Read Jon Bon Jovi's Cosmic DNA

Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Assertive Mars

Assertive, Yang Principles of Action, Leadership, Competitiveness and Aggression, lifetips

Mars / Aquarius


Assertive, Yang Principles of Action, Leadership, Competitiveness and Aggression, lifetips

Mars / Pisces

Mars in Virgo brings mechanical ability and expertise. These individuals are hardworking and are commonly found fixing things—an aspect influenced by their perfectionism. They take great satisfaction in completing projects and executing a job well done.

Assertive, alwaysastrology

Mars / Aquarius

Aquarius individuals with Mars in their chart possess a certain enigmatic quality that is not easily deciphered. They revel in their ability to surprise others and find conventional methods rather dull. Instead, they are driven to seek out innovative and groundbreaking approaches to achieve their goals. Uniqueness and originality are their trademarks.

Proudly independent, those with Mars in Aquarius wouldn't have it any other way. They possess the ability to assert themselves effectively and stand their ground. While they exhibit open-mindedness and progressive thinking, they can also display unexpected stubbornness. Feeling trapped or confined tends to ignite their rebellious spirit, and if someone starts deciphering patterns in their behavior, rest assured, they will promptly change the game.

Aquarius Mars individuals harbor abundant ambition and energy, particularly when it comes to mental and intellectual pursuits. They may seem scattered at times, but when the moment calls for it, they gather their focus and diligently complete their projects. Although their actions might appear eccentric, there is a method to their madness. Their strong willpower, coupled with their innate cleverness, allows them to employ their creativity to achieve their desired outcomes. They can even exert a dominant influence in a relationship without their partner fully realizing it.

The Mars in Aquarius person is inclined to grant others the freedom to express their true selves. They highly value individuality and personal liberties, both for themselves and those around them. They yearn for ample space and independence, often maintaining a detached demeanor even within the confines of an intimate relationship. Taking charge comes naturally to them, and their exceptional organizational skills make them effective leaders. Often, they assume the role of the reformer, challenging established norms and demanding conformity from their followers.

When it comes to their sexual lives, Mars in Aquarius individuals are drawn to anything new and unconventional. What excites them today may bore them tomorrow, as they thrive on experimentation and possess a vivid imagination. They are willing to explore various realms of fantasy, even if not necessarily in reality. Stimulating their minds proves highly effective in igniting their passion. While they may appear emotionally detached to their partners, their fidelity remains intact unless they grow bored. Aquarius Mars individuals have a way of perplexing their partners with their seemingly indifferent attitude. They find allure in sexual encounters conducted over the phone or through digital means, as the realm of imagination intrigues them. Variety and excitement are their cravings, and they continuously seek fresh experiences in the realm of intimacy.

In rewriting the text, I have expanded upon the original content to provide a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of Mars in Aquarius. The language used aims to be engaging and informative, catering to a wider range of readers.

Assertive, alwaysastrology

Mars / Pisces

Pisces individuals with Mars in their sign possess a gentle and mild demeanor. They possess a unique way of expressing themselves, often taking a round-about path to get to the point. Going with the flow comes naturally to them as they prefer to let life unfold organically. However, if they are unable to find an outlet for their creative expression, they may unintentionally manifest indirect aggression, resulting in a rather messy situation.

Mars in Pisces individuals have a tendency to play games in their pursuit of desires, even though they may not always be clear on what they truly want. Their emotions are both unpredictable and intense, serving as the driving force behind their actions. While they excel intellectually, they may encounter difficulties when faced with physical or practical challenges.

The arts hold a profound allure for those with Mars in Pisces, often showcasing great talent in creative endeavors. Possessing a deep sense of introspection, they are attuned to the nuances of color, rhythm, and tone. Despite appearing calm on the surface, they often experience restlessness within. This may lead others to perceive them as shy or withdrawn. Their heightened sensitivity extends to their environment, making them highly responsive to the subtlest shifts in energy.

Romantic by nature, Mars in Pisces individuals seek emotional connections over physical encounters. Their perspective on love is heavily influenced by idealism, and they often view sex as a realm of fantasy. Their sensitivity enables them to be incredibly attentive to their partner's needs, yearning for an abundance of affection. Without this emotional warmth, they perceive sex as devoid of passion and disconnected. The fulfillment they seek in relationships is magnified when an emotional bond aligns with a spiritual connection, igniting their spirits and bringing about euphoria.

Their sensuous nature craves intimacy through tender touches and romantic gestures. A lack of physical and emotional closeness can leave them feeling unloved and unappreciated. With an extraordinary imagination, they embark on elaborate romantic fantasies long before stepping into the realm of reality. Their approach, however, remains passive rather than assertive. Detachment or spacing out may be mistaken for aloofness, but it is merely a reflection of their intricate thought processes. They are naturally drawn to those who require their care and compassion, finding solace in nurturing others.

Assertive, trans4mind

Mars / Aquarius

Mars (to assert) in Aquarius (Indifferent and Unconventional)

Indifferent and unconventionally assertive, Mars in Aquarius marches to the beat of its own drum, embracing intellectual expression in unexpected and captivating ways. These individuals assert themselves through intellectual prowess, aligning with the airy nature of their sign. Unpredictability becomes their hallmark, endearing them to friends who value their enigmatic nature. Persistently driven, they remain steadfast in pursuing their ideas and passions, regardless of societal norms or others' opinions. Their intellectual energy finds release in inventive pursuits, particularly in the realm of mechanical engineering. Unswayed by social acceptability, they wholeheartedly embrace their Mars-infused independence and impulsiveness, paying little heed to others' judgment or expectations.

Assertive, trans4mind

Mars / Pisces

Mars (to assert) in Pisces (Impressionable and Inspirational)

Impressionable and inspirational, Mars in Pisces dances between opposing currents, making personal goal setting a challenging endeavor. These individuals possess a unique ability to adapt to the environment they find themselves in, molding themselves to mirror the beliefs and desires of others. As self-assertion proves elusive, they channel their considerable energy into group goals or spiritual endeavors. Psychic impressions and a vivid imagination fuel their actions, often prompting them to pursue ventures that transcend personal gain. Their mutable nature grants them the flexibility to immerse themselves in conflicts and acts of self-sacrifice, akin to the narratives seen in films. Drawn to stories involving intense emotions and lofty ideals, they find meaning in pursuing goals that transcend individual survival or personal glory.

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