Read George Clooney's Cosmic DNA

George Clooney
George Clooney
12:00 pm
Lexington, Kentucky
38N2 85W30 (-4 GMT)
Taurus (15)  
Aquarius (2) / Capricorn
Taurus (21)  
Aries (13)  
Leo (0) / Cancer
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Leo (21)  
Scorpio (9)  
Virgo (5) / Leo

Birthchart Info

George Clooney
12:00 pm
Lexington, Kentucky
38N2 85W30 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Taurus (15)  
Aquarius (2) / Capricorn
Taurus (21)  
Aries (13)  
Leo (0) / Cancer
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Capricorn (29) / Aquarius
Leo (21)  
Scorpio (9)  
Virgo (5) / Leo

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: Relationship Romance Sun Venus

Relationships, alwaysastrology

Venus / Aries

The Flirtatious Trailblazer. In the realm of love, Aries Venus exudes daring confidence. They don't play coy or hope for subtle glances; instead, they captivate with tales of their achievements. Their self-centered nature, though endearing to the right person, is sometimes reminiscent of an innocent yet spoiled child. Passionate, impulsive, and intense?these words embody the essence of Aries Venus.

Romantically, those with Venus in Aries infuse a childlike wonder into their relationships. They thrive on active and energetic pursuits and despise vagueness or enigmatic interactions. The chase and conquest exhilarate them, and to maintain their interest, you must continually bring novelty and freshness. Honesty and openness are crucial; they dislike mind games unless they add an element of fun. Spontaneity fuels their fire, and they prefer playfulness over seriousness. Leading the way comes naturally to them, so be prepared to follow their lead, at least most of the time. They will compete fiercely for someone's affection and can turn irritable or moody upon losing.

Aries Venus falls swiftly and succumbs to impulsive attractions. Boredom strikes easily, causing interest to fade as quickly as it emerged. They are immensely affectionate and unafraid to stand up for themselves when hurt. However, their exuberance may overwhelm those of a more reserved disposition. Aries Venus craves a touch of tension in relationships to keep the flame of excitement alive?mental stimulation ignites their interest.

Within friendships, Aries Venus naturally assumes the alpha role. They exude generosity, excitement, and unwavering confidence. Fearlessly pushing boundaries, they derive pleasure from exploring uncharted territories. Direct and honest, they detest self-pity and insecurity. Admired for their independence, confidence, and vibrant energy, those born with Venus in Aries live life to the fullest, turning their dreams into tangible realities.

To extinguish the flame of an Aries Venus, delve into mind-reading or overanalyze the relationship. Such deep introspection clashes with their preference for an active and dynamic lifestyle. Rather than engaging in heartfelt discussions about the relationship's trajectory, they would choose a lively argument any day.

If a Venus in Aries individual cultivates patience and tolerance, they will realize that not everyone becomes dull after ten minutes. Investing effort into a relationship can yield long-term satisfaction for both partners. Drama need not reach the level of Mount Vesuvius; even smaller doses of excitement can add interest. By pausing and truly identifying their desires, Aries Venus can navigate relationships with greater ease.

Relationships, lifetips

Venus / Aries

Individuals with Venus in Aries exhibit a spontaneous and bold approach to love. They may pursue affection actively, impatiently seeking romance and sometimes finding themselves entangled in complicated situations. Achieving a balanced relationship can be possible through adopting sharing and consideration of others' needs, inspired by Aries' opposite sign, Libra.

Relationships, trans4mind

Venus / Aries

Venus (to harmonise) in Aries (energetic and urgent).

Igniting Passion and Urgency. When it comes to matters of fashion and beauty, you thrive on being a trailblazer, always seeking to be at the forefront. Your energetic and urgent nature drives you to pursue new and exciting forms of entertainment. Your approach to pleasure is direct and sometimes even bold, which can make you come across as too forward in romantic endeavors. Falling in love at first sight and experiencing whirlwind romances are not uncommon for you. The cardinal influence of Aries fuels your passionate pursuits.

Your Comfort Zone in Love & Relationships, Affection You Are Receptive To, To Woo You, Turn-offs, And Preferred Emotional-Physical Distance

Venus / Aries

Venus in Fire individuals, whether in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, possess a remarkable blend of idealism and self-centeredness when it comes to romance. With their unpretentious nature, they may unintentionally overlook their partners' dreams and desires, adhering strictly to their own love scripts. Disappointment looms if their partners deviate from these prescribed roles. While they perceive themselves as warm and passionate beings, convincing them of their self-centered tendencies proves challenging. Venus in Fire souls constantly crave rejuvenation in their relationships, a relentless quest that can exhaust partners seeking a smoother ride. At their most challenging, these individuals resemble energy-draining vampires, demanding constant attention and feeding off their loved ones' vitality. Should their partners relish the drama, all is well. However, those unaccustomed to such fervor may initially find Venus in Fire natives exhilarating but ultimately draining. These individuals express their love with straightforwardness and candor, expecting the same in return. Spontaneity, laughter, and grand gestures serve as their aphrodisiacs, while attention and passion fuel their existence. Even those with more subdued Sun Signs, like Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, rely on their relationships for vitality. Critics argue they treat their partners as mere extensions of themselves.

Venus in Aries initiates courtship through upfront and audacious flirtation. They seek to captivate you with their enterprising and independent nature. Although their love style can be frustratingly self-centered, the right person finds it endearing. Venus in Aries radiates an irresistible charm, even in moments of immaturity and impatience.

In love, both Venus in Aries men and women exhibit a playful, childlike demeanor. They find stimulation in energy and activity while recoiling from stifling or overly "mature" relationships. Conquests fuel their passion, continuously infusing freshness and novelty into their love lives.

To please Venus in Aries, stoke their need for action. Be direct, honest, and unafraid of game-playing or evasiveness unless it's purely for fun. Nurture their craving for spontaneity and cherish their playful nature. Understand their desire for eternal youthfulness in relationships. Aries individuals, natural leaders in love, enjoy taking the reins, even if their Sun Sign leans towards gentle Pisces. Indulge their whims and comprehend their affinity for competition, even when it involves competing with you.

Famous Personalities with Venus in Aries: Jennifer Aniston, Mariah Carey (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), George Clooney, Matt Dillon, Robert Downey Jr. (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Melissa Etheridge, Sarah Michelle Gellar (Sun and Venus in Aries), Ashley Judd (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Marilyn Monroe, Sarah Jessica Parker (Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aries), Rihanna (Moon and Venus in Aries), Rob Thomas, Rene Zellweger

Your Romantic Needs, Powers of Attraction, and Expression of Love

Venus / Aries

The Fiery Torrent of Passion Ignites: Step into the realm of Aries, where the pulsating currents of passion surge through the veins of the cosmos. Like a tempestuous flame, your heart burns with an insatiable yearning for fervor and desire. In matters of love, your directness and boldness create an irresistible allure, drawing others into the vortex of your charm. You are the catalyst of passion, the relentless pursuer who thrives in the exhilarating dance of seduction. Let the fires of your Venus in Aries guide you on a journey where passion reigns supreme, and the pursuit of love becomes an intoxicating adventure.

Romancing You

Sun / Taurus

Taurus Romance
Embracing Sweetness and Delight. For the sensual Bull, romance thrives in an environment of sweetness and light. This zodiac sign responds harmoniously to gestures like a wink, a smile, or a gentle touch. When accompanied by roses and champagne, these delightful offerings become even more enchanting. Material pleasures hold considerable importance for Taureans, and they create a haven of bliss that dazzles their beloved. Security and possessions play significant roles in their hearts, with a provider of these elements effortlessly ascending to the top of their list. The reward for such devotion? Unwavering loyalty and a deep emotional bond that brings immense joy and satisfaction.

How You Could Have Romantic Revenge Exacted on you If You Break Up Badly

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
As an earthy and committed sign, you value stability and security in relationships. Getting dumped can deeply wound you, causing a great deal of emotional pain. However, you can turn this heartbreak into an opportunity for self-care and personal growth. Focus on the sensual aspects of life that bring you joy. As you make your final exit from your ex's home, consider taking something of value that resonates with your senses?a bottle of their favorite wine, a cherished cigar, or a luxurious throw blanket. Alternatively, tap into your materialistic side by selling the gifts they gave you for a fair price on platforms like eBay. Use the proceeds to treat yourself to a relaxing weekend getaway at your favorite spa, indulging in much-needed self-pampering and rejuvenation.

Your Taste In Romantic Movies

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
You've got a soft spot for sentimental films and shedding a tear or two. City of Angels will call to you, as Nicolas Cage, an angel smitten by Meg Ryan, gives up his wings to join her on Earth. The Age of Innocence, with the magnetic passion, stunning locations, and superb performance from Michelle Pfeiffer and Daniel Day-Lewis (both fellow Taureans), is sure to make your heart flutter.

Intimacy Issues You Could Have

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
As a Taurus, you have a deep-rooted understanding of commitment and are careful when selecting your partner. However, fearing change can halt the growth of your relationships. To nurture intimacy, trust that change can be positive and open yourself up to its potential.

How You Do Long Distance Relationships to Keep Love Alive

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
As a Taurus, you hold a natural talent for preserving romance, treating your partner to mutually enjoyable sensual experiences. When you're apart, maintain the romantic flow by sending your loved one thoughtful surprises, like a scented candle that evokes shared memories, bringing you closer despite the distance.

Influencing You In A Relationship

Sun / Taurus

Sensuality and Material Desires. In the realm of influence, a Taurus individual is rooted in materialism, finding immense pleasure in sensuality and the finer things in life. To capture their attention, adorn yourself with stylish clothes and alluring perfume, as they are easily captivated by aesthetic appeal. They possess a fondness for giving flowers and gifts, so be sure to receive their offerings graciously and express heartfelt gratitude. They are drawn to femininity and grace, seeking a partner who embodies these qualities, allowing them to showcase their caring and thoughtfulness towards your well-being. Shed any tendencies towards loud, contentious, or controlling behavior, and embrace the essence of being "her ladyness." While they may possess knowledge of finance and business, their romantic spirit yearns for a deep sense of respect rooted in old-fashioned values. Encourage their chivalrous behavior by providing them with ample reasons to continue such gallantry. However, be mindful not to become a wilted flower, constantly in need of attention. Avoid burdening them with emotional weight, as the relationship flourishes with ease and mutual support.

Your Relationship Donts

Sun / Taurus


A few things to consider:
While in a relationship with a Taurus, there are certain aspects to be mindful of. It's important not to take advantage of his generosity, as he may perceive it as you being solely interested in his material wealth. Avoid discussing past relationships excessively to prevent triggering any feelings of jealousy, which could potentially impact the flow of gifts. When in public or social settings, it's advisable not to steal the limelight from him, as Taurus appreciates being the center of attention. Once Taurus has made up his mind about something, attempting to coerce him otherwise will likely result in an argument. Remember, he takes pride in his role as your guardian and protector, so allow him to fulfill that role.

Compatible Matches: Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Potential Conflicts: Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces
Neutral Compatibility: Aries, Gemini, Libra

In a quest for a fulfilling relationship with a Taurus, these considerations can help you navigate and understand the dynamics between you and the dependable Taurus sign.

Your Relationship Needs

Sun / Taurus

What Taurus Needs In a Relationship
The Bull craves someone who is strong and practical, qualities they value in their own life. One who comes bearing gifts also wins, since Taurus is responsive to both material goods and sincere, heartfelt compliments. Making Taurus feel safe is also a smart strategy for their lover, for this approach will bring out the Bull's most sensual self. Think of the Bull as a rose waiting to be picked -- the lucky one will inhale the most intoxicating perfume. Beautiful people, as well as things, work as irresistible aphrodisiacs for those born under this sign. The Taurus lover is dependable and considerate, someone who wants to be in a beautiful world and wants that special someone to share it with. Anyone lucky enough to enter that world will find a sensual soul waiting to be nurtured and explored.

Taurus individuals are known for their strong and reliable nature. They seek a partner who possesses similar qualities and shares their love for the finer things in life. The Bull craves stability and security in their relationships and appreciates a partner who can provide that. They are drawn to those who can make them feel safe and protected.

In addition to their practicality, Taurus individuals have a sensual side that is deeply rooted in their love for beauty and indulgence. They appreciate the finer things in life and are highly attuned to their physical senses. Aesthetics play a significant role in their romantic experiences, and they are captivated by the allure of beautiful people and things.

To win the heart of a Taurus, show them your affection through both material gestures and heartfelt compliments. They value sincere appreciation and enjoy being showered with tokens of love. Create a beautiful and nurturing environment for them to thrive in, and they will reciprocate with their sensual and devoted nature.

Your Relationships

Sun / Taurus

Taurus Relationships
Embrace the slow, sensual dance with the Bull, for Taurus is the epitome of commitment and devotion. Their patient nature revels in a courtship that gradually unfolds, leading to the fulfillment of their deepest desires. Taurus remains steadfastly in the game until they attain what they truly want. Their perseverance is undeniably seductive, often drawing admirers purely based on this quality alone. Faithfulness is of utmost importance to Taurus, as they cannot tolerate a partner who strays. They relish the intimate closeness that comes with a one-on-one relationship, cherishing the affection and tenderness it brings. Taurus, with their unwavering strength, can become the driving force in a relationship, making conciliation an art that lovers must master when necessary. If words fail to bridge the divide, fear not, for Taurus adores the acquisition of beautiful things and appreciates a partner who can lavish them with the luxurious baubles they adore. The ideal Taurus soulmate possesses a platinum card and possesses the audacity to employ it freely, fulfilling their beloved Bull's insatiable craving for opulence.

Your Ways of Mixing Money and Relationship

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
While Taurus is famous for being protective of all assets, the Bull's day-to-day money habits may surprise you. Because Gemini is in charge of Taurus' 2nd House of Finances, you can bet there's always an angle on how more money can come in -- and tons of rationalizations for how it is spent. Taurus has this built-in need to be surrounded by luxury. If you join forces with this rather determined individual, you'll need to rein this in. Have your Taurus partner make a "wish list" and you'll soon see the "wanting" is more than half the pleasure of "acquiring." When partnering with a Taurus, you can expect to be the beneficiary of at least some of the joint assets, and all should be able to remain peaceful as long as there's enough of a slush fund for Taurus' luscious little pleasures!

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