Read Jon Bon Jovi's Cosmic DNA

Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Money

Budget Tips, How to Save Money

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Unveiling the Illusions of Sensory Escapades. Oh, dreamy Pisces, you are the ethereal soul, forever yearning to transcend the boundaries of reality. Within your realm of existence, countless avenues beckon, enticing you with sensory delights. The realm of music, the captivating allure of movies, and the comforting embrace of a refreshing beer whisper seductively, urging you to lose yourself in the pursuit of fleeting moments. Yet, dear Pisces, the illusory nature of these experiences often leads to the swift vanishing of your hard-earned resources. It is a dance with illusions, where the truth lies hidden beneath the surface.

Amidst the cosmic symphony, let us reveal the ethereal gateways that unravel the illusions of sensory escapades, dear Pisces. Traverse the boundless expanse of the digital realm, where sites like MySpace Music and Imeem stream forth the melodies that feed your soul. Know that in this realm, dear Pisces, you are not stealing but rather embracing the ethereal gift of music that resonates with your being. Unlock the wonders of the silver screen within the confines of your computer screen, as platforms like Hulu and services like Netflix bestow upon you hours of streaming movies. Yet, dear Pisces, the realm of beer remains a realm untouched by the cosmic secrets. In this domain, navigate with intuition, allowing your discerning palate to guide you towards cost-effective alternatives that do not compromise the essence of enjoyment. In the realm of sensory escapades, dear Pisces, may your journey be illuminated by the enigmatic dance between illusion and truth, and may your financial path be harmoniously entwined with the essence of ethereal bliss.

How You Can Manage Your Money Better

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces, you generally don't obsess over financial matters. However, consider the positive impact effectively managing your finances could have on others. Your charitable nature ensures any surplus is directed toward meaningful causes. You may also experience success with investments related to healthcare, beverages, and shipping. For daily money management, consider employing automatic bill-payment services.

Your Money Habits, How You Spend It

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Emotional connections shape the spending habits of Pisceans. They are highly attuned to their feelings and often make purchases based on emotional triggers. Salespeople can easily tap into their sentimental nature, understanding their desires and persuading them to make impulsive buys. To protect themselves from overspending, Pisceans should view salespeople as sharks in the sea of commerce. Bringing along a trusted shopping companion or opting for online shopping with someone nearby can help them make more balanced decisions. By doing so, Pisceans can ensure their purchases align with their true needs and desires.

Your Ways of Mixing Money and Relationship

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Dreamy Pisces might not seem to be all that ambitious, but when it comes to money, the warrior spirit of Aries provides a much-needed drive. As Aries rules Pisces' 2nd House of Resources, Pisces will try very, very hard to earn money, and get very competitive with other people. Too bad this is somewhat negated by Pisces' tendency to spend impulsively, with an almost-childlike sense of what's truly valuable. This could be the one person you know who should never go shopping without adult supervision. Pisces is much less impulsive about charity and disbursing shared assets -- a sense of fairness will govern these activities, and people will always benefit from Pisces' unconditional love.

How You Deal With The Recession, How You Cope

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces, your dreamy nature may help you maintain a sense of optimism, protecting you from sinking under the weight of financial worries. Keep in mind, however, that remaining grounded is essential for navigating through tough times. Allow yourself to dream, but remember to stay on top of your responsibilities.

What You INVEST In

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)
Your investment approach leans heavily on intuition rather than rationality. Pharmaceuticals, hospitals, and prisons fall under Pisces' influence, making them potential components of your stock portfolio. More enjoyable Pisces investment opportunities might arise in vineyards, wineries, as well as the film and music industries.

Your Signs Worst Financial Compatibility

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Your ethereal essence dances on the precipice of the material world, evoking both awe and concern among onlookers. Your faith in the universe's benevolence serves as a guiding force, and more often than not, luck seems to grace your path. However, skepticism arises when confronted by those who refuse to acknowledge the existence of anything beyond cold, hard logic. The practical Capricorn presents a challenge, as their earthly perspective clashes with your intuitive and spiritual approach to life. When forced to navigate financial realms together, you must exert great effort to demonstrate that your visionary ideas possess the potential to manifest tangible results, dispelling the notion of mere elusive dreams.

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