Read David Arquette's Cosmic DNA

David Arquette
David Arquette
12:00 pm
Winchester, Virginia
39N11 78W10 (-4 GMT)
Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

Birthchart Info

David Arquette
12:00 pm
Winchester, Virginia
39N11 78W10 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Virgo (15)  
Taurus (4) / Aries
Leo (28) / Virgo
Virgo (18)  
Aquarius (11)  
Scorpio (29) / Sagittarius
Gemini (6) / Taurus
Libra (12)  
Sagittarius (0) / Scorpio
Virgo (29) / Libra

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: LUV Sun Venus Mars

What You Are Like, In Love, Friendship Style, Creative Expression, Big Attraction, Winning You

Venus / Virgo

You are driven to constantly refine and enhance the beauty that exists in life. You are drawn to relationships that share a sense of purpose, as it fulfills your innate need for growth. With your hands-on approach and mastery of artistic skills, you bring craftsmanship and dedication to your creative endeavors.

What You're Like:
Unassuming and reserved, you are a loyal friend and partner. While you may not show emotions openly, you are sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of others. Your discerning nature leads you to offer constructive criticism to those you care about, always striving to help them better themselves. Daily harmony and creating a balanced environment are essential to you.

Quality and Element: Mutable Earth

In Love and Romance:
You are attracted to individuals who possess cleanliness and lack unpleasant habits. Even small details, like a messy car, can dampen your mood. Punctuality and a wholesome quality in a partner are important to you. Building mutual respect and trust is more significant to you than immediate passion. While you can be emotionally reserved and critical at times, you are responsive to touch and gradually reveal layers of sensuality in the bedroom.

Friendship Style:
As a friend, you enjoy feeling needed and being of assistance. You have a keen sense of observation and can offer insightful advice and thoughtful care. You excel at maintaining a balanced give-and-take dynamic in friendships. You are attracted to stylish and intelligent friends who appreciate your considerate nature and value your reliability.

Creative Expression:
Your attention to detail and focus make you excel in various creative pursuits. Writing, acting, or working behind the scenes in theater, film, or other artistic mediums are areas where you can showcase your talents. You thrive when collaborating with others and working in partnership.

The Big Attraction:
Your integrity and steady nature make you attractive to the right person. Your authenticity and reliability are valued qualities. Your mysterious aura and private nature intrigue others, while your physically sensitive demeanor adds to your allure. You are a trustworthy partner and possess a sensuality that is deeply appreciated by your loved ones.

Winning Your Heart:
To win your heart, someone must appreciate your efforts and not take them for granted. Attention to personal appearance and good hygiene are attractive qualities to you. You respond to acts of kindness, meaningful gestures, and displays of affection. A compatible partner shows a willingness to grow and improve alongside you, valuing your helpful hints and critiques.

Famous People with Venus in Virgo:
Kate Winslet, Sean Penn, Pedro Almodovar, Anne Bancroft, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, J.K. Rowling, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Antonio Banderas, Halle Berry, Brigitte Bardot, Robert De Niro, Eminem, Sigourney Weaver, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Lucille Ball, Colin Firth

Your Comfort Zone in Love & Relationships, Affection You Are Receptive To, To Woo You, Turn-offs, And Preferred Emotional-Physical Distance

Venus / Virgo

People with Venus on Earth (those with Venus in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) tend to value stable, enduring partnerships the most. Although they tend to be hesitant to start new relationships, once they do, they are admirable for their capacity to stick with them. With tangible evidence of commitment, Venusians on Earth feel most loved. They put a lot of effort into making their relationships function practically and physically. However, unless the element of water is prominent in the chart, some people may find their method of approaching relationships to be rather impersonal, excessively practical, or even conservative. Natives of Venus on Earth are most sensitive to solid, palpable, and measurable expressions of love. They rarely use flowery or extravagant gestures to show their devotion and affection. They need stability, warmth, and physical presence in their relationships more than most people do. After being married, they soon lose patience if their partners demand evidence of their love. "I'm here, aren't I?" they would respond. They invested a lot of energy into starting the relationship, so maybe that has something to do with it. Venus on Earth: People tend to be quite circumspect and frequently take a long time to feel at ease. Again, physical displays of love and devotion are much welcomed. Exciting and flowery romances are viewed as unnecessary or even superficial.

People with Venus in Virgo are not the flirty type. Instead, what makes them appealing is their commitment, willingness to work on the relationship, and ability to actually make it work. They won't try to impress you with lavish presents or promises, unlike Venus in Leo. They give you presents of devotion and careful consideration, which are less ostentatious but potentially much more generous.

Virgo Venus Men and women enter your heart subtly (and frequently slowly). Their quiet, reclusive nature is part of what makes them so attractive. They are highly sensitive in love?even insecure. In relationships, they prefer to take things slow and wait to move forward until they are sure that you like them. They are excellent listeners, and they regularly monitor you to get to know you inside and out. Their affection may be of the kindergarten sort; they may nag or berate in order to convey their concern. However, keep in mind that when someone criticizes your ideas, plans, or even character, they are not attempting to hurt you. They genuinely want to help! Venus in Virgo is drawn to unremarkable individuals who have mainly escaped notice. They don't like arrogant blusterers and snobs.

Venus in Virgo needs to know that you value all of the little things they do, and they do a lot of little things. The issue is that they perform these tasks so subtly that you might not always pay attention to or recognize them for all their thoughtful deeds. Since they are typically quite busy making everything work, they do require some space, so give it to them. Be sincere rather than ostentatious. Once you have attended to their basic needs, they are actually rather easy to please. Remind yourself that kids are a little bashful, and don't press your friends or family on them too quickly. They want to win you over, and your experiences might easily terrify them. They will show you how much you mean to them by being devoted to you and by being charmingly willing to work things out.

J. C. Chasez (Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Virgo), Vin Diesel, Sarah Ferguson, John Lennon, Heather Locklear, Jennifer Lopez, Julia Roberts, and Kevin Spacey (Venus and Mars in Virgo) are some well-known individuals with Venus in Virgo.

Your Romantic Needs, Powers of Attraction, and Expression of Love

Venus / Virgo

Seeking Love's Perfection in the Tapestry of Life: Delve into the realm of Virgo, where the pursuit of love intertwines with the yearning for perfection. Your heart seeks meticulous evaluation, silently discerning the potential for love in those you encounter. The infamous "checklist" becomes your compass, guiding you through the labyrinthine intricacies of romance. Beyond the pursuit of perfection lies a profound desire to be needed, expressing love through acts of service and unwavering devotion. Though critical at times, your intentions stem from a deep-rooted care, and your expectations are fueled by a yearning for pure and unconditional love. Allow your Venus in Virgo to navigate the intricacies of love's tapestry, where devotion and meticulousness intertwine in harmonious union.

Love Styles, how you act to ATTAIN love, affection, and anything

Mars / Aquarius


Embracing the Quirks of Love.

Suitors with Mars in AIR Signs undertake a captivating dance as they pursue love, infusing their endeavors with a touch of uniqueness and unorthodoxy. Their words and actions resonate with originality and individuality. Observe their intriguing inclinations:

* The Original Innovator: Uniqueness defines their approach, as they introduce delightful quirks and captivating idiosyncrasies, forging a path seldom traveled.
* The Unconventional Dreamer: Embracing unorthodox methods, they approach the pursuit of love from unexpected angles, constantly experimenting and pushing boundaries.
* The Champion of Individuality: They celebrate authenticity and encourage you to embrace your true self, challenging societal norms and conventions.
* The Nonconformist Rebel: Defying established systems, standards, and rules, they embody a spirit of rebellion, daring to tread where others fear to venture.
* The Free-Spirited Adventurer: Craving an unrestrained and open lifestyle, they resist restrictions and seek to foster an environment of freedom and exploration.
* The Coolly Detached Scholar: They exude an air of aloofness, intellectualism, or emotional detachment, drawing you in with their enigmatic presence.

Aquarius, the Mars-driven sign, unravels a captivating tapestry of affectionate tendencies:

* The Enigmatic Original: Exhibiting an unparalleled sense of individuality, they delight in embracing their unique qualities, offering you a glimpse into a world of endless possibilities.
* The Trailblazer of Unconventionality: Their unorthodox actions and unconventional choices paint a vivid portrait of a life that defies societal expectations, inviting you to join in the adventure.
* The Advocate of Individual Expression: Encouraging you to express your true self, they foster an environment where authenticity reigns supreme, celebrating the beauty of your distinctiveness.
* The Nonconforming Rebel: Fearlessly challenging societal norms, they reject conformity, nurturing a bond founded on shared rebellion against a system that seeks to stifle individuality.
* The Seeker of Freedom: Craving an unrestricted and open lifestyle, they yearn to explore the vast expanse of life's possibilities, offering you the same liberating experience.
* The Coolly Detached Intellectual: A captivating enigma, they appear aloof, intellectual, and unemotional, piquing your curiosity and inviting you to delve deeper into their multifaceted persona.

How to WIN your LOVE

Sun / Virgo

Virgo's attention is fixated on the details of daily life, and they find support in the company of fellow Earth signs Capricorn and Taurus. Virgo willingly takes on the role of a helpmate to Capricorn and enjoys working alongside Taurus. However, Virgo must guard against becoming weighed down, as this is a potential risk when paired with another Earth sign. The combination of Virgo and Cancer brings together two worriers who appreciate the beauty found in the small habits of shared life. It is not uncommon for many Virgos to form deep connections with Pisces, delving into the emotional depths together.

* Winning the Virgo Man

Aim for Calmness and Poise

Establishing a solid foundation begins with exuding calm, cool, and collected energy. The Virgo man epitomizes emotional self-restraint and will take his time in getting to know you. Initially, he may appear disinterested or reserved, as he is cautious about forming instant bonds. It is advisable to avoid first-date blunders such as excessive drinking, boundary-crossing behavior, or delving into past relationship baggage.

This man thrives on analysis and will notice whether you genuinely follow or feign interest in his intricate train of thought. He likely possesses detailed solutions for social issues and holds strong opinions about people's behavior. While the Virgo man won't shy away from an intellectual debate, he will display disgust if it devolves into a tense argument.
He dislikes coarseness, so refrain from using profanity until you have developed a deeper connection. Etiquette is important to him, and he may strongly react to bad manners displayed in public. Stay observant and attentive, so you can pick up on his likes and dislikes. Demonstrating that you paid attention to his preferences earns you brownie points with the Virgo man. Put thought into meeting his practical needs and show that you genuinely care in that manner.

He will appreciate a well-put-together appearance and notice the effort you put into your grooming. However, that same attention to detail may cause him to focus on a stain that others overlook. Good grooming is a must to captivate the discerning eye of a Virgo man.
Avoid pressuring him for sentimental displays. If he doesn't make a grand fuss about your relationship anniversary, remember the multitude of little things he does day in and day out. He possesses a steady nature and does not seek excessive drama. He finds comfort in order, routine, and maintaining control over his life. By involving yourself in his daily routines, you will gradually become an integrated part of his life.

He is a true hermit, so do not impose excessive togetherness. His destiny as a Sun sign is to achieve self-containment, which necessitates a considerable amount of solitude. Give him the freedom to pursue his own interests and return to you willingly.

Loving You

Sun / Virgo

Love of Virgo (August 22 - September 21)
As the Sign of Service, one of Virgo's favorite roles is to be of help to friends and lovers. The industrious, efficient and well-organized Virgin will rarely have trouble pulling this off, and a banquet at their hands will mean an evening of delectable treats. Ruling Planet Mercury symbolizes Communication, hence Virgos are possessed of an ability to reason clearly, resolve issues and take a romance to new heights. The Virgin can at times be shy and a bit repressed, so someone who can bring them out of these depths will be rewarded with a vibrant lover.

As well, Virgos are quite intuitive and can read between the lines, so their partner need not say much to get what they want. Concerned with health as they are, a doctor/nurse fantasy is the max for this serviceable sign!

A natural state for Virgo in love is to analyze the situation whilst exploring it deeply. This will show off the Virgin as steady and solid, and far from a flirt. The Virgin is much more the true romantic, someone who loves to give, as well as receive, passion and uninhibited joy. Virgos really know how to make their partner feel special, so some heat between the sheets is likely to occur! It's one lover at a time for the loyal Virgin, who reveres a relationship blessed with total honesty lest jealousy and feelings of inadequacy come to the fore. Love comes to Virgo slowly, carefully and sweetly, and the desire to learn all about their lover makes those born under this sign ideal lovers themselves. A Virgo in love is a sight to behold, a relaxed and confident soul.

How You Do Long Distance Relationships to Keep Love Alive

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Virgo, as a natural planner, apply your organizational prowess to create a long-term plan for your relationship. Discuss your future together, set a timeline for ending the distance, and remain open to relocation possibilities. Reevaluate your plans regularly and maintain flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

How You Might Propose, Love

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
A down-to-earth Virgo will present a simple, fuss-free proposal, while still ensuring that every detail is perfect. Your proposal might include an organic meal in a natural setting, and a ring crafted from eco-friendly materials. Your environmentally conscious partner seeks a humble, earthy proposal?one free from superficial glitz and glamour.

How You Show Love

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
To call a meticulous Virgo your own, you must be prepared to meet their high standards. These organized beings demonstrate their love by creating clean and harmonious environments for their loved ones. You might find them unexpectedly sorting your CDs alphabetically or arranging your books meticulously by height on your newly waxed entertainment center. For them, these acts of service are a way to show their admiration and the belief that you deserve the best. Embrace their meticulousness, express gratitude, and lend a helping hand. Together, you can create a haven of love and order.

How Your ex-Lover Can Make Up with You

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Keep your language clean and brush up on etiquette for a Virgo's sake. Being punctual and maintaining a tidy environment will further endear you. Logically address issues rather than resorting to emotional pleas, and consider a thoughtful book as the perfect peace offering.

Overall Personality, As A Lover

Sun / Virgo

The Virgo Lover
Though Virgos may not seem exceedingly romantic, they offer their whole heart without any pretense. They highly value loyalty and fidelity, aligning with partners who share similar beliefs. Treating marriage as both a love relationship and a functional partnership, Virgos invest deeply in their commitments.

The Love Songs You Probably Love

Sun / Virgo

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Practical and discerning, Virgo approaches love with their signature precision. Their love life mirrors their meticulous nature, carefully avoiding drama and seeking harmony in every aspect of their relationships. When it comes to love songs, they appreciate simplicity and an emphasis on the essentials. Jewel's heartfelt lyrics in "What's Simple is True" beautifully mirror Virgo's life philosophy?finding beauty in the uncomplicated. And once they find their soulmate, there's only one song that captures their devotion and dedication: Foreigner's soul-stirring ballad, "Waiting for a Girl [or Guy] Like You," a poignant reminder of their patient journey towards love's ultimate destination.

What You Want Your Honeymoon to Be Like so its Memorable, Love

Moon / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You love the smell of fertile earth, and that should be your honeymoon theme. The Pacific Northwest is filled with lush forests and National Parks that offer exquisite beauty. Take a trip to explore the different wild terrains the region has to offer. Go camping or hiking, or simply enjoy each other's company in a verdant, peaceful environment.

What You Want Your Honeymoon to Be Like so its Memorable, Love

Moon / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Being an adventurous soul, an exciting and fun honeymoon is what you crave for. Consider places that cater to extreme sports like skydiving, snowboarding, or surfing. Anything that raises your heart rate will do the trick. Just make sure your partner shares the same adventure qualities as you do.

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