Read Jon Bon Jovi's Cosmic DNA

Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Employee

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Pisces

The PISCES Employee
Under the twinkling night sky, poor Alice pondered her predicament, contemplating the curious nature of her existence. She couldn't help but wish she hadn't ventured down that rabbit hole, where she finds herself constantly shrinking and growing, and taking orders from talking mice and rabbits.

The abilities of a Pisces employee are heavily influenced by the environment they find themselves in. When placed in an incompatible occupation or career, they become miserable misfits, drifting from one place to another until they realize that pursuing their own dreams independently is a better path.

To foster successful collaboration and teamwork, it is crucial to find a position for the fish that aligns with their sensitivity. It should offer them the opportunity to tap into their unparalleled understanding of human suffering or channel their unique imagination towards progressive endeavors. If their deep-rooted needs for empathy and creativity are not met, they become lackadaisical, disinterested, and disheartened employees. However, when their needs are fulfilled, they can be irreplaceable gems in their respective fields?exceptional and nearly impossible to replicate. Despite their mystical inclinations, Pisceans possess a surprising attention to detail, which seems incongruous with their spiritual nature. Born under the sign that embodies the qualities of all other signs, they can either be considered the "dust bin of the zodiac" or a pathway to radiant glory. This glory does not necessarily entail achieving stardom but can manifest in subtle ways within the office if the fish is content and fulfilled with their work.

The most common statement heard in an office with a Pisces employee is, "I can't figure them out." The question of what they are up to may forever remain unanswered. Compelled by inner doubt and confusion, Pisceans tend to mask their true motives and keep their ultimate aims concealed. Revealing their entire nature would startle and shock most people, so they opt to remain guarded. Even the talkative Pisceans are deceptive, for their incessant chatter fails to unveil their genuine thoughts. The quiet ones are equally maddening, withholding their most fascinating ideas and musings as secrets. The inner workings of their dreamy Neptune-ruled minds remain an enigma.

When content with their job, they exhibit an exceptional sense of duty. However, if unhappiness seeps in, they withdraw. Physically present but emotionally distant, they gradually fade away, leaving behind only memories of their smiles and wise eyes. Maintaining harmony with such an elusive employee is no easy task. When the water stagnates, they swim away before you can purify the pool, leaving you frustrated. If they were more open about their true desires, compromises could be reached. Unfortunately, the fish often opts for abrupt change rather than engaging in honest discussions that could restore equilibrium.

While Pisceans are commonly associated with the world of arts, the term encompasses more than meets the eye. They can find contentment adjusting theater lights, curating museum exhibits, stitching intricate doll dresses, polishing brass musical instruments, designing book covers, teaching children to dance, inflating balloons for parties, arranging flowers, crafting captivating advertising campaigns, engrossed in creative writing, or experimenting with avant-garde hairstyles. Occasionally, a Pisces may pursue mechanical occupations related to mathematics, engineering, or computing, approaching these fields from an abstract perspective.

Pisces individuals make excellent teachers, blessed with an uncanny insight into their students' natures and a profound understanding of the subjects they teach. They possess a special talent for both preparing and presenting food and beverages, whether it be in high-end restaurants or by gracefully managing the entire operation.

If your business revolves around medicine, hospitals, or pharmaceuticals, rest assured that the Pisces employee is an invaluable asset. Few can match their ability to serve and care for the sick, and they feel right at home with drugs and medications. Unfortunately, their receptivity sometimes leads them to immerse themselves too deeply in their environment, which can have adverse effects on their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When Pisces controls their instinct for immediate empathy, they can be a shining light in the field of healthcare. Social work also aligns well with the Piscean nature, and Neptune's children can be found efficiently providing welfare assistance to those in unfortunate circumstances.

The fish tends to absorb the colors of their surroundings. If you confine your Pisces employee to a small cubicle with drab furnishings, bare floors, and lifeless windows, they will gradually blend in with the office itself. One day, you might gaze upon this listless, plain, cold, and colorless creature, dressed unremarkably and possessing a nondescript personality, wondering what happened to the vibrant, sunny individual you once hired. However, rectifying such a Neptunian transformation is easier than other personnel issues. Simply hang some lively green drapes in their office, lay down soft emerald carpeting, and place a vase of cheerful daisies on their desk. Play soft, gentle music in the background and offer a sincere smile every hour. Soon enough, the fish you initially hired will resurface, radiating their true colors. The Piscean personality may be elusive, but it can be easily reeled in with the right bait.

While your Pisces secretary may be a little disorganized at home, they will likely exhibit a sense of neatness in the office. They daydream during their own time but strive to be methodical during working hours. However, their minds may wander in peculiar directions on occasion. I once worked with a Piscean girl in a radio station who had an idiosyncratic filing system. It may have been influenced by her weekends spent writing a novel. One day, the boss inquired why the drawer labeled "L" in the filing cabinet was consistently overflowing, causing him to bump into it repeatedly. Her unexpected response was, "Because of all those letters." Fairly or not, she had filed it under "Fighting Irish," as that's how everyone referred to the team in the office. Well, it did make some sense.

Female Pisceans tend to be more conventional. They are gentle, considerate, and get along well with their colleagues. They may even play the role of a den mother, nurturing and supporting others within the office. Co-workers often turn to them with both minor and major troubles, seeking solace in their sympathetic listening. You might even find yourself shedding a tear on their shoulder occasionally, as they possess a remarkable ability to understand others' emotions. Some Pisces women may dabble in tarot reading for amusement (though they secretly believe in its significance). Furthermore, they seem to possess the uncanny ability to read minds, so be cautious of your thoughts when they pass by your desk.

While an occasional Pisces employee can be finicky or critical, their lack of energy prevents them from becoming truly bothersome. Like Aries and Leo, they require numerous compliments to feel secure, but sincerity is paramount. They possess an acute perception of insincerity and will quickly detect hollow praise. If you have reason to scold a Pisces, you may wonder where they disappeared to for a day or two. They haven't left. Not yet. They're hiding behind the outgoing mail basket on their desk, attempting to render themselves invisible by speaking as little as possible, barely moving, and hardly breathing. They have been hurt, and it will take something genuinely sweet and lovely to rekindle their spirits. The fish is incredibly sensitive, and their moods mirror those around them. When darkness looms, they retreat into the depths. An inconsiderate remark can make them weep internally, even if they hide it behind a joke. Pisceans possess a gift for clever lines, and their humor, while not always apparent, is never far away.

Money holds limited significance for a Pisces employee. They may talk about salaries and bonuses, but they scarcely notice if they experience a temporary pay cut when business slows down (unless they have a large family to support). Many Pisces individuals find contentment with a reasonable wage, provided their employers are open-minded about loans. A Piscean may approach you a day or two before payday with empty pockets and a beaming smile, kindly requesting a small advance to tide them over. They may forget to repay the loan unless reminded, as there is always something else they need. There's an equal chance that they gave it to someone else. Money tends to flow through Pisces like water through a sieve. They act as intermediaries, borrowing a hundred from you only to pass it on to someone whose spouse requires an operation. While Pisces may be neglectful in repaying your loan, they will gladly give you their last dime if you find yourself in a bind, and they probably won't be in any hurry to get it back?just as they were in no rush to repay the hundred you lent them. In fact, it can become so confusing that you forget who owes what to whom. This is how the typical Pisces perceives the financial landscape. They believe that money was created to be shared. When someone needs it, the cash should be readily available. And when they don't need it, they pass it on. It's a philosophy akin to casting bread upon the waters, and surprisingly, it often works for the fish. However, such a Neptune-inspired approach may bewilder individuals of other Sun signs (unless they possess a Virgo, Cancer, or Capricorn ascendant, or an Aquarius or Taurus Moon, which can suppress the fish's spontaneous generosity).

More Pisces employees quit their jobs than are fired. They are too elusive and perceptive about human nature to wait for the painful sting of termination. Sensing dissatisfaction in advance, the fish wriggles away before you have the chance to embarrass them. The single Piscean man is less likely to leave a job lightly than his married counterpart, as the latter's spouse is likely employed. In fact, the wife's willingness to work may have been a significant attraction for him, albeit alongside romantic love. The Piscean woman may view her current position as a temporary placeholder until a man comes along to rescue her from the repellent world of professional competition, unless she is engrossed in a creative pursuit she considers a career.

There is minimal risk of a Pisces employee coveting your position. They secretly pity you for the burdens you bear. After all, it's challenging to navigate through life weighed down by responsibilities, and Pisces craves variety and change. The length of time they brighten your office will depend on the diversity of experiences it offers their wandering spirit. When snails begin to bore them or when whales and sharks threaten to consume them, they gracefully swim away. The Neptune-ruled employees never find themselves entangled in seaweed.

Your Working Employee-Personality

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces display huge commitment and dedication to their company, willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good. However, they may overemphasize their sacrifices, causing friction when their efforts are not explicitly requested or required.

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