Read Gina Gershon's Cosmic DNA

Gina Gershon
Gina Gershon
12:00 pm
Los Angeles, Ca
34N3 118W15 (-7 GMT)
Gemini (19)  
Virgo (25) / Libra
Gemini (14)  
Cancer (22) / Leo
Taurus (9)  
Pisces (11)  
Aquarius (11)  
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (11)  
Virgo (7) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Gina Gershon
12:00 pm
Los Angeles, Ca
34N3 118W15 (-7 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Gemini (19)  
Virgo (25) / Libra
Gemini (14)  
Cancer (22) / Leo
Taurus (9)  
Pisces (11)  
Aquarius (11)  
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (11)  
Virgo (7) / Leo

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Childhood

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Gemini

The GEMINI Child

"Will you walk a little faster?" said a whiting to a snail, "There's a porpoise close behind us, and he's treading on my tail."

If the stork recently delivered a Gemini bundle of joy to your doorstep, prepare yourself for a whirlwind of activity and keep your mind sharp. The next fifteen to twenty years will require your agility, and it's best to start now while your little Mercury-born darling is still contained in the crib. Soon enough, he will be walking and talking, and if you're not ready to keep up, he may slip through your fingers like a wisp of air. Have you ever tried to grasp hold of a wisp of air?

The U.S. Census Bureau has observed that there is a higher incidence of multiple births during the Gemini period than at any other time of the year. So, despite counting ten tiny toes and ten little fingers, which usually indicates one baby, don't be too certain. Your June arrival may be twins?or even more. Perhaps a recalibration of your understanding of mathematics is in order. You will soon witness it when your little one begins to crawl, an action that will occur numerous times throughout the day. You will swear that you just saw him with his hand caught in the pantry's electric mixer, but how can that be? There he is, out on the front porch, contentedly munching on the petunias. How can he be in two places at once? Remember, your child is ruled by Mercury, the Greek god depicted in books with winged feet and a gleaming silver helmet. Place an inverted kitchen pan on your Gemini baby's head for a makeshift helmet, and let your imagination envision the wings sprouting from his chubby, rosy heels.

Do you see the resemblance?

Personally, I've never been fond of those harness-like contraptions sold to mothers for strapping their toddlers when going out shopping. It always brings to mind an image of a woman walking her dog. However, I strongly recommend that the mother of a Gemini child purchases two or three of them, just to be on the safe side.

Your initial thought might be that a sturdy playpen is a necessity for such an active child. I understand your reasoning and sympathize, but I have reservations about playpens and Gemini children. Confining them to a small space can feel like cruelty to a little Geminian whose very nature drives them to seek, explore, and learn. Even more detrimental than the physical limitations is the mental boredom of being trapped on a tiny blue and pink plastic pad while the vast and exciting world beckons just beyond. Periods of confinement should be brief. Excessive restriction and hindrance of a Geminian's freedom can lead to emotional despondency that may not be easily overcome. Remember, they are an air sign, and air must move. Ensure they have a variety of toys and colorful books to peruse when they must be enclosed.

Of course, they won't stay there for long once they've had enough. Mercury governs their vocal cords, and when your little Gemini decides to exercise their vocal talents, you will marvel at how such an enormous amount of noise can emanate from such a small mouth. I bet you'll swiftly remove them from the playpen. Unless you have understanding neighbors with impaired hearing, that is.

Gemini children often make older, more composed individuals nervous with their bird-like movements and rapid gestures. Adults frequently tell the young Geminians to stop fidgeting or to be patient and focus on one task at a time. But for these children, engaging in multiple activities simultaneously is natural. What may be deemed fidgety by stodgy or composed people is, to Gemini, simply their normal state of being. It is wrong to make them feel that they would receive greater approval by attempting to imitate slower, less lively individuals. They should be taught to slow down a bit, perhaps, for their own benefit, but their fundamental nature cannot be changed without frustrating their innate inclinations. Let us try to remember that the lively Gemini child, who annoys the more introverted elders, and the quiet and careful Capricorn child, who irritates their more assertive elders, are merely being true to themselves. Being true to oneself is already challenging enough without others attempting to impose a change in personality.

Embrace your Gemini child for who they are?a friendly, alert, inquisitive, and precocious individual. You cannot transform a firefly into a snail or a snail into a firefly. Nor can a leopard change its spots. While I understand that you are not raising leopards, but rather a bright, interesting, and enthusiastic child, the analogy remains logical. Allow those dual spots in your Gemini youngster to persist. Someday, they may make you proud with a building they design or a literary prize they win, and when they display such dual talents, you'll question why you ever attempted to mold them into a singular form. If they dart around as if they have jumping beans within them, they are simply practicing the rapid reflexes they were born with. Their firefly-like mind can confuse you, but remember that it processes a thousand fancies, sifting through them, deciding which to discard and which to treasure.

Teachers will quickly notice that these boys and girls have no difficulty learning to read. Gemini practically invented words. They relish being called upon to recite and may beam while other students sigh when assigned a writing task. These youngsters take pleasure in communicating with others and sharing their knowledge through spoken or written words. Many of them possess mechanical skills and ambidexterity. It is not uncommon to find a Gemini child who writes with their left hand and draws with their right. They may nibble on their nails, but their fingers are typically slender and flexible, making them skilled at magic tricks and playing musical instruments. Someday, these talents may lead them to become excellent surgeons, dentists, or watchmakers. Gemini hands are sensitive, expressive, and capable.

They often display a remarkable ability to mimic others. The Gemini sense of sharp wit and satire manifests early on. At home or in school, the Gemini child resides in a world where make-believe and reality blend together, where truth is often portrayed as fantasy, and fantasy is disguised as truth. They may give the impression of exaggerating or even lying. However, they cannot help but add a splash of color when recounting an incident, and they often convince themselves that it truly unfolded that way. During such moments, they should be treated gently, as they are stretching and exercising their vivid imagination. Instead of making them feel guilty for having an imagination, they should be encouraged to always speak the truth and write their stories on paper. Once they master this skill, they will be able to discern the distinction between dreams and facts, instead of remaining lost between the two worlds. Gemini children who are not allowed to express themselves and communicate naturally may retreat into a half-world of illusions as a defense mechanism. It is advisable to introduce them to foreign languages early on, as they will likely learn them effortlessly. Similar to Sagittarius children, they will discover the practicality of bilingual abilities as they engage in copious conversations and embark on frequent travels.

When your Gemini child enters their teenage years, they will practically live on the telephone, change romantic partners every week, alter their mind about their future career a hundred times, drive the car slightly too fast, tinker with the engine, and fix the washing machine. The girls will be popular, capable of turning on a shower of tears or a radiant smile like flicking a light switch. These young individuals will keep you on your toes and keep you feeling young.

Once your Gemini child grows up, many people will disapprovingly remark that "they have their fingers in too many pies." You will smile in response, and they may become irritated. However, you will remember a spring day when they were seven. They dipped their fingers in your chocolate pies, their father's shaving cream, the fishbowl, the garbage can, a pot of hot soup, and even an electrical socket. You were furious. Yet, later at twilight, you watched them chasing fireflies in the grass. Eventually, you sighed and audibly asked yourself, "Why must they rush about so? What are they searching for?" They overheard you, and it troubled them. You will never forget the look in their bright, clear eyes when they responded, "Gee, Mommy... I don't know. But don't worry, I'll find it."

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Gemini

The Gemini Child
Gemini children exhibit a keen intellect, potentially developing advanced logic and language skills. Encouraging them to learn at their own pace while embracing the joy of learning is crucial. Gemini youngsters need plenty of social interaction and tend to make diverse and interesting friends by their teenage years, adopting a generally positive attitude.

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