Read Caprice Bourret's Cosmic DNA

Caprice Bourret
Caprice Bourret
12:00 pm
Hacienda Heights, California
34N0 118W2 (-7 GMT)
Scorpio (0) / Libra
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (11)  
Scorpio (16)  
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Gemini (5) / Taurus
Libra (15)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Libra (0) / Virgo

Birthchart Info

Caprice Bourret
12:00 pm
Hacienda Heights, California
34N0 118W2 (-7 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Scorpio (0) / Libra
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (11)  
Scorpio (16)  
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Gemini (5) / Taurus
Libra (15)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Libra (0) / Virgo

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Personality

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Aquarius

The Unconventional Visionary: Embracing the Independent Power of Mars in Aquarius

Mars ventures into uncharted territories when it aligns with the unconventional sign of Aquarius, giving birth to a unique and original cosmic energy. Mars in Aquarius individuals possess an extraordinary outlook on life, reveling in the art of surprise and defying conventional methods.

Independence is highly prized by these individuals, who refuse to conform to the tried-and-true approaches. They relish in the astonishment of others, thriving on the unexpected. While Mars in Aquarius individuals maintain their personal freedom with fervor, their obstinacy can manifest when they feel cornered or confined. Predictability is anathema to their innovative spirits.

With Mars, the planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign like Aquarius, mental and intellectual pursuits become paramount. Mars in Aquarius individuals channel their vigor into cerebral realms, employing a shotgun-style approach to projects and endeavors. They possess a remarkable talent for getting what they desire, cleverly manipulating situations to align with their vision. Their versatility and ingenuity ensure they are not easily dominated by others, maintaining a degree of creative autonomy.

These individuals value the freedom and individuality of both themselves and others, carving out ample space for personal expression. Touchy-feely sentiments and traditional gestures often elicit laughter and disbelief from Mars in Aquarius natives. Intimacy is approached with detachment, perplexing those who crave greater emotional connection. However, compassion and love serve as their guiding mission, as they champion the cause of humanity.

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Pisces

The Serene Dreamer: Nurturing the Gentle Power of Mars in Pisces

Mars, the planet of action and assertion, meets the passive and gentle sign of Pisces, ushering in a serene and indirect cosmic energy. Mars in Pisces individuals navigate life's currents in a meandering fashion, often exhibiting a reluctance to assert themselves directly. Instead, they allow life to unfold, embracing a "go with the flow" philosophy.

Feelings of guilt surrounding their anger and difficulties in asserting themselves can plague Mars in Pisces natives. Indirect aggression may stir beneath the surface when they fail to find creative outlets for their energy. However, they possess an innate charm that makes it difficult to believe they could harm a fly. Yet, those who fail to find constructive expression for their desires may unwittingly stir up storms through covert means.

Games and manipulation are not foreign to Mars in Pisces individuals, although their own desires may remain elusive and ever-changing. Their fluctuating desires make it challenging to discern where they stand on various issues. Some harness this energy in the pursuit of compassion and love, making these ideals the guiding principles of their lives.

Energy levels for Mars in Pisces natives ebb and flow, characterized by bursts of activity followed by inertia. Balancing this fluctuation can be a challenge, particularly in traditional work environments. The happiest individuals with this placement find creative outlets that allow them to freely express their desires, compassion, and even their anger. Musicians and artists often embody this placement, using their chosen medium to channel their emotions.

The grand cosmic tapestry weaves unique and intricate patterns as Mars journeys through each zodiac sign. Understanding the interplay between Mars and the signs empowers us to embrace our innate drives, harnessing their energies to shape our lives and navigate the diverse landscapes of human experience.

Details of Your Personality, as The Woman

Sun / Scorpio

"Adventure awaits, just beyond the horizon . . ."

The Sagittarius woman is a wild, untamed spirit, roaming freely through life's vast playground. She's a perpetual seeker of knowledge, always hungry for new experiences and uncharted territories. Her heart is filled with wanderlust, and her soul yearns for the open road.

Her infectious laughter echoes through the air, as she dances to the rhythm of her own heartbeat. There's a sparkle in her eyes that hints at the countless tales she carries within. She's a free-spirited rebel, challenging the norms and embracing the unconventional. You can try to tame her, but she'll slip through your fingers like sand, always seeking the next thrilling adventure.

She possesses an insatiable thirst for knowledge, eager to explore the depths of philosophy, religion, and higher truths. Her mind is a treasure trove of wisdom, shaped by her vast array of experiences. But don't mistake her intellectual pursuits for seriousness. She finds joy in the simplest of pleasures and delights in the absurdities of life. She's a philosopher disguised as a jester, teaching profound lessons through her playful antics.

The Sagittarius girl is a fearless explorer, unafraid to venture into the unknown. She'll climb mountains, swim in oceans, and chase after shooting stars. Her spirit knows no boundaries, and she's always in search of the next thrill. She may jump from one passion to another, never settling for mediocrity. She craves the rush of adrenaline that comes with conquering new frontiers.

In matters of love, she's an enigma, forever dancing on the edge of commitment. Her heart belongs to the world, and she finds it hard to be tied down by traditional notions of romance. She seeks a partner who understands her need for freedom and can keep up with her wild spirit. Love is an adventure for her, and she's willing to take risks for the right person.

The Sagittarius woman is fiercely independent, and she'll fiercely defend her autonomy. She's not one to conform to societal expectations or be confined by the opinions of others. She's a trailblazer, forging her own path with confidence and determination. Her optimism is infectious, and she spreads her enthusiasm wherever she goes.

While she may appear carefree and lighthearted, there's a profound depth to her soul. She's a seeker of truth and meaning, always questioning the status quo. She may challenge your beliefs and push you to expand your horizons. She's not afraid to ruffle feathers or challenge authority. Her rebellious spirit is a catalyst for change and growth.

In her presence, you'll never be bored. She's a storyteller, spinning tales of her adventures that will leave you breathless. She'll take you on journeys you've only dreamed of, opening your eyes to new perspectives and pushing you to step outside your comfort zone. With her, life is a grand adventure, and every moment is an opportunity for growth.

She may struggle with commitment at times, feeling trapped by routine and domesticity. Her free spirit yearns for open spaces and endless possibilities. But if you can match her pace and embrace her wild heart, she'll be a loyal and passionate partner. She'll fill your life with excitement, laughter, and a sense of wonder.

The Sagittarius woman is a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of energy and passion. She embodies the spirit of the archer, aiming for the stars and shooting straight into the heart of life. She may be unpredictable and unconventional, but she'll always leave a lasting impression on your soul. Embrace her wildness, and you'll embark on the greatest adventure of your life.


"Strength and determination, the foundation of her empire . . ."

The Capricorn woman is a force to be reckoned with, a formidable powerhouse of ambition and discipline. She's the architect of her destiny, meticulously building her empire brick by brick. With unwavering determination, she scales the mountains of success, leaving a trail of accomplishments in her wake.

She exudes an air of quiet confidence, commanding respect wherever she goes. Her presence is solid and unwavering, a testament to her unwavering resolve. She's a master of self-control, carefully managing her emotions and channeling her energy towards her goals. Her strong will and relentless work ethic are the pillars upon which she builds her success.

Behind her composed exterior lies a wellspring of ambition. She dreams big and sets her sights on the loftiest peaks. Failure is not an option for her, as she's willing to put in the hard work and sacrifice needed to achieve her goals. She thrives on challenges and thrives under pressure, always pushing herself to surpass her own limits.

The Capricorn girl is practical and pragmatic, with a keen eye for detail. She approaches life with a strategic mindset, carefully calculating her moves to ensure maximum efficiency. Her organizational skills are unparalleled, and she can effortlessly juggle multiple responsibilities without breaking a sweat. She's the one you turn to when you need a problem solved or a project executed flawlessly.

In matters of love, she may appear guarded and reserved. She values stability and security, seeking a partner who can match her ambition and drive. She's not one for frivolous romances or fleeting passions. She's looking for a solid foundation on which to build a lasting partnership. Loyalty and trust are paramount to her, and she expects the same level of commitment from her partner.

The Capricorn woman is fiercely independent, never relying on others to pave her way. She's a self-made woman, carving her own path through sheer determination and hard work. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and put in the long hours necessary to achieve her goals. Her resilience and perseverance are an inspiration to those around her.

While she may be seen as serious and focused, there's a softer side to her that she keeps hidden from the world. She craves love and affection, but she'll only reveal her vulnerability to those she trusts implicitly. She may struggle with expressing her emotions openly, preferring to show her love through actions rather than words. But once she lets you into her heart, her love is unwavering and steadfast.

The Capricorn woman is a master of time management, always making the most of every minute. She values efficiency and productivity, and she expects the same from those around her. She's a natural leader, capable of guiding others towards success. Her sense of responsibility is unmatched, and she'll go above and beyond to fulfill her obligations.

In her presence, you'll feel a sense of stability and security. She's a rock, always there to lean on in times of need. She's the anchor that keeps you grounded and focused. With her by your side, you'll feel empowered to reach for the stars and achieve greatness. She'll be your biggest supporter and your most trusted confidante.

She may have high standards and expectations, but she'll never ask of others what she's not willing to give herself. She leads by example, embodying the principles of integrity, hard work, and perseverance. Her strength is unwavering, and she'll stand by your side through thick and thin. With her, you'll find a partner who's not afraid to dream big and work tirelessly to make those dreams a reality.

The Capricorn woman is a force to be reckoned with, a true embodiment of determination and resilience. She's a beacon of inspiration, showing others what's possible with hard work and unwavering focus. Embrace her strength, and together, you can conquer the world.

Details of Your Personality, as The Woman

Sun / Libra

The LIBRA Woman
In the realm of beauty and grace, she dances
to a melody that only she can hear, swaying
between enchantment and perplexity...

She possesses the uncanny ability to see
both sides of every argument and offer advice
that she herself rarely follows...

Once a child asked me a question that stumped me. "Why do men wear suits and women wear flowery dresses?" I hurriedly responded, "Well, you see, there's a touch of masculinity in every woman and a touch of femininity in every man. Now let's play a game."

Reflecting on that moment, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in my spontaneous wisdom. This notion holds true for all Sun signs, but it particularly resonates with Libra. Within the most delicate, graceful Libran female lies a surprising ease in donning trousers and effortlessly embodying both masculine and feminine qualities.

She may appear as delicate as a fluffy bunny, whispering softly with gentle persuasion. She adorns herself in silks and laces, her hair exuding the fragrance of cologne. She might even resemble a doll that can be lifted with a single hand (unless influenced by Taurus or Sagittarius, which would add more substance to her frame). But beneath her femininity and lovely manners, this woman wears trousers with astonishing grace and poise. Her mental faculties operate with the logic of men, engaging in discussions with equal prowess. She can even surpass you at times, though the feminine side of a Libra woman is usually too astute to let you realize it until after the honeymoon. Yet, when the time is right, she will display the full might of her intellect.

Most Libra women take every opportunity to showcase their cleverness and wit in any debate that arises. It could be a discussion about the relevance of button-down collars or the reasons behind a lack of promotion at work (which she will attribute partly to your fault and partly to your boss's fault, always seeking to achieve equilibrium). If you resist her bait, she will engage in an argument with herself, single-handedly starting, pursuing, and concluding a lively discourse. Your role may be limited to interjecting with a "But why?" or "I disagree," but sometimes that's all she needs to deliver a brilliant monologue that can last for hours. Throughout it all, you will find yourself drowning in her charm. Every third sentence, she will enchant you with an irresistible smile, causing you to change your stance as effortlessly as she shifts between her masculine and feminine energies. She will convince you with clear logic and reasoning, leaving you to surrender not only your pride but also your opinions. After all, her final decisions are as carefully deliberated as those of the Supreme Court. Libra females need little encouragement to engage in a verbal duel on any subject. A politically charged season offers ample opportunities for her to sharpen her rhetoric and argumentative skills. Once she has made up her mind about the right side and the right candidate, she becomes a formidable political force.

Beyond her inclination to weigh all perspectives meticulously, she can be a delightful and fulfilling partner for a man seeking romance and companionship. While her penchant for debate may sometimes appear mundane, you will genuinely appreciate her commitment to fairness and her ability to judge accurately by considering all sides of an issue. Other women may express opinions that reflect their individual natures, caring little about your thoughts or striving for an impartial response. But a Libra woman recognizes the significance of your opinions, granting them the same respect as her own and even that of the great philosophers until a decision is reached, taking into account the flaws in her arguments, yours, and those of all the thinkers of the world.

Most Venusian women work before and after marriage, driven by the desire to acquire the finer things in life. A Libra woman longs for the luxurious feathers to adorn her nest. She delights in exquisite clothing, expensive perfumes, classical music, and—wait, did someone say she was masculine? Yes, indeed. But you would hardly notice her strong-willed nature beneath the charming hairstyles she wears. Libra women require substantial funds to rescue them from the squalor and disharmony of unbalanced environments, which can have adverse effects on their emotional and physical well-being. However, there is another reason why she seeks financial stability—to support her partner. Above all else, the man she loves, honors, and manages holds a special place in a Libra woman's heart.

She abhors solitude and cherishes partnerships in both business and love. She dislikes working alone and is incapable of living in isolation. When Libra women consult astrologers, they often ask two significant questions: "When will I meet someone I truly love?" or "When will I find a business partner?" Marriage, to her, is a joint venture governed by rules that can be as strict as those of a corporation. As her husband, you hold the position of president, and she bestows upon you the corresponding honor. She assumes the role of board chairman, ensuring you don't make mistakes in her feminine, protective manner. Teamwork is ingrained in her nature. She will eagerly participate in your interests and activities, readily entertaining on your behalf. She is feminine enough to follow your lead when it comes to changing careers, relocating, or cultivating new friendships. Those decisions fall within your domain, while she graciously smooths the path, preventing impulsive actions and ill-considered judgments.

You must acknowledge her remarkable attributes. The typical Libra woman has no desire to be a burden on her husband. Instead, she aims to remove any obstacles that may impede his success. While she may not assert her dominance overtly, she exerts her strength inwardly. You may have missed her shrewd and bold plan to win you over during those early chess games when she allowed you to win repeatedly. However, don't remain blind forever. In times of family emergencies, pay attention to who keeps the boat steady. Observe who truly takes charge. This woman is a delicate blend of both toughness and gentleness, a balancing act that may sometimes leave you perplexed. Though her sweet manners and soothing presence might lead you to believe she is weak and vulnerable, you are mistaken. Behind her feminine facade lies an indomitable spirit. Never forget that.

Her exceptional intellect and analytical abilities can be of great assistance in solving your business challenges. She rarely allows her emotions to cloud her impartial judgment and can offer you better advice than any banker. Naturally, her talents in this regard can overshadow many shortcomings. Furthermore, if she embodies the typical Venusian qualities, she will present her pearls of wisdom with the utmost charm and amiable suggestions. Her iron will is concealed by a velvety glove, nudging you gently onto the right path while convincing you that it was your idea all along. An Aries, Scorpio, Leo, or Taurus man will often place his Libran wife on a pedestal and worship her, reciprocated by her reverence for him. Visitors to the love nest of a well-matched Libra couple may feel as though they are witnessing the harmony of Adam and Eve before the intrusion of the serpent (though two Librans wed to each other may swing between adoring lovebirds and quarreling adversaries, with extremes shifting between days or even permanently).

Living with a Libra woman offers numerous rewards. She will never invade your privacy by opening your mail, as it goes against her sense of honor. She will never disclose your business secrets to your friends or embarrass you in front of your boss. In fact, she will likely charm him into submission with the same smile that captivated your heart initially. While Libra women with afflicted Mars positions may occasionally succumb to excessive emotions or indulge in excessive eating and drinking, such cases are rare. Even if she stumbles momentarily, she will gracefully regain her heavenly balance. At times, she may appear as both an angel and a devil, but rest assured that the angels are more often on her side.

You will not lack physical manifestations of her love, as she is sentimental and affectionate in a way that only a woman can be. Though her displays of affection are genuine, they also serve as a practical application of her hidden masculine drive. Your home may resemble the pages of a magazine advertisement, complete with wall-to-wall carpeting in harmonious colors and tasteful furniture. Pictures will hang straight, and meals will be served punctually. With a Venus girl, you can expect cloth napkins, sterling silver, flowers adorning the table, fine china, candlelight, wine, soft music, and a well-balanced menu. Considering her quick mind and sparkling wit, what more could you ask for? Womanhood is a lifelong occupation for her, and she will surely achieve perfection along the way. Her masculine side will rarely disrupt your peace, unless you are one of those obstinate men who expect obedience and subservience, reminiscent of Henry VIII. Your Libran partner will undoubtedly voice more than just "yes" or "no." She loves to converse. However, she can also be an attentive listener when you seek an attentive audience. She is both resilient and delicate simultaneously, and not every woman can strike that delicate balance.

While her sweet manners and ability to soothe your troubled mind may give the impression of weakness and helplessness, beneath her charming exterior lies an unwavering resolve. That dear, womanly creature possesses nine parts of steel. Just because you missed her astute and courageous strategies during those early chess games, when she allowed you to triumph over her, doesn't mean you should remain oblivious forever. Keep your eyes wide open during family crises and see who steers the ship safely. Witness her unwavering support. However, her hidden masculine traits will never undermine your masculinity. No one but you will know how much you need her guiding hand when the storms of life arise. She will never brag about her contributions or diminish your role—except when it comes to shouldering a significant portion of the responsibility. Be grateful for her dependability. And doesn't she look adorable when she wears trousers in the garden or while grocery shopping? Women in trousers are perfectly acceptable, as long as they possess the wisdom to wear frilly organdy to parties and silky ensembles in private. She does. One of her most valuable qualities is her ability to mask her sharp intellect behind her feminine allure.

The children will receive love and tender care from a Libra mother, but truthfully, they will always come second to you. They are junior partners, while you hold the position of company president, a role she acknowledges with utmost respect. The children will secure a significant place in her heart, but she will never allow them to displace the corner she reserved for you before they came into the picture. If their play disrupts your peace, she can be strict, and if they disobey you, she will be angrier than if they disobeyed her. The children will be sweet and well-behaved, polite and clean as they grow older—unless you spoil them and she refrains from interfering because you are the master of the house. It is yet another decision she may leave in your hands, allowing you to avoid making any wrong judgments. The Libra mother is usually gentle but firm when necessary. Her children are never neglected, yet the truth remains that she became a mother to bring you even greater happiness. When teaching them their prayers, she will always remind them to say, "God bless Daddy." Disrespect towards their father is not permitted. However, if you become too overbearing, she will be a soft pillow for their tears and may secretly slip them a peppermint stick when she believes your discipline is overly severe.

Yes, she may indulge in sweets too often and face weight concerns. She may linger at social events or indulge in excessive wine. There will be moments of bossiness and times when she talks your ear off. Yet, these instances only occur when her emotional balance is temporarily disrupted. Her scales will always find equilibrium once again, unless someone stands on one side, preventing the natural settling. Libran scales have an inherent ability to balance themselves. If one side is slightly lower, a sprinkle of affection will lift it. If the other side dips due to sadness, understanding will restore harmony. What other woman can transform into a princess at the ball and then swiftly lace up her boots and zip up her plaid lumber jacket to assist you in chopping firewood? She possesses the sweetness for the former and the strength for the latter. And when she wears her slacks, she still looks quite adorable, doesn't she?

Overall Personality, As A Woman

Sun / Scorpio

Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Planetary ruler: Pluto
Birthstone: Topaz
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Key characteristic: Endurance
Strengths: Intense, powerful, transforming
Challenges: Jealous, domineering, violent

The Scorpio Woman

As the cosmic journey continues, the enigmatic presence of the Scorpio woman takes center stage. Born under the symbol of the Scorpion, she exudes a magnetic allure, strength of character, and unwavering passion.

Intense and powerful, the Scorpio woman possesses an enigmatic aura that draws others into her orbit. Part tomboy, part femme fatale, she navigates the realms of life with a provocative magnetism. Her presence is captivating, and her allure lies in her ability to unveil the layers of mystery that shroud her true self.

Maternal instincts run deep within the Scorpio woman's soul, as she embraces a nurturing spirit that extends beyond the boundaries of her own family. Her profound love and devotion are not limited to blood relations but encompass a chosen family of close friends and allies. She provides unwavering support and unwavering loyalty to those she holds dear.

Ambitious and determined, the Scorpio woman is no stranger to self-transformation. Her journey towards personal growth is a lifelong pursuit, as she constantly seeks to better herself and rise above challenges. Wisdom and maturity accompany her on this transformative path, allowing her to gracefully navigate the ebbs and flows of life.

The Scorpio woman's style is a reflection of her alluring nature. She embraces an edgy and seductive aesthetic, with an affinity for deep, intense colors that mirror her inner intensity. Her wardrobe exudes confidence and mystery, blending sensuality with sophistication. The Scorpio woman understands the power of her presence and uses fashion as a tool to leave a lasting impression.

Overall Personality, As A Woman

Sun / Libra

Element: Air
Quality: Cardinal
Planetary ruler: Venus
Birthstone: Opal
Flower: Pink rose
Color: Pale pink
Key characteristic: Harmony
Strengths: Diplomacy, charm, love of beauty
Challenges: Indecision, narcissism, superficiality

The Libra Woman

As the celestial dance continues, the Libra woman takes her place among the stars, radiating an aura of artistry, refinement, and harmony. Born under the symbol of the Scales, she embodies the delicate balance between beauty and intellect.

Artistic and affectionate, the Libra woman possesses an innate appreciation for the finer things in life. With a refined taste and a love for aesthetics, she seeks beauty in every aspect of existence. Her eye for design and keen sense of style make her a natural curator of elegance and grace.

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, the Libra woman is blessed with an enchanting allure that captivates all who encounter her. Her physical beauty is but a reflection of her inner radiance, as her charm and diplomacy create an irresistible magnetism. She understands the power of a genuine smile, a soft touch, and the warmth of sincere affection.

At her core, the Libra woman is a peacemaker, forever seeking harmony in her personal and professional relationships. Diplomacy is her language, and she navigates conflicts with grace and finesse. Her ability to see multiple perspectives allows her to find common ground, bridging divides with her empathetic nature.

In matters of the heart, the Libra woman possesses a profound understanding of love and partnership. She appreciates the value of companionship, and her relationships are characterized by mutual respect and equality. With a natural ability to make connections, she effortlessly forms bonds that withstand the tests of time.

The Libra woman's style is a symphony of elegance and grace. She embraces fashion as a form of self-expression, carefully selecting ensembles that reflect her inner harmony. Soft hues, flowing fabrics, and delicate embellishments adorn her wardrobe, creating an ethereal aura that complements her refined sensibilities.

The Woman Personality Overview

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio Woman
Magnetic Charisma and Fierce Passion. Unraveling the Enigma of a Scorpio Woman.

The beauty of a Scorpio woman is extraordinary, captivating, and deeply alluring. She is fully aware of her allure and takes pride in it. During courtship, she will control her desire to dominate and allow a man to take the lead in the relationship. She possesses the ability to hypnotize a man and often succeeds in doing so. However, don't expect a Scorpio female to publicly rush into your arms and proclaim her feelings to the world. Instead, she will approach you closely, cast a sensual glance, and whisper the most romantic words in a seductive tone.

If your feelings are not genuine, don't even attempt to get close to a Scorpio girl. With her penetrating and beautiful eyes, she can read your true intentions. She effortlessly discerns what lies in your heart, so flirting is a risky endeavor. Insulting her would be detrimental to your well-being. Even when her demeanor is soothing, her disposition kind, and her smile generous, she may be plotting the most powerful retaliation. When a Scorpio woman feels insulted or hurt, her fury knows no bounds.

During such times, she can transform into the most unyielding and sarcastic person on Earth. If she loves intensely, she can also hate with devastating malice. If you are genuinely in love with her, it's important to understand her better. She possesses a mesmerizing gaze that can make you fall headlong into her profound passion. Being noticed by a Scorpio female gives a man's ego a significant boost. She seeks a man who is stronger than she is, and weakness in him will not garner her sympathy. She expects him to behave like a true leader, one who can dominate her and make her proud, while still respecting her individuality.

He should be above average in appearance, possess an intellectual and philosophical nature, and exude masculinity. Ambition and the ability to handle tough situations with poise are also essential traits. Once committed, a Scorpio female will shower you with love and undivided attention. Her entire life will revolve around you, and she will be incredibly loyal and passionately devoted.

A Scorpio woman is passionate in every aspect of her life. Neutrality is nearly impossible for her. She either deeply cherishes or fiercely despises. If she experiences neither of these feelings, she becomes completely indifferent. Nevertheless, a Scorpio woman rarely reveals these emotions outwardly. Her expression remains neutral, concealing her true sentiments. Her anger is formidable, and it's best to stay out of her way when it becomes uncontrollable. Her characteristics profile renders her a storehouse of secrets, but she won't divulge any of her own.

Her personal life is off-limits to everyone, and she won't even share her confidants' secrets with you. She exercises discretion even with you, reserving a private realm that's best left undisturbed. However, her discretion should not be mistaken for dishonesty. In fact, she is brutally honest, sometimes unintentionally hurting others in the process. Like any typical Scorpio, she selects her friends with great care, maintaining lifelong relationships only with those she deems trustworthy. She does not maintain ties with unworthy individuals.

Determination and willpower form the foundation of her personality. She can employ them to extricate herself from any negative situation. If you manage to win the genuine love of a Scorpio woman, rest assured that you will never feel lonely again. She will remain wholly devoted to you, even if circumstances prevent you from marrying. She embodies the belief that love endures until death. Rather than overshadowing her partner, she prioritizes supporting him.

The phrase "Behind every successful man, there is a woman" aptly applies to a Scorpio wife. For her, her husband's future, happiness, and dreams hold paramount importance. She fiercely defends him in public and won't tolerate anyone taking advantage of him. She consistently encourages him to reach for the stars, bolstering his courage and preventing him from turning back halfway. Scorpio women cherish their homes, ensuring they remain immaculate and well-maintained.

Now, for the perilous part. A Scorpio girl is highly possessive and intensely jealous of her loved ones. She is prone to suspicion, so it's important not to give her reason to doubt you. On the other hand, you must control your own jealousy, as she will naturally attract attention from the opposite sex. She disdains being possessed by anyone, including you. In such situations, remember that a Scorpio woman is fiercely loyal and devoted to you, even in the most challenging circumstances.

And let's be honest, you know you can't leave her, so it's best to adjust to this trivial matter. Nobody walks away from a Scorpio, right? Regarding finances, she can derive enjoyment from saving money in a piggy bank or indulging in luxurious items. She is socially conscious and refuses to compromise on her status. Power is appealing to her, and she may sacrifice money and other things to attain it. Although she may seem practical, she possesses deep emotions. Like all Scorpios, she is unwavering in her emotional standpoint.

A Scorpio female possesses a sense of fairness and justice. If you neglect to wish her good morning after a fight, she will reciprocate for the next four days. The same applies to generosity. If you perform one kind deed for her, she will do four in return. As a mother, she is exceedingly possessive of her children and cares for them deeply. However, she may not express her love openly, and it will be your responsibility to teach her. She fosters independence, fairness, strength, and pride in her children, just as she is proud of them. She encourages them to develop their inherent talents, ensuring they do not go unnoticed.

A Scorpio woman can engulf you in her passion. However, she can also provide a safe haven when circumstances become treacherous. In times of turmoil, she will offer calm and unwavering support. Once you win her love, you will never experience loneliness again. She will prepare your meals to perfection, grinding fresh coffee just for you. You will always return to a spotless home radiating the aura of her magnetic personality, the charm of her profound beauty, and the warmth of her eternal love!

The Woman Personality Overview

Sun / Libra

Libra Woman
A female Libran is the epitome of a woman, complete with endearing grace and endearing manners. She can defeat you in any debate by using persuasive male logic as well. After some time, though, the male side can emerge in front of you. She enjoys debating and always weighs both sides of an issue fairly. A Libra girl may initiate and conclude a disagreement by herself, with only sporadic comments from you. She may smile occasionally when you are arguing with her.

Before you know it, her smile and charisma will have you spellbound. She would have won the debate and your affection by this point. Of course, you won't care because she persuades with such well-considered and logical reasoning that you won't mind. A persistent need to be fair and balanced is one of the basic traits of female Libras. The nicest thing is that she makes her point in such a diplomatic manner that you don't take it personally at all. She isn't obstinate, though, and is capable of being persuaded if your arguments seem more rational and compelling.

She will never adopt a position simply because it is her own, and she will value your opinion just as highly as her own. Libran women enjoy opulent settings, whereas unkempt, filthy settings depress them. They may become physically ill as well if exposed to such conditions for an extended period of time. After marriage, the majority of them find employment. One of the primary reasons for this, aside from money, is that for them, marriage is similar to a partnership where both spouses must share in the obligations.

Their preferred game is not solitaire. In a relationship, a Libra woman never tries to dominate, and the husband always receives the respect he merits. She prevents him from making blunders or bad decisions at the same time. She tries to mitigate the effects of his decisions while he takes the initiative. She will never disagree with his choices, but if she believes they are incorrect, she will gently guide him in the right direction. She exhibits emotion, but not while making decisions or formulating views. Facts are what matter most to her at that moment.

One of the personality features of a Libran girl is not suspicion. She has complete faith in you; thus, it would be improper for you to read your private mail in her eyes. You won't ever find yourself grumbling about the way she freely and simply communicates her emotions. There won't be a shortage of endearing looks, kind touches, warm embraces, and tender kisses. You won't return to a filthy home after marriage. Everything will be immaculate, including your living room, your wife, and the kids.

A female Libra loves to talk, but she will also listen to your ramblings with patience. When it comes to love and passion, she is pure femininity. She will, however, be as resilient as any male in a time of crisis. She will always be there to support you, encourage you, and help you gain strength. She will be compassionate, caring, and a little harsh with kids, especially when it comes to respecting you. They will receive her adoration, but you will always come first. She will never forget that you were her first love.

Your needs will always come first, and she will never let the kids treat you disrespectfully. She will be there to dry their tears and give them the chocolate you withheld if you became too strict with them. A Libra woman could occasionally experience some unbalance. She will soon regain her usual loving self, and harmony and balance will return. She is one of the few women who can play the princess with the ideal allure and extend you a helping hand in times of need with equal ease. Additionally, she seduces you with her charming personality and seductive grin.

Personality Overview In Astro-Speak

Sun / Scorpio

The Scorpion is a creature of intense nature, armed with a potent tail capable of disabling or vanquishing a much larger foe. However, harnessing this built-in weaponry requires mastery. Scorpios possess a "stinger" that can be employed for self-defense, utilizing their keen emotional awareness to render opponents harmless. Yet, there exists a sexual component to this poisonous tail that must be managed to avoid uncomfortable situations.

Scorpio stands as the only sign with three animal totems. Initially, the Scorpion, with its active tail, dominates. As Scorpios master their passions and restrain their instincts, they evolve into the majestic Eagle. The Eagle soars above the surface, gaining perspective and swooping down with calculated power to seize prey. Ultimately, the Scorpion transforms into the ever-peaceful dove. This metamorphosis embodies the true essence of Scorpio?transmuting the venomous poisons of possessive passion into a higher consciousness rooted in universal love.

Your motto might be "What is hidden is more intriguing than what is obvious." You are the detectives of the zodiac, magnetic and enigmatic, drawing others toward you. While you possess a secretive nature, it stems from the realization that expressing everything may overwhelm others with the intensity of your emotions. Your desire to merge your feelings with someone is strong, yet when hurt in love, you can become withdrawn and cold. You possess the ability to illuminate darkness with your magic, but consider embracing the positive aspects of life instead of delving into shadows.

Element: Water
The water element in astrology signifies emotion?deep and flowing. Water seeks its own level and remains in constant motion until it finds its equilibrium. Like the snow melting in the mountains, joining the streams that form mighty rivers, our feelings connect the present with past experiences. At times, the depth of our emotions leaves us at a loss for words.

The water of Scorpio is fixed and frozen, but it would be erroneous to believe that ice does not flow. It does flow, with tremendous force. Imagine a glacier, moving at an unhurried pace yet possessing the power to level forests and mountains.

House: Eighth
While the Second House represents personal possessions, the Eighth House opposite it pertains to what others possess. This includes matters of a sexual nature, as they inherently involve another person. Moreover, the Eighth House embodies the ultimate transformation?death?not necessarily your own. It is the realm of the unknown, that which eludes our comprehension?a domain of hidden power.

Key Planet: Pluto
Pluto, the Lord of the Underworld, evokes a sense of dread. However, its true nature demands explanation, as Pluto symbolizes all that lies beneath our consciousness. It is not a place of punishment like the traditional Hell; instead, it represents a realm of unimaginable beauty that could drive an angel to insanity, as William Blake eloquently described. As the key planet of Scorpio, Pluto epitomizes intensity and power, representing that which eludes our understanding. It is from these hidden Plutonic depths that magical transformations emerge.

Greatest Strength:
Your passionate connection to your emotions.

Possible Weakness:
The need for secrecy that can lead to isolation.

Personality Overview In Astro-Speak

Sun / Libra

Balance is the essence of your being, dear Libra. You are neither animal nor human, and yet your humanity shines brightly. Among the zodiac signs, you are renowned for your sociability. Just as ancient scales were used for measuring, you seek equilibrium in all aspects of your life. With grace, you navigate through situations, putting others at ease. Your artistic inclination drives you to create a harmonious blend of form, content, colors, and elements.

The ultimate balancing act for you lies in the realm of relationships, where you excel. You possess an innate understanding of others' needs, effortlessly playing the role of a charming host or hostess. You possess the ability to anticipate desires even before they are expressed. As the diplomatic ambassadors of the zodiac, you shuttle between extremes, negotiating solutions until harmony prevails.

Your motto could be "To every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." Your acute sense of cause and effect grants you exceptional strategic prowess. Whether engaging in chess matches, offering relationship advice, or participating in civic planning, you know how to effectively navigate the middle ground. While your easygoing nature benefits both you and those around you, do not forget that your own needs deserve fulfillment.

Element: Air
Movement is the essence of the air element. And what better way to move between two points than through thought? Air signs are thinkers, emphasizing intellect above all else. With agile minds and a command of language, they possess natural communication skills. They can be as light and breezy as a spring breath, or as powerful as a gale force wind, carrying their words with immense impact.

The air of Libra seeks equilibrium, even the atmosphere needs moments of rest from perpetual movement.

House: Seventh
Opposite the First House, which represents the self, lies the Seventh House—the realm of the other. This house symbolizes relationships with peers, partners, and equals. It encompasses the dynamics of how you relate to others in your life.

Key Planet: Venus
Venus, the planet of love and desire, presides over matters of romance and beauty. However, her influence extends beyond physical love to encompass the idealized form of love. Venus manifests in the beauty of artwork and the allure we feel towards those we hold dear. As the key planet of Libra, Venus represents the perception of beauty as an ideal—a delicate balance of colors, harmonious music, and poetic descriptions of love.

Greatest Strength:
Your charm and grace in assisting others.

Possible Weakness:
Neglecting your own needs in the pursuit of harmony.

Personality Overview, Sign Info

Sun / Scorpio


Symbol: The Scorpion
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Quality: Fixed
Element: Water
Basic Trait: I Desire
Closest Metal: Plutonium
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Lucky Colors: Black, Charcoal Grey, Maroon and Red
Lucky Gems: Topaz
Lucky Flowers: Geranium and Honeysuckle

Personality Overview, Sign Info

Sun / Libra


Symbol: The Balance
Ruling Planet: Venus
Quality: Cardinal
Element: Air
Basic Trait: I Balance
Closest Metal: Copper
Lucky Day: Friday
Lucky Colors: Pastel shades of Pink and Blue
Lucky Gems: Lapis Lazuli, Cornelian and Sapphire
Lucky Flowers: Daisies and Daffodils

Personality Overview, cafeastrology

Sun / Scorpio

Unleashing the Depths of Passion and Resilience. Scorpios are revered for their intensity. Driven and unwavering, they wholeheartedly immerse themselves in every pursuit. Convincing them to commit to a cause proves arduous, for Scorpios possess an indomitable will and an unwavering sense of self. Prestige, authority, or power?Scorpios yearn for genuine control, whether in the limelight or behind the scenes.

Perceived as individuals brimming with willpower, Scorpios have an unwavering sense of purpose. They possess an innate understanding of their desires and patiently wait for the opportune moment to strike. This seemingly patient nature masks their inherent strategizing skills.

Scorpios fearlessly embrace the darker side of life, perpetually drawn to its enigmatic allure. Their insatiable curiosity drives them to explore and uncover its mysteries.

Scorpios never surrender. They possess incredible resilience and remain unflinching in the face of adversity. Intimidation holds no power over them. Conversations with Scorpios often leave one awestruck by the trials and tribulations they have endured. Trauma seems to shadow their every step. However, when Scorpios learn to cultivate optimism, replacing their expectation of the worst with an embrace of their regenerative powers, they unlock their potential for healing, creation, and transformation.

Personality Overview, cafeastrology

Sun / Libra

The Dance of Harmony and Diplomacy. Libra natives are renowned for their sociability and intellectual inclinations. They possess an almost childlike charm that makes them approachable to all. Cooperation is a fundamental aspect of their nature as they strive to maintain balance and avoid causing disruptions.

In theory, Libras are staunch advocates of peace. However, their endeavors to navigate the middle ground can inadvertently sow seeds of discord. With a deep-rooted desire for fairness and tranquility, Libras may resort to untruths to avoid rocking the boat, firmly believing that the ends justify the means. This tendency to avoid direct and malicious deception stems from their pursuit of peace. Although seemingly harmless, such actions can lead to unexpected turmoil. Those entwined in relationships with Libras may occasionally lament their hesitancy to take a definitive stance, their perceived lack of forthrightness. Librans possess an unparalleled talent for evading blame and often respond with calm reason, exclaiming, "Me? No, I simply desire peace."

"On the fence," "middle ground," and "middle road" aptly encapsulate the essence of Libra. Their astute comparisons and relative thinking take precedence over absolutes. A weekend is not merely good; it must be better than the last. Libras perpetually seek the "best" and the "right" way to live. Yet, this unwavering quest for harmony often leads to a sense of discontent. Life's boundless choices constantly challenge their ability to live in the present moment. Without embracing the now, Libras find themselves trapped in a perpetual state of restlessness.

Society thrives on rules, regulations that strive to uphold justice, equality, and fairness. On an individual level, Libra symbolizes the embodiment of these civil laws. Libra personifies a refined and civilized demeanor, ingrained with the pursuit of harmony.

Personality Overview

Sun / Scorpio


Loyal and trustworthy,
Charismatic and mysterious,
Caring and patient.

Easily becomes jealous,

Scorpio, represented by the symbol of 'The Scorpion,' is one of the three water signs of the zodiac. The intensity of Scorpios is often felt through their captivating eyes, which seem to penetrate the depths of one's soul, revealing its secrets and desires. Their gaze can be hypnotic, making it challenging for many to maintain their composure. Scorpios possess a strong sense of self and an unwavering ego. They are impervious to both criticism and compliments, as they hold unwavering confidence in their self-awareness.

Emotionally, Scorpios exhibit impeccable control, rarely revealing their innermost feelings through facial expressions or body language. They deliberately project a vacant look and maintain a composed demeanor. However, beneath this facade lies their intense and passionate nature. Scorpios possess a fierce determination and indomitable willpower, refusing to accept defeat easily. They are known for their honesty, often delivering the unvarnished truth without sugarcoating, even if it may cause discomfort.

Flattery is not in a Scorpio's repertoire, but if they do offer a compliment, it is genuine and heartfelt. When asked for a favor, their response is a straightforward 'yes' or 'no,' reflecting their decisive nature. If a Scorpio genuinely cares for someone, they will go to great lengths to provide assistance. There is no neutrality when it comes to a Scorpio; people either become dedicated admirers or malicious enemies in their eyes. However, few openly challenge a Scorpio, not even their most spiteful adversaries.

Scorpios possess an enigmatic charm and exhibit deep sympathy for the sick and downtrodden. Fearless in the face of adversity, they endure physical pain and poverty with unwavering confidence, knowing they will persevere. Loyalty is a defining trait of a Scorpio, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for their loved ones. They have exceptional memory retention, never forgetting acts of kindness and always seeking to reciprocate them. Likewise, they also remember any pain inflicted upon them, although their response may vary.

An eagle may crush their enemy, a scorpion will meticulously plan and demolish their foe, and a lizard may harbor resentment internally for years, harming themselves in the process. Scorpios thrive in challenging situations, drawn to danger and driven by an innate curiosity about all aspects of life, including death. Those close to a Scorpio will feel an immense sense of protection and care. While fiercely possessive, a Scorpio's desires and aspirations are not mere dreams; they will find a way to manifest their deepest desires. Beneath their tough exterior lies a tender heart capable of profound love and care.

Personality Overview

Sun / Libra


Patient and balanced,
Gregarious and sociable,
Loving and affectionate,
Cheerful and energetic.

May become careless,
Prone to indulgence,
Emotional and sensitive.

Libra, known as "The Balance," is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Politeness stands out as the primary personality trait of a Libran. They possess a genuine love for people and abhor rudeness. However, crowds do not hold a strong attraction for them. A Libran possesses exceptional skills in resolving conflicts amicably between others, while simultaneously enjoying engaging in good-natured arguments themselves. As per the Libra characteristic profile, individuals born under this zodiac sign are typically pleasant, cheerful, and friendly.

One sure way to irk a Libran is by issuing orders. They will become the sulkiest person on earth if someone attempts to boss them around. Describing the typical Libran personality may reveal a number of inconsistencies. On one hand, Librans display remarkable intelligence, while on the other, they can be astonishingly naive and susceptible. They tend to talk excessively, yet possess the patience to listen attentively. Restlessness seems to emanate from them, yet they seldom appear hurried. Perplexed? Rest assured, they are as confounded by their contradictory behavior as others are.

A Libran can oscillate between being composed, balanced, lovable, courteous, and amiable, and being exasperating, irritable, inflexible, fidgety, unhappy, and mystified. They are always teetering on one side or the other until perfect equilibrium is achieved. Librans possess a captivating smile that can easily melt hearts. Even their laughter resonates with joyfulness, enlivening even the dullest of surroundings. They exude delight when their mind is in a state of balance. However, a Libra mind is prone to fickleness.

They are perpetually weighing the pros and cons of a situation, finding it challenging to form a perfect, balanced opinion. An annoying habit they possess is engaging in arguments simply for the sake of it. It may be said that Librans are lazy, but once again, a contradiction emerges. They can work diligently for weeks or even months, functioning on minimal sleep of merely four hours per night. Then suddenly, they succumb to a spell of laziness, rendering them immobile and unresponsive to any form of movement.

After some time, a Libran reemerges, restored to their energetic self and out the door before one can say goodbye. This is not indicative of a dual nature; rather, the lazy phase is necessary for replenishing their depleted energy. Regarding emotions, a Libran can alternate between sentimentality, sarcasm, and extreme cheerfulness. Once again, this does not imply a dual personality, but rather the Libran's constant need to experience different emotions at different times.

In truth, their personality encompasses a blend of kindheartedness, softness, a quest for equality, indecisiveness, theoretical logic, and an aversion to taking orders. They relish arguments, particularly when someone presents general statements. A Libran can adeptly assume both sides of an argument, succeeding in each position. They may even switch sides mid-argument. However, beneath this penchant for debate lies an unwavering desire for fairness and impartiality, often leading to the perception of indecisiveness.

Patience is key when awaiting a Libran's decision-making process. Impatience is detested and can evoke extreme stubbornness. They value honesty and dislike pretense. Librans possess an affinity for books and possess the ability to concentrate deeply on profound subjects. They are greatly influenced by the harmony of artistic forms and appreciate soft lighting, melodic music, intelligent conversations, good food, and fine wines. They embody a combination of intelligence, generosity, fairness, and a strong desire for balance.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Scorpio

The Scorpio Child
Scorpio children can test parental limits with their pursuit of power and dominance. As they mature, their ability to balance their nature improves, often with positive intentions. Scorpio children are determined to make sense of the world and will not rest until they do so. Parents must remain one step ahead of these cunning youngsters.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Libra

The Libra Child
Children born under Libra are typically sweet-natured and obedient. Even during rare acts of defiance or aggression, they maintain better manners than most children. As they reach adolescence, they undergo significant changes, sometimes becoming challenging, although their charm remains. Their love of freedom may lead them into controversy.

Overall Personality, As A Friend

Sun / Scorpio

The Scorpio Friend
Scorpios typically have a small circle of close friends, as they prefer solitude when solving problems. Known for guarding their own secrets while seeking others', they possess great wisdom and are often approached for guidance and mentorship.

Overall Personality, As A Friend

Sun / Libra

The Libra Friend
Libras are highly sociable and make fantastic friends. As great counselors, they offer unbiased advice, considering the pros and cons of a situation. They excel at making people feel comfortable and enjoy hosting gatherings. Despite occasional superficiality, they have intriguingly profound qualities that draw people in.

Overall Personality, As A Lover

Sun / Scorpio

The Scorpio Lover
Scorpios are often mistakenly thought of as solely preoccupied with sex, but their nature is far more complex. They desire marriage and long-term dedication, although their strong libido may lead them astray if their partner isn't spiritually and physically attractive.

Overall Personality, As A Lover

Sun / Libra

The Libra Lover
Libras, guided by Venus, are the epitome of romance. With an idealistic view of love, they often contemplate marriage as soon as they fall in love. Libras tend to recover quickly after a disappointing relationship, seeking new love to replace the old.

Details of Your Personality, Famous Personalities

Sun / Scorpio

Famous Scorpio Personalities

The magnetic personality of Scorpios is one of the main reasons why so many of them are there in the list of the most famous celebrities. Given below is a comprehensive list of the famous Scorpio personalities:

* Marie Antoinette
* Jim Bishop
* Richard Burton
* Richard E. Byrd
* Johnny Carson
* Prince Charles
* Madame Curie
* Charles de Gaulle
* Marie Dressier
* George Eliot
* Indira Gandhi
* Billy Graham
* Katharine Hepburn
* Grace Kelly
* Robert Kennedy
* Vivien Leigh
* Martin Luther
* Douglas MacArthur
* Margaret Mead
* Marianne Moore
* Mike Nichols
* Pablo Picasso
* Theodore Roosevelt
* Eric Sevareid

* Oct 25: Pablo Picasso
* Oct 28: Bill Gates
* Oct 28: Julia Roberts
* Oct 28: Joaquin Phoenix
* Oct 29: Winona Ryder
* Nov 4: Matthew McConaughey
* Nov 10: Brittany Murphy
* Nov 11: Demi Moore
* Nov 11: Leo DiCaprio
* Nov 12: Neil Young
* Nov 17: Martin Scorsese
* Nov 17: Rachel McAdams
* Nov 18: Owen Wilson
* Nov 19: Meg Ryan
* Nov 19: Jodie Foster
* Nov 21: Goldie Hawn

Marie Antoinette Jim Bishop Richard Burton Richard E. Byrd Johnny Carson Prince Charles Chiang Kai-shek Madame Curie Charles de Gaulle Marie Dressier George Eliot George Galiup Indira Gandhi Billy Graham Hetty Green, Katharine Hepbum Grace Kelly Robert Kennedy Vivien Leigh Martin Luther Douglas MacArthur Margaret Mead Marianne Moore Jawaharlal Nehru Mike Nichols Pablo Picasso Theodore Roosevelt Jonas Salk Eric Sevareid Billy Sunday

Details of Your Personality, Famous Personalities

Sun / Libra

Famous Libra Personalities

Probably the most balanced amongst the incumbents of all the zodiac signs, the people born under the Libra sun sign have their fair share of the limelight. There are many Librans who have attained a place in the famous celebrity list. You can read further to get the name of a few famous Libra personalities:

* Brigitte Bardot
* Charles Boyer
* Charlie Brown
* Charlton Heston
* David Ben-Gurion
* Deborah Kerr
* Dwight D. Eisenhower
* Ed Sullivan
* Eleanor Roosevelt
* Graham Greene
* Helen Hayes
* J. B. Rhine
* John Lennon
* Julie Andrews
* Mahatma Gandhi
* Michael Todd
* Mickey Mantle
* Rita Hayworth
* Sarah Bernhardt
* T. S. Eliot
* Thomas Wolfe
* Truman Capote
* Walter Lippmann
* William Faulkner

* Sep 23: Bruce Springsteen
* Sep 25: Michael Douglas
* Sep 25: Will Smith
* Sep 25: Catherine Zeta-Jones
* Sep 27: Gwyneth Paltrow
* Oct 1: Julie Andrews
* Oct 3: Clive Owen
* Oct 3: Gwen Stefani
* Oct 4: Susan Sarandon
* Oct 5: Kate Winslet
* Oct 8: Matt Damon
* Oct 9: John Lennon
* Oct 17: Rita Hayworth
* Oct 17: Eminem
* Oct 20: Viggo Mortensen
* Oct 22: Deepak Chopra
* Sep 27: Avril Lavinge

Julie Andrews Brigitte Bardot David Ben-Gurion Sarah Bernhardt Charles Boyer Charlie Brown Truman Capote Dwight Eisenhower T. S. Eliot William Faulkner Mahatma Gandhi George Gershwin Graham Greene Helen Hayes Rita Hayworth, Charlton Heston Deborah Kerr John Lennon Walter Lippmann Franz Liszt Mickey Mantle Marcello Mastroianni Nietzsche Eugene O'Neffl Dr. J. B. Rhine Eleanor Roosevelt Ed Sullivan Michael Todd, Jr. Oscar Wilde Thomas Wolfe

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Scorpio


"Keep your temper," said the Caterpillar . . .
"You'll get used to it in time," and
it put the hookah into its mouth;
and began smoking again.

The Scorpio boss operates on the principle of "speak softly, but carry a big stick," embodying the wisdom of President Theodore Roosevelt. This Pluto-ruled individual possesses an insatiable thirst for knowledge and power, eager to uncover the secrets that lie within and beyond the realms of heaven and hell. In their pursuit, they also seek to unravel the mysteries that reside within the depths of your mind. Their intense gaze can draw out your deepest confessions, effortlessly leaving you vulnerable and exposed. Beware of their hypnotic eyes, as they possess an uncanny ability to see through your facade.

Your Scorpio boss possesses an empathetic nature, capable of sensing your moods and adjusting their behavior accordingly. This rare quality can provide a soothing experience, a respite from the thoughtless indifference displayed by others. However, don't be fooled by the appearance of their office, for it may not be explosive or impressive. The Scorpio boss exudes a calm and controlled atmosphere, extending their self-control to everything around them. Only under certain influences might the pace quicken slightly, but chaos will never take hold.

One of their most formidable weapons is their secrecy of purpose and intent. They shroud their emotions and motives with such mastery that even their adversaries struggle to read them. They possess an innate ability to strike from unexpected angles, catching their opponents off guard. This strategic approach ensures victory, both in professional arenas and personal conquests.

When it comes to loyalty, the Scorpio boss attracts devoted allies while keeping enemies at bay. They draw an invisible circle, allowing only chosen individuals to stand within, while others are banished to a safe distance. Their radar is finely tuned to detect potential threats, creating an invisible barrier that renders the unwelcome invisible in return. To be disregarded by a Scorpio is to exist as a ghost, yearning to be seen and heard again.

Despite their ability to inspire unwavering loyalty, the Scorpio boss is not necessarily sweet. While they possess kindness, talent, brilliance, sincerity, and protectiveness, sweetness is not a defining characteristic. Their passion and intensity run deep, manifesting in moments of crisis or during acts of romance. In times of urgency, they can unleash a torrent of fiery action that may surprise those who are not familiar with their hidden depths. Yet, once the crisis subsides, they regain their calculated composure, bottling their emotions until the next outburst is required.

Beware of flattery, as the Scorpio boss is perpetually suspicious. Innocent remarks can be misconstrued, and excessive praise may be perceived as ulterior motives. They appreciate sincere recognition of their abilities, but anything excessive will raise their suspicions. Financial matters must always be crystal clear, as they are sticklers for transparency. Furthermore, attempting to challenge or harm them is a grave mistake, as Scorpio revenge is not to be taken lightly.

The Scorpio boss possesses an unwavering determination to conquer any problem or adversity that comes their way. Tragedy, illness, or business disasters are faced head-on with remarkable courage and indomitable willpower. However, their individual personalities can vary widely, making each Scorpio boss a unique enigma. Penetrating the depths of their complex nature is an impossible feat, as their hypnotic gaze and voice erase any memories of what you might have learned.

Stay vigilant and keep an open mind when working under a Scorpio boss. Be prepared to defend yourself and remain receptive to a man whose truth and bravery you will admire endlessly. Though their nature remains inscrutable and their image deceiving, your Scorpio boss never deceives themselves?a quality that few can claim, regardless of their perceived ruthlessness.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Libra

The LIBRA Boss

"Unimportant, of course, I meant,"
the King hastily said, and
went on to himself
in an undertone,
as if he were trying which word sounded best,

The Libra boss exudes an aura of fairness and honesty that draws admiration from both men and women alike. Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, imbues them with powerful vibrations that can unknowingly captivate hearts.

In the business world, the Libra executive seeks balance by forming partnerships and combining their charm and intellect with complementary individuals who possess the skills they lack. They are often found sitting on the fence, meticulously weighing opposing ideas before making impartial decisions. Their restless nature may make them appear in perpetual motion, yet they never seem rushed, managing to perform tasks with effortless grace. It's like watching a skilled juggler, defying expectations by maintaining poise and balance, even in the face of frenzied activity.

Despite their gentle and sometimes shy demeanor, Libra bosses possess an inherent need to communicate and express themselves. They excel in speech, capable of persuading and swaying a room full of people effortlessly. Even the quiet ones meticulously plan their words before speaking, causing long periods of silence. It's wise to capture their statements during these moments as they are less likely to change their minds later.

Your Libra boss may often seek your opinion, not only to ensure fairness but also because they believe that without access to all available facts and perspectives, they are incapable of making wise decisions. They may gather viewpoints from various individuals, resulting in peculiar and sometimes unusual outcomes. The cleaning woman, the elevator man, and others may provide insights that, while amusing, may not be relevant to the issue at hand. Surprisingly, the Libra boss manages to arrive at logical and sensible decisions that outshine the majority.

Their inclination to seek multiple viewpoints may also stem from a desire to shift blame onto others in case of mistakes. By involving various individuals in the decision-making process, they can easily attribute any negative outcomes to external opinions. However, Libra bosses who have achieved internal harmony and unity of mind and emotions can become fountains of wisdom, offering fair and intelligent solutions to problems.

The walls of your Libra boss's office are likely adorned with pictures, trophies, and well-placed prints, creating a balanced aesthetic. The filing cabinets are neat, and you may find a radio or record player nearby to drown out the discordance of daily routine. The office colors are generally soothing, avoiding harsh or vibrant tones that may strain the eyes. Perhaps there's a subtle touch of an oriental motif, inspired by the peaceful harmony of Eastern philosophy. If your boss is a female, expect to find a potted plant and a large mirror, with music playing in the background.

Female Libra bosses outnumber those of other signs, exuding undeniable beauty and charm. They possess an impeccable sense of style, leaving their employees in awe of their wardrobe, furs, jewels, and perfumes. Male employees find themselves captivated by their irresistible charisma, surrendering to their dimpled charm effortlessly.

Despite their friendly demeanor, it's important not to get too chummy with your Libra boss. While they may encourage open communication, they won't tolerate gossip or loose tongues. Librans, both men and women, treat confidences as sacred trusts, valuing discretion above all else.

Libra bosses appreciate long, pleasant lunch hours, and it's essential to ensure they take their breaks, as hunger and fatigue may affect their liberal attitude. Rest and periodic naps are crucial for their well-being. Unions and fairness are subjects close to their hearts, and they possess a natural talent for mediating disputes. Their perspective on money leans towards extremes—they can be either the stingiest or the most generous bosses around, with no middle ground.

At some point, you may receive an invitation to your boss's home. Libra executives often enjoy entertaining their employees, creating a warm and welcoming environment. They excel in both gallantry and camaraderie, effortlessly connecting with both men and women. However, it's crucial not to be loud, vulgar, or opinionated, as harmony is the essence of their being.

While occasional indecisiveness or procrastination may test your patience, remember the genuine smile they offer, their quiet intelligence, and their willingness to find compromises. Libra bosses do not seek to dominate but instead value cooperation and loyalty. Their blending nature requires your support to help them become their complete selves. In return, they will inspire your unwavering trust. Can't you feel the subtle tug of their magnetic presence?

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Scorpio

The SCORPIO Employee
"But when you have to turn into a chrysalis, you will some day, you know, and then after that into a butterfly, I should think you'll feel it a little queer, won't you?"
"Not a bit," said the Caterpillar.

Your office holds a secret, a enigmatic individual who exudes self-containment. This employee possesses inner confidence that isn't flaunted, steady eyes that hold unwavering gazes, and a remarkable composure. Do others perceive a certain level of fear around them? Absolutely. This is the Scorpio employee.

Unlike anyone else in your firm, the Scorpio employee is the architect of their destiny and the commander of their soul. They are entirely self-motivated and resolute. Few possess their resourcefulness and unwavering belief in their potential. The Scorpio has the power to shape their own life, and they're fully aware of it. They never deceive themselves and seldom blame anyone but themselves for their own mistakes. To whatever extent they choose, this employee can ascend, expecting little assistance along the way. They're the last person you'd accuse of harboring an inferiority complex (unless they've transformed their power into silent defeat, turning themselves into a gray lizard. Yet, even in such cases, it was their own choice to do so, not a mere pawn of destiny).

Understanding their actions won't come easily. You've likely heard about the ruthless nature of this Sun sign, their thirst for revenge, and the determination of Pluto to even the score. However, you may find it puzzling that these qualities seem absent in their interactions with you. Rest assured, they're not absent. They have been temporarily set aside, for the end justifies the means in their focused and sharp mind. They know precisely what they're doing, even if you don't.

The Scorpio employee's response to you will be directly linked to what you can offer them?what they desire from you and from life. If an average person opposes, insults, treats them rudely, breaks a promise, or steps on their tail, may the gods have mercy on that person. They will rue the day they challenged Pluto. However, if you represent power and the realization of their secret dream, their reaction to the same treatment will be detachment. If you possess something that Scorpio wants and needs, they will accept almost anything from you with deliberate tranquility, astonishingly devoid of retaliation or defensive stings. The fact that they can control their deep-seated resentment and erase it from their mind is a testament to their immense inner strength.

Before putting the theory to the test, ensure you know which category you fall into?the average person, encompassing ordinary bosses, friends, neighbors, co-workers, servants, and even relatives or loved ones?or someone who embodies power, security, and that secret dream. Unless you are absolutely certain you belong to the latter group, it may be perilous to experiment.

Let's assume you're a television producer who has commissioned a Scorpio writer to craft a script tailored to specific requirements. After the fourth rewrite, you can still tear apart their efforts and demand they try again, saying, "It's terrible. Add more jokes." What will this dangerous Scorpio do? They will write another draft and include more jokes. You possess something they want, you see. You have the power to bring their script to life on film. They may not entirely agree with you from an artistic standpoint, but you're the boss?the one calling the shots, for now. Later, when they achieve success, you won't have to nervously wonder when they'll seek revenge for the past. It's not part of the Pluto code. You granted them power and became the instrument of their secret dream. They harbor no bitterness, but they will make it clear that their position has changed, and you are not to question their artistic taste or dictate how they express their creative ideas in the future. You'll understand the message, and that will be the end of it. However, anyone other than you who criticized their earlier efforts without considering their sensitive pride may bear a few scars to show.

If there's one thing a Scorpio knows, it's on which side their bread is buttered and who holds the marmalade. They are absolutely certain that they will eventually achieve their goals. Therefore, they are in no hurry to knock down brick buildings. Nor are they ashamed to submit to their superiors when it's expedient to do so. That's why your Scorpio employee is fearless. Confidence breeds courage. To them, everything is a matter of timing. With a deep and mystical insight into the secrets of the universe, they know when their time will come. This may not be the hour of command, but that hour will arrive. No wonder they are not the anxious type.

I recall a young Scorpio lawyer who recently joined a prestigious law firm with a wealth of prestige and lucrative clients. His superior (let's use the anonymous name Mr. Fink of Fink, Brink, Link, and Katz) asked him to prepare a lengthy memorandum for a corporate merger. The request meant that the Scorpio lawyer would get no sleep at all because Mr. Fink insisted on having the papers for a conference promptly at ten o'clock the following morning. On the next day, our hero was at his desk at nine a.m., fully alert, calm, and waiting for Mr. Fink to summon him. He had stayed up all night completing the necessary briefs, much to his wife's displeasure as he had to cancel the dinner reservations they had made to celebrate their anniversary. At nine forty-five, Mr. Fink's secretary apologetically informed him that Mr. Fink had changed his mind and decided to hold the conference the following week. The weather was so delightful in the spring, and he thought he'd enjoy a few holes of golf with some out-of-town clients. The secretary murmured that her boss had mentioned something about "hoping it didn't inconvenience him too much." She added that Mr. Fink had remarked, "That Scorpio lawyer is good. I hope he didn't stay up all night to finish it." You might be wondering, at this point, if the Scorpio lawyer grabbed a .45 automatic and headed for the golf course to confront Mr. Fink. But that's not how the cookie crumbled. How did the Scorpio react to such boorish behavior? He simply shrugged, smiled a cool and enigmatic smile, handed the secretary the completed memorandum, and said courteously, "Please put this on Mr. Fink's desk. I am going home to get a few hours of sleep. I'll be back in time for my two o'clock appointment." Then, with the patience of Taurus and the discipline of Capricorn, he called his wife, informed her he would be home for lunch, and left. The moral of the story? That Scorpio lawyer is aiming for a partnership at Fink, Brink, Link, and Katz. As for you, are you wondering if his wife had his lunch ready on time, despite her disappointment the previous night? Of course, she had his lunch ready on time. She's not his boss?Mr. Fink is his boss. At least for now.

If you're of significant importance to the future of your Scorpio employee, you too can be a Mr. Fink. It's akin to being immune to nuclear power, but I wouldn't let it inflate your confidence excessively. If I were in your position, I would keep incidents like the aforementioned to an absolute minimum. Fortunately, I am not in your shoes, as I'm uncertain if I would possess the audacity to play Russian roulette with Pluto.

The Scorpio man or woman can be expected to accept the inevitable with grace when the stakes are high enough. They meticulously evaluate the potential, weigh the consequences, assess the possible reward, and ultimately make the decision to comply with a cool head and a definite purpose in mind. Most bosses appreciate and admire the Scorpio philosophy. They understand the price of success and are willing to pay it without seeking special favors. However, once that success arrives, don't forget: it's halftime?time to switch sides.

Compared to the average worker's attitude, there's another quality to admire in your Scorpio employee?an old-fashioned word called loyalty. This is not the lip service paid to your position as "boss" or the insincere servility often seen in ambitious employees. Scorpios possess their own sense of loyalty.

During my time at a radio station in a small Pennsylvania town, I was struck by the comment made by a Scorpio program director. The owner of the radio station was the meanest individual in town, resembling a combination of Scrooge and Captain Hook. The kindest thing one could say about him was that he was sometimes meaner than other times. He had only one friend?his mother. Given his ownership of half the town, in addition to the station, he was surrounded by respect and obedience. Although the staff called him "Sir," smiled excessively when he entered a room, and jumped to immediate attention whenever he uttered the slightest request, they mocked him behind his back, ridiculed his funny bow ties and squeaky voice. They would have considered his funeral a cause for celebration, and their favorite office game when he was out of town involved writing his obituary, with a prize for the most amusing one.

Yet, the Scorpio employee never participated in this game. They were always too engrossed in their programming. One day, a secretary asked the Scorpio why they never contributed to the office pastime. They fixed her with one of their hypnotic Scorpio stares and simply replied, "He pays my salary. I work for him."

"What does that have to do with anything?" she inquired. "He yells at you in front of the staff every morning, and he hasn't given you a vacation in two years. He never praises you. Don't you have any self-respect?"

The Scorpio's expression remained unchanged. "I can't deposit compliments in the bank," they said calmly. "I prefer cash."

"But why do you tolerate the way he treats you?" she persisted.

Their response was concise. "When I take a man's money, I accept his orders. When I decide to stop accepting his orders, I stop taking his money and leave. Do you have the program schedule for next week? I need to review it before timing the commercials."

Silently, the secretary handed them the schedule, and they pulled out their stopwatch and went to work. A few days later, she asked them to bring her coffee upon their return from lunch. Somehow, they conveniently forgot. They also forgot to send her an invitation to their wedding the following spring. They remembered her insinuation that they lacked self-respect. Scorpios have long memories. This incident exemplifies when and why the typical Pluto employee chooses revenge?against whom and for what reason. It also illustrates their personal code of loyalty toward the one who employs them.

These workers are focused and persistent. They take their careers seriously and never lose sight of their goals. Scorpios can be stubborn, passionate, overbearing, and rebellious. However, you'll rarely find them wasting office time by writing amusing obituaries. Death is a serious matter to them. So are you. You represent the path to power, and as a result, you are respected until the Scorpio safely crosses the metaphorical bridge to the other side. Astute strategists do not burn bridges, and Scorpios are astute. Some of them are even brilliant. All of them possess shrewdness and logic. Scorpio men and women often gravitate toward professions that involve unraveling mysteries and delving into the puzzles of life, machinery, facts, or human beings. Many become detectives, psychiatrists, scientists, surgeons, police officers, researchers, reporters, and even undertakers. They strive to expand their knowledge each day, simultaneously advancing their talents, skills, and income.

Never pry into a Scorpio's private affairs. They will not tolerate it. If they like you and their job, they will be generous and fair. They will give you eight hours of work for eight hours of pay, and if the project captures their interest, they won't watch the clock. However, remember that they are committed to their own code and ideas above all else. They will remain true to them, even above love and ambition. No one but themselves can compel them to alter their views and opinions. It must come from within their own nature through the power of Pluto. If their decision is negative, no one on this earth can slam the door shut more abruptly and permanently than a Scorpio, even a door adorned with the title Vice-President in golden letters. They will endure only so much and pay only so high a price. When they feel the cost is too great, they will leave. That's how they play the game. Ultimately, their loyalty lies with themselves. This is not always as selfish as it may sound. From a young age, their favorite verse began, "This above all: to thine own self be true." They have always believed that if they adhere to this principle, they cannot be false to anyone.

"You may charge me with murder,
or lack of common sense
(We are all weak at times),
But the slightest approach to deceit
has never been among my crimes!"

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Libra

The LIBRA Employee
In the enigmatic realm of the Libra employee, there lies a fascinating dance of contradictions and indecisiveness. Picture a Libran designer, brought to the west coast to create costumes for a grand film, but paralyzed by the presence of an atrocious, peacock blue carpet in his posh hotel suite. Overflowing with ideas yet unable to think clearly, he faced migraines and creative stagnation. Eventually, the offensive carpet was replaced with a more subdued rose shade, and the wheels of the film started turning again. It's a curious incident, but it sheds light on the importance of harmonious surroundings for a Libra employee.

While not every individual born in late September or October possesses such artistic sensibilities and sensitivity, even the average Libra worker thrives when not distracted by their environment. Offending coworkers and a disharmonious atmosphere can deeply affect them. If you notice a recent decline in their usual standard of work, sloppiness, or confusion, it's not necessarily a reflection of incompetence. Perhaps they're allergic to someone in the office, like the mailroom attendant or the cleaning staff (hopefully not their own secretary, as that would be unbearable). It might even be the blotter on their desk. A small change, such as providing a fresh, clean blotter in a serene baby blue shade, altering the cleaning staff's schedule, or ensuring the mailroom staff keeps their distance, can swiftly improve their work. The Libra employee was merely thrown off balance.

When the scales of a Libra tilt, a whirlwind of unpredictable events can ensue. Both male and female Librans may become disgruntled, lazy, and offer no explanation for their sulking silence. This drastic shift from their usual sweetness and calmness can unsettle not only them but also those around them. How can someone with an enchanting dimple in their chin be so disagreeable? The answer lies in the imbalance of the scales. It's an unpleasant feeling, akin to being on a rolling boat in a choppy ocean. Something may have happened in their personal life to unsettle them. However, fretting over their temporary unbalance is unnecessary. The Libra nature swiftly restores harmony, bringing peace and tranquility back to the office. Their work becomes inspired once more, and you'll find yourself melting under the warmth of their enchanting Venus smile.

If your company has any unions, chances are the Libra employee will be ardently advocating for equal rights and fair wages. Many individuals born under this sign dedicate themselves to union work, as perfect justice aligns with their ideal. Unions provide them with ample opportunities to employ their natural talent for resolving disputes.

In the absence of a union to mediate, Libras often become the peacemakers during office quarrels. They possess remarkable skills in clearing the air and defusing disagreements. With impartiality, they defend both sides, make conflicting parties see each other's perspectives, and ultimately guide everyone towards reconciliation. The confounding aspect is that Librans may instigate heated arguments themselves. Yet, in their eyes, these debates are healthy and entertaining. A battle of wits, where they switch between supporting opposing viewpoints, brings them immense joy. They are typically oblivious to the tension they create when employing their brilliant logic and causing others to stumble upon weak suppositions. However, when these verbal sparrings reach a boiling point and tempers fray, they become dismayed. If they possess typical Venus traits, they will swiftly pour healing balms over the wounds and dissipate the bad mood with the radiance of their smile. Their casual manipulation of emotions may leave you tempted to exclaim, "You could kill them for it!"

On the subject of soothing their hurt feelings when offended, it's an entirely different matter. Deciphering what pleases or annoys a Libra employee can prove challenging. What evoked twinkling laughter or tolerant smiles one day may lead to a severe frown of wounded innocence the next, and vice versa. It's those scales again. Even their co-workers may find it difficult to predict their reactions. One day, a seemingly harmless comment on weight gain elicits a sweet smile, suggesting they consider it becoming. However, the same person playfully calls them "Chubby" the next day, and they refuse to speak. Or a Libra might proudly show someone a record they bought, only for the individual to express disdain for big bands, causing the Libra to jest about being a student of ancient history. Yet, upon hearing the same person later describing big bands as outdated, they become irate, accusing the individual of being a sick, psychedelic hippy. Their sense of humor is elusive. How were others supposed to know they collect big band albums, lighting a candle every night to listen to them in a cathedral-like atmosphere?

Libras can love you today for what they despised you for last month and dislike you tomorrow for what they found delightful yesterday. Their reactions are fluid and changeable. Yet beneath all the oscillation, the Libra nature remains fundamentally fair and rational. Their frowns are merely surface-level, while their smiles are genuine. Focus on the latter and disregard the former. Tension and unnecessary shouting rarely find a place in the realm of Venus. The Libra's anger lacks vinegar; it may have a tinge of ice, but ice eventually melts.

Female Libra employees often exude the image of wholesome, whole wheat toast. There's an aura of Campfire Girl mystique surrounding them. While some may possess the sweetness of maple sugar with their soft voices and gentle manners, it is a pleasant sweetness. Rarely will you find a Venus woman who appears tough, battered, or emanates overt sexuality. Instead, there's a fresh and mellow allure, akin to the red and gold hues of Indian summer against a backdrop of clear blue skies. Cupcakes with syrupy icing are a minority among Libra women. You might instantly assume that such a woman can hold her own in a game of touch and tackle.

She might enjoy long hikes or spend extensive periods at the library. If not, you can bet she takes leisurely walks and participates in a book club. Physical activity and literary pursuits are ever-present, with variations in intensity. Yet, you'll notice long periods of rest interspersed between walks or hikes as she replenishes her energy with moments of lassitude and lethargy (often accompanied by catching up on her reading).

Your Libra salesman might be studying law on the side or possess a hobby that resembles a second career. They might excel in a field outside their profession, possessing expert knowledge in subjects you never imagined they would contemplate. However, there's one subject they invariably think about: love, romance, and feminine beauty. Almost ninety percent of Libra males secretly subscribe to magazines akin to Playboy. Even if they are discreet about it, they enjoy discreetly admiring pictures of alluring bunnies clad in little more than provocative smiles. Observing such women in person brings them even greater pleasure, which is why they often follow the nightclub scene (although they might depart after the floor show, when the noisy crowds disrupt their harmony). While happily committed Librans seldom allow their interest in the opposite sex to extend beyond visual appreciation, single Libras can be genuine Lotharios.

Librans are never alone in their canoes. Echoing across the blue lagoon, you can always hear the subtle footfalls of a squaw or brave in their lodges at twilight, beneath the pale moon. For every Libra Hiawatha, there's a maiden, and the roles can be reversed.

To keep your lovely Libra women and gentle Libra men content, consider playing soft music in the background as they work. Avoid shouting at them, and always provide logical reasons for tasks. Respect their intelligence, as they often possess more than the average person, and spare them unnecessary tension.

If treated well, Libra employees will not stir up friction in the office; they embody angels of tact and diplomacy, harmoniously coexisting with nearly everyone. Their personal aura of grace and beauty permeates everything they touch. Engage them in sales strategy discussions and encourage their participation in high-level brainstorming sessions. Familiarize them with the operations of the executive level, as Libra is a cardinal sign, and they won't remain mere employees forever. They yearn for leadership and are well-suited for it. When possible, entrust them with responsibility, and observe how effortlessly they navigate red tape, resolve grievances, tackle complex problems, and eliminate bottlenecks. They dress with distinction and behave accordingly, elevating the company's image. As for Venusian women, they tend to get what they desire eventually, employing their gentle methods. If a promotion is what they seek, consider granting it. They likely won't disappoint you. There's a sharp mind atop those graceful shoulders. Why not take advantage of it?

Libra employees may occasionally struggle with decision-making. Their train of thought rarely races when it reaches the station of choice, but it seldom derails. Once they arrive, they're likely to possess the right answer, even if it required the contortions of a two-headed giraffe to extract it.

Artistic inclination, musical talent, a flair for law, and philosophical ponderings define Librans. They often bring their soothing presence to hospitals, show business, publishing companies, scientific institutions, courtrooms, gardens, politics, department stores, interior design, and even the ministry. Regardless of where they spread their harmonious touch, the Libra thermostat typically hovers around seventy degrees Fahrenheit. It rarely plunges to freezing or rises to scorching temperatures. It's like having a human air conditioner in the office, with automatic repairs when it malfunctions. Mechanical devices can't offer guarantees like that. And don't worry, machines may not talk back, but now you're starting to sound like a Libra yourself!

"The horror of that moment," the King went on,
"I shall never, never forget!"
"You will though," the Queen said,
"If you don't make a memorandum of it."

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Scorpio


"What else had you to learn?"
"Well, there was Mystery ...
Mystery, ancient and modem,
with Seaography . . .
Drawling, Stretching
and Fainting in Coils."

Upon beholding their newborn Scorpio child, parents experience a profound sense of astonishment,
marveling at their baby's seemingly advanced maturity and the remarkable strength of their physical form.

Scorpio children possess an innate desire to engage in battles, driven by an unwavering determination to emerge victorious.
Compromise holds little appeal to them, as they eagerly await the opportune moment to resume the conflict on their own terms.

If the stork is due to arrive in November or the vicinity,
procuring a large and sturdy playpen becomes an imperative task.
This fortress of security allows you to retreat, read a book, or enjoy a meal, shielded from the intensity radiating from your Scorpio child.
As you lie down on the blue plastic bunny pad to assess its suitability, the perplexed gaze of the saleswoman should not deter you.
If you cannot withstand the scrutiny of a stranger, how will you confront the penetrating gaze of your own child without faltering?
For once those intense eyes fixate upon you, your will shall be mesmerized, and you shall unwittingly succumb to their every whim.
Envision a scene where you sway helplessly, like a snake under the spell of a charmer, as the diaper-clad Scorpio toddler sits cross-legged, playing a hypnotic tune on his flute.
To combat this potential enthrallment, fortify yourself against his beguiling influence.
Return the saleswoman's curious gaze with an icy stare of your own, for it is your hard-earned money that shall be spent.

Prepare to encounter actions that may appear peculiar, for it is not the saleswoman's role to dictate your choices.
As the customer, you possess the authority.
This same assertiveness shall be required to navigate the labyrinth of raising your Scorpio child.
It is your domain, and if your rules appear unconventional, it is not the baby's prerogative to dictate to you.
As you proclaim your authority, lock eyes with him, unyielding yet benevolent in your demeanor.

The journey ahead demands constant and unwavering discipline for the Scorpio child.
Impart upon them the values of empathy for the vulnerable, good sportsmanship in the face of defeat,
respect for authority, and the ability to forgive those who cause them harm.
In shaping their character, you shall come to appreciate their brilliance and magnetic personality,
alongside their rare courage and unswerving honesty, qualities that warrant nourishment and safeguarding from any corrupting force that threatens to distort or annihilate them.

The Scorpio child stands at the crossroads, presented with two paths?one leading to elevated heights, the other descending into the depths.
In the initial stages, you may fear that they have chosen the dark alley even before they have learned to walk.
Fluttery and apprehensive mothers are already defeated from the start.
Your little Scorpio toddler will stare at you fiercely, defying your command to refrain from touching something forbidden.
Return the glare, projecting a gaze that is both kind and firm.
While it may seem arduous to achieve a kindly glare, persevere in your practice.
Through clenched teeth, smile and utter a resounding "no" with unwavering conviction.
This victory may be temporary, as the struggle shall inevitably resume an hour later,
but each instance marks a step along the upward path.
In due time, the Scorpio child shall begin to admire your strength in withstanding their challenge,
learning only from someone they perceive as stronger than themselves.
Although they are aware that their present size grants them temporary triumph,
a day will come when they surpass you in stature.
Yet until then, they shall grudgingly bestow upon you their respect, as long as you loom larger.
By the time they are tall enough to wrestle their older brother to the ground or emerge victorious in a deadlock with their father,
your task shall be complete.
Exhausted, yet filled with pride, you shall witness their transformation into a splendid eagle,
rather than a vengeful scorpion.
However, exercise caution, for a generous outpouring of love and affection must accompany firm discipline,
lest they devolve into a desolate gray lizard, plagued by fears and phobias, bitter and withdrawn.

Despite their blunt and occasionally sarcastic speech, along with a straightforward demeanor,
the Scorpio child harbors a profound need for privacy.
They guard their secrets closely, and prying shall not be tolerated.
Provide them with a large metal box, complete with a key, wherein they may safeguard their personal treasures,
or designate a drawer exclusively their own, sealed by an unbreakable familial agreement.
As female Scorpios mature, they shall desire a diary equipped with an impenetrable lock.

These children possess an uncanny ability to uncover hidden truths,
rendering them formidable in unraveling embarrassing family secrets,
from Aunt Bertha's dentures and Uncle Percy's drinking escapades to Dad's concealing "rug" that disguises his bald spot.
Moreover, they display remarkable talent in locating misplaced socks, keys, wallets, and lipsticks?miniature detectives employing both logic and a touch of sorcery to solve any enigma.

Endowed with an extraordinary capacity to endure pain,
even stitches required to mend accidental wounds shall be borne without tears or the need for anesthetic.
The Scorpio child possesses a wisdom surpassing their tender years.
During moments of despair caused by financial troubles, disheartened fathers may find solace in the unexpected embrace of a little one too young to comprehend matters of economics.
Unaware of the intricacies, the child senses their father's discontent and longs to express their desire to vanquish the source of his unhappiness.
When mothers fall ill or succumb to despondency, a minuscule Scorpio may reach out silently, offering a gentle touch, somehow detecting their sadness.

Loyalty pervades the Scorpio child's being, extending unwaveringly to friends and loved ones,
while remaining unyielding towards others.
If a testy playmate deliberately shatters their rocking horse, the Scorpio child may retaliate by obliterating the offender's scooter, fire truck, and blackboard,
coupled with a swift punch to the nose, ensuring the transgressor grasps the consequences of treading upon a Scorpio's tail.
Discouraging such behavior becomes imperative, though achieving success may prove a daunting task.
Inform your November child that vengeful anger rebounds, inflicting harm upon themselves as well, but comprehending this logic will be challenging.
Perhaps a boomerang procured from a toy store, thrown with full force, might convey the message.
When it surprises them by returning to deliver a few jolting blows to the ear, the lesson may take hold.
However, it is unlikely to be as beloved as a microscope, a compendium of magical games, or a chemistry set?gifts guaranteed to captivate their interests.

Their teachers shall find themselves torn between directing the Scorpio child to the head of the class or wielding the birch switch.
Ultimately, they may resort to both approaches.
Scorpio boys and girls possess sharp and perceptive minds, accompanied by a striking ability to grasp complex theories.
They may grace the honor roll with unwavering dedication or assert their status as neighborhood truants.
Under the guidance of wise instructors, they shall swiftly master the art of reading and emerge as leaders within school activities.

The Scorpio child harbors the potential to become the class valedictorian,
provided their passion steers clear of forbidden territories.
Keep them physically active and intellectually stimulated, channeling their fervent curiosity into science, literature, medicine, or sports.
Nurture their childhood dreams of becoming a space engineer, sailor, firefighter, minister, entertainer, or even president.
Resist the temptation to impose your preferred career choice upon them, as doing so will invariably divert them down the treacherous path of reckless experimentation within the shadows of life.
They possess unwavering clarity in their desires, and imposing your will is a grave error.
Remain loyal to them, honoring your word and promises.

Offer them opportunities to expend their abundant reserves of pent-up energy,
for despite outward appearances of calm and composure, the Scorpio child simmers with intensity.
Nervous displays, mealtime arguments, and bedtime family quarrels shall birth nightmares,
profoundly detrimental to their mental and physical well-being.
Within their fervent nature, there reside intense passions and volatile emotions,
which require careful guidance to be subdued.
Rough and thoughtless reprimands, lacking logical explanations, are as detrimental as permissive indulgence.
Scorpios are fascinated by drugs; thus, ensure they remain beyond reach.
Their attraction to fire must also be managed, necessitating the removal of matches from their vicinity.

Halloween, monster shows on television, science fiction, and ghost stories shall capture their imagination.
Additionally, they shall develop an affinity for the opposite sex.
Do not be alarmed if you discover your five-year-old Scorpio son casting mysterious glances at the curly-haired girl next door.
Romance shall forever be their pursuit.
Prevent potential future heartaches by instilling in both genders a sense of responsibility in matters of the heart.
Scorpio holds profound respect for the sanctity of the family circle,
and by elucidating the consequences of careless amorous conduct, they shall heed your guidance.
Whatever path they choose, they shall excel within their chosen field.
The Scorpio child possesses an unwavering determination to achieve their desires,
coupled with the strength necessary to preserve them.
Do not withhold your support, even as their self-sufficiency may imply a disregard for approval.
They require it, though they appear to scorn it.
Assist them in discovering a worthy purpose to channel the inner passions that threaten to engulf them.
This is a child shrouded in enigma, destined for greatness,
yet with countless miles to traverse before reaching their destination.
Walk alongside them for as long as they require, and then grant them the autonomy to walk alone.
In due course, they shall return, bearing the fruits of their endeavors.
Pluto grants them immense courage, strength, and intelligence,
but it is your role to provide them with the one thing they crave most:
a daily demonstration of love and the reciprocation thereof.

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Libra

The LIBRA Child

"She's in that state of mind," said the White Queen, "That she wants to deny something-only she doesn't know what to deny!"

The charming Libran baby possesses a captivating sweetness and well-balanced Venusian features,
rarely succumbing to fits of red-faced rage or physical aggression towards their caregivers.
Their smiles radiate warmth, illuminating the entire nursery with joy.
Yet, behind the scenes, a wise grandmother's words come to mind: "Dimple in chin-Devil within," hinting at the paradoxes that lie within.

At breakfast, when faced with multiple choices, the Libra child's hesitation becomes a performance in itself,
stirring spoons between dishes, cold oatmeal and untouched eggs,
as he grapples with the decision of what to consume first.
In the midst of this culinary contemplation, you may wonder why he won't simply take a bite.

It is not that he lacks hunger or is unwell; rather, the Libra child struggles to determine the order of consumption,
caught in the web of his own indecisiveness.
The choices overwhelm him, and your attempt to tempt him with additional options only deepens his confusion.
Perhaps it is best to skip breakfast altogether and approach the next morning with a simplified offering,
one item at a time, allowing him to navigate the process with ease.

If there's one thing that sends the Libra child into a state of distress, it is the pressure to make quick decisions,
a role they despise playing.
Do not rush or force their hand.
Imagine a scene where he sits at the table, his clothes scattered about, and you plead, "Hurry up and get dressed, Harvey!"
Yet, he remains motionless, as the weight of the decision weighs heavily upon his delicate scales.

In truth, it is not stubbornness that plagues the Libra child, but the discordant interruption and the emotional turmoil caused by rushed decision-making.
Which sock should go on which foot first becomes a monumental challenge, exacerbated by your impatience and raised voice.
You disrupted his fragile equilibrium, resetting him back to square one.
The initial decision is lost, and he is left questioning which sock deserves precedence.
Blame not the child, but the disharmony that surrounds him.
Expecting him to make significant choices amidst the chaos and clamor only perpetuates the struggle.

In moments like these, it's essential to approach him with gentle guidance,
repeating suggestions until he picks up the art of decision-making,
nudging him toward overcoming this inherent difficulty.
Lead by example, demonstrate how it's done, and the day will come when he masters his innate indecisiveness.

While the world may label him as stubborn, it is vital to understand the root of his hesitancy.
Libra children possess minds that seek truth, and fairness is deeply ingrained in their kind-hearted nature.
They fear making mistakes or misjudging situations, avoiding the pain of hurting others.
Yet, this quest for balance and justice can lead to continuous arguments and debates,
as they seek to present both sides of any issue, expecting fairness in return.

Statements delivered without nuance or partiality fail to sway the Libra child.
To prevent their perceived injustice, they will passionately argue the opposing side,
a characteristic that may mistakenly brand them as rebels.
In truth, they will abide by rules when convinced of their reasonableness,
but they cannot tolerate skewed scales of justice.
Their quest for equilibrium demands thorough examination and balanced judgment.
The October-born children will sharpen the wits of parents and educators,
engaging in debates from newspaper headlines to familial disputes.
They even take the side of your worst enemy if they believe you are in the wrong.

Respect their privacy, just as they respect yours.
Ensure that mealtimes remain pleasant, as the Libra girls may request candles and flowers,
while the boys crave well-balanced meals and have a penchant for sweets.
Be mindful of potential weight issues, as bathroom scales become a point of contention.

The Libra child's innate need for cleanliness and order will alleviate the burden of enforcing neatness.
Their distaste for messes and an untidy environment drives them to maintain a well-kept home.
With natural inclinations towards music and artistry, encourage the development of their latent talents.

Little Libra girls may sprinkle powder on their dresses, douse themselves in perfume,
and be reluctant to leave the bathtub, driven by their love for beauty and sensory pleasures.
Meanwhile, Libra boys may indulge in hammock naps and exhibit an irritating knack for knowing more than they should.
These periodic moments of rest revive their energy, and their thirst for knowledge often exceeds their years.
Embrace their inquisitive minds and encourage writing, as Libra governs books as well.

During their teenage years, romantic clouds will envelop the household,
with an abundance of puppy love that may make you feel like you're residing in a sentimental kennel.
However, these infatuations shall pass, leading them to form balanced and harmonious relationships in due time.
In the future, you might find yourself standing in front of a nursery once more,
overhearing compliments on a beautiful baby, unaware of the dimple hiding beneath the charming facade.

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