Read Eleanor Lambert's Cosmic DNA

Eleanor Lambert
Eleanor Lambert
12:00 pm
Crawfordsville, Indiana
40N2 87W8 (-4 GMT)
Leo (16)  
Pisces (12)  
Virgo (1) / Leo
Virgo (26) / Libra
Scorpio (2) / Libra
Pisces (22) / Aries
Aquarius (5) / Capricorn
Sagittarius (21)  
Cancer (4) / Gemini
Gemini (20)  

Birthchart Info

Eleanor Lambert
12:00 pm
Crawfordsville, Indiana
40N2 87W8 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Leo (16)  
Pisces (12)  
Virgo (1) / Leo
Virgo (26) / Libra
Scorpio (2) / Libra
Pisces (22) / Aries
Aquarius (5) / Capricorn
Sagittarius (21)  
Cancer (4) / Gemini
Gemini (20)  

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: SEX Sun Mercury Mars

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Mars / Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio
Depths Unveiled, Passion Unleashed. Enter the mystical realm of Scorpio, where the intricate dance of desire reaches its apex. Mars finds its sanctuary within the enigmatic waters of this intense sign. The sexual nature of those with Mars in Scorpio is a labyrinth of complexity, a tantalizing puzzle that captivates and perplexes. Desire courses through their veins, and their expression varies, driven by the ebb and flow of their ever-changing moods. Some are drawn to power dynamics, enticed by the breaking of taboos, willing to explore the realms of pleasure without inhibitions. They revel in full-body pleasures, embracing every sensation with fervor. Others display their need for control by becoming unavailable, abstaining for extended periods until they deem their partner deserving of their intense passion. Many embody both aspects, leaving their partners perpetually guessing, veering between delightful surprises and maddening frustration. Commitment and intensity become their hallmarks in the realm of intimacy, promising an experience that is both provocative and private. Sex becomes an intimate and deeply personal expression for these passionate beings, a secret garden they guard with unwavering devotion. They are the keepers of the night, never to kiss and tell. Mars in Scorpio, my fellow seekers, holds the distinction of providing you with a night you will never forget.

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Mars / Libra

Mars in Libra
The Dance of Balance and Pleasure. Within the grand tapestry of passion, Mars finds solace within the harmonious and balanced energy of Libra. These enchanting lovers take great care to please their partners, their provocative nature manifesting in subtle ways. In the realm of intimacy, they seek fairness and balance, yearning for an equilibrium where pleasure flows freely between both participants. Yet, dear voyagers, be aware of their deep-rooted need for change and growth in their sexual expression, which may surface at the most unexpected moments. Mars in Libra possesses a giving nature in bed, but they expect equal reciprocation. While they may endure temporary imbalances, their long-term happiness hinges upon fairness and equity. They possess a particular affinity for setting the mood and atmosphere just right during lovemaking, an attribute often associated with their fellow earth sign, Virgo. Satisfy their desires, dear seekers, and you shall be rewarded with a lover who thinks of your needs above all else. With their charming allure, they can entice even the most stubborn hearts to surrender. It is Mars in Libra, dear seekers, who holds the power to make you feel a tinge of guilt within the throes of pleasure.

Your Sex Drive and Desires

Mars / Scorpio

With Mars delving into the mysterious depths of their sign, manifests a magnetic energy and desires that run so deep they may intimidate others. Within Scorpio individuals lies an unparalleled strength, coupled with an inherent self-control that allows them to choose when to unleash their inner volcano. Mars in Scorpio delves into the profound significance of sex and love, craving intensity and unwavering commitment from their partners. Their desires may compel them to employ manipulative or subversive tactics if they perceive their love to be threatened. The attack of Mars in Scorpio is akin to the searing pain of burns on one's flesh. Yet, in equal measure, Scorpio individuals possess the capacity to reach emotional and sexual heights that hold a healing power unmatched by any other sign.

Your Sex Drive and Desires

Mars / Libra

With Mars tempering their energy, channels their focus towards achievement with a balanced and accommodating approach. Libra individuals are lovers, not fighters, and this sentiment spills into their sexual dynamics as well. With Mars in Libra, their energy is intricately intertwined with the needs and desires of their partner. They excel at being attentive and considerate lovers, finding immense satisfaction when their partner's pleasure is fully realized. However, beneath this amiable surface lies a potential undercurrent of anger and unexpressed aggression, should their own physical needs be ignored. While they may not overtly communicate their desires, they expect their partner to possess an intuitive understanding of how to satisfy them, given the extent to which they go out of their way to ensure their partner's pleasure. Energy balance and equality form the bedrock of their amorous pursuits.

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Venus / Virgo

Venus in Virgo
A healthy attitude towards sex characterizes these individuals, finding release from their daily stresses through physical intimacy. They possess a knack for spotting beauty in the unnoticed and are attracted to the unassuming. Simple and genuine connections suffice for these lovers. They derive immense pleasure from serving their partners, relishing in the appreciation they receive. Insecurities regarding their own bodies drive them to master the art of turning their partners on. Imperfections hold allure for them, as they enjoy projects that involve unraveling their partner's insecurities. Their curiosity about sex is insatiable, often residing in the realm of fantasy. Naughty and wicked roles entice them, and voyeurism adds a delightful touch to their decadent streak. Despite common misconceptions, Virgo individuals are not overly picky but strive to please their partners, pushing boundaries within a healthy relationship. Expect them to have a diverse collection of adult entertainment.

Sex, Turn-ons and Flirtation

Venus / Libra

Venus in Libra
Extra care and attention are devoted to pleasing their partners. Their provocative nature may manifest in unexpected moments, as their desire for balance and perfection permeates their sexual encounters. They seek fairness and equilibrium in bed, expecting equal reciprocation. While they may appear compliant for a time, their lovers must understand that the key to their happiness lies in maintaining equilibrium. They have an eye for setting the perfect mood during lovemaking, often blurring the line between Libra and Virgo traits. A satisfied Libra lover will attentively consider your needs, charming you with their captivating aura. Be prepared to experience a tinge of guilt.

How Sex Begins in Your Thoughts

Mercury / Virgo

The Analytical Pursuit of Worthiness. Welcome to the realm of Mercury in Virgo, where love and romance are put through the meticulous lens of analysis. Those with this placement possess an innate inclination to scrutinize every aspect of love, often overthinking and overanalyzing before committing to a true relationship. Similarly, when it comes to expressing their sexual needs and desires, Mercury in Virgo requires a solid foundation of mental satisfaction before opening up. They seek to discern whether you are "worthy" of their affections, a process that demands their discriminating mind to be thoroughly satisfied.

Within the realm of Mercury in Virgo, love is viewed as a serious business, a terrain where efficiency and purpose thrive. These individuals are keen on verbalizing their delight in fulfilling their lover's needs and desires, embracing a pragmatic approach that serves to please. The relationship they envision is one that operates with precision, each romantic gesture executed with a purposeful intention.

How Sex Begins in Your Thoughts

Mercury / Leo

The Theatrical Overtures of Passionate Expression. As Mercury takes up residence in the regal realm of Leo, love, romance, and passion command the stage. Imagine a lover whose mind is perpetually adorned with thoughts of adoration and affection. Leo, the sign that rules over love's dominion, ensures that the flame of passion never flickers out. With Mercury in Leo, their creative minds demand an outlet for self-expression, infusing their communication with a flair for the dramatic and a touch of flamboyance. Expect their words to flow like poetry, showering you with generous compliments and unbridled declarations of love.

In the realm of intimate connection, Mercury in Leo seeks to ignite your desires through verbal affection and passionate proclamations. They hold nothing back, basking in the joy of open and affectionate declarations of love. At the same time, they expect to be adored and appreciated, their words cherished as precious gifts from their passionate soul.

Sex, How You Like It

Sun / Leo

Sex of Leo
True to their fiery nature, Leos emanate an intense physicality, exuding heat and ardor under the right circumstances. The Lion craves action and revels in being the object of desire. When showered with slow, deliberate affection, Leo is flattered into a state of ecstasy. This approach cultivates a confident and self-assured lover. Leos thrive on admiration, relishing partners who celebrate their beauty and aura. In return, they demonstrate their appreciation through passionate displays of affection. Foreplay is a cherished part of Leo's sexual repertoire, and a well-placed mirror can add an extra touch of excitement, allowing them to witness their majestic prowess.

Who You Are Sexually Compatible With

Sun / Leo

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Eager to please and enjoy the spotlight both inside and outside the bedroom, Leo the Lion loves the praise and attention that comes with an audience. The charm of Libra knows precisely what to say to evoke the best from Leo, encouraging a performance few can rival. Libra's effortless ability to craft a romantic setting caters to Leo's desire for luxury and drama, ensuring a contented purr replaces the Lion's roar.

Who You Are Sexually Compatible With

Sun / Leo

Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Eager to please and enjoy the spotlight both inside and outside the bedroom, Leo the Lion loves the praise and attention that comes with an audience. The charm of Libra knows precisely what to say to evoke the best from Leo, encouraging a performance few can rival. Libra's effortless ability to craft a romantic setting caters to Leo's desire for luxury and drama, ensuring a contented purr replaces the Lion's roar.

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