neither indulge in daydreaming nor make wishes upon stars. A single glance at them might evoke a sense of burden, for they often appear weighed down by worries. In fact, it seems as though Virgos actively seek out reasons to worry. They are highly conscious of their appearance, spending hours in front of the mirror to ensure that every crease on their trousers is precisely in place. From clothing to perfume, everything must be perfect. Virgos possess the peculiar habit of taking on more work than they can manage comfortably.

Consequently, they stretch themselves beyond their limits, often resulting in frayed nerves. While they may exude an air of composure on the outside, inwardly they are plagued by anxiety. However, one can always rely on a Virgo for dependability and sincerity. Occasionally, they may resort to a harmless lie, usually to avoid attending an event or engaging in an undesired activity. Virgos display a highly critical nature towards those around them. This includes their loved ones, as everything and everyone falls under the scrutiny of their ever-analyzing eyes.

They are meticulous about cleanliness, intolerant of laziness, abhor procrastination, and remain acutely aware of flaws and faults, even within their closest relationships. They pay great attention to each and every detail. However, this does not imply that Virgos lack a sense of humor. It is simply that they despise impropriety and cannot tolerate sloppiness. Should such instances arise, they become irritable and snappy. Nevertheless, composure, patience, a caring demeanor, and enduring qualities define their true essence.

While a Virgo may criticize others for their faults, they will be the first to offer assistance when trouble arises. However, mentioning a Virgo's overly critical attitude in their presence will only be met with denial. Paradoxically, they remain blind to their own faults. Virgos possess a restlessness that prevents them from remaining in one place for too long. If you are in love with a Virgo, keep in mind that their expression of love is subtle. You won't hear them shouting "I love you" from rooftops. Nonetheless, their dedication is in no way diminished compared to other zodiac signs. They simply struggle to express their emotions fully and may lack demonstrativeness.

As much as Virgos enjoy helping others, they find it challenging to accept favors. They prefer to be self-reliant and abhor the feeling of indebtedness. While they may not spend extravagantly on themselves, they become lavish when it comes to their loved ones or those in need. In such cases, it is important not to waste their generosity, as it would cause them pain. Regarding Virgo's critical nature, it is essential to remember that it is an inherent trait. They were born to notice even the slightest of faults. In fact, Virgos are most critical of themselves. Additionally, punctuality holds great importance to them, and they do not take lateness lightly. Time is of the utmost value to a Virgo.

Virgos harbor affection for small, helpless creatures, just as they cherish honesty, punctuality, savings, caution, and vigilance. They embody true individualism, possessing a secret way of etching themselves into the hearts of others.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Virgo

The Virgo Child
Affection and emotional support are essential for young Virgos, who may be reserved and have difficulty developing friendships. These children are not inherently competitive, and may concede to more assertive playmates. They are usually studious, and parents should encourage them to engage in some "cool" activities to boost their social inclusion.

Overall Personality, As A Friend

Sun / Virgo

The Virgo Friend
Virgo friends, often shy and self-effacing, may struggle to form connections with others. They may lack self-confidence but, with effort, are capable of achieving impressive accomplishments. Loyal and long-standing, Virgo friends often surround themselves with those who possess more outgoing personalities.

Overall Personality, As A Lover

Sun / Virgo

The Virgo Lover
Though Virgos may not seem exceedingly romantic, they offer their whole heart without any pretense. They highly value loyalty and fidelity, aligning with partners who share similar beliefs. Treating marriage as both a love relationship and a functional partnership, Virgos invest deeply in their commitments.

Details of Your Personality, Famous Personalities

Sun / Virgo

Famous Virgo Personalities

There is no dearth of Virgo personalities in the list of the most famous celebrities of the world. In each and every field of life, you will find the critical Virgos making their presence felt. Read on further to get a list of the famous Virgo celebrity:

* Arthur Godfrey Goethe
* D. H. Lawrence
* Elia Kazan
* Greta Garbo
* H. L. Mencken
* Henry Ford II
* Ingrid Bergman
* John Gunther
* Joseph Kennedy
* Lauren Bacall
* Leonard Bernstein
* Lyndon Johnson
* Maurice Chevalier
* Peter Sellers
* Prince Albert
* Queen Elizabeth
* Robert Benchley
* Robert Taft
* Roy Wilkins
* Sid Caesar
* Sophia Loren
* Theodore Dreiser
* Walter Reuther
* William Howard Taft

* Aug 25: Sean Connery
* Aug 25: Claudia Schiffer
* Aug 29: Michael Jackson
* Aug 30: Cameron Diaz
* Aug 31: Richard Gere
* Sep 2: Mark Harmon
* Sep 2: Keanu Reeves
* Sep 2: Salma Hayek
* Sep 4: Beyonce Knowles
* Sep 8: Rachel Hunter
* Sep 9: Hugh Grant
* Sep 9: Michelle Williams
* Sep 15: Tommy Lee Jones
* Sep 18: Lance Armstrong
* Sep 21: Stephen King

Prince Albert Lauren Bacall Robert Benchley Ingrid Bergman Leonard Bernstein Sid Caesar Maurice Chevalier Theodore Dreiser Queen Elizabeth I Henry Ford II Greta Garbo Arthur Godfrey Goethe, John Gunther Lyndon Johnson Elia Kazan Joseph Kennedy Lafayette D. H. Lawrence Sophia Loren H. L. Mencken Walter Reuther Cardinal Richelieu Peter Sellers Robert Taft, William Howard Taft Roy Wilkins

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Virgo

The VIRGO Boss

"We can talk," said the Tiger-lily:
"when there's anybody worth talking to.'

The Virgo boss may appear troubled and discontented, longing for genuine connection and understanding. They are not naturally suited for high-powered executive roles that demand forceful leadership, often regretting the decision to take on more than they can handle. While there are exceptions based on individual planetary positions, the majority of Virgos excel as the supportive force behind the scenes, skillfully executing the ideas of others. They find fulfillment as the chairman of the board, rather than as the president of a large corporation burdened with employee issues and the need for a charismatic public image. In fact, it's rare to encounter a Virgo in such prominent positions.

Virgos possess a unique ability to see the finer details, but they may miss the bigger picture, which makes them invaluable as the guiding hand behind the scenes. While others paint with broad strokes, Virgos meticulously refine and perfect the intricate details, turning wild schemes with countless loose ends into successful ventures. However, they are not comfortable in public-facing roles where their meticulous magic is exposed, and their genuine intentions are misunderstood as double-talk and deception.

Virgos possess an unwavering commitment to honesty and accuracy, which can clash with the demands of an executive position. While others may smile and say "yes" when they mean "no" or vice versa, Virgos call a spade a spade, leaving them bewildered when people accuse them of being sly or hypocritical. Unfortunately, their aversion to hypocrisy becomes a stumbling block when placed in positions that require them to compromise their integrity. The Virgo, in self-defense, may resort to deception, which is not their natural talent, further fueling accusations of duplicity. It's a pity because Virgos despise hypocrisy. However, this is the price they pay for occupying a role that doesn't align with their true nature. Endless lunches with clients, social obligations, and political maneuvering are draining for a Virgo, pushing them closer to mental exhaustion.

Deep down, the Virgo boss recognizes that their true strength lies in executing the internal machinery of an organization, rather than taking center stage. They would rather remain focused on their work, diligently charting potential risks and ensuring the absence of errors. In smaller companies with fewer employees, a Virgo boss can thrive as the captain of the ship, safeguarding against unforeseen obstacles. However, the intricate workings of big businesses and the demands of a typical executive position do not harmonize well with the Virgo's nature, with few exceptions. Virgos with specific astrological placements, such as a Cancer ascendant and a Capricorn Moon, can excel in large organizations and scientific research groups, leveraging their meticulousness and practicality.

Your eagle-eyed Virgo boss won't overlook sloppy mistakes or tolerate office flirtations and careless habits. To earn their respect, maintain a tidy desk, dress modestly, and listen attentively to their instructions. Criticism will be abundant, but the Virgo boss is fair-hearted and generous to those who meet their high standards. They may not shower you with extravagant gifts, but they will compensate you fairly and never cheat you. It's impossible to deceive them, as they have an uncanny ability to accurately assess your worth. Accept their critical nature gracefully, for it may even mold you into a better professional.

Honesty is essential when dealing with a Virgo boss. Lying is futile, as they see through falsehoods effortlessly. Despite their tendency to nitpick, a Virgo's bark is often worse than their bite. They are gentle souls, often plagued by loneliness and hidden dreams. They struggle to make friends easily and deeply appreciate encouragement and understanding. Disregard the label of stinginess others may attach to them, and instead seek their support during times of genuine trouble to witness their true compassion.

While others may dismiss them as troubled and discontented, a Virgo boss holds a secret dream within, longing for genuine connection and understanding. Look past their surface demeanor, and you may be surprised to find a kind-hearted and compassionate soul.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Virgo

The VIRGO Employee
There is an inherent perplexity in the nature of a Virgo employee that makes them truly unique. Treasure this employee, plan their advancement slowly and meticulously, and consider grooming them for the role of your trusted assistant. Avoid rushing their progress, as quick promotions may instill a sense of unpreparedness and reluctance.

While it's not necessary to shower them with excessive bonuses, it's important to ensure fair compensation. Virgos are well aware of their own value in the job market and won't hesitate to seek opportunities elsewhere if they perceive unfair treatment. It's a common misconception that Virgos provide service without seeking personal gratification. In truth, they do expect to be rewarded for their efforts, as financial security holds significant importance for them. It's not about material status or a desire to accumulate wealth; rather, it's rooted in their deep-seated fear of being dependent on others in old age. The mere thought of such vulnerability sends shivers down their spine. However, it's worth noting that Virgos often enjoy better health in their later years compared to other zodiac signs. Despite this, concerns about health and financial stability linger in their minds. The twin specters of hospitals and poverty are never far from their thoughts, motivating them to seek career advancement and secure their future. When that point of financial security is reached, the nervous intensity that characterizes Virgos begins to ease, though they never truly relax. Nail-biting and allergies may lessen, but a certain level of concern remains.

Virgo employees possess an impeccable eye for detail, sometimes to an uncomfortable extent. Being the boss won't shield you from their keen observation and straightforward manner of pointing out mistakes. Titles and positions hold no sanctity for them; what matters most is achieving perfection. Nevertheless, they will likely display more outward courtesy and respect toward you compared to their peers.

You can always rely on these employees, whether male or female, to possess strong analytical skills and excellent taste. Their sharp sense of discrimination makes them exceptional critics, swiftly identifying weaknesses in a plan or project. Virgo workers are adaptable, versatile, clear-thinking, precise, intelligent, and dependable. They never submit sloppy work and have no tolerance for incomplete tasks or laziness?be it from others or even occasional laziness from the boss. If you take a day off for a game of golf, don't be surprised if you return to the office to find a subtly disapproving look from your Virgo employee, although they will likely keep their thoughts to themselves.

Virgos thrive in businesses that provide service to the general public. Publishing, the literary field, medicine, pharmacy, food-related industries, scientific laboratories, service agencies, bookkeeping, and accounting are all domains where Virgos excel. They handle their tasks competently and efficiently, leaving no detail unconsidered. Virgos have no patience for half-done work or laziness, including their own. Thus, it is safe to entrust your Virgo employee with tasks that require minimal supervision. Their unwavering ethics and sense of responsibility make them reliable team members. However, they may prefer working alone or beside you rather than facing possible criticism from coworkers. Virgos work quickly, though it may not be immediately apparent. They feel insecure about taking shortcuts and will not be satisfied until they have checked all the facts. Their cautious and methodical approach ensures thoroughness, even if it gives the appearance of slowness.

Advertising may not be a natural fit for their practical and realistic nature, but Virgos can be valuable in roles where they meticulously address the aftermath of creative brainstorms gone awry. They ensure that grand ideas thrown into the promotional mix are free from major flaws.

Sending your Virgo employee out for company promotion or sales isn't advisable. Their honesty and plain-spoken nature make it difficult for them to paint overly optimistic pictures for potential customers. Moreover, their inherently shy and reserved disposition prevents them from pushing themselves or your firm with excessive enthusiasm. Only a few exceptions to the rule become successful salespeople.

Virgo employees dress neatly, speak with refined diction, maintain impeccable cleanliness, and often have a desk so tidy it may seem bare. While a Virgo's desk may appear cluttered to an outsider, they know the exact order amid the apparent chaos and can locate any item with precision. Every postage stamp and paper clip is accounted for, even if it appears as a heap of rubbish to others.

When a Virgo employee becomes noticeably untidy, whether at work or home, it often indicates underlying emotional unhappiness?similar to a Sagittarian suddenly becoming neat and meticulous.

Resist the urge to criticize a Virgo's work. They will likely identify their own mistakes before you do. If criticism is necessary, keep it brief and gentle. Forget any unnecessary criticism entirely. It takes very little to warm their hearts with loyalty and gratitude, but it also takes very little to cause a Virgo to bristle, fret, and sulk. However, when faced with a genuine crisis, they will astonish you with their unwavering support and assistance. During such times, they will appear to have grown two feet taller.

Avoid subjecting Virgos to environments with wild, bright colors, as it disrupts their inner tranquility. Provide them with modern and efficient equipment to optimize their performance. Virgos dislike noise and confusion in their workspaces. Additionally, they thrive on regular schedules, so granting them a fixed day off and adhering to it is crucial. While they are willing to work overtime when needed, they detest the insecurity and confusion of shifting schedules. Though their emotional needs may be concealed, they still exist, and showing genuine appreciation can make a significant difference.

While it's true that some Virgos engage in esoteric or imaginative work, their fundamental nature remains unchanged. An astrologer born under this sign will approach their occult investigations with meticulous precision. A Virgo poet will adhere to precise meter, a Virgo painter will focus on intricate details, and a Virgo actor or actress will diligently study and perfect dialects or accents for their roles. Do not be surprised when individuals born under a particular Sun sign do not align with the stereotypical career choices associated with their sign. Through careful observation, you will see that they are still true to their fundamental nature.

Once you have gradually elevated your Virgo employee from an entry-level position (which they don't mind starting with) to become your trusted right-hand person, you can truly relax and enjoy a game of golf, knowing that a reliable individual is holding the fort at the office. However, you may experience a twinge of guilt when you return, met with reproachful gazes from those lovely, clear Virgo eyes. Have you ever noticed just how attractive your Virgo employee is? Take another look.

"Will you, won't you, will you, won't you,
will you join the dance?
The further off from England, the nearer is to France."
"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledum,
"if it was so, it might be;
and, if it were so, it would be;
but as it isn't, it ain't.
That's logic."

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Virgo

The VIRGO Child

But four young oysters hurried up,
All eager for the treat:
Their coats -were brushed, their faces washed,
Their shoes were clean and neat-

From the earliest moments, the Virgo baby displays a remarkable ability to imitate sounds,
their alertness contrasting with a peaceful and serene nature,
foretelling a future personality that alternates between soothing and exasperating.

Feeding a little Virgo applesauce when they desire peaches may lead to a lengthy battle,
with applesauce adorning the high chair,
but not a speck of it making its way into their stomach,
despite the charming smile as they firmly turn their head away.
Their meticulous selectivity regarding food emerges early on.

Aside from being finicky eaters and occasional spells of indigestion,
raising a Virgo child is a pleasant experience,
with minimal conflicts and tantrums.
Even at a young age, these children possess a natural inclination for neatness,
cheerfully tidying up their toys.
While they may appear bashful and reserved in the presence of others,
around family and friends, they possess a gift for conversation.
Virgo children tend to speak fluently and early, except in front of strangers.
They are generally well-behaved and respond positively to instructions,
requiring minimal scolding.

In the classroom, Virgos often become teacher's pets,
thanks to their easy discipline and meticulous approach to studying.
Educating a typical, bright Virgo child with gentle manners is a delight,
though excessive criticism can lead to undue worry and even illness.

Occasionally, the typically shy and quiet Virgo child will surprise the teacher and classmates,
raising their hand to point out an error made by the instructor,
causing moments of embarrassment for the teacher (who is, after all, human).
Virgo students have an inherent thirst for knowledge and facts,
rarely questioning authority but often seeking to understand the underlying principles.
They believe that the printed word alone may not suffice for their curious and meticulous minds.
Educational toys are essential for their development,
and from a young age, they should be exposed to as much reading as possible.
Failure to provide them with a comprehensive education can leave them feeling like unhappy misfits as adults.

During adolescence, it's best to give the Virgo teenager space,
avoiding teasing or prying into their romantic interests.
Virgos tend to be cautious about forming close relationships that may lead to marriage,
so it's crucial to facilitate their journey with minimal obstacles.

To fulfill their emotional needs, provide the Virgo child with ample displays of physical affection.
Though they may never show it, they deeply crave this type of love,
and the lack of it can profoundly impact their future relationships.
Even the most intelligent and attractive Virgo children often need reassurance
that their modest and unassuming nature is genuinely appealing.
Encouragement, bear hugs, sincere compliments, and pats on the back are essential daily doses of emotional nourishment,
in addition to their regular dietary requirements.

Virgo children often exhibit exacting habits and become upset when their belongings are disturbed or their privacy invaded.
They have a particular routine and become disoriented if it is disrupted.
While asking for their frank opinion may prove risky,
they generally maintain polite behavior in social settings.
These children possess a strong sense of responsibility at a young age,
displaying empathy towards their parents' headaches and financial concerns.
Expect them to strive earnestly for good grades, assist with household chores willingly,
and manage their allowance with care.

Although they are far from perfect and may frustrate you with their selective preferences,
such as removing beans from chili or refusing to wear a recently ironed shirt due to minor wrinkles,
a Virgo child is typically a joy to have around the house.

Consider getting them a small pet, like a kitten or a bird,
to teach them about love and responsibility through caring for a helpless creature.
Avoid larger pets like St. Bernards or police dogs,
as a typical Virgo child tends to prefer smaller companions.
They may find ant villages fascinating,
as observing the industrious ants going about their business can captivate their curious and practical minds.

Listen attentively when they speak, as their wisdom often surpasses their years.
Minimize nagging by clearly communicating your expectations,
as they genuinely strive to please when they understand what is required of them.
Remember that their imagination requires nourishment and room to grow;
otherwise, it may wither away.
You need not worry about spoiling them or creating excessive illusions.
Virgo children possess a resilient nature.

Immerse them in beautiful dreams that fill their hearts,
as these enchanting moments of fantasy will provide vital emotional balance in adulthood.
Ensure they have a secret star to wish upon,
for memories of magical daydreams will comfort them in times of future loneliness,
of which there will be many.
Unlike other children, young Virgos may not gravitate towards fairy tales and make-believe;
they are true little realists.
Perhaps that's precisely why they need such stories more than anyone else.

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