Read Caprice Bourret's Cosmic DNA

Caprice Bourret
Caprice Bourret
12:00 pm
Hacienda Heights, California
34N0 118W2 (-7 GMT)
Scorpio (0) / Libra
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (11)  
Scorpio (16)  
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Gemini (5) / Taurus
Libra (15)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Libra (0) / Virgo

Birthchart Info

Caprice Bourret
12:00 pm
Hacienda Heights, California
34N0 118W2 (-7 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Scorpio (0) / Libra
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (11)  
Scorpio (16)  
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Gemini (5) / Taurus
Libra (15)  
Sagittarius (1) / Scorpio
Libra (0) / Virgo

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: Seduce You

How Can You Be Seduced

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
It's something of a challenge to seduce secretive Scorpio, since it's hard to gauge this sign's reactions. Don't be fazed if your moves are met with an inscrutable smile... that's just Scorpio's own form of seduction. A good first move is to take this sign's hand in a darkened movie theater and trace delicate patterns on the inside of his or her palm. Make love wordlessly and urgently, letting your body do all the communicating. Engage them in deep, intense conversations and allow them to reveal their secret desires.

If you're a Scorpio, you're a master seducer. You love undressing people with your eyes. Most people respond favorably to your intense focus. Occasionally someone will take offense, but that only makes the challenge more exciting. One of your favorite seduction techniques is getting people to confess their secret desires. Your magnetic presence and intense passion make you irresistible.

Head-for-Bed Line: "I'm an organ donor. Need anything?"

How Can You Be Seduced

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
When it comes to seducing sophisticated Libra, it's best to summon the spirit of Cary Grant or Audrey Hepburn. This sign needs to be romanced in high style... think champagne and evening dress versus beer and baseball caps. Librans love music, so taking this sign to a concert would be a terrific prelude to lovemaking. It's a wise idea to perfect your kissing technique before making the first move on Libra. This sign wants a lover with finesse. Engage them in intellectual conversations and create an atmosphere of elegance.

As a Libra, seduction is second-nature. You melt hearts with your dazzling smile and dancing eyes. You're also an excellent listener... which can be extremely seductive. If you ever want to take someone home, just ask what inspires them and then listen with rapt attention. Your charm, grace, and ability to create a harmonious connection make you irresistible.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Did you invite all these people? I thought it was going to be just the two of us."

Lose Points, Seduce

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Turn Offs for Scorpio:
* Be emotionally detached
* Lack depth
* Flaunt your weaknesses or vulnerabilities
* Be too accessible
* Show no passion or motivation in life
* Be weak-willed

Lose Points, Seduce

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Turn Offs for Libra:
* Use offensive language
* Be unfriendly
* Display crude or selfish conduct
* Be cheap or miserly
* Ignore the golden rule

Win Points, Seduce

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
The powerful sign of Scorpio is characterized by depth and intensity. To score significant points with a Scorpio, appeal to their inner drive and passionate soul.
To Win Points With A Scorpio:
* Embrace an air of mystery, intriguing their curious nature.
* Engage them in passionate conversations that delve into profound topics.
* Enjoy emotional storms and demonstrate your ability to handle intensity without breaking.
* Opt for dark and exotic clothing that matches their enigmatic aura.
* Remain objective and unyielding, presenting a counterbalance to their emotional nature.
Pick-Up Line: "Did anyone ever tell you that you look so sexy in black?"

Win Points, Seduce

Sun / Libra

Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The classy sign of Libra is all about relating and diplomacy. To earn significant points with a Libra, appeal to their good taste and their sense of fair play.
To Win Points With A Libra:
* Dress elegantly with class and style, demonstrating your refined taste.
* Make a good impression with your impeccable manners.
* Be willing to find compromises and meet them halfway on various matters.
* Compliment them genuinely, making them feel appreciated.
* Engage in conversations about relationships, a topic close to their heart.
Pick-Up Line: "You're total eye candy, and man do I have a sweet tooth."

Your Approach to Seducing Someone, by Element

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio - Water/Cups Suite
Your seduction style is characterized by profound depth and mystique. Through your intuitive and intimate approach, you have the power to forge a spiritual connection that entices others with an irresistible allure. Verbalizing this enchantment may prove challenging, but fear not, for art and music will become your conduits of expression.

Seduction Tips: Channel your emotions into creating a work of art or composing a soul-stirring song that mirrors your intense feelings for your intended lover. Candlelit dinners, where time slows down and intense gazes abound, provide the perfect backdrop for forging a profound bond.

Your Approach to Seducing Someone, by Element

Sun / Libra

Libra - Air/Swords Suite
You possess an enchanting seduction style driven by your charming and witty communication skills. Your strength lies in your ability to articulate your emotions in a manner that heightens intrigue. While practical actions and follow-through may pose a slight challenge, your mastery of words will pave the way to your desired destination.

Seduction Tips: Unleash your creative writing skills by penning a humorous and seductive poem, email, or text message. Show genuine interest in their thoughts and experiences by asking thought-provoking questions. Engaging in word games such as Scrabble or Boggle can add an element of playfulness to your seductive endeavors.

Your Way of Being Attracted and Then Seduced

Sun / Scorpio

(Tip: Remember, Attract first, then Seduce Scorpio)
Captivating the Scorpio Woman

Scorpio, a fixed water sign, is often associated with an icy demeanor. In order to melt her heart, you must approach her with a unique strategy.

Boring approaches are unlikely to capture the attention of a Scorpio woman. Instead, challenge her, make her laugh, and delve into psychological truths that she may not have encountered before. Break the pattern of mundane conversations and offer something intriguing, unusual, and witty. The key is to say things that she hasn't heard a million times before.

To attract a Scorpio woman, it is essential to pique her interest. Be unpredictable and maintain an air of mystery. Show her that you are not like everyone else and that you possess a depth of character that fascinates her.

Remember that Scorpio women, even those who may not fit society's conventional standards of beauty, have developed a system for quickly disqualifying potential mates. They are easily bored and often cut off contact as a result. Avoid being perceived as boring by adopting a mindset of childlike playfulness that encourages women to engage and participate.

What truly matters when attracting a Scorpio woman is triggering a deep attraction in her limbic brain. The only thing that can hinder your progress is if you cement her guard by being boring. By showcasing your intriguing and captivating qualities, you can appeal to her intense nature.

Approach the Scorpio woman as an intriguing gentleman who possesses a unique allure. Stand out from the crowd and exhibit qualities that make her want to know more about you.

Understand that successfully approaching the "Ice Queen" and melting her defenses requires a certain finesse. Employ approaches that allow her to slowly warm up to you, revealing her true self over time.

Seducing the Scorpio Woman

Scorpio, a fixed water sign, is characterized by its intense emotional nature. To seduce a Scorpio woman, you must be prepared to navigate the depths of her emotions and handle her jealousy. A smooth ride with a Scorpio lover is never guaranteed.

Avoid delving too deeply into her past during the seduction process. Scorpio women are highly private and secretive, so respect their boundaries and focus on building trust.

Scorpios are known for their mastery of the art of sexual seduction, so do not neglect their physical desires when the time is right. Create an atmosphere of comfort and security, allowing her to express her deepest desires and passions.

Feeling comfortable in various situations and being at ease with yourself are essential when seducing a Scorpio woman. Believe in your own attractiveness and embrace your flaws. It is your nerves, rather than your shortcomings, that can hinder your progress.

As a fixed sign, Scorpio requires time to make decisions. Avoid pressuring her and attempting to overpower her. Instead, be subtle and mysterious in your approach. Use secret codes or riddles to engage her curiosity and keep her intrigued.

Written communication can be a powerful tool for seducing a Scorpio woman. Craft passionate and provocative letters that tap into her emotional depths. Express your desires and create an intimate connection through your words.

Teasing and playing with a Scorpio woman can ignite her interest. However, always be mindful of her boundaries and respect her limits. Building trust and fostering an emotional connection is crucial to seducing her.

Remember that Scorpio women do not appreciate being in the spotlight. Use soft or dim lighting to create an intimate and sensual ambiance. Respect her privacy and avoid putting her on display.

When selecting gifts, focus on items that carry sentimental value and demonstrate your understanding of her desires. Thoughtful gestures and surprises can leave a lasting impression on a Scorpio woman.

Compose love letters that capture the intensity of your emotions and commitment to her. Let your words penetrate her soul and leave a lasting impact.

Your Way of Being Attracted and Then Seduced

Sun / Libra

(Tip: Remember, Attract first, then Seduce Libra)
Alluring the Libra Woman

Libra, an air sign, is renowned for being the most sociable sign in the zodiac, always seeking new connections.

To attract a Libra woman, immerse yourself in social settings where people gather and interact. Parties or any environment conducive to socializing will increase your chances of capturing her attention.

Develop social value within yourself to become the intriguing gentleman that all Libra ladies desire to know more about. Cultivate qualities that make you stand out and engage in conversations that go beyond the ordinary. Challenge her, make her laugh, and delve into psychological truths she may not have considered before. Avoid clichés and say things that truly capture her interest.

Tap into her curiosity by being interesting, unusual, and witty. Unpredictability will intrigue her and make her want to learn more about you. Stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your unique qualities.

Libra women often encounter individuals who fail to pique their interest, leaving them bored. By approaching her with a childlike playfulness, you can break through her defenses and make her want to join in the fun.

When interacting with a Libra woman, treat her as your sister and best friend rather than a potential lover. Cultivate a comfortable and subtle rapport that allows her to feel at ease in your presence.

Subtle flattery can work wonders with Libra. Compliment her on her appearance, intellect, or unique qualities. Be genuine in your compliments and make her feel appreciated.

When planning a meeting, opt for spontaneous outings such as coffee dates or trips to eclectic neighborhoods. Choose places that naturally foster conversation and shared activities.

Ensure your plans are fun and lighthearted, as Libra appreciates an airy and light atmosphere. Consider her aesthetic preferences and incorporate artistic elements into your outings.

Engage her in discussions about her plans and ideas. Libra women often have many dreams and aspirations but lack the courage to pursue them. Show genuine interest and support in helping her bring those plans to fruition. Demonstrate that you are a reliable partner who can provide the encouragement she needs.

If you are younger than her or have artistic inclinations, you may have an advantage in attracting a Libra woman's attention.

Seducing the Libra Woman

Libra, a cardinal air sign, possesses brightness, attractiveness, and a sociable nature. As a Libra woman can't stand loneliness, captivating her requires providing companionship.

To seduce a Libra woman, ensure she is the center of your attention. Make her feel like the shining star in your universe. Compliment her appearance, personality, and inner qualities. Express how nice, beautiful, and unique she is to you. Adoration is key.

Create an ambiance that fosters a harmonious and visually pleasing atmosphere. Choose candlelit dinners or settings that exude romance and beauty. Pay attention to your appearance and dress impeccably to make a lasting impression.

Invite her to parties and social gatherings where she can meet new people and engage in light conversations. Flattery plays an essential role in seducing Libra, as it appeals to her need for social validation.

When selecting gifts for a Libra woman, opt for beautiful and personalized items. Perfume, jewelry, or anything that enhances her wardrobe and reflects her refined taste will be appreciated.

Avoid attempting to overpower a Libra woman during the seduction process. Be aware of her sensitivity and the importance she places on harmony. Demonstrate refinement, elegance, and a gentle approach.

Libra women often seek partners who possess a good social position and financial stability. Having an impressive bank account can make you more attractive in her eyes.

Wear a subtle fragrance with an undertone of black licorice to add a touch of allure to your presence.

Writing her perfect love letters can have a profound impact on a Libra woman. Craft heartfelt and eloquent messages that convey your deep emotions and commitment to her.

Tease and playfully engage with her to ignite her interest. Libra women appreciate intellectual banter and enjoy conversations that stimulate their minds. Keep the atmosphere light and engaging.

Remember that seducing a Libra woman requires you to maintain an air of sophistication and elegance. Let her know that you appreciate her companionship and enjoy spending time together.

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