Read John F. Kennedy's Cosmic DNA

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
12:00 pm
Brookline, Massachusetts
42N20 71W7 (-4 GMT)
Gemini (7) / Taurus
Virgo (10)  
Taurus (20)  
Gemini (16)  
Taurus (18)  
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (27) / Leo
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Leo (2) / Cancer
Cancer (3) / Gemini

Birthchart Info

John F. Kennedy
12:00 pm
Brookline, Massachusetts
42N20 71W7 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Gemini (7) / Taurus
Virgo (10)  
Taurus (20)  
Gemini (16)  
Taurus (18)  
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (27) / Leo
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Leo (2) / Cancer
Cancer (3) / Gemini

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Employee

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Gemini

The GEMINI Employee

In a room filled with vibrant energy and rapid chatter,
Conversations flow like a rushing river,
Ideas tossed around like confetti,
And diverse thoughts collide like galaxies in collision,
Leaving you bewildered and wondering,
How can one voice contend against the chorus of three?

Do you find yourself surrounded by employees who possess the gift of gab, who move swiftly and think on their feet? Do they exude a perpetual youthfulness, disregarding the confines of age? Are they a whirlwind of unpredictability, restlessness, originality, and impatience? How perceptive of you! You've undoubtedly brought Gemini individuals into your workforce.

The reasons are clear. With their undeniable charm, quick-wittedness, and boundless imagination, it's no wonder you couldn't resist. As you observe these Mercury-ruled individuals in action, you'll soon discover their unmatched ability to distill abstract concepts into formulas. While your Aquarian employee may possess the capacity for abstract thinking, your Aries employee may generate fiery ideas infused with enthusiasm, and the Virgos may meticulously organize the details, none can quite compare to the multifaceted brilliance of a Gemini.

Before you contemplate firing the rest of your staff, bear in mind that a Gemini lacks the intense drive of an Aries, the tireless work ethic of an Aquarian, and the unwavering determination of a Virgo. We won't delve into the other zodiac signs; you grasp the general idea. Your Gemini employees may possess dual personalities, but they cannot single-handedly carry the entire workload, much as they might try. However, they will come closer to it than anyone else. Despite this, you'll still need the contributions of your other employees.

Geminis, alongside Virgos, Aries, Leos, and Scorpios, possess an innate ability to handle emergencies with ease. They thrive in swiftly meeting crises head-on. While others are still polishing their skis, a typical Gemini has already made decisions and sprung into action. Routine bores them, and they are happiest when they have the freedom to roam. Attempting to confine them to a workbench is a futile endeavor. They would prefer serving time in Sing Sing prison over toiling for a clock-watcher. At least in prison, they could observe inmate behavior and satisfy their insatiable curiosity. It's important to note that a Gemini behind bars is a lonely individual who couldn't find the right outlet for their multifarious talents in an over-organized, conformist society. Many Gemini forgers or petty thieves possess an inherent honesty comparable to the judge who sentenced them, along with an idealistic streak twice as pronounced. When a Gemini feels guilt for their vivid imagination and restless energy in childhood, coupled with constant criticism from the business world for their progressive thinking and refusal to conform to stale patterns, their high moral and mental ethics become distorted. Consequently, they embark on an unconventional path they believe remains open to them.

Most Geminis possess an irresistible persuasiveness, capable of convincing others to purchase items they couldn't possibly use. Utilizing their skills in sales and promotional activities is never a mistake. When a Gemini employs their silver tongue to extol the virtues of your firm, you may struggle to recognize it yourself, even if you're an egotist about your own company. Send your Gemini employee out to charm the public, to woo customers and clients in restaurants and on golf courses. Alternatively, dispatch them on a business trip to garner goodwill and orders for your organization. However, if you must confine them to the office, exercise caution in determining their placement. While they may not resent supervision as fiercely as Leos or Aries, they will feel inadequate and restless if confined without an outlet for self-expression. In such circumstances, your Gemini employee will break free from their shackles and breeze away to find greater freedom, without a hint of regret. Don't rush to check their desk in a panicked frenzy. They won't vanish into thin air until they've had a chance to explain their reasons and attempt to persuade you to see things from their perspective. Unless you receive direct communication to the contrary, they are likely content, utilizing their agile minds for the tasks you've assigned. Office pools are quite common, and you may witness Leos, Aries, and Sagittarius employees engaging in boisterous betting. However, don't be surprised if it was a Gemini, born in June, who orchestrated the whole affair. While a Gemini won't throw extravagant sums into a convoluted gambling scheme as readily as a Leo, they will risk their security when challenged intellectually, when there's fast action and a quick return. You'll often hear phrases like "Let's give it a spin," "It's worth a flyer," or "I'll try anything once" pepper their conversations. And indeed, they will. They'll try anything once, but twice is out of the question.

Boredom plagues a Gemini, and this is especially true during baseball season or golf playoffs. Many Mercury-ruled individuals enjoy these sports, and their innate dexterity allows them to actively participate. There is little they cannot achieve with the coordination of their nimble minds and hands, be it hitting a baseball over the fence or sinking a hole-in-one on the green. Sports provide an outlet for their restless energy. However, in the long run, Geminis prefer to exercise their minds, to engage in intellectual challenges that push their mental boundaries. Physical activity is still encouraged, as it exhausts their restless spirit and facilitates better sleep. Insomnia often plagues Geminis, and you'll recognize your fair share of tired-eyed individuals in the office.

Your Gemini employees infuse the office with vibrant activity, filled with lively banter and jokes. Yet, amidst the constant buzz, they deliver results. If you employ a Gemini secretary, you may find her to be the fastest typist in the office, swiftly transcribing your dictation with minimal guidance. However, it might be more advantageous to position her in a front-facing role, where she can enchant visitors who walk through the door and manage the switchboard effortlessly. (A Mercury-ruled individual excels at multitasking.) With her in place, you'll experience fewer disgruntled callers. Not only will she engage strangers with her clever conversation, but she's also unlikely to tangle the cords and mistakenly disconnect your call to Kalamazoo.

I must caution you against discussing raises, bonuses, commissions, or similar matters directly with a Gemini if you can avoid it. Instead, rely on a stern Capricorn, a dogmatic Taurus, or a no-nonsense Virgo to mediate. Engaging in financial negotiations with a persuasive Gemini can be risky. If you're feeling adventurous, go ahead and try it. However, be prepared to find yourself promising him a higher position in the company than is available, while simultaneously doubling your own salary. He'll make it all seem perfectly reasonable. It's far safer to steer clear of financial negotiations with a Gemini. Unless you're up for the challenge, proceed with caution. Otherwise, you may emerge from the discussion having committed to a weekly expense account capable of supporting two Virgos and a couple of Cancerians for an entire year.

You may stumble upon a few broken hearts in the office corridors when working with Gemini employees. Flirtations and fickle behavior are common occurrences until maturity sets in. There's a youthful sense of irresponsibility in many Geminis (unless their natal chart indicates a more stable nature). Despite their minds being eons old, their emotional state often resembles that of a teenager. They may even look the part.

The truth is, Geminis, like Peter Pan, are reluctant to grow up. They require a Wendy who matches their intelligence to maintain order in their lives, permitting them to come and go as they please. If you're the type of boss to play office Cupid, be sure not to introduce them to anyone who doesn't fit the bill. Otherwise, you may find yourself loaning them money to cover alimony payments shortly thereafter.

If you want your office to thrive with excitement, place your Aries and Gemini employees in a room together to discuss a new project. Remember to stuff your ears with cotton balls to protect them from the sound of a hundred adding machines and two hundred ticker tapes whirring simultaneously. Keep a sturdy net nearby to catch the pink balloons that will float through the air. Gather them up, take them to your office, and examine them carefully before popping them with a pin. One of those balloons is likely to hold a million-dollar idea.

In his heart he thanked the man
Who sent him back to shore,
And when he got home, he found the jobs
Were thirteen as before.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Taurus

The TAURUS Employee

"Well, I never heard it before ... but it sounds like uncommon nonsense."

Let's begin by acknowledging that a Taurus employee may not be your best bet for a salesperson. Unless, of course, their birth chart reveals influences from Gemini, Aries, Leo, or Pisces. In that case, they might excel in peddling your products and services. Otherwise, it would be in your best interest to gently guide them (definitely not push them) into a different role within your company.

When it comes to giving a sales pitch, the average Taurus employee won't necessarily leave a lasting impression on your clients. Their approach tends to be more along the lines of "If you want it, take it. If you don't, move along." You won't find them weaving elaborate tales with a golden tongue or unleashing a flood of imaginative and descriptive phrases. Unless you consider "Umph," "Gumph," "Mmm Hmm," and "Mumph" to be imaginative and descriptive. Now, this isn't to say that Taurus employees lack positive qualities. Quite the contrary. However, these qualities typically don't lean towards swaying others or convincing them to sign on the dotted line. Instead, they are more inclined to explain why someone shouldn't get involved.

The primary reason Tauruses aren't drawn to sales is closely tied to their inherent need for security. They require a sense of stability in their work and a belief in their potential for success. Without these elements, their motivation becomes considerably diluted. Regardless of the potential rewards, if they fluctuate, a Taurus employee will always prefer the safety of a predictable weekly income. A Taurus on a straight commission is often one of the unhappiest individuals in the world. A fixed salary combined with a bonus based on sales performance may come closer to instilling a sense of accomplishment, but even then, the role of a salesperson isn't an ideal fit for the bull.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, in addition to the planetary influences mentioned earlier. Certain low-pressure sales pitches can be handled with distinction by most Taurus individuals if the product or service is solid, stable, and imbued with a sense of security. However, the list of such products is rather limited. Farm equipment, tractors, mowing machines, trucks, or similar items would align perfectly with their expertise. They speak the same language as the potential buyers. Money is another area they can handle effectively, whether on the receiving or disbursing end. Selling money might even be their forte. In other words, they would excel in the loan department of a bank. However, let's be honest, how much persuasion does it take to convince a financially troubled person that they need money?

There might be a couple of other categories where Tauruses could shine as salespeople. Real estate, for instance. Showing people around houses and highlighting the value of the land is an area where they feel at ease. They'll gesture towards a stunning view and say, "Umph." Then they'll describe the landscaping possibilities with an ecstatic "Grumph." Next, they'll demonstrate the plumbing and closet space with a confirming "Mmm Hmm." Finally, they'll discuss the financing options with a confident "Mumph." It's hard to believe, but the likely response from a prospective homebuyer would be, "Yes, I'll take it." To which the Taurus salesman would respond with, "Alright, it's yours." Or something similar. The key here is that the Taurus's honesty and apparent reliability impress those who are investing a substantial sum in a property. Then there's the field of education. Taurus employees possess an unwavering belief in solid foundations, practical knowledge, and a distaste for ignorance. With these convictions, they could persuade a girl to pursue an engineering course at M.I.T without batting an eye. They see no absurdity in a female studying engineering. To them, practicality is practicality, regardless of gender.

It's also possible that a Taurus with a Gemini ascendant or Mars in Gemini would make an excellent radio or TV announcer. The melodious tones of their speech combined with Gemini's charm and verbal agility make them a natural fit for these media roles. Furthermore, if the right planets align in Aries at birth, their influence could potentially enhance their promotional or public relations skills, though they would never adopt a high-pressure approach. I'm afraid this just about covers the territory for Taurus salespeople. In most other areas, and without the proper additional planetary influences, they thrive in roles that come more naturally to their unflappable nature.

One such role is often referred to as "holding the center together," a valuable ability in both politics and the business world. Regardless of the desk they're assigned to, Taurus employees firmly root themselves behind it, determined to succeed—and they usually do. They work at a steady pace, aiming for perfection, which they often achieve when given space and not rushed. The more responsibility the position demands, the wiser it is to place them in charge. It's rare to find a more dependable, trustworthy, and honest employee. They strive to help your company expand rather than boosting their own egos. A successful Taurus wears the same hat size as when they started.

As much as Tauruses dislike change, even exceptional ones won't stay with you forever. It's not flightiness that drives them to leave but a fundamental aspect of their nature. Once they have nurtured the growth of your company, they won't remain to run it for you. Tauruses are more interested in accumulating power and wealth. They value their freedom too much to be tied down by the intricate management of a complex business or to serve as an unseen cog in the machine. They are reliable and content to stay put, but they want the freedom to continue building their own foundation and empire, whether big or small.

A Taurus employee, whether exceptional or average, is always an outstanding worker, and one of their most endearing qualities is their willingness to take orders without resentment. This stems from their belief that the path to becoming a boss who gives orders is to first be a cheerful subordinate who follows orders. Their respect for authority is rooted in the knowledge that when they eventually become executives, they'll expect their employees to comply with their directives. As bosses themselves, they will have well-defined and often rigid ideas and methods. Consequently, they don't find it strange or unpleasant when you insist on adhering to a fixed pattern in their work. As far as they're concerned, you are in charge.

Certainly, this attitude is a tremendous asset, but don't mistake their amiable nature or their sensible deference to authority as a sign that they can be easily pushed around. They possess a Machiavellian detachment towards those who think they're manipulating them and handle such individuals with smooth tact and diplomacy. Behind the scenes, however, their tongue is firmly in their cheek as they humor the aggressive people attempting to push them. In the end, Tauruses will have their way. Their success is further ensured by their ability to wait patiently until they triumph over the pushy types. However, when their personal emotions are trampled upon or their deep pride is wounded, their cool composure may disappear, replaced by stubbornness akin to that of a child. Bear in mind that while they pout, they are combustible and prone to explosive displays of temper. These episodes won't last long, and the bull will fall ominously silent after such a "charge." However, if the underlying cause isn't rectified immediately, they'll simply leave, never looking back. Once a Taurus walks out the door, they're gone for good. There won't be any sheepish returns for a second chance. Their broad shoulders will be the last thing you see as they exit. No matter what you say or do, they won't be persuaded to reconsider. When a Taurus is gone, they are gone. There's no need to revisit the matter since their foresight obviates the need for hindsight. Given their sensual and affectionate nature, you'll likely find plenty of former flames who sadly recount that when a Taurus waves goodbye, there are no encores. In matters of both love and business, people often make the mistake of assuming that a Taurus's patience is endless simply because it takes them so long to lose it.

Female Taurus employees, in particular, are a true gem to have around. If they embody the typical Taurus traits, they'll possess a calm, soothing voice and a gracious demeanor. These women often excel as executive secretaries. Emergencies won't throw them off balance. In fact, a crisis brings out the best in them, and their capabilities are considerable. They may not be the fastest typists or dictation-takers, but their work will be thorough and precise. Just like their male counterparts, they believe that if a job is worth doing, it's worth doing well to the best of their ability. Every Taurus lives by that motto. You won't catch them yawning in your face when you're expounding your theories. If the ideas are practical, they'll engage in meaningful conversations about them, approaching the topic with sensibility and logic. Yet, don't let that fool you into thinking they aren't genuinely feminine.

Exercise caution, as Taurus women are not typically drawn to casual office flirtations. While they can be fun-loving and jovial, beneath their warm and bovine humor lies a mind that is focused on marriage. If a Taurus woman accepts a dinner invitation from you on more than one occasion, chances are she's already assessing your potential as a provider for a lifetime—not just an exciting date for a rainy Thursday. These women take romantic games seriously. If you meet the qualifications of a Taurus woman's ideal husband material, you are far from an ordinary man. The man who captures the attention of a Taurus woman within the company is the one to watch. He's going places. And if that man happens to be you, you may lose a fantastic secretary, but you'll gain a wife in a million, which is certainly a worthwhile trade.

Taurus employees, both male and female, detest sleeping in unfamiliar beds—a phrase they often repeat. Therefore, most Tauruses prefer to spend their vacations at home. Unless they have a Gemini Moon or Sagittarius ascendant, the grass will always appear greener and lusher in their own backyard. While they're on vacation, leisurely sipping lemonade and reveling in the fragrance of flowers from their hammocks, you can safely call them in for an office emergency. They'll likely oblige with a good-natured grin, feeling it's their duty to help out. However, don't impose too frequently. There's a limit to their patient acceptance of repeated intrusions, and it's unwise to risk making them angry by discovering that limit. Stop while you're ahead.

Taurus employees thrive in various professions. They work contentedly as florists, in the livestock or poultry industry, in supermarkets, or in the wholesale food industry. They make excellent doctors, engineers, and artists. The sound of music and the visual allure of art attract them irresistibly. They feel most at home when expressing themselves creatively through their senses, as long as the financial rewards are stable and the foundation is solid.

Taurus songwriters often endure periods of misery, especially during the lean years before they achieve their first major hit. However, when they combine their creative talents with the more stable and secure aspects of producing records or arranging scores, they find themselves in their element. In fact, you'll notice that nearly every Taurus singer or composer eventually transitions to the production side of the music industry to some extent.

Once a Taurus finds the right field where opportunities abound, they rarely seek change or new conquests. They meticulously weigh, assess, and absorb knowledge in their chosen career through years of unwavering dedication. They can tolerate a lot as long as they believe in the future and the occupation aligns perfectly with their nature or gives them a sense of fulfillment. Taurus individuals possess an incredible capacity for perseverance until the rewards manifest themselves. However, this persistence only arises when they are at the heart of things, not when they are aimlessly circling the periphery, hoping for a lucky break. Once they experience a sense of achievement and security and plant themselves in a position where they can continue building higher, they move forward with unwavering confidence. Then, they become irresistible to the elusive and capricious goddess of success. Nevertheless, it won't go to their heads. They remain faithful to her but keep her in her place—a lifelong love affair.

In order to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that. A Taurus knows that keeping up with the ever-changing world requires diligent effort and unwavering determination.

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini's multitasking and communication skills make them a popular choice for employers. They can give the impression of a relaxed, breezy work environment. However, their casual demeanor may seem careless and scattered, and their tendency to get bored with routine tasks could require constant stimulation.

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus is known for their determination and willingness to persevere, often making valuable long-term employees. They can bring elegance to the workplace. However, that same persistence may lead to stubbornness and resistance to change, hindering their adaptability.

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