Read Gemma Atkinson's Cosmic DNA

Gemma Atkinson
Gemma Atkinson
12:00 pm
Bury, England
54N24 2W18 (1 GMT)
Scorpio (23) / Sagittarius
Leo (12)  
Sagittarius (12)  
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Capricorn (11)  
Scorpio (19)  
Sagittarius (12)  
Sagittarius (29) / Capricorn
Scorpio (2) / Libra

Birthchart Info

Gemma Atkinson
12:00 pm
Bury, England
54N24 2W18 (1 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Scorpio (23) / Sagittarius
Leo (12)  
Sagittarius (12)  
Capricorn (1) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Capricorn (11)  
Scorpio (19)  
Sagittarius (12)  
Sagittarius (29) / Capricorn
Scorpio (2) / Libra

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Stress

Your Stress Triggers

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Scorpios, your sensitivity is your most guarded secret. You're highly affected by loud noises and tense situations, which can lead to stress. Privacy is essential to you, as well as deadlines that allow ample time for completion. Communicate your needs and boundaries with others to create an understanding and harmonious environment.

Your Stress Triggers

Sun / Sagittarius

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Sagittarius, your restless spirit yearns for movement, making traffic jams a personal nightmare. Formal events and strict business environments can trigger stress for you, as can situations that limit your freedom. To ease your frustrations, spend time outdoors and immerse yourself in nature, providing the space you need to feel less restricted.

Your Superstitions, Bizarre Beliefs, and Behaviors, Stress

Sun / Scorpio

Scorpios are the vigilant custodians of the metaphysical world, believing that every action has consequences. Warning signs could include the silhouette of a bird gliding by, trailing a 1983 Buick convertible, or randomly discovering the same TV show rerun on separate channels.

Your Superstitions, Bizarre Beliefs, and Behaviors, Stress

Sun / Sagittarius

Sagittarians may simultaneously love taking risks and be the most superstitious sign. Their myriad beliefs could range from not petting dogs during critical times to refusing to don green garments on weekends. Naturally, overstuffing carry-on luggage, rather than checking bags, is viewed as good luck.

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