Read George Clooney's Cosmic DNA

George Clooney
George Clooney
12:00 pm
Lexington, Kentucky
38N2 85W30 (-4 GMT)
Taurus (15)  
Aquarius (2) / Capricorn
Taurus (21)  
Aries (13)  
Leo (0) / Cancer
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Leo (21)  
Scorpio (9)  
Virgo (5) / Leo

Birthchart Info

George Clooney
12:00 pm
Lexington, Kentucky
38N2 85W30 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Taurus (15)  
Aquarius (2) / Capricorn
Taurus (21)  
Aries (13)  
Leo (0) / Cancer
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Leo (21)  
Scorpio (9)  
Virgo (5) / Leo

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Personality

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Leo

The Radiant Creator: Channeling the Magnificent Power of Mars in Leo

In the celestial tapestry of Mars, a drive for significance emerges as it dances through the regal sign of Leo. Mars in Leo individuals possess an unwavering desire to create and leave their mark on the world. They seek not only meaning but significant meaning in their lives.

This placement ignites a passionate flame within, infusing their actions with a sense of purpose and determination. While they relish in taking calculated risks, reason remains their guiding force. Mars in Leo individuals often harbor well-defined ambitions, guided by an innate sense of calling. Authority and power accompany their endeavors, endowing them with a magnetic charm that aids in accomplishing their goals.

Sexuality takes on a central role in the lives of Mars in Leo natives. While their desires can be easily ignited, their passion is enduring, fueled by love and romance. In relationships, they demand loyalty and admiration from their partners, valuing their commitment above all else.

Small-mindedness and disloyalty act as catalysts for their fiery nature, stirring them into action. They ardently defend their high principles, standing up against any perceived humiliation. Mars in Leo natives operate from the heart, with their ego intertwined with their actions, fostering a sense of pride in everything they undertake. While some may exhibit self-righteous and quarrelsome tendencies, those with greater sophistication exude a kindly leadership.

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Cancer

The Protective Guardian: Nurturing the Emotional Power of Mars in Cancer

In the cosmic symphony of Mars, a passive-aggressive tune plays when it enters the realm of Cancer. Mars in Cancer individuals possess a deeply rooted need for security before they act. Their cautious nature gives the impression of slowness, but beneath their seemingly gentle exterior lies unwavering strength—the strength of tenacity.

Emotional needs intertwine with their sexual desires, creating a profound connection between the two. At their best, Mars in Cancer natives exude a protective and therapeutic aura, turning others on through their nurturing approach. Their protective instincts are most pronounced when they channel their energy outward, becoming guardians of those they care for. Internalizing their emotions and self-protective tendencies can lead to complications, and they must learn to balance sensitivity with open expression. Some Mars in Cancer individuals derive particular pleasure from the idea of creating new life.

Indifference acts as a trigger for these individuals, provoking argumentative and manipulative behaviors. Energy levels fluctuate, manifesting as defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays when they feel cornered. Reassurance and confidence bring out the best in Mars in Cancer natives, revealing their dependable and supportive qualities. They strive to handle situations with peace and humanity, valuing harmony and cooperation.

Details of Your Personality, as The Man

Sun / Taurus

Don't expect him to rush into action or make impulsive decisions. He moves at his own deliberate pace, carefully considering his every move. But don't mistake his practicality and steadiness for a lack of romance?because that assumption would be entirely wrong.

Logic alone won't help you unravel the mystery of a Taurus man's nature. Don't be swayed by those who claim to have all the answers with their clever minds. The bull takes his time to decide if you're the one, but when he sets his mind on winning you, he'll surpass any other lover. His devotion can be displayed through daily gestures like sending you a pink rose or writing you poetic verses. His sensual nature is aroused by your presence, the touch of your skin, and the scent of your hair.

A Taurus man in love is a contradiction. He appreciates luxury and the finer things in life, and he'll shower you with gifts that match his taste. Music stirs his emotions, and he may have a favorite song that reminds him of you. He cherishes romantic moments and will suggest moonlight swims, picnics in secluded woods, and walks under the stars. His romantic gestures will leave you in awe.

While he may not be a dreamer like an Aquarius or sweep you off your feet like a Leo, the Taurus man is a builder. He plans for the future and provides stability and security. His practicality extends to his financial prowess, and he's likely to accumulate wealth and provide for his family. He values solid value over fleeting fantasies.

A Taurus man is a man's man, preferring the company of nature, football, and fishing. He enjoys the simple pleasures of life, like gardening and long walks. He may not be the loudest person in the room, but he respects intelligence and appreciates a woman with spunk. However, he won't tolerate a woman who dominates him or emasculates him. He desires a partner who respects his masculinity and allows him to be the man of the relationship.

As a parent, the Taurus man is a delight. He loves his children and sets high standards for them. He values material possessions and will provide for his family generously. However, he may spoil them with expensive gifts, so it's important to strike a balance between material indulgence and instilling values. His love and devotion as a father are unwavering.

Financially, the Taurus man is stable and secure. He enjoys the fruits of his labor and is willing to spend on quality and luxury. However, he's not wasteful and will ensure that his money is well-invested. He appreciates good food and traditional home cooking, but he's also willing to take you out to dine at nice restaurants.

Living with a Taurus man means enjoying a cozy and peaceful home. He values tranquility and appreciates a calm and comfortable environment. He dislikes chaos and prefers intimate gatherings with close friends. He'll create a haven for you and provide a sense of security and contentment.

In conclusion, a Taurus man is a solid, loving, and loyal partner. He may be stubborn at times, but that stubbornness is accompanied by patience. With him, you'll experience emotional and financial security, romance, and enduring loyalty. Appreciate his consideration and cherish the contentment he brings into your life.

Overall Personality, As A Man

Sun / Taurus

In the astrological realm, the Bull symbolizes, represents loyalty, thriftiness, and an innate kindness that radiates through their very being. Blessed with striking physical charm and a melodious voice, Taureans possess personal magnetism that captivates those around them. Firm in their resolve, they epitomize determination.

Taurus individuals are known for their stability and reliability. They provide a solid foundation for those around them, offering unwavering support and loyalty. With a practical approach to life, they have a knack for making sound decisions and persevering through challenges. Taureans are steadfast in their commitments and deeply value their relationships.

Element: Earth
Quality: Fixed
Planetary ruler: Venus
Birthstone: Emerald
Flower: Red rose
Color: Shocking pink
Key characteristic: Determination
Strengths: Hard-working, honest, brave
Challenges: Intractable, short-sighted, bullying

Taureans possess a natural charm and physical attractiveness that is hard to resist. Their captivating presence draws others towards them effortlessly. With a voice that resonates like a melodious tune, they have the ability to soothe and comfort those in their company.

Hard work and determination are at the core of a Taurus individual's personality. They possess a strong work ethic and are committed to achieving their goals. Taureans are not afraid to put in the necessary effort and are willing to go the extra mile to accomplish their aspirations. Their honesty and integrity shine through in their actions and interactions with others.

While Taurus individuals possess numerous positive traits, they are not without their challenges. Their fixed nature can sometimes make them stubborn and resistant to change, making it difficult for them to adapt in certain situations. They may also exhibit a tendency towards being short-sighted, focusing on immediate gratification rather than long-term consequences. Additionally, their strong-willed nature can occasionally manifest as bullying or intractable behavior.

The Taurus Man

Taurus men possess a great deal of what used to be called "animal magnetism." They are often dark and brooding in appearance, taciturn in speech. They become good husbands and fathers, cherish traditional values, and rarely lose their temper. Most are more concerned with achieving success in their personal life than their professional life. They have a great deal of creative talent, though this may require some coaxing.

The Taurus man exudes a magnetic aura that is both intriguing and captivating. Often characterized by their deep and mysterious demeanor, Taurus men possess an undeniable allure. Their silent strength and reserved nature add to their charm, attracting others like moths to a flame.

Family values hold great importance to the Taurus man. He is committed to creating a stable and nurturing home environment, prioritizing the well-being of his loved ones. Taurus men often excel in their roles as husbands and fathers, cherishing and upholding traditional values.

While Taurus men may appear serious and introverted, they have a well of creativity within them. Unlocking their artistic potential may require gentle encouragement and support. Once inspired, Taurus men can showcase their creative talents in various domains.

The Man Personality Overview

Sun / Taurus

Taurus Man
The Composed and Romantic Gentleman. A typical Taurus man emanates calmness, quietude, practicality, humility, and levelheadedness. He proceeds step by step, carefully contemplating each move. Love at first sight is not his style. It takes time for a Taurus male to determine if you are the one destined to share his life. However, once he has set his mind on you, he will go to great lengths to win your affection. His efforts will include showering you with romance, sending flowers, composing heartfelt poems, and more.

Taurus men are fiercely protective of their loved ones and treat them with tenderness and warmth. When in love, they express their affection through small gestures. Expect flowers regularly, romantic outings to the most enchanting places, and well wishes on important milestones like your first meeting. If you wish to evoke strong emotions in a Taurus male, indulge in soothing, romantic melodies. Building castles in the sky isn't his forte.

He won't promise you the moon, but he will gift you that diamond necklace you spotted at the jewelry store two days ago. With him, you needn't worry about an uncertain future. His personality exudes qualities such as inner strength, stability, and a tranquil nature that are bound to capture your heart. A Taurus man doesn't believe in taking risks and is always prepared for the worst. If you intend to captivate him, refine your feminine allure without delay.

He desires a wife, not a tomboy. You are expected to conduct yourself with grace. In public, let your Taurus partner shine brighter than you. Don't misconstrue his intentions. He respects your intelligence, but avoid contradicting him in public to avoid causing embarrassment. If you make such a mistake, apologize promptly, lest you invite doom. Never attempt to push him beyond his limits, as his temper can turn violent. If you do provoke him, remain by his side and strive to calm him.

Don't even consider spending the weekend at your mother's place. You are his wife, and he loves you. You must live with him. A Taurus man will not tolerate interference from outsiders in his home, be it your mother or anyone else. He desires a partner who is close to him but not excessively clingy. He values his freedom and grants you the same. You are free to indulge in all your feminine fashions. In fact, a Taurean man takes pleasure in observing you engage in typical feminine activities, displaying remarkable patience.

Nevertheless, remember that he is the head of the household, and when he beckons, you must return. If you adhere to this, you will be rewarded with a pleasant and agreeable husband. Entrust him with the reins, and he will do everything in his power to provide you with a cozy nest brimming with love, warmth, care, and consideration. He may be stubborn, but only when provoked. Otherwise, he is the most patient man you will ever encounter. Rejoice, for you have a true man by your side, one who will embrace you, protect you, and love you eternally!

Personality Overview In Astro-Speak

Sun / Taurus

You embody tranquility and harmony, like Ferdinand the peace-loving bull, seeking the serenity of meadows filled with natural beauty. Your determination drives you towards your goals, as you remain focused and steadfast. Stability and simplicity are your guiding principles, and you avoid unnecessary risks that could jeopardize your sense of security.

Your appreciation for sensory pleasures is evident, as you find joy in the physical world. Creating a comfortable environment, surrounded by quality possessions, brings you contentment. Practicality is your hallmark, and your sensible outlook on life helps you navigate its complexities. However, don't overlook the beauty that lies beyond material possessions as you pursue a fulfilling life.

Element: Earth

Grounded and practical, you navigate life based on what is tangible and real. Earth signs value sensation over abstract thoughts or emotions. With your feet firmly planted on the ground, you offer sensible advice and approach situations with a level-headed mindset.

House: Second

The Second House represents your personal values and possessions. It encompasses everything of importance to you, both material and immaterial. It is a reflection of what you hold dear and provides insights into your core values.

Key Planet: Venus

Venus, the planet of love and beauty, rules your sign. It symbolizes not only physical attraction but also the ideal form of love. Your sensual nature seeks beauty in all aspects of life, from art to nature. Venus endows you with a simple and refined sensibility, allowing you to appreciate the finer things and find pleasure in the world around you.

Greatest Strength:
Your sensible and practical approach to life.

Possible Weakness:
Accepting less than what you are capable of achieving.

Personality Overview, As A Child

Sun / Taurus


As A Child

The Charming Taurus Child
Let's start with an important lesson: trying to make a Taurus child do something against their will is a futile endeavor. These little bulls are headstrong and will resist your efforts with all their might. It's best to avoid a showdown and understand that they have their own preferences. However, apart from their stubbornness, Taurus children possess delightful traits that make them adorable.

With their chubby cheeks and adorable appearance, Taurus babies crave affection. The more you shower them with hugs, the happier they become. In return, they'll shower you with their love. Taurus boys are often their mother's favorites, while Taurus girls hold a special place in their father's hearts. Though some Taurus girls may exhibit tomboyish tendencies, they exude feminine charm whenever they desire. Taurus children often seem more capable and proficient than their peers.

They display emotional security beyond their years, rarely succumbing to tantrums. Taurus babies remain calm, cheerful, and composed unless their will is crossed. Predictability characterizes their behavior, and they enjoy company without being the center of attention.

Rudeness, attitude, and insolence don't align with their characteristics. However, pushing a Taurus child too hard is counterproductive. Shouting or yelling won't get you anywhere. Offer genuine love and affection, and they'll readily cooperate. Taurus children respond well to common sense and logical explanations. They appreciate straightforward truths and need practical reasoning to sway their decisions.

Taurus children find solace in soothing colors and sounds. They often exhibit an interest in creative arts, such as painting. Diligence defines their approach to studies, showcasing excellent concentration and hard work. They seldom rebel and dutifully adhere to your instructions, as long as you maintain a sweet tone. While Taurus children may take a bit longer to grasp new concepts, their sharp memory retains information for a lifetime.

If your child is born in May, accept that you can't order them around. Instead, soften their heart with love. Pushing them only solidifies their resistance. Taurus boys and girls are deeply devoted to their loved ones, going to great lengths to support them. They thrive in a cozy, nurturing home surrounded by positive influences. With their presence, they can bring contentment and peace to your life!

Personality Overview, Sign Info

Sun / Taurus


Symbol: The Bull
Ruling Planet: Venus
Quality: Fixed
Element: Earth
Basic Trait: I Have
Closest Metal: Copper
Lucky Day: Friday
Lucky Colors: Pastel Shades
Lucky Gems: Lapis Lazuli and Sapphires
Lucky Flowers: Daffodils and Daisies

Personality Overview, cafeastrology

Sun / Taurus

Solid Foundations and the Art of Sensuality. Taurus natives possess an unwavering steadfastness that endures regardless of other astrological influences. Although dependability is their forte, it often manifests as routine rather than outright helpfulness.

Sensuality courses through the veins of Taurus individuals, encompassing not only physical pleasure but also a deep appreciation for the myriad delights life has to offer. They revel in the sensory experience of indulging in food, snuggling beneath a cozy blanket, gazing at a captivating aquarium, inhaling the fragrance of flowers after a spring rain, or surrendering to the melodies emanating from their stereos. Taurus lives through their senses, immersing themselves more fully than most.

When Taurus natives engage in work, they do so with unwavering determination. Their methodical and steady approach, while not necessarily swift, ultimately yields rewarding outcomes. Security holds paramount importance for Taurus; some seek financial prosperity, while others content themselves with a comfortable existence. Taurus's definition of "comfortable" may differ from other signs, but the driving force remains the same?comfort provides them with a sense of stability.

While their fixed and pleasure-seeking nature can give the impression of laziness, it stems from their ability to effortlessly segregate work and leisure. When they work, they devote themselves wholeheartedly, and when they unwind, they truly relax. Once a Taurus has kicked up their feet, they become immovable, and convincing them to budge is an arduous task. The same tenacity applies to their mental realm. Taureans remain steadfast in their commitments, clinging to ideas and traditions that ground them.

Possessiveness permeates various aspects of a Taurus's life. Ownership, be it material possessions or even people, is highly valued. A comfortable home, a modest piece of land, a reliable vehicle, the aforementioned captivating aquarium, a couple of cherished pets, or a thriving business?Taurus delights in securing these tangible aspects. In matters of love and relationships, an earthly possessiveness manifests, sometimes mistaken for jealousy. Yet, there exists a stark distinction between possessiveness and jealousy. Taurus individuals rarely exhibit pettiness or envy. However, they cherish their loved ones, viewing them as an integral part of their security.

Personality Overview

Sun / Taurus


Deeply compassionate,
Unwavering dependability,
Unmatched loyalty and reliability,
Strength manifested both physically and emotionally.

Inflexible stubbornness,
Heightened sensitivity,
Occasional bouts of aggression,
Resistance towards change.

The Taurus zodiac sign embodies the majestic symbol of 'The Bull,' and much like its namesake, a Taurus individual exudes an air of strength and reticence. At first encounter, a Taurean may strike you as exceedingly reserved and silent. It is only through building proximity that genuine conversations, rather than mere monologues, can transpire. They move with purpose and exhibit the steadfastness of the legendary 'Rock of Gibraltar.' Once a Taurus has set their mind on something, even the slightest attempt to sway them proves futile. In a state of tranquility, a Taurean emanates an easygoing aura.

Yet, should you push against their will, be prepared for the emergence of unwavering stubbornness. Proceed with caution, for beneath the surface lies the potential for a tempestuous temper. Rest assured, however, that a Taurus individual rarely acts impulsively or succumbs to anger without reason. In fact, they exercise impeccable emotional control. Nevertheless, when the fury of a Taurus is unleashed, it is wise to step aside lest you face their formidable charge. Their anger, much like the bull's, takes time to abate. While they possess a natural allure, a Taurus often prefers drawing people toward them rather than actively seeking attention.

Passivity stands as one of the defining traits of a Taurus. You can rely on them to be present when needed, yet they rarely initiate contact. Simultaneously, they possess an innate understanding of 'what to do' and 'how to do it.' Worry, fretting, and nervousness hold no place within the realm of Taurus characteristics. Stability and stoicism are inherent to their nature. Decisions are made deliberately, after careful contemplation. Taurus individuals cherish their homes, and any disruption unsettles them. Refrain from labeling them as stubborn, for they shall vehemently deny it, believing themselves to be patient rather than obstinate.

Taureans possess a remarkable capacity to endure both emotional and physical pain without succumbing to grief or complaint, even over extended periods. The more challenges they face, the stronger they emerge. Loyalty and dedication to family and friends are inherent to a Taurus' core. They possess a hearty appetite and derive pleasure from delectable cuisine and beverages. A sense of humor exists within them, albeit leaning towards broad and slapstick comedy rather than subtle wit. Cruelty is foreign to Taureans, and financial destitution rarely befalls them. In due time, prosperity finds its way to their doorstep.

Generosity flows freely from a Taurus, as their pockets and hearts remain open to friends and family. They hold an affinity for grandeur and harbor a deep interest in various artistic forms. Music, in particular, occupies a sacred space within their lives. The ideas conceived by a Taurus are consistently sensible and practical, eschewing the construction of castles in the air. Synonymous with enduring love, Taurus individuals are not inclined towards wandering. They relish luxury while abhorring wastefulness and extravagance. Above all, they embody dependability, strength, patience, and trustworthiness, a true embodiment of unwavering virtues.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Taurus

The Taurus Child
Taurus children have mood swings that can take them from sweetness and light to stormy darkness. These youngsters are typically obedient, but may resist parental boundaries during adolescence. Many Taurus children possess a notable artistic talent, excelling in color perception and an affinity for beauty.

Overall Personality, As A Friend

Sun / Taurus

The Taurus Friend
Taurus individuals are known for their unwavering loyalty and dedication to their friends. They treat their companions with the kind of warmth typically reserved for family or loved ones. They connect best with people sharing similar interests and often offer valuable advice to their friends. Their counsel is highly appreciated and valued.

Overall Personality, As A Lover

Sun / Taurus

The Taurus Lover
Taurus lovers are passionate, committed to long-term relationships or marriage over casual dating. They are persistent and attentive partners, always ensuring special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries are remembered. The primary challenge they face is a lack of flexibility, which may bore someone who delights in variety and experimentation.

Details of Your Personality, Famous Personalities

Sun / Taurus

Famous Taurus Personalities

Many famous personalities have been born under the sun sign of Taurus. All of them belong to varied fields, like acting, direction, sports, and so on. In the following lines, we have provided a list comprising of the names of famous Taurean celebrity.

* Adolf Hitler
* Audrey Hepburn
* Barbra Streisand
* Bertrand Russell
* Duke Ellington
* Ella Fitzgerald
* Fred Astaire
* Gary Cooper
* Harry S. Truman
* Johannes Brahms
* Catherine Kate Smith
* Lionel Barrymore
* Oliver Cromwell
* Orson Welles
* Queen Elizabeth
* Shirley Temple
* Sigmund Freud
* Stephen A. Douglas
* William Shakespeare
* Yehudi Menuhin

* Apr 21: Andie MacDowell
* Apr 22: Jack Nicholson
* Apr 24: Kelly Clarkson
* Apr 25: Renee Zellweger
* Apr 25: Al Pacino
* Apr 28: Jessica Alba
* Apr 29: Michelle Pfeiffer
* Apr 29: Jerry Seinfeld
* Apr 29: Uma Thurman
* Apr 30: Kirsten Dunst
* May 4: Audrey Hepburn
* May 6: George Clooney
* May 9: Candice Bergen
* May 9: Billy Joel
* May 10: Bono
* May 13: Stevie Wonder
* May 16: Janet Jackson
* May 19: Malcom X

Fred Astaire Balzac, Lionel Barrymore Irving Berlin Johannes Brahms Catherine, the Great Perry Como Gary Cooper Oliver Cromwell Bing Crosby Salvador Dali Stephen A. Douglas Queen Elizabeth U Duke Ellington Ella Fitzgerald Henry Fonda Margot Fonteyn Sigmund Freud Ulysses S. Grant, William R. Hearst Audrey Hepburn Hitler, Henry J. Kaiser Willie Mays Yehudi Menuhin Vladimir Nabokov Robespierre Sugar Ray Robinson Bertrand Russell William Shakespeare Bishop Fulfon Sheen Toots Shor Kate Smith Barbra Streisand Norma Talmadge Shirley Temple Harry S. Truman Orson Welles

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Taurus


"Haw the creatures order one about, and make one repeat lessons!"

"I sent to them again to say It will be better to obey."

Working under the leadership of a Taurus boss is a unique experience that requires an understanding of their practical nature and steadfast determination. Don't underestimate their calm and seemingly complacent demeanor, for beneath it lies a bull's strength and the determination to succeed. While they may not be the flashiest or most innovative leaders, they have an unwavering focus on building and expanding their business empire.

The Taurus boss values practicality above all else. They want the facts presented plainly and concisely, with no need for fancy embellishments. Lengthy explanations and abstract concepts make them restless, as they prefer getting straight to the point. Their favorite phrase is often "Get to the point," and they expect their employees to communicate in a clear and efficient manner.

Don't be surprised if your Taurus boss rejects your exciting ideas or new systems in favor of their tried-and-true methods. While they may miss out on some progressive opportunities, they believe in the power of stability and consistency. They prefer gradual progress and steady growth over risky endeavors that could potentially backfire. This cautious approach may frustrate you at times, but in the long run, their practicality and grounded decision-making often pay off.

Taurus bosses are not lacking in imagination or an appreciation for the finer things in life. They have a keen eye for beauty and a love for soothing colors and pleasant scents. A touch of elegance, such as wearing a nice perfume or having polished nails, can make a positive impression on them. However, they also value simplicity and authenticity, so avoid excessive flattery or grandiose gestures.

One of the key qualities of a Taurus boss is their loyalty. They value people who have proven themselves reliable and trustworthy. Show your dedication and consistency, and they will reward you with their loyalty in return. They expect their employees to carry their own weight and contribute to the success of the company. Promotions are within reach for those who demonstrate their abilities and remain steadfast in their commitment.

Working for a Taurus boss may occasionally test your patience due to their stubbornness and preference for things to be done their way. However, if you can embrace their practicality, stay grounded, and support their vision, you can build a solid working relationship with them. They are dependable and will provide support when the workload becomes overwhelming. Show your loyalty, sincerity, and potential, and you may find yourself on a path to a promising future within the company.

Remember, the Taurus boss seeks harmony amidst the chaos of the business world. They appreciate employees who understand the value of practicality and share their commitment to building a strong and successful enterprise. With a Taurus boss, it's all about staying grounded, working hard, and earning their trust. And in return, they can offer stability, security, and the opportunity for growth within their empire.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Taurus

The TAURUS Employee

"Well, I never heard it before ... but it sounds like uncommon nonsense."

Let's begin by acknowledging that a Taurus employee may not be your best bet for a salesperson. Unless, of course, their birth chart reveals influences from Gemini, Aries, Leo, or Pisces. In that case, they might excel in peddling your products and services. Otherwise, it would be in your best interest to gently guide them (definitely not push them) into a different role within your company.

When it comes to giving a sales pitch, the average Taurus employee won't necessarily leave a lasting impression on your clients. Their approach tends to be more along the lines of "If you want it, take it. If you don't, move along." You won't find them weaving elaborate tales with a golden tongue or unleashing a flood of imaginative and descriptive phrases. Unless you consider "Umph," "Gumph," "Mmm Hmm," and "Mumph" to be imaginative and descriptive. Now, this isn't to say that Taurus employees lack positive qualities. Quite the contrary. However, these qualities typically don't lean towards swaying others or convincing them to sign on the dotted line. Instead, they are more inclined to explain why someone shouldn't get involved.

The primary reason Tauruses aren't drawn to sales is closely tied to their inherent need for security. They require a sense of stability in their work and a belief in their potential for success. Without these elements, their motivation becomes considerably diluted. Regardless of the potential rewards, if they fluctuate, a Taurus employee will always prefer the safety of a predictable weekly income. A Taurus on a straight commission is often one of the unhappiest individuals in the world. A fixed salary combined with a bonus based on sales performance may come closer to instilling a sense of accomplishment, but even then, the role of a salesperson isn't an ideal fit for the bull.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, in addition to the planetary influences mentioned earlier. Certain low-pressure sales pitches can be handled with distinction by most Taurus individuals if the product or service is solid, stable, and imbued with a sense of security. However, the list of such products is rather limited. Farm equipment, tractors, mowing machines, trucks, or similar items would align perfectly with their expertise. They speak the same language as the potential buyers. Money is another area they can handle effectively, whether on the receiving or disbursing end. Selling money might even be their forte. In other words, they would excel in the loan department of a bank. However, let's be honest, how much persuasion does it take to convince a financially troubled person that they need money?

There might be a couple of other categories where Tauruses could shine as salespeople. Real estate, for instance. Showing people around houses and highlighting the value of the land is an area where they feel at ease. They'll gesture towards a stunning view and say, "Umph." Then they'll describe the landscaping possibilities with an ecstatic "Grumph." Next, they'll demonstrate the plumbing and closet space with a confirming "Mmm Hmm." Finally, they'll discuss the financing options with a confident "Mumph." It's hard to believe, but the likely response from a prospective homebuyer would be, "Yes, I'll take it." To which the Taurus salesman would respond with, "Alright, it's yours." Or something similar. The key here is that the Taurus's honesty and apparent reliability impress those who are investing a substantial sum in a property. Then there's the field of education. Taurus employees possess an unwavering belief in solid foundations, practical knowledge, and a distaste for ignorance. With these convictions, they could persuade a girl to pursue an engineering course at M.I.T without batting an eye. They see no absurdity in a female studying engineering. To them, practicality is practicality, regardless of gender.

It's also possible that a Taurus with a Gemini ascendant or Mars in Gemini would make an excellent radio or TV announcer. The melodious tones of their speech combined with Gemini's charm and verbal agility make them a natural fit for these media roles. Furthermore, if the right planets align in Aries at birth, their influence could potentially enhance their promotional or public relations skills, though they would never adopt a high-pressure approach. I'm afraid this just about covers the territory for Taurus salespeople. In most other areas, and without the proper additional planetary influences, they thrive in roles that come more naturally to their unflappable nature.

One such role is often referred to as "holding the center together," a valuable ability in both politics and the business world. Regardless of the desk they're assigned to, Taurus employees firmly root themselves behind it, determined to succeed?and they usually do. They work at a steady pace, aiming for perfection, which they often achieve when given space and not rushed. The more responsibility the position demands, the wiser it is to place them in charge. It's rare to find a more dependable, trustworthy, and honest employee. They strive to help your company expand rather than boosting their own egos. A successful Taurus wears the same hat size as when they started.

As much as Tauruses dislike change, even exceptional ones won't stay with you forever. It's not flightiness that drives them to leave but a fundamental aspect of their nature. Once they have nurtured the growth of your company, they won't remain to run it for you. Tauruses are more interested in accumulating power and wealth. They value their freedom too much to be tied down by the intricate management of a complex business or to serve as an unseen cog in the machine. They are reliable and content to stay put, but they want the freedom to continue building their own foundation and empire, whether big or small.

A Taurus employee, whether exceptional or average, is always an outstanding worker, and one of their most endearing qualities is their willingness to take orders without resentment. This stems from their belief that the path to becoming a boss who gives orders is to first be a cheerful subordinate who follows orders. Their respect for authority is rooted in the knowledge that when they eventually become executives, they'll expect their employees to comply with their directives. As bosses themselves, they will have well-defined and often rigid ideas and methods. Consequently, they don't find it strange or unpleasant when you insist on adhering to a fixed pattern in their work. As far as they're concerned, you are in charge.

Certainly, this attitude is a tremendous asset, but don't mistake their amiable nature or their sensible deference to authority as a sign that they can be easily pushed around. They possess a Machiavellian detachment towards those who think they're manipulating them and handle such individuals with smooth tact and diplomacy. Behind the scenes, however, their tongue is firmly in their cheek as they humor the aggressive people attempting to push them. In the end, Tauruses will have their way. Their success is further ensured by their ability to wait patiently until they triumph over the pushy types. However, when their personal emotions are trampled upon or their deep pride is wounded, their cool composure may disappear, replaced by stubbornness akin to that of a child. Bear in mind that while they pout, they are combustible and prone to explosive displays of temper. These episodes won't last long, and the bull will fall ominously silent after such a "charge." However, if the underlying cause isn't rectified immediately, they'll simply leave, never looking back. Once a Taurus walks out the door, they're gone for good. There won't be any sheepish returns for a second chance. Their broad shoulders will be the last thing you see as they exit. No matter what you say or do, they won't be persuaded to reconsider. When a Taurus is gone, they are gone. There's no need to revisit the matter since their foresight obviates the need for hindsight. Given their sensual and affectionate nature, you'll likely find plenty of former flames who sadly recount that when a Taurus waves goodbye, there are no encores. In matters of both love and business, people often make the mistake of assuming that a Taurus's patience is endless simply because it takes them so long to lose it.

Female Taurus employees, in particular, are a true gem to have around. If they embody the typical Taurus traits, they'll possess a calm, soothing voice and a gracious demeanor. These women often excel as executive secretaries. Emergencies won't throw them off balance. In fact, a crisis brings out the best in them, and their capabilities are considerable. They may not be the fastest typists or dictation-takers, but their work will be thorough and precise. Just like their male counterparts, they believe that if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well to the best of their ability. Every Taurus lives by that motto. You won't catch them yawning in your face when you're expounding your theories. If the ideas are practical, they'll engage in meaningful conversations about them, approaching the topic with sensibility and logic. Yet, don't let that fool you into thinking they aren't genuinely feminine.

Exercise caution, as Taurus women are not typically drawn to casual office flirtations. While they can be fun-loving and jovial, beneath their warm and bovine humor lies a mind that is focused on marriage. If a Taurus woman accepts a dinner invitation from you on more than one occasion, chances are she's already assessing your potential as a provider for a lifetime?not just an exciting date for a rainy Thursday. These women take romantic games seriously. If you meet the qualifications of a Taurus woman's ideal husband material, you are far from an ordinary man. The man who captures the attention of a Taurus woman within the company is the one to watch. He's going places. And if that man happens to be you, you may lose a fantastic secretary, but you'll gain a wife in a million, which is certainly a worthwhile trade.

Taurus employees, both male and female, detest sleeping in unfamiliar beds?a phrase they often repeat. Therefore, most Tauruses prefer to spend their vacations at home. Unless they have a Gemini Moon or Sagittarius ascendant, the grass will always appear greener and lusher in their own backyard. While they're on vacation, leisurely sipping lemonade and reveling in the fragrance of flowers from their hammocks, you can safely call them in for an office emergency. They'll likely oblige with a good-natured grin, feeling it's their duty to help out. However, don't impose too frequently. There's a limit to their patient acceptance of repeated intrusions, and it's unwise to risk making them angry by discovering that limit. Stop while you're ahead.

Taurus employees thrive in various professions. They work contentedly as florists, in the livestock or poultry industry, in supermarkets, or in the wholesale food industry. They make excellent doctors, engineers, and artists. The sound of music and the visual allure of art attract them irresistibly. They feel most at home when expressing themselves creatively through their senses, as long as the financial rewards are stable and the foundation is solid.

Taurus songwriters often endure periods of misery, especially during the lean years before they achieve their first major hit. However, when they combine their creative talents with the more stable and secure aspects of producing records or arranging scores, they find themselves in their element. In fact, you'll notice that nearly every Taurus singer or composer eventually transitions to the production side of the music industry to some extent.

Once a Taurus finds the right field where opportunities abound, they rarely seek change or new conquests. They meticulously weigh, assess, and absorb knowledge in their chosen career through years of unwavering dedication. They can tolerate a lot as long as they believe in the future and the occupation aligns perfectly with their nature or gives them a sense of fulfillment. Taurus individuals possess an incredible capacity for perseverance until the rewards manifest themselves. However, this persistence only arises when they are at the heart of things, not when they are aimlessly circling the periphery, hoping for a lucky break. Once they experience a sense of achievement and security and plant themselves in a position where they can continue building higher, they move forward with unwavering confidence. Then, they become irresistible to the elusive and capricious goddess of success. Nevertheless, it won't go to their heads. They remain faithful to her but keep her in her place?a lifelong love affair.

In order to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that. A Taurus knows that keeping up with the ever-changing world requires diligent effort and unwavering determination.

Details of Your Personality, How You Can Be Recognized

Sun / Taurus

How to Recognize TAURUS

Unmistakable Traits of Taurus. "The senses hold the key, unlocking the symphony of existence."

Imagine the tale of a seasoned traveler, whose footprints have graced every corner of the globe, retelling the story of his first journey to southern Spain aboard a weathered cargo ship. As he stood on deck, marveling at the azure expanse of the Mediterranean, a majestic mass of solid rock emerged in the distance?a sight that commanded attention. A voice from the ship exclaimed, "Behold! The Rock of Gibraltar!" Filled with awe, the traveler captured the sight in a photograph, turning to a disinterested teenager nearby. "Isn't it breathtaking?" he inquired. "For ages, it has withstood the relentless assault of water, endured storms and armies, witnessed civilizations rise and fall?unchanging, immovable." The teenager nonchalantly yawned and replied, "Yeah. Reminds me of my old man."

Unbeknownst to the traveler, that young man's father was born in May. And thus, we arrive at the essence of Taurus, the celestial bull. Though one may find this earthy creature thriving in fields, banks, or real estate offices, it roams diverse domains. Engineers, movie stars, clerks, gardeners, rulers, chimney sweeps, butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers?all can bear the mark of the bull. The unyielding silence and deliberate movements are the calling cards of a Taurean, known for monologues limited to "Yep," "Nope," "Thanks," "So long," and often "Uh-uh," their substitute for "Nope." Yet, a fortunate alignment of Gemini, Aries, or Sagittarius in their birth chart may render them more loquacious, infusing a sprightly bounce in their step. Nevertheless, the quintessential Taurus prefers a deliberate pace and thoughtful brevity.

Resolute and composed, Taurus mirrors the steadfastness of Gibraltar. No amount of water or fire can disrupt its tranquility. Even when provoked, the bull seldom charges forth to trample toes; it simply yearns for solitude. Disturb its serenity, and obstinacy arises. Push too hard, tease too much, and prepare for a tempestuous storm. Months and years may pass, marked by unassailable poise, as Taurus inhales the fragrance of blossoms, paying no heed to the clatter and clamor surrounding them. Then, unexpectedly, a straw too many breaks the bull's back. Nostrils flaring, chin protruding, ears pinned back?the charge commences.

Yet, the bull does not unleash its fury impulsively. When wrath ignites within, it can demolish anything in its path, including the formidable Scorpios. Demolish, not destroy, for that term better captures its impact. Only after the dust settles and peace reigns, which may take some time, can one fully comprehend the consequences of provoking the Taurean temper. While some Taureans may charge frequently, most exercise control, reserving their outbursts for rare occasions. Nonetheless, it is wise to remember that Taurus's anger is not mild or fleeting; it is a force of blind, extraordinary fury.

Allow me to recount the tale of a Taurus gentleman, who, throughout his married life, had never revealed a glimpse of anger to his wife?until a fateful evening in a bustling supper club. As an obnoxious drunkard stumbled toward their table, he made an inappropriate remark. The wife, anticipating her husband's usual composed response, was as astounded as the other patrons when the Taurean suddenly rose, upturned two tables, hoisted the offender in the air, and sent him hurtling across the room, nearly decimating the bandstand. Not a word was uttered. This cautionary tale should inspire prudence. Before even attempting a flirtatious gesture towards a stranger, it would be wise to ascertain her companion's birthdate.

Indeed, the physical manifestation of Taurus?both in men and women?can be likened to a bull, bearing an intangible, elusive bovine essence. Serenity and clarity radiate from the female Taurean's eyes, which gracefully observe the world with a touch of hidden strength. As for the males, their muscular necks, broad chests, and robust frames, whether tall or short, embody harmony. Their ears perch close to the head, while a lock of hair adorns the forehead?a nod to the bull's forelock. Many Taureans boast wavy or curly hair, complementing their dark eyes and complexion. Even the occasional fair-haired, fair-skinned Taurus shall not betray fragility of mind or character.

Granted, not every Taurean will resemble Ferdinand or Elsie the cow. While many exhibit generously proportioned bodies?ranging from muscular to plump?skinnier specimens also exist, and it is essential to recognize them. Imagine tuning in to The Late, Late Show, only to find Taurus representatives such as Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, or Gary Cooper gracing the screen. Do not be deceived. Despite Fred Astaire's Piscean lightness of foot and airy Gemini charm, he embodies an earthy Taurus. Regardless of other planetary influences, his essence remains unaltered. One need only inquire with his friend, choreographer Hermes Pan, or any confidant acquainted with the dancing legend. Similar inquiries made about Bing Crosby, renowned for his calm demeanor and amiable nature, would likely lead you to conclude that the Taurean essence runs deep within him. (Perhaps it was one of Bing's sons aboard the tramp steamer.) Lastly, observe Gary Cooper's towering figure in those vintage cowboy shows. His feet appear firmly rooted in the ground, moving deliberately across the television screen, while his dialogue in those old westerns rarely exceeds a dozen sentences. An actor, yes, but Gary Cooper forever played the role of Gary Cooper, adhering to the tried-and-true method of Hollywood typecasting. As you watch his romantic scenes unfold, the enamored girl's passionate declarations of love?"I adore you, passionately and irrevocably. My existence is entwined with yours. You are my everything, my beloved. Tell me you feel the same way. Do you love me?"?prompt but one response from the stoic hero. "Yep." (Though this simplicity possesses a strange, reassuring charm.)

Taurus exudes a magnetic attraction to the opposite sex, but it refrains from aggressive pursuit. Why waste energy chasing others across the countryside when one can effortlessly draw them closer? A brief visit to a farm, coupled with keen observation of nature's laws, unveils the intricate dance between Taurean emotions and both love and friendship. Passivity characterizes their behavior. Taureans prefer to entertain in the comfort of their own homes rather than embark on the arduous task of visiting others. The exertion required for popularity and charm does not appeal to their nature. Should they desire companionship, they simply await the call. Extend the hand of camaraderie or romance, and if it captures their interest, they will grasp it with purpose, effortlessly navigating the intricacies?a skill not all extroverted signs can boast.

Taurus seldom succumbs to worry or nervous habits. Pouting and brooding may occur when circumstances fail to align with their desires, yet they remain far from twitchy or anxious. Stoicism is their essence, enabling them to endure and accept life's trials with unruffled composure.

Allow me to introduce a Taurus individual?an attorney and certified public accountant, juggling dual careers, a feat that would daunt the best of us, especially during tax season. While this particular Taurus may occasionally nibble his nails, his swiftness of speech?faster than my own (which is no small feat)?and worry creases etched upon his forehead result from a potent Gemini influence in his natal chart. Peering beyond the whirlwind of activity surrounding his dynamic outer persona, we unveil the essence of Taurus?a methodical decision-maker, his actions guided by predictability and strength. His character remains unwavering, his loyalty unquestionable. In fact, inquire with his wife about his willingness to dress up and venture out on evenings when he'd rather remain within the comforts of home. Consult his clients, who attempt to hasten his business deals, only to be met with patient and pleasant listening. The papers will not be signed until the bull deems the move appropriate. Yes, he is a Taurus, despite the Gemini wit and agility. Slow, deliberate movement is not a non sequitur.

Home is where the heart of Taurus lies. Rarely will one find a bull who does not revel in the comforts of their own abode, stretching out amidst familiar and welcoming surroundings. Change disturbs them, unless a Gemini, Sagittarius, or Aquarius Moon or ascendant guides their journey. Should a Taurus lack homeownership, their dreams inevitably revolve around the prospect, a goal they shall eventually achieve. Connected to the earth, the allure of land beckons them, whether through visits to the racetrack, leisurely Sunday strolls in the park, or simply absorbing nature's sights and scents.

Blessed with robust constitutions, Taureans often embody superb health. It takes considerable effort to knock them off their feet, but when they do succumb, their recovery may be slow, partially due to their stubborn refusal to follow medical advice. A natural inclination toward skepticism undermines their ability to embrace optimism, hindering swift recuperation. Their throat, neck, legs, ankles, reproductive organs, back, and spinal area are prone to accidents and infections. Colds can easily escalate into sore throats, while the Taurean affinity for indulgent eating and drinking?food, predominantly?can strain the heart and give rise to poor circulation, weak ankles, varicose veins, and other chronic ailments. Gout may also manifest. However, with careful avoidance of obesity, inactivity, and kidney infections, most Taureans can maintain healthier lives than their counterparts. To be candid, excesses in alcohol consumption or weight gain due to overindulgence can diminish their splendid physique and robust well-being. Lack of country air and exercise often contribute to their ailments, although their obstinate will may deny such needs.

Speaking of obstinacy, it is futile to inform a Taurean of their stubbornness. In their eyes, they are not obstinate but patient. It is a matter of semantics. They are not hardheaded; rather, they embody sensibility and unwavering resolve. Yet, despite their steadfastness, Taureans are often bewildered by the accusations of stubbornness they encounter.

In truth, Taurus possesses a level of obstinacy akin to solid stone. Their opinions and positions, like their seated forms, are unyielding. A Taurean husband will decline accompanying his wife to a friend's house should comfortable chairs not be available. No amount of pleading will sway him. Likewise, a Taurus woman disapproving of her husband's companions will simply refuse to acknowledge their existence. Yet, one cannot deny the virtue of patience in Taureans, as they silently bear emotional and physical burdens for years on end. The greater the burdens, the more strength they gather to shoulder them. Their unwavering loyalty and devotion to family and friends often surpass comprehension. Many Taureans demonstrate unfathomable courage in the face of adversity that would shatter those born under other signs. Therefore, let us award a blue ribbon in recognition of their fortitude. Nevertheless, they remain stubborn.

Taurus possesses an insatiable appetite, relishing a cornucopia of flavors that spans from fried peppers to chocolate whipped cream cake, sour pickles, and turnips?all within a single meal, sans indigestion. However, steak and beef hold a special place in their hearts, and leftovers are treasured. Introduce alcohol into the equation, and the Taurean feast mirrors that of King Henry VIII, indulging in a royal banquet. (Although a Virgo ascendant may restrict them to raw carrots and lettuce, washed down with prune juice.)

Broad and slapstick comedy tickles the Taurean funny bone. Subtle satire may escape their grasp, but slipping on a banana peel or receiving a custard pie to the face will evoke uproarious laughter. Warm and earthy, their sense of humor mirrors that of Falstaff. Cruelty and vindictiveness seldom characterize their nature. However, it's worth noting that Taureans with a heavy Aries influence in their birth chart may exhibit such tendencies. The combination of the two signs does not always result in harmonious coexistence, as evidenced by historical figures like Hitler.

Now, let us turn our attention to the subject of money?something that Taurus holds dear, ensuring that it remains faithfully by their side. While not every Taurean is a millionaire, one will find few standing in line for free soup. Taurus thrives on gradually constructing empires, laying a solid foundation before incrementally adding new layers, resulting in stable businesses and formidable bank accounts. Curiously, Taurus revels not only in accumulating wealth but also in amassing power?a sensual delight rather than a means of manipulation. Delegating the strings to subordinates allows the bull to luxuriate in the knowledge that power and wealth are within their reach. Capricorns and Cancerians are more than willing to manage the intricate machinations, allowing the Taurean to relax, smell the roses, and cast an appreciative eye toward the fairer sex. It is sufficient that all acknowledge the bull's ownership of the pasture. Wealth will inevitably gravitate toward Taurus, sticking as steadfastly as glue. Bulls cherish their riches and possessions, just as they do their families, yet they are far from stingy. The Taurean heart and pockets open wide to offer support to true friends in times of need.

Bigness captures the imagination of Taurus. The grandeur of a building signifies its greatness, while the sight of powerful elephants surpasses the monkeys at the zoo in captivating their attention. Tigers on the loose may not faze them, but the sight of a tiny wasp sends them scrambling up the nearest tree in a frenzy of nervous panic.

Fine paintings and symphonies stir the depths of the Taurean soul. Evidence of Venus's love for art and music abounds in the lives of many Taureans, whether through professional pursuits or hobbies. Be it a treasured Caruso record or a museum postcard featuring the strokes of Van Gogh tucked among their sweatshirts, music and art are inexorably woven into their existence.

Taurus finds solace in the colors of the sky?shades of blue, rose, and pink evoke peace within their being. However, red?the color of matadors?fails to inspire their tranquility. Green and brown, the hues of nature, also calm and soothe their souls. Green paper money and a brownstone house can fulfill their contentment.

While Taurean ideas always embody sensibility, they possess a sparkle akin to fifteen precious sapphires, symbolizing six kinds of good fortune, doubling their wealth under the approving gaze of the gods. There is nothing small about Taurus?neither their capacity for enduring love nor their potential for prosperity. Copper, their associated metal, conducts electricity and heat with exceptional efficiency, radiating burnished beauty through the passage of time. Illuminated by the glow of Venus's love for luxury, Taurus willingly invests in their possessions, treasuring them for a lifetime. Yet, they stand as adversaries to waste and extravagance. Home is their castle?a sanctuary where peace shall not be disturbed. The Taurean essence epitomizes patience, as enduring as time itself and as deep as the forest, fortified by unwavering strength capable of moving mountains. But they remain stubborn.

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Taurus

The TAURUS Child
"Behold the indomitable spirit, the unyielding force wrapped in a tiny bundle, as you attempt to clothe your newborn Taurus baby for the journey home from the hospital. 'Put your precious arms inside the warm embrace of the sweater lovingly knitted by Grandma,' you coo, your maternal instincts urging tenderness. 'Why do you clench your tiny fists, stiffening your arms? Let go, my sweet little one. Please, let go.'"

"Allow me," your husband offers. "Alright, come on now, kiddo. Let's slide those arms into the sleeves. Take it easy. Hey! Can you hear me, Charlie? Release your grip. Move your arms. Move!"

The nurse enters the room. "Don't be distressed," she reassures. "Dressing them can be a challenge when they're so young. My, what a good baby, wide awake and silent."

"Yes, he's quiet," your husband remarks. "But he keeps crossing his arms over his chest, and I can't pry them apart. He's so strong that I can't even separate them."

"I don't think he wants to wear the sweater," you murmur uneasily, a mother's intuition beginning to stir.

The nurse approaches your little bull with professional efficiency. "Let me handle it. Up we go now! Into the sleeve, first the fist-that's the way."

She maneuvers the tiny arm through the sweater's opening. Suddenly, your little bull's face turns a deep shade of bluish-purple-red, and a resounding wail erupts, summoning every nurse on the floor to rush into the room. (It's less a wail and more a roar. The intern down the hall thought the basement boiler had exploded.) Your Taurus baby is declaring, loud and clear, that he despises being pushed. It's a warning. And it will be echoed.

Your neighbors shall bear witness to the same sound whenever you attempt to coerce your May-born child into actions they resist. Many minor struggles await you, from coaxing oatmeal into a firmly shut mouth to fitting an iron leg into rubber underwear or attempting to bathe a plump, pink body that has suddenly transformed into solid cement. You shall shed pounds and develop muscular strength. Mothers of Taurus children invariably possess the brawn of Popeye, though they may often appear as exhausted as Olive Oyl.

Beyond their sheer stubbornness, raising a Taurus child is a joyous experience. Parents of Taurean boys and girls shall find their little ones affectionate and cuddly. They revel in tight hugs, gentle caresses, and petting. The little bull, with a cowlick or curly forelock, shall leap onto your lap seeking kisses, leaving you breathless with their bear-like embraces. They shall bestow the same affection upon your friends, provided they trust them. The tiny Taurus girl shall flirt from her high chair, hoping to secure an extra serving of dessert. She is likely Daddy's little girl, her father finding it challenging to resist her captivating charm, just as Mommy struggles to resist her Taurean son's gentle sweetness. Children of both sexes shall possess robust health, strength, and a natural inclination towards athleticism. The boys shall embody quintessential boyhood, at times mischievous and lively, robust and resilient. The girls shall exhibit unmistakable femininity, tending to their dolls like miniature mothers, nurturing and maintaining an orderly playhouse. Some may even be tomboys, climbing trees or engaging in marble games with the boys. Yet, they possess a charm rooted in femininity that they will unleash frequently.

Taurus youngsters appear to be generally more capable, even as toddlers, compared to other children. Emotionally stable, they are rarely plagued by deep bouts of depression, impulsive behavior, or the desire to show off. While they may exhibit negativity, stubbornness, shyness, or timidity, they experience fewer ordinary hang-ups and growing pains. The Taurus temperament typically remains calm and pleasant. They are not easily agitated or disturbed, except when pushed beyond their limits. Their personalities exude smoothness, cheerfulness, and predictability. There is a maturity about them that surpasses children born under other Sun signs (with the exception of Capricorn and Scorpio). Even at a young age, Taureans tend to behave well in the presence of guests, content to engage in solitary play. Visitors often marvel at how well-behaved they are, believing them to have been impeccably trained.

A Taurean child quietly tends to their own affairs, and the young bull seldom embarrasses you with rudeness or a smart-alecky attitude. However, if you challenge their temper by teasing them (which they cannot tolerate), applying persistent pressure, or demanding that they engage in activities they adamantly oppose, they can become combative. The only escape from such defiance is love. Never force them. A Taurean child subjected to undue coercion may grow into a silent, brooding, and unkind adult. Remember, they cannot resist physical demonstrations of affection. A tender squeeze, a warm kiss, and a cheerful smile can coax them out of obstinacy. Always speak gently and logically. Yelling and issuing harsh commands will only cause them to close their eyes and ears. They can resist discipline and orders indefinitely. However, they cannot resist affection for a single moment.

Even at a young age, their minds respond to common sense. If it sounds reasonable to them, they will comply, provided there is a practical explanation. Nothing convoluted. Simply the plain, honest truth. Saying, "You must go to bed now because I said so," will yield no results whatsoever. It is neither sensible nor reasonable to them. However, softly spoken declarations such as, "It's time to go to bed now because we're turning off the lights. If you don't, you won't be able to go out to play tomorrow because you'll be too tired," will likely convince them to don their sleepwear and prepare for slumber. Similarly, saying, "Climb into your warm bed, between your soft, clean sheets, while I tuck you in snugly with your favorite baby bear blanket. Then I'll read you a little story," will cause their obstinacy to melt away, transforming them into compliant angels. Their sensual nature craves sensory descriptions, which seldom fail to elicit a response. Forcing them to comply with your demands is both futile and detrimental to their future development.

Colors and sounds profoundly impact their disposition and emotions. Bright, clashing oranges and reds in their environment can make them restless and obstinate. On the other hand, pastel hues, particularly shades of pink, rose, and various blues, yield almost magical results. The child shall visibly react to colors. When the colors harmonize with their Taurean vibrations, they shall remain tranquil. Discordant colors, in contrast, can disrupt their emotional equilibrium. Loud noises produce a similar effect.

It is advisable to provide a Taurus child with music or singing lessons at the earliest opportunity. Many of them possess soft, melodious voices, and a considerable number exhibit musical or vocal talent that should be nurtured in the right direction from a young age. Even if music does not become their career, they shall relish listening to it on their own little record player in their room. They may even prefer classical compositions to contemporary tunes or nursery rhymes. Drawing, coloring, or painting may also capture their interest, and there is a good chance that they possess genuine artistic ability. Ensure that your Taurus child has an abundance of paper and colored pencils, as this is their favored medium of self-expression.

Teachers often find Taurus children to be model students. Unless there are unfavorable planetary configurations in their birth chart, Taurean boys and girls demonstrate industriousness in school, methodically absorbing their lessons and displaying excellent concentration. While they may not be prodigies like their Gemini, Aquarius, or Aries counterparts, they are unlikely to be tardy or indulge in mischief during study hall (though they may burst into laughter if the teacher's finger becomes trapped in the pencil sharpener). Taurus youngsters are typically obedient, and their slow absorption of knowledge is offset by their unwavering retention of facts and dates once mastered. They tend to perform well on tests, diligently preparing for them. Due to their sense of fair play, sound judgment, and evident common sense, they are often chosen as leaders in group activities.

The Taurus child may occasionally present their elders with challenging moments due to their stubbornness, but such instances shall be few and far between. I recall a mother I know who took her young Taurean son to school one day and regretted not staying home to avoid the ordeal. The little bull had insulted his teacher, staunchly maintaining that her facts were incorrect. Naturally, she happened to be the author of the textbook. The following day, his mother led him to the teacher's desk, issuing a firm command: "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy." This transpired around nine in the morning. By noon, they found themselves in the principal's office, where the mother wearily repeated her demand: "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy." Later in the day, after the other students had been dismissed, the janitor was emptying trash cans when he overheard a peculiar, faint, trembling voice, almost ghostly, emanating from the inner sanctum. "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy," it implored. "For the last time, apologize." Through the closed door, the janitor detected the hollow sound of a wooden paddle meeting flesh. Then, silence. The following day, the little boy returned to his desk, having outlasted the teacher, his mother, and the principal. He never did apologize. But he made the honor roll.

Once you resign yourself to the fact that nothing short of a derrick can move your Taurus child once they plant their sturdy feet, you can delight in observing their growth. They may soil their clothes while playing with toy trucks and tractors, accumulating copious amounts of dirt, and the hair of young Taurean boys somehow manages to emit a distinct fragrance reminiscent of a cozy bird's nest, regardless of how often you wash it. Nonetheless, they will not misplace report cards or marbles. They will not recklessly drive Dad's car and wrap it around a telephone pole as they grow older. They may raid the refrigerator and consume the fried chicken you had set aside for dinner or be slightly too rough with the new furniture. Nevertheless, they will bring immeasurable joy to your heart as they mature. And they will never forget your birthday. As for your little Taurus girl, she may tear her party dress while climbing into her treehouse or fly into a rage when someone damages one of her cherished possessions. Nevertheless, she will assist you in baking gingerbread men, and she will always welcome you into her beautiful home once she has settled down happily with her own family. In either case, your grandchildren will likely be well-behaved.

Raise your little bull or heifer in a cozy and nurturing environment filled with love. Surround them with visible affection rather than invisible barriers. Avoid tugging on their horns too forcefully, and allow them to graze at their own serene pace. Fill their ears with music and their eyes with beauty, and they will fill your heart with tranquility in due time. Even Miss Applegarden will forgive them.

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