Read George Clooney's Cosmic DNA

George Clooney
George Clooney
12:00 pm
Lexington, Kentucky
38N2 85W30 (-4 GMT)
Taurus (15)  
Aquarius (2) / Capricorn
Taurus (21)  
Aries (13)  
Leo (0) / Cancer
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Leo (21)  
Scorpio (9)  
Virgo (5) / Leo

Birthchart Info

George Clooney
12:00 pm
Lexington, Kentucky
38N2 85W30 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Taurus (15)  
Aquarius (2) / Capricorn
Taurus (21)  
Aries (13)  
Leo (0) / Cancer
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Leo (21)  
Scorpio (9)  
Virgo (5) / Leo

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: How I Want To Get Picked Up On

A Park Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Spotting a Taurus is as simple as finding someone basking in the sun, radiating contentment. Though hesitant to disturb their peaceful demeanor, you'll soon discover that they long for quality companionship?someone who shares their frame of mind and appreciates a breathtaking sunset. Approach them gradually, exuding an air of casual calmness. Take your time to make a sincere and favorable first impression; they will appreciate the effort invested.

A Summer Beach Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
A Taurus is an embodiment of sensuality, their allure lying not just in their outward appearance, but in the aura of confidence that envelops them. Look closely, and you'll notice a smug smile gracing their lips as they catch you stealing glances. This is your cue; the game is afoot. It's up to you to infuse the encounter with intrigue and allure. Mind you, the Taurus has likely heard every pick-up line in the book, except perhaps for sincerity. If you desire the heart of a Taurus?and who wouldn't, once you discover their inner charm that matches their outer beauty?then transparency is key. Be genuine, admit that their confidence would normally be intimidating, were it not for the reservoir of confidence you possess.

A Video-Store Pickup that Might Work on You

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):
For Taurus, the key to a perfect movie experience lies in the ability to recline in a comfortable easy chair. As a lover of luxury, Taurus may go to great lengths to equip their living space with the latest flat-screen TVs, sometimes even parting with a vacation home for the cause. Look no further than the Blu-ray section, where Taurus will be irresistibly drawn to the immersive world of hi-def entertainment, living vicariously through stunning visuals.

Pickup at a Gym

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Recognizing a Taurus: Look for a well-built individual focused on weightlifting, displaying their strength and determination. Taurus prefers tasteful gym attire and carries their own plush towel, emphasizing their preference for comfort and practicality. You'll rarely find them sporting mini-shorts and a bare midriff, as they value modesty and practicality over flashy fashion.

Seducing a Taurus: Offer to spot them during their weightlifting session, providing support and encouragement as they push themselves to their limits. Engage them in conversation about their workout routine, asking for tips on form and technique. Bulls tend to work up a big appetite while exercising, so an invitation to lunch or dinner is always welcome. Additionally, Taurus has a great sense of humor, so try a self-deprecating joke like, "Usually, the only exercise I ever get is running after the Good Humor truck," or "I'm into heavy lifting, too. Every day, I carry my lunch to work." Light-hearted banter will definitely catch their attention.

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