Read John F. Kennedy's Cosmic DNA

John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
12:00 pm
Brookline, Massachusetts
42N20 71W7 (-4 GMT)
Gemini (7) / Taurus
Virgo (10)  
Taurus (20)  
Gemini (16)  
Taurus (18)  
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (27) / Leo
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Leo (2) / Cancer
Cancer (3) / Gemini

Birthchart Info

John F. Kennedy
12:00 pm
Brookline, Massachusetts
42N20 71W7 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Gemini (7) / Taurus
Virgo (10)  
Taurus (20)  
Gemini (16)  
Taurus (18)  
Taurus (22) / Gemini
Cancer (27) / Leo
Aquarius (23) / Pisces
Leo (2) / Cancer
Cancer (3) / Gemini

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Money

Budget Tips, How to Save Money

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Balancing the Scales of Financial Engagement. Ah, the inquisitive and versatile Gemini, your spirit dances with intellectual fervor, seeking stimulation and engaging in multifaceted endeavors. The tapestry of your interests weaves a vibrant mosaic, tempting you to explore diverse realms of knowledge. Alas, dear Gemini, your unyielding quest for mental gratification often surpasses the financial boundaries you have set. The allure of subscribing to countless magazines and newspapers or surrendering to the siren call of cellular conversations can send your finances spiraling into disarray.

However, let the celestial messenger, Mercury, bestow upon you the wisdom to navigate these treacherous waters. Peer beyond the veil of conventional thinking, dear Gemini, for in the vast digital landscape, a treasure trove of knowledge awaits, accessible without depleting your coffers. Embrace the transformative power of online publications, where you can peruse the vast expanse of literary wonders without weighing down your budget. While the allure of unlimited text messaging may be difficult to resist, unleash the adventurer within and embark upon a quest for telecommunications treasures. Explore enticing offers that deliver rollover minutes or, better yet, unlimited talk time, ensuring your insatiable thirst for communication can be quenched without compromising your financial well-being. Negotiate, dear Gemini, for it is within the realm of conversation and persuasion that you shall uncover the hidden gems that harmonize with your financial aspirations.

Budget Tips, How to Save Money

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Cultivating the Gardens of Financial Contentment. Ah, the steadfast and sensual Taurus, ruled by Venus, the celestial embodiment of love and beauty. Your soul reverberates with an innate appreciation for life's opulent treasures, for they symbolize security and delight in your being. Yet, dear Taurus, the pursuit of material possessions can cast a captivating spell, leaving your financial landscape scattered and your heart yearning for completeness. As the collector of the zodiac, your relentless pursuit of perfection nudges you to acquire one more cat figurine to complete your cherished collection.

Amidst the tantalizing allure of tangible possessions, it is essential to remember that true value transcends the confines of materiality, dear Taurus. Loosen the grip of your desires and embrace the wisdom that emanates from your inner sanctum. In moments when pleasure beckons, redirect your focus to the untamed wonders of nature, where the embrace of beauty is bestowed freely. Immerse yourself in the ethereal melodies of love, for nature itself orchestrates the symphony of lovemaking, a realm of unparalleled pleasure that transcends material cravings. Let the gentle caress of a nurturing bath and the rhythmic strokes of a self-massage, or better yet, a loved one's touch, bathe your senses in serenity and bliss. In these moments, dear Taurus, the essence of fulfillment resides, untouched by the confines of monetary trappings.

How You Can Manage Your Money Better

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Gemini, you excel at earning money, but struggle to save it. Conceptualizing your far-off golden years poses a challenge. To address this, maintain two savings accounts - one for short-term goals like education and vacations, and another for retirement. Ensure a fixed amount is deposited automatically into these accounts weekly to achieve consistent savings growth.

How You Can Manage Your Money Better

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus, you possess a natural talent for managing money. Much like tending to a garden, you enjoy nurturing your fortune. In fact, you might find saving money more enjoyable than spending it. However, being ruled by luxury-loving Venus, it's important to indulge in occasional treats. Develop the habit of pampering yourself with small gifts every month, such as gourmet chocolates or fresh flower bouquets.

Your Money Habits, How You Spend It

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Variety is the spice of life, and no one understands this better than Gemini. These social butterflies thrive on diversity and stimulation in all aspects of their lives, including their spending habits. Geminis have a penchant for collecting a wide range of things that capture their interest. They love exploring different options and are drawn to assortments, medleys, and collections. When it's time to spend, Geminis enjoy the freedom of choice and seek out unique and versatile purchases that align with their ever-evolving tastes.

Your Money Habits, How You Spend It

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
For Taurus, the concept of spending money is closely tied to their appreciation for quality and the finer things in life. They possess a natural attraction to luxury and comfort. Taurus individuals are skilled money magnets, effortlessly finding objects, experiences, and people that embody their high standards. When it comes to making a purchase, they take their time, indulging in the pleasure of comparison shopping. Once they've found the perfect item that meets their discerning tastes, they're more than willing to make a substantial financial investment to ensure their desires are met.

Your Ways of Mixing Money and Relationship

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
While Gemini's breezy personality might make you think this gadget-grabbing big spender has little concern for fiscal responsibility, it's not so. The needy, worrywart sign of Cancer determines most of Gemini's attitude about money, as it is the sign associated with Gemini's 2nd House of Finances. While Gemini may flash the latest smart phone or drive a cool car, there will be other sacrifices that prevent Gemini from worrying about where the next meal will come from. It might seem foolish to scrimp on a living place or skip a meal to save a few bucks so you can afford everything that flashes and whirs, but this is Gemini's way of keeping things in balance. Gemini will take on a pragmatic, business-like approach when sharing your assets and financial responsibilities, so that's a good reason to keep this one around!

Your Ways of Mixing Money and Relationship

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
While Taurus is famous for being protective of all assets, the Bull's day-to-day money habits may surprise you. Because Gemini is in charge of Taurus' 2nd House of Finances, you can bet there's always an angle on how more money can come in -- and tons of rationalizations for how it is spent. Taurus has this built-in need to be surrounded by luxury. If you join forces with this rather determined individual, you'll need to rein this in. Have your Taurus partner make a "wish list" and you'll soon see the "wanting" is more than half the pleasure of "acquiring." When partnering with a Taurus, you can expect to be the beneficiary of at least some of the joint assets, and all should be able to remain peaceful as long as there's enough of a slush fund for Taurus' luscious little pleasures!

How You Deal With The Recession, How You Cope

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
As a Gemini, your gift for spin allows you to find the silver lining in even the most challenging situations. Learn from each setback and share your newfound wisdom with others. After all, why keep these valuable insights to yourself? Use your role as The Messenger to your advantage and teach others how to rise above adversity as well.

How You Deal With The Recession, How You Cope

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
While Taureans delight in indulging themselves and their loved ones, they also possess the ability to maintain tight control over their finances. One of your strengths is the ability to create something out of nothing, born from your security-conscious nature. Embrace this talent and transform your resourcefulness into delicious dishes and budget-friendly treats.

What You INVEST In

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
As a communicative information enthusiast, you are drawn to investments in telecommunications and media. Gemini governs sales and trade, so the process of trading stocks might excite you more than the gains themselves. You're also likely to diversify your money across various investments.

What You INVEST In

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Rather than gambling, you prefer dependable, gradual wealth-building strategies. As the sign of Earth stewardship and resource conservation, environmentally-friendly businesses cater to your eco-conscious mindset. You might be intrigued by investments in the agricultural industry, especially in organic sectors.

Your Signs Worst Financial Compatibility

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
In the realm of fiscal matters, you find yourself caught in a tempestuous whirlwind, as money flows into your hands with the same rapidity as thoughts flitting through your ever-active mind. The challenge lies in grounding yourself, focusing your energies on a singular endeavor, and resisting the siren song of passing trends and ephemeral fads that dazzle your senses. At a cocktail party of possibilities, your propensity for indulgence knows no bounds, leading you astray into a labyrinth of electronic gadgets that outnumber the comprehension of mere mortals. Alas, in the realm of fiscal health, it is Aquarius who serves as a treacherous companion, their visionary minds concocting celestial pies that rival the grandeur of NASA's missions. Together, you traverse the ethereal realms of justification, absolving yourselves of the responsibility to worry about the sustenance of basic needs. Exercise caution, dear Gemini, for the true worth of fiscal stability lies not in the pursuit of intangible dreams but in the practicality of grounded existence.

Your Signs Worst Financial Compatibility

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
With steadfast common sense as your compass, you navigate the labyrinthine world of finances with deftness and prudence. Your sensible approach to monetary matters shields you from the perils of frivolous spending, showcasing a commendable ability to protect and accumulate resources. Yet, within the depths of your soul, a yearning to possess life's exquisite treasures burns bright, tempting you to enter the arena of prideful one-upmanship. Beware the enchanting presence of Scorpio, for they possess the uncanny ability to awaken dormant desires, stoking the flames of your ego and compelling you to assert your dominance through material possessions. Engage in a steadfast reminder that the true measure of your financial prowess lies not in your material possessions but in the sustenance of your buying power once the game of pride concludes.

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