Read Gina Gershon's Cosmic DNA

Gina Gershon
Gina Gershon
12:00 pm
Los Angeles, Ca
34N3 118W15 (-7 GMT)
Gemini (19)  
Virgo (25) / Libra
Gemini (14)  
Cancer (22) / Leo
Taurus (9)  
Pisces (11)  
Aquarius (11)  
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (11)  
Virgo (7) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Gina Gershon
12:00 pm
Los Angeles, Ca
34N3 118W15 (-7 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Gemini (19)  
Virgo (25) / Libra
Gemini (14)  
Cancer (22) / Leo
Taurus (9)  
Pisces (11)  
Aquarius (11)  
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (11)  
Virgo (7) / Leo

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Creativity Neptune

Creativity, alwaysastrology

Neptune / Scorpio

Neptune in Scorpio fearlessly confronts the enigmatic facets of existence, with a profound interest in the esoteric, mystical, and occult realms. They perceive physical desires and sexuality as spiritual experiences, while also exploring Eastern philosophies, practices, and the realm of hallucinogens.

Passion courses through the veins of Scorpio Neptune, both in their inner being and outward expressions. They may become entangled in religions or cults that resonate with their beliefs, finding fascination in paranormal phenomena. However, they must exercise discernment, resisting the allure of profound or mystical elements for the sake of novelty. Selfishness and self-sacrifice coexist within them, igniting internal conflicts that can only be resolved through delving into deeper introspection.

Neptune in Scorpio gravitates towards the depths of nature's secrets and the intricacies of the human soul. Their insight transcends reason, delving into realms of inspiration and perception. At times, their tempers may flare, and without caution, they may descend into the abyss of substance abuse.

Aware of humanity's potential for transformation beyond materialism, Neptune in Scorpio harnesses the power of sexuality to explore spiritual ecstasy. They comprehend that altered states?regardless of their origins?can open the gateway to cosmic consciousness. Yet, traversing this perilous path poses a challenge that must be met with utmost care.

Creativity, astrolibrary

Neptune / Scorpio

Neptune in Scorpio equates to an intensely powerful emotional disposition, inspiring ambition and talents when well-aspected. You may find success in fields such as the occult, secret topics, or even police profiling due to your keen intuition and perceptiveness.

Creativity, astroscoped

Neptune / Scorpio

Neptune in Scorpio generated a generation imbued with a deep fascination for rebirth and transformation, often manifested through the use of drugs. This group's dreamlike consciousness also led to a keen awareness of pollution and environmental concerns, laying the groundwork for the critical environmental protection laws that followed.

Creativity, trans4mind

Neptune / Scorpio

Neptune (to refine) in Scorpio (Intense and Secretive)

Your dreams delve into the recesses of secret and profoundly deep realms, passionately exploring mysticism, hypnosis, and matters of a sensual nature. You may be drawn to religious or esoteric organizations, fervently sharing your deeply held beliefs or embarking on quests to uncover profound secrets pertaining to life and death. Uncertain and enigmatic phenomena, such as spirits, UFOs, and vampires, captivate your imagination. Be mindful of the tendency to embrace mysticism and profundity without critical discernment. Conflicting forces within you oscillate between intense selfishness or possessiveness and self-sacrifice. Through the process of refining these divergent aspects, you have the potential to dissolve hidden barriers and embrace a sense of universal oneness.

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