Read Jon Bon Jovi's Cosmic DNA

Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Childhood

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Pisces

The PISCES Child

Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream Lingering in the golden gleam-
Life, what is it but a dream?

Most babies, as the lore goes, are discovered under the shelter of a cabbage leaf. Some are delivered by storks, their tiny bodies suspended from the beaks, or found within the doctor's black bag. Not your little Pisces bundle. They arrive directly from the realm of fairy tales, clutching a fragment of moonlight. If you observe closely, you may still glimpse the reflection of elves and enchanted trees in their dreamy eyes, perhaps even a trace of stardust lingering behind an earlobe. Although their wings may have vanished by the time they reach the delivery room, a slight bump may remain as a reminder.

You must have come across those congratulatory cards for new mothers, adorned with illustrations of dimpled, rosy infants, delicate and translucent, gracefully drifting amidst poetic verses. The artist surely used your Pisces child as inspiration. This might lead you to believe that you can guide your Neptune-born little one effortlessly, or that you can mold them into any shape you desire after washing away the glistening stardust from their ears. However, reconsider. They will have their way, just like the fiery, headstrong Aries baby, the demanding and regal Leo baby, or the stubborn and resilient Taurus baby. The only difference is that your Pisces child will achieve their desires by charming you to the core, engulfing you in oceans of sweet smiles and captivating gestures.

Once the ink on the birth certificate has dried, consider enrolling your Pisces son for the lead role in the future production of Peter Pan, or your daughter for Alice in Wonderland. These iconic roles will resonate deeply with Neptune children, who don't require a stage to embody them brilliantly. They will continue to embody these characters well into their eighties. Parents who silently pray, "I wish my baby would never grow up," may have their wishes granted if their baby was born under the sign of the fish. The passing years will leave minimal imprints, forever preserving a childlike, fantastical, and dreamy quality that shrouds Pisces individuals. It will bathe them in an aura of mystery and unreality, enduring beyond the reaches of time.

By the time they are old enough to hide within jam pots, your peculiar child will already display a preference for dwelling in a world of imagination. They will find solace in activities far removed from the routines and patterns of everyday life. While seated in the high chair, they will eat with angelic grace if you assume the role of a queen or a clown during feeding time. Don a lampshade adorned with sparkling necklaces, or use a mop as a wig; apply lipstick and chalk to your face. Their imagination will fill in the rest. As they grow older, they will happily engage in play on the front porch while you tend to household chores, as long as you adorn the area with colorful balloons, play music on the record player, scatter their stuffed animals, offer popcorn, and proclaim it to be a circus.

When they finally begin attending school and experience peculiar dreams at night, you might be taken aback one ordinary spring morning while tying their shoes. "Guess who I saw last night?" they will casually remark. You will respond with a polite quip, mentally preoccupied with locating their green sweater. Ah, there it is, draped over the teddy bear they dressed up yesterday, pretending it was their best friend.

"Who did you see?" you inquire.

Their answer will come effortlessly, "Grandma Stratton. We conversed for quite some time before she bid me farewell. She asked me to remind you to water her geraniums and send Uncle Clarence the money."

Given that Grandmother Stratton passed away before your child's birth, this revelation may initially unsettle you, especially on an empty stomach before your morning coffee. However, the real shock will come after breakfast, when your child is at school and the mailman delivers a letter from Uncle Clarence, whom you haven't heard from in five years, requesting a loan to start a new business.

The wisest of parents struggle to establish a schedule that can withstand the whims of a Pisces offspring. Schedules and routines are natural adversaries, and they will employ their fertile imagination to avoid them at all costs. Their hunger will strike at unpredictable times, their exhaustion will creep in when least expected, and their playfulness will be enticed by arbitrary fascinations. Attempting to enforce eating, sleeping, or playing according to any other timetable becomes an arduous task. In reality, it's a rather sensible approach, yet the moments when they become hungry, tired, or playful may vary considerably from day to day and night to night. It is futile to resist. They won't throw tantrums, scream, or resist in order to coerce you into surrendering to their desires. Instead, they will gradually seduce you through evasive and elusive tactics, bewildering you until you capitulate. You might even find yourself inexplicably enchanted by this sheer freedom. No longer burdened by guilt when engaging in coffee chats with neighbors during feeding time, playing an enthralling game of "Princess and Frog" during the mystical hours of dawn, or sharing a bowl of vegetable soup and a cup of hot chocolate on a dreary, gray winter afternoon. It all becomes oddly alluring. They might even teach you that the ticking clock should not be an authoritative dictator ruling over your life. After all, it's merely a ticking piece of metal.

The Pisces child will demand a considerable amount of attention and appreciation. They need to be seen and acknowledged, for they often doubt their own capabilities. Shower them with as much affection and recognition as they require. Additionally, they will need moments of solitude. When they retreat into their mysterious states of withdrawal, grant them that privacy. Their mind may wander millions of light-years away, far beyond your reach. Eventually, they will return, just in time for their serving of vegetable soup and hot chocolate. However, by this point, they will have shifted their lunch hour to the late evening. If they tell you that they were soaring through the skies on a saucer with a visitor from Mars, believe them. It might just be true.

Teachers frequently find themselves perplexed when attempting to fit this peculiar puzzle piece into the standard molds of education. Your child may not conform to the round or square holes provided. They will simply refuse to adhere to a pattern that is not their own. Don't place too much blame on them. The educational system has yet to catch up with Neptune's wisdom. Many Pisces boys and girls possess artistic inclinations, harboring a profound love for music and dance. The typical Neptunian child possesses grace in their step, regardless of their physical weight. Young girls often yearn to become ballerinas, while boys tend to idolize figures such as Beethoven, Michelangelo, astronauts, or Saint Anthony, rather than scientists, presidents, or generals. They are enamored with literature of all kinds, and English may be their preferred subject, as Pisces children possess storytelling prowess. They adore words, and poetry often captivates their hearts. Initially, they may struggle with comprehending mathematics, but they will later exhibit a remarkable understanding of the abstract principles that underlie algebra and geometry.

Responsibility may prove elusive for them, leading to moments of frustration. Pisces children adhere to their own set of rules. They are sensitive and easily wounded by harshness. Tears may flow frequently. Ordinarily, they prefer the company of adults over playing with other children. Even at a tender age, they possess a deep wisdom and empathetic understanding of situations that surpass their comprehension. Children born under Neptune are often accused of lying, although their intentions are pure. There is no malice or cowardice involved. Their young minds swim in the currents of boundless imagination, whispering a thousand delightful secrets, imbued with sheer beauty that they yearn to bring to life in the cold, tangible world. The fact that these magnificent dreams perish in the sterile, desolate soil of a materialistic society is truly heart-wrenching. They require your utmost sympathy; otherwise, they will retreat into silent, brooding desolation.

The Pisces child hears melodies of the sea that they can never fully describe. The stark, brutal truth is too harsh for them to endure. They must embellish it occasionally, or attempt to imbue it with warmth and color, drawing from the Neptune hues of romance. It would be unfair to label this as lying. Instead, encourage them to gather their clouds and moonbeams, weaving them into poems, plays, or paintings. Soon enough, they will adapt to the ordinary world of cruelty, selfishness, poverty, and ingratitude. Why thrust them into it abruptly? They may encounter difficulties in conforming to the social and academic expectations that stifle their individuality. Yet, their parents and teachers can learn from them the importance of compassion, understanding, beauty, tolerance, imagination, and gentleness. The type of diploma you desire from life depends on it.

One day, either the Piscean philosophy of freedom of expression or the conformist ideals will prevail. My bet is on Pisces. Of course, your warm-hearted and amiable little Neptunian must be taught that people expect them to eventually adapt to the nonsensical, topsy-turvy concepts of society in order to survive. However, if stern and negative adults push too hard, they may lose their way back to the other side of the looking glass. Don't deprive them of their key. They require occasional escapes to refresh themselves with the true wisdom of the Red Queen and the White Knight. Only then can they better navigate the tangible world, filled with war, poverty, disease, hypocritical ethics, and ingratitude. Your little fish needs a protective cloak against the harsh winds that lie ahead. Knit it yourself with resilient, vibrant yarn. Make an effort to understand their Neptune ways. Guide them with tenderness and wisdom, and when they finally grow tall, they may reach out and grasp one of the silver stars to present it to you. Then, you will be grateful that you never scoffed at their dreams. Prepare a special spot on the mantle in anticipation.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Pisces

The Pisces Child
Full of imagination, Pisces children might sometimes struggle to discern reality from their fantasies. Parents should encourage their creativity without fear of ridicule. Free play with imaginative elements empowers Pisces children to explore their creativity in a safe and nurturing environment.

Personality Overview, As A Child

Sun / Pisces


As A Child
The Dreamy and Sensitive Pisces Child

A Pisces baby lives in a world of imagination, filled with elves, fairies, and magical trees. They are somewhat different from other babies, as they rarely resort to shouting, screaming, or throwing tantrums to get their way. Instead, they have a charming tactic that can win you over. Even as they grow older, their whimsical and dreamy nature remains a prominent aspect of their personality. The world of make-believe will always appeal to them. Whenever you need them to be occupied, create a small imaginary world around them using soft toys, balloons, dolls, and other playful elements.

Pisces children possess a sharp sixth sense and intuition that can catch you off guard at times. They may resist adhering to schedules and routines, preferring to eat when hungry, sleep when tired, and engage in activities that capture their interest. It's best to adjust your expectations and go with their flow. Pisces children are not very confident in their abilities and will require reassurance and lots of attention and admiration. However, they also have moments when they crave solitude. It's important to respect these silent spells and give them the space they need, even if it means dinner is delayed.

Conventional patterns and expectations do not align well with the characteristics of Pisces children, making it challenging for teachers to fit them into a predetermined mold. They are drawn to various art forms, music, dance, and any creative outlets. Pisces children have a way with words and may excel in poetry or storytelling. Taking on responsibilities may not come naturally to them, so they will need your guidance in this area. They are highly sensitive, and harsh words can easily bring tears to their eyes.

Pisces children possess deep wisdom and often prefer the company of adults over their peers. They may be accused of lying, but in reality, they simply have their own unique perspective on the world. The realities of life can be too harsh for them, so they add their own color and warmth to make it more bearable. They require your sympathetic understanding, as they may retreat into an unspoken melancholy if they feel overwhelmed. The visions and experiences of a Piscean baby are unlike anything that others can imagine.

Encourage your Pisces child to capture their imagination through paintings, poems, or other art forms. Gradually, gently expose them to the realities of life while nurturing their fantasies. They need to develop the strength to face the world as it is, without stifling their dreams. Once they have refreshed their own souls, they can bring solace to others as well. Learn from their empathy, patience, imagination, and serenity. And who knows, one day they may bring home a silver star for you to wish upon too!

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