Read Holly Valance's Cosmic DNA

Holly Valance
Holly Valance
12:00 pm
Melbourne, Australia
38S11 145E2 (11 GMT)
Taurus (19)  
Aries (27) / Taurus
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Taurus (25) / Gemini
Sagittarius (8) / Scorpio
Libra (29) / Scorpio
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Libra (27) / Scorpio

Birthchart Info

Holly Valance
12:00 pm
Melbourne, Australia
38S11 145E2 (11 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Taurus (19)  
Aries (27) / Taurus
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (1) / Gemini
Taurus (25) / Gemini
Sagittarius (8) / Scorpio
Libra (29) / Scorpio
Sagittarius (7) / Scorpio
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Libra (27) / Scorpio

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Childhood

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Taurus

The TAURUS Child
"Behold the indomitable spirit, the unyielding force wrapped in a tiny bundle, as you attempt to clothe your newborn Taurus baby for the journey home from the hospital. 'Put your precious arms inside the warm embrace of the sweater lovingly knitted by Grandma,' you coo, your maternal instincts urging tenderness. 'Why do you clench your tiny fists, stiffening your arms? Let go, my sweet little one. Please, let go.'"

"Allow me," your husband offers. "Alright, come on now, kiddo. Let's slide those arms into the sleeves. Take it easy. Hey! Can you hear me, Charlie? Release your grip. Move your arms. Move!"

The nurse enters the room. "Don't be distressed," she reassures. "Dressing them can be a challenge when they're so young. My, what a good baby, wide awake and silent."

"Yes, he's quiet," your husband remarks. "But he keeps crossing his arms over his chest, and I can't pry them apart. He's so strong that I can't even separate them."

"I don't think he wants to wear the sweater," you murmur uneasily, a mother's intuition beginning to stir.

The nurse approaches your little bull with professional efficiency. "Let me handle it. Up we go now! Into the sleeve, first the fist-that's the way."

She maneuvers the tiny arm through the sweater's opening. Suddenly, your little bull's face turns a deep shade of bluish-purple-red, and a resounding wail erupts, summoning every nurse on the floor to rush into the room. (It's less a wail and more a roar. The intern down the hall thought the basement boiler had exploded.) Your Taurus baby is declaring, loud and clear, that he despises being pushed. It's a warning. And it will be echoed.

Your neighbors shall bear witness to the same sound whenever you attempt to coerce your May-born child into actions they resist. Many minor struggles await you, from coaxing oatmeal into a firmly shut mouth to fitting an iron leg into rubber underwear or attempting to bathe a plump, pink body that has suddenly transformed into solid cement. You shall shed pounds and develop muscular strength. Mothers of Taurus children invariably possess the brawn of Popeye, though they may often appear as exhausted as Olive Oyl.

Beyond their sheer stubbornness, raising a Taurus child is a joyous experience. Parents of Taurean boys and girls shall find their little ones affectionate and cuddly. They revel in tight hugs, gentle caresses, and petting. The little bull, with a cowlick or curly forelock, shall leap onto your lap seeking kisses, leaving you breathless with their bear-like embraces. They shall bestow the same affection upon your friends, provided they trust them. The tiny Taurus girl shall flirt from her high chair, hoping to secure an extra serving of dessert. She is likely Daddy's little girl, her father finding it challenging to resist her captivating charm, just as Mommy struggles to resist her Taurean son's gentle sweetness. Children of both sexes shall possess robust health, strength, and a natural inclination towards athleticism. The boys shall embody quintessential boyhood, at times mischievous and lively, robust and resilient. The girls shall exhibit unmistakable femininity, tending to their dolls like miniature mothers, nurturing and maintaining an orderly playhouse. Some may even be tomboys, climbing trees or engaging in marble games with the boys. Yet, they possess a charm rooted in femininity that they will unleash frequently.

Taurus youngsters appear to be generally more capable, even as toddlers, compared to other children. Emotionally stable, they are rarely plagued by deep bouts of depression, impulsive behavior, or the desire to show off. While they may exhibit negativity, stubbornness, shyness, or timidity, they experience fewer ordinary hang-ups and growing pains. The Taurus temperament typically remains calm and pleasant. They are not easily agitated or disturbed, except when pushed beyond their limits. Their personalities exude smoothness, cheerfulness, and predictability. There is a maturity about them that surpasses children born under other Sun signs (with the exception of Capricorn and Scorpio). Even at a young age, Taureans tend to behave well in the presence of guests, content to engage in solitary play. Visitors often marvel at how well-behaved they are, believing them to have been impeccably trained.

A Taurean child quietly tends to their own affairs, and the young bull seldom embarrasses you with rudeness or a smart-alecky attitude. However, if you challenge their temper by teasing them (which they cannot tolerate), applying persistent pressure, or demanding that they engage in activities they adamantly oppose, they can become combative. The only escape from such defiance is love. Never force them. A Taurean child subjected to undue coercion may grow into a silent, brooding, and unkind adult. Remember, they cannot resist physical demonstrations of affection. A tender squeeze, a warm kiss, and a cheerful smile can coax them out of obstinacy. Always speak gently and logically. Yelling and issuing harsh commands will only cause them to close their eyes and ears. They can resist discipline and orders indefinitely. However, they cannot resist affection for a single moment.

Even at a young age, their minds respond to common sense. If it sounds reasonable to them, they will comply, provided there is a practical explanation. Nothing convoluted. Simply the plain, honest truth. Saying, "You must go to bed now because I said so," will yield no results whatsoever. It is neither sensible nor reasonable to them. However, softly spoken declarations such as, "It's time to go to bed now because we're turning off the lights. If you don't, you won't be able to go out to play tomorrow because you'll be too tired," will likely convince them to don their sleepwear and prepare for slumber. Similarly, saying, "Climb into your warm bed, between your soft, clean sheets, while I tuck you in snugly with your favorite baby bear blanket. Then I'll read you a little story," will cause their obstinacy to melt away, transforming them into compliant angels. Their sensual nature craves sensory descriptions, which seldom fail to elicit a response. Forcing them to comply with your demands is both futile and detrimental to their future development.

Colors and sounds profoundly impact their disposition and emotions. Bright, clashing oranges and reds in their environment can make them restless and obstinate. On the other hand, pastel hues, particularly shades of pink, rose, and various blues, yield almost magical results. The child shall visibly react to colors. When the colors harmonize with their Taurean vibrations, they shall remain tranquil. Discordant colors, in contrast, can disrupt their emotional equilibrium. Loud noises produce a similar effect.

It is advisable to provide a Taurus child with music or singing lessons at the earliest opportunity. Many of them possess soft, melodious voices, and a considerable number exhibit musical or vocal talent that should be nurtured in the right direction from a young age. Even if music does not become their career, they shall relish listening to it on their own little record player in their room. They may even prefer classical compositions to contemporary tunes or nursery rhymes. Drawing, coloring, or painting may also capture their interest, and there is a good chance that they possess genuine artistic ability. Ensure that your Taurus child has an abundance of paper and colored pencils, as this is their favored medium of self-expression.

Teachers often find Taurus children to be model students. Unless there are unfavorable planetary configurations in their birth chart, Taurean boys and girls demonstrate industriousness in school, methodically absorbing their lessons and displaying excellent concentration. While they may not be prodigies like their Gemini, Aquarius, or Aries counterparts, they are unlikely to be tardy or indulge in mischief during study hall (though they may burst into laughter if the teacher's finger becomes trapped in the pencil sharpener). Taurus youngsters are typically obedient, and their slow absorption of knowledge is offset by their unwavering retention of facts and dates once mastered. They tend to perform well on tests, diligently preparing for them. Due to their sense of fair play, sound judgment, and evident common sense, they are often chosen as leaders in group activities.

The Taurus child may occasionally present their elders with challenging moments due to their stubbornness, but such instances shall be few and far between. I recall a mother I know who took her young Taurean son to school one day and regretted not staying home to avoid the ordeal. The little bull had insulted his teacher, staunchly maintaining that her facts were incorrect. Naturally, she happened to be the author of the textbook. The following day, his mother led him to the teacher's desk, issuing a firm command: "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy." This transpired around nine in the morning. By noon, they found themselves in the principal's office, where the mother wearily repeated her demand: "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy." Later in the day, after the other students had been dismissed, the janitor was emptying trash cans when he overheard a peculiar, faint, trembling voice, almost ghostly, emanating from the inner sanctum. "Apologize to Miss Applegarden, Sammy," it implored. "For the last time, apologize." Through the closed door, the janitor detected the hollow sound of a wooden paddle meeting flesh. Then, silence. The following day, the little boy returned to his desk, having outlasted the teacher, his mother, and the principal. He never did apologize. But he made the honor roll.

Once you resign yourself to the fact that nothing short of a derrick can move your Taurus child once they plant their sturdy feet, you can delight in observing their growth. They may soil their clothes while playing with toy trucks and tractors, accumulating copious amounts of dirt, and the hair of young Taurean boys somehow manages to emit a distinct fragrance reminiscent of a cozy bird's nest, regardless of how often you wash it. Nonetheless, they will not misplace report cards or marbles. They will not recklessly drive Dad's car and wrap it around a telephone pole as they grow older. They may raid the refrigerator and consume the fried chicken you had set aside for dinner or be slightly too rough with the new furniture. Nevertheless, they will bring immeasurable joy to your heart as they mature. And they will never forget your birthday. As for your little Taurus girl, she may tear her party dress while climbing into her treehouse or fly into a rage when someone damages one of her cherished possessions. Nevertheless, she will assist you in baking gingerbread men, and she will always welcome you into her beautiful home once she has settled down happily with her own family. In either case, your grandchildren will likely be well-behaved.

Raise your little bull or heifer in a cozy and nurturing environment filled with love. Surround them with visible affection rather than invisible barriers. Avoid tugging on their horns too forcefully, and allow them to graze at their own serene pace. Fill their ears with music and their eyes with beauty, and they will fill your heart with tranquility in due time. Even Miss Applegarden will forgive them.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Taurus

The Taurus Child
Taurus children have mood swings that can take them from sweetness and light to stormy darkness. These youngsters are typically obedient, but may resist parental boundaries during adolescence. Many Taurus children possess a notable artistic talent, excelling in color perception and an affinity for beauty.

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