Read Caprice Bourret's Cosmic DNA

Caprice Bourret
Caprice Bourret
12:00 pm
Hacienda Heights, California
34N0 118W2 (-7 GMT)
Scorpio (0) / Libra
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (11)  
Scorpio (16)  
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Gemini (5) / Taurus
Libra (15)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Libra (0) / Virgo

Birthchart Info

Caprice Bourret
12:00 pm
Hacienda Heights, California
34N0 118W2 (-7 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Scorpio (0) / Libra
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (11)  
Scorpio (16)  
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Gemini (5) / Taurus
Libra (15)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Libra (0) / Virgo

Lighter Side
Section: Lighter Side / Report: GOODNESS

What You Are Thankful For

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
While Scorpio may seem invulnerable, they are prone to jealousy and suspicion. As a result, their most significant blessing is achieving a sense of peace of mind. When everyone is accounted for, and no concerns have been raised, Scorpio can enjoy the day, knowing everything is as it should be.

What You Are Thankful For

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Libra's most significant blessing is love. Without a romantic partner, Libras often feel unbalanced. Simply having a love interest or going on a first date constitutes a valuable blessing for Libra. Navigating life with a partner is crucial, much like the animals that boarded Noah's Ark two by two, and forming lasting partnerships feels like the ultimate reward.

How You Can Go Pink

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Channel your passion and intensity constructively this month into various projects. As Scorpios are associated with "other people's money", fundraising may be your forte. Investigate lesser-known causes and treatments for breast cancer, an area also ruled by your sign.

How You Can Go Pink

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Libras excel at event-planning with their exceptional social skills – coordinating logistics, designating responsibilities, and making everything aesthetically pleasing. Consider organizing an art auction or fashion show to raise funds for research or education, an extension of your love for culture.

How You Could GO GREEN

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio, you can be a part of compassionate change by giving back to your community. You can begin by recycling plastic bags and water bottles before moving on to bigger projects like creating wilderness corridors for endangered species or designing underground homes that save on heating and cooling bills. Engage in green activism by writing letters to the editor to demand change.

How You Could GO GREEN

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Living sustainably can be easily integrated into being a social entertainer, Libra. You can use compostable partyware or invest in eco-resin or recycled newspaper pulp kitchen counters. Use energy-efficient light bulbs and swap out your Teflon-coated aluminum pans for pure stainless-steel kitchenware. Joining a neighborhood co-op and sharing a car with your spouse can also help reduce emissions.

How You Might Voluneteer, Use Your Good Intentions

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Scorpios possess a deep understanding of birth and death. Your skills would be greatly valued in a hospital's maternity ward or in hospice work to help guide dying individuals through their transition. Additionally, you may excel in counseling survivors of trauma, manning crisis hotlines, or supporting battered women and children in shelters.

How You Might Voluneteer, Use Your Good Intentions

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 to October 22)
As a Libra, your pursuit of harmony and balance makes you an excellent candidate for teaching conflict resolution to disadvantaged adolescents or inmates. Your aesthetic sensibilities and love for art could be channeled into coordinating fundraising dinners or maintaining the beauty of conservatories, galleries, and other cultural spaces.

Your Way of Lending a Hand, How You Offer Support

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Practical Service and Thorough Research. When a loved one requires support, Scorpio finds solace in being of service. Whether it's bringing hot meals to a sick friend, mowing the lawn for an incapacitated neighbor, or running errands for a harried parent, you find practical ways to assist. Upon learning about someone's illness, you delve into extensive research to compile a list of health professionals specializing in their condition. Transporting sick or elderly individuals to doctor's appointments exemplifies the pragmatic aid you provide. Your support lies in tangible actions that make a difference.

Your Way of Lending a Hand, How You Offer Support

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Bringing Joy and Levity. Libra cannot bear to witness someone feeling down, and you go to great lengths to bring joy back into their lives. Taking loved ones out to drink, dance, and dine their troubles away is your preferred method of assistance. Renting funny movies and curating a CD of inspirational songs are also common endeavors to lift a friend's spirits. When all else fails, embarking on a festive shopping spree tends to lighten the mood. Your support thrives on bringing levity to those in need, creating moments of laughter and happiness.

Historic Women, Their Driving Forces and Yours

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Marie Antoinette: November 2, 1755

Marie Antoinette, the enigmatic figure synonymous with Scorpio's allure, dwells in the realm of profound desire and unyielding ambition. An embodiment of refined taste and opulence, she endeavored to secure a prosperous existence for herself and her kin. Married at a tender age to King Louis XVI, she embodied Scorpio's regal pride and unswerving dignity, standing steadfast as a loyal wife and protective mother. Marie's fortitude shone brightly during the turbulent Reign of Terror, as she bravely faced the guillotine after witnessing her husband's tragic demise.

Historic Women, Their Driving Forces and Yours

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Eleanor Roosevelt: October 11, 1884

Diplomacy lies at the heart of Libra's quintessence, and Eleanor Roosevelt possessed this extraordinary gift in abundance. Her life's journey traversed treacherous terrain, navigating the aftermath of her husband's infidelity with unwavering grace. As one of the country's first delegates to the United Nations General Assembly, she fostered an atmosphere of tranquility and sought to bridge divides. Eleanor's contributions extended far beyond the domestic sphere; she co-authored The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, championing the cause of individual liberties. Her unwavering commitment to civil rights during the transformative 1960s further attests to Libra's remarkable ability to comprehend both sides of a dispute and orchestrate heroic efforts to unite them.

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