Read John F. Kennedy's Cosmic DNA

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
12:00 pm
Brookline, Massachusetts
42N20 71W7 (-4 GMT)
Gemini (7) / Taurus
Virgo (10)  
Taurus (20)  
Gemini (16)  
Taurus (18)  
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (27) / Leo
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Leo (2) / Cancer
Cancer (3) / Gemini

Birthchart Info

John F. Kennedy
12:00 pm
Brookline, Massachusetts
42N20 71W7 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Gemini (7) / Taurus
Virgo (10)  
Taurus (20)  
Gemini (16)  
Taurus (18)  
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (27) / Leo
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Leo (2) / Cancer
Cancer (3) / Gemini

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Emotional Side Moon

How to Feel Happy, Safe and Fulfilled

Moon / Virgo

Moon in Virgo
Feeling useful and contributing your skills and talents to a worthy cause bring you inner satisfaction. Comfort and ease stem from maintaining order, efficiency, and simplicity. Without these, you may succumb to worry and anxiety. Smaller aspects of life and maintaining control over your environment bring a sense of security. High standards in relationships require you to seek reliability and responsibility from your partners.

Your Hidden Character

Moon / Virgo

Moon in Virgo
When the Moon gracefully slips into the analytical world of Virgo, a practical and discerning nature shapes the individual's inner character. Those with the Moon in Virgo possess a sociable and logical mindset, always bustling about, organizing and arranging events with meticulous precision. Unlike the theatrical Leos, Virgo Moons prefer to work diligently behind the scenes, orchestrating each detail of the grand production of life.

The Moon in Virgo fuels an insatiable hunger for communication, particularly when facts and information are involved. Their strong personal code of conduct and high standards ensure unwavering loyalty towards friends and loved ones. However, this lunar placement often turns them into the "Back-Seat Drivers" of the zodiac, perpetually guiding and instructing others, sometimes to the point of annoyance.

Virgo's influence on the Moon goes beyond the realm of practicality. These individuals often exhibit strong prejudices and fussiness, making them self-proclaimed critics of all things. Hypochondria finds a home within their psyche, as they constantly analyze and worry about their well-being.

Beneath their seemingly cold exterior lies a kind and humane disposition. The Moon in Virgo bespeaks domesticity, melancholia, and a somewhat superficial approach to matters of the heart. The truly evolved Virgo Moon individuals find fulfillment in serving humanity, dedicating themselves selflessly to the welfare of others. Women with this lunar placement are considered ambitious, while both sexes possess unique talents that flourish in specialized areas.

Occupations in accounting, bookkeeping, banking, literary criticism, real estate, chemistry, and druggists align perfectly with the Moon in Virgo's meticulous and detail-oriented tendencies.

Emotions, alwaysastrology

Moon / Virgo

Virgo Moon individuals find their happiness and security in life's little details. Although they may deny it, they genuinely appreciate activities such as running errands and attending to small tasks. While they might complain about these responsibilities, as long as they feel appreciated, they strive to not only take care of themselves but also extend their nurturing nature to others. They are often the first to volunteer their assistance.

They may possess a somewhat diminished sense of self-esteem, yet many find contentment in leading an ordinary, unassuming life. Simplicity is their guiding principle, and they feel most at home when they can navigate life without attracting excessive attention. Consequently, they may be labeled as underachievers or accused of setting their sights too low. In reality, they are easily overwhelmed by stress and find comfort within their comfort zone.

Virgo Moon finds solace in routine. Without a structured framework, they feel discontented and struggle to function optimally. They may come across as fussy or prone to complaining, but their routines are integral to their well-being. They thrive in jobs that require meticulous attention to detail and micromanagement.

Demonstrating care and affection, Virgo Moon expresses their love through practical gestures, such as tidying up or organizing. They may exhibit some hesitancy or shyness when meeting new people, but once they feel at ease, they reveal their authentic selves. Trustworthy and reliable, they offer valuable advice and willingly extend their help in various situations. Their practicality makes them indispensable companions, and they excel in the role of comforting others and providing solace.

In relationships, Moon in Virgo individuals can be reserved and, at times, intimidated. They possess acute self-awareness, which, when combined with low self-esteem, hinders the formation of healthy and balanced partnerships. They may become overly critical of themselves. However, once they gain confidence, they prove to be extraordinary partners, bringing a wealth of contributions to the relationship. They tend to keep their own emotions tightly contained, which can manifest as health issues over time. Others may perceive Virgo Moon as aloof or lacking in affection, though this is often not the case. Virgo Moon individuals are natural skeptics, questioning blind faith and seeking practical applications for everything. Their insatiable curiosity is juxtaposed with a seemingly indifferent demeanor, which can be perplexing to others. While they can offer constructive criticism, they are extraordinarily sensitive when it comes to receiving it themselves.

Virgo Moon thrives on busyness, finding contentment when their life feels under control. They may unknowingly erect invisible barriers, hoping that others will make the extra effort to truly understand them.

Emotions, lifetips

Moon / Virgo

As the Moon glides gracefully through the meticulous realm of Virgo, emotions become a labyrinth of analysis and intricate dissection. Individuals blessed with the Moon in Virgo possess an insatiable hunger for understanding and a relentless need to pick apart their feelings, seeking practical avenues of expression rather than relying solely on the spoken word. Their mother, driven by an unwavering commitment to healthy living, prioritized physical development over emotional growth. Consequently, they have learned to channel their emotional energy into practical endeavors, seeking solace in the realm of tangible action.

Emotions, trans4mind

Moon / Virgo

With the Moon gracing the analytical and critical sign of Virgo, your emotional responses showcase adaptability and practicality. You possess a remarkable ability to adjust your emotional state as needed when interacting with different people and situations. Your emotional well-being often intertwines with your involvement in your work and daily routines. You find solace and purpose in being productive and organized, and you may struggle to feel emotionally fulfilled unless you are actively engaged in your tasks. The analytical aspect of your nature allows you to separate emotions from facts, enabling you to approach emotional challenges with a rational mindset. Your practicality and earthy nature equip you with the necessary tools to navigate emotional issues effectively. However, be mindful of your sensitivity to criticism and the tendency to criticize others emotionally, particularly when you feel that their contributions are inadequate.

Your Emotional Needs for Sex, Love, and Relationships

Moon / Virgo

Within the realm of Virgo, where meticulous perfectionism reigns supreme, a lover with the Moon nestled in this celestial abode will tirelessly endeavor to serve you with unwavering dedication. Their emotional landscape often oscillates between self-criticism and self-deprecation, driven by an unyielding desire to attain an unattainable ideal of flawlessness. When traversing the path of love with a Virgo Moon paramour, it becomes apparent that their sexual needs mirror this yearning for perfection, as their meticulous nature permeates every facet of their intimate desires. To foster a connection that withstands the test of time, one must cultivate an environment that aligns with their most overpowering need?the need to be correct and precise in all they undertake. If you can resonate with their pursuit of exactitude and offer unwavering support in their quest for perfection, their heart will forever be your sanctuary.

Men: Attracted to distinguished women who exude an air of refinement, possessing an aura of grace and class that leaves an indelible mark upon their souls.

Women: Drawn to lovers who continually grapple with health-related challenges, as they seek partners who can offer unwavering support and understanding during times of physical adversity.

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