Read Jon Bon Jovi's Cosmic DNA

Jon Bon Jovi
Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Birthchart Info

Jon Bon Jovi
12:00 pm
Perth Amboy, NJ
41N30 74W16 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (11)  
Capricorn (19)  
Aquarius (14)  
Pisces (19)  
Aquarius (22) / Pisces
Aquarius (24) / Pisces
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Leo (27) / Virgo
Scorpio (13)  
Virgo (8) / Leo

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Personality

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Aquarius

The Unconventional Visionary: Embracing the Independent Power of Mars in Aquarius

Mars ventures into uncharted territories when it aligns with the unconventional sign of Aquarius, giving birth to a unique and original cosmic energy. Mars in Aquarius individuals possess an extraordinary outlook on life, reveling in the art of surprise and defying conventional methods.

Independence is highly prized by these individuals, who refuse to conform to the tried-and-true approaches. They relish in the astonishment of others, thriving on the unexpected. While Mars in Aquarius individuals maintain their personal freedom with fervor, their obstinacy can manifest when they feel cornered or confined. Predictability is anathema to their innovative spirits.

With Mars, the planet of energy and drive, in an Air sign like Aquarius, mental and intellectual pursuits become paramount. Mars in Aquarius individuals channel their vigor into cerebral realms, employing a shotgun-style approach to projects and endeavors. They possess a remarkable talent for getting what they desire, cleverly manipulating situations to align with their vision. Their versatility and ingenuity ensure they are not easily dominated by others, maintaining a degree of creative autonomy.

These individuals value the freedom and individuality of both themselves and others, carving out ample space for personal expression. Touchy-feely sentiments and traditional gestures often elicit laughter and disbelief from Mars in Aquarius natives. Intimacy is approached with detachment, perplexing those who crave greater emotional connection. However, compassion and love serve as their guiding mission, as they champion the cause of humanity.

Your Basic Nature, Instincts, Sensuality, Drive, Agressiveness

Mars / Pisces

The Serene Dreamer: Nurturing the Gentle Power of Mars in Pisces

Mars, the planet of action and assertion, meets the passive and gentle sign of Pisces, ushering in a serene and indirect cosmic energy. Mars in Pisces individuals navigate life's currents in a meandering fashion, often exhibiting a reluctance to assert themselves directly. Instead, they allow life to unfold, embracing a "go with the flow" philosophy.

Feelings of guilt surrounding their anger and difficulties in asserting themselves can plague Mars in Pisces natives. Indirect aggression may stir beneath the surface when they fail to find creative outlets for their energy. However, they possess an innate charm that makes it difficult to believe they could harm a fly. Yet, those who fail to find constructive expression for their desires may unwittingly stir up storms through covert means.

Games and manipulation are not foreign to Mars in Pisces individuals, although their own desires may remain elusive and ever-changing. Their fluctuating desires make it challenging to discern where they stand on various issues. Some harness this energy in the pursuit of compassion and love, making these ideals the guiding principles of their lives.

Energy levels for Mars in Pisces natives ebb and flow, characterized by bursts of activity followed by inertia. Balancing this fluctuation can be a challenge, particularly in traditional work environments. The happiest individuals with this placement find creative outlets that allow them to freely express their desires, compassion, and even their anger. Musicians and artists often embody this placement, using their chosen medium to channel their emotions.

The grand cosmic tapestry weaves unique and intricate patterns as Mars journeys through each zodiac sign. Understanding the interplay between Mars and the signs empowers us to embrace our innate drives, harnessing their energies to shape our lives and navigate the diverse landscapes of human experience.

Details of Your Personality, as The Man

Sun / Pisces

We are but older children, dear,
Who fret to find our bedtime near.

A Pisces man can be everything you want him to be - or everything you don't want him to be. He defies definition, slipping through your fingers like sand, leaving you perplexed and yearning for more. His tides ebb and flow, carrying the promise of fortune or the weight of miseries, depending on how he navigates the currents.

To join the mystical dance with a Piscean, you must be prepared for a journey through the depths of his soul. His imagination knows no bounds, as he swims in the waters of dreams and illusions. Yet, amidst the enchantment, you must guide him to recognize the tides of opportunity, to grasp the flood that leads to success.

His sensitivity is both a blessing and a burden, as he absorbs the emotions of those around him. A gentle touch, a kind word, can heal his wounded spirit. But beware, for he may hide behind a curtain of mystery, keeping his own secrets and vulnerabilities tucked away from prying eyes.

In the realm of love, the Pisces man is a poet, a dreamer, and a lover of romance. He can weave fantasies that transport you to ethereal realms, where love is an art form and passion knows no bounds. Yet, his love requires reassurance and faith, for he is a leaner, seeking the warmth of your presence and the reassurance of your affection.

Do not trample upon his dreams, for they are the lifeblood of his spirit. Nourish them with understanding, support, and a home filled with love. Be the anchor that keeps him grounded as he explores the depths of his imagination.

The Pisces man's nature is one of duality - the artist and the pragmatist, the dreamer and the provider. He may yearn for the simpler joys of life, but he must learn to navigate the practicalities of the world. Encourage him to find a balance between his vivid fantasies and the realities of everyday life.

Children find solace in his whimsical nature, as he embraces their dreams and encourages their imagination. He becomes the playful companion, leading them on adventures and opening their minds to new possibilities. But he also needs moments of solitude, to cleanse his soul from the weight of absorbing the world's troubles.

Jealousy may not consume him, but he appreciates your loyalty and expects it in return. His wandering eye may be drawn to beauty, but it is your steadfast love that holds his heart. Give him space to roam in the realms of his imagination, but ground him with the stability of your commitment.

In the realm of finances, the Pisces man may struggle to find his footing. Prudence and practicality may not come naturally to him, and he needs a gentle guiding hand. Lead by example, showing him the value of responsible spending and financial security.

A Pisces man's dreams are fragile and easily shattered. Handle them with care, and you may witness their transformation into reality. Nurture his spirit, and he will thrive, painting the world with his artistic brilliance and showering you with unexpected blessings.

Jump into the waters of love with the Pisces man, for his heart is vast and his love knows no bounds. Together, you can create a symphony of dreams, where imagination and reality merge into something truly magical. Embrace the mysteries and complexities of his soul, and you may find yourself floating on the waves of eternal love.

Overall Personality, As A Man

Sun / Pisces

Pisces, symbolized by the Fish, embodies compassion, idealism, and spirituality. With Neptune as the ruling planet, Pisceans tend to be idealistic and in touch with their emotions. They possess a deep sense of empathy and a yearning for transcendence.

Element: Water
Quality: Mutable
Planetary ruler: Neptune
Birthstone: Aquamarine
Flower: Water lily
Color: Violet
Key characteristic: Compassion
Strengths: Idealism, spirituality, transcendence
Challenges: Escapism, weakness, self-deception

Pisces individuals are compassionate dreamers, driven by a deep sense of empathy and a desire to alleviate the suffering of others. They possess a profound connection to their emotions and exhibit a natural inclination towards spirituality and transcendence.

Compassion is at the core of Pisces individuals. They possess a remarkable ability to understand and empathize with the pain and struggles of others. Pisceans often find themselves drawn to humanitarian causes and seek to bring comfort and healing to those in need.

Pisces individuals are deeply idealistic and possess a spiritual nature. They yearn for a connection to something greater than themselves and seek meaning and purpose in life. Pisceans are often in touch with their intuition and possess a heightened sensitivity to the energies around them.

While Pisces individuals possess numerous strengths, they may face challenges related to escapism, weakness, and self-deception. Their emotional depth can sometimes lead them to seek refuge in escapist behaviors or daydreaming, as a means of avoiding the harsh realities of life. Pisceans may also exhibit moments of vulnerability and weakness, as their empathetic nature makes them susceptible to emotional exhaustion. It is important for Pisces individuals to cultivate self-care and establish healthy boundaries to avoid being consumed by the emotions of others.

The Man Personality Overview

Sun / Pisces

Pisces Man
The Dreamy Romance of a Pisces Man. There are two types of Pisces men - those who go against the current and strive for success, and those who get lost in their dreams, missing out on opportunities. The former type actively seeks opportunities, works hard to fulfill their potential, and triumphs in life. The latter type remains tangled in their dreams, often oblivious to the opportunities that knock on their door, and may miss out on achieving success. A Piscean man needs to develop the qualities of decisive judgment and unwavering action to realize his ambitions and become a winner.

This doesn't mean he is weak or feeble. It's just that he tends to live in his dreams and must motivate himself to take real-world action. When he manages to clear the stardust from his eyes, he sees the reality around him and gets down to the business of earning a living. A Piscean man has a clever and sharp mind. Once he starts working towards practical goals, you can be sure that he will receive accolades and recognition.

The only challenge lies in helping him look beyond his unrealistic dreams. If your Pisces man knows how to swim against the current, consider yourself the luckiest girl on Earth. Now, let's delve into the emotional aspect of the relationship. This is something you won't have to worry about with a Pisces guy. He will never be short on emotions and romance. In fact, he breathes them. If the practical aspect of his personality is in balance, you can be sure you have been rewarded with the best guy in the world.

He doesn't hold biases against anyone. You won't find him passing judgment unless he has personally experienced the same situation as the person in question. Even then, he will try to understand their reasons rather than criticize them. Accusations don't sit well with him either. A Pisces man is never mean-spirited. However, at times, he may say something that turns out differently from what he intended. He is completely reliable, and you can trust him with your darkest secrets.

He is an excellent listener, and people often turn to him to discuss their major and minor problems. When he is with you, try not to burden him further with your own worries. Throughout the day, he has been listening to other people's troubles, absorbing their negative energy. Now, when he is with you, he needs to release that energy and rejuvenate himself. Piscean men have an empathetic disposition that requires them to rest from time to time to regain their calmness and stability.

If they desire solitude, it's best not to disturb them. Closeness and togetherness are wonderful, but let them have their moments of solitude. Give them the space they desire, and your bond will only grow stronger. A Pisces man is very sensitive and can be easily hurt. Although he may appear confident, deep down he is painfully shy. He needs to know that you appreciate him, care for him, and love him. He has a quick temper, but it subsides as quickly as it arises.

He won't stay angry for long and rarely holds grudges. He has the ability to see through people's outer layers, which makes it difficult to deceive him. On the other hand, he can deceive others if he wants to, as he prefers to keep his personal affairs to himself. A Piscean man may occasionally tell small lies, primarily due to a secret fear of revealing everything about himself. However, you don't need to worry, as these lies will always be harmless and keep his imagination alive.

Jealousy is not part of his personality. He trusts you completely, but being a man, he does expect loyalty from you. While he may give you plenty of reasons to be jealous, as he has close friends of both sexes and appreciates beauty, he will never be disloyal. That's simply not who he is. If you can cope with this, you will be rewarded with the most romantic husband with whom you can talk about almost everything under the sun.

A Piscean guy is generally not cautious about money, so it's better if you handle that aspect. Present yourself as a shining example of frugality, and sooner or later, he will follow suit. He quickly learns from those he admires and respects, so who better than you to teach him about financial prudence? With children, he will be a lot of fun and extremely loving. He will patiently listen to their childish problems, provide solutions, and fuel their imagination. However, teaching them discipline will be your responsibility.

Remember that a Pisces man is very fond of his dreams. Never step on them or laugh at them, as it will hurt him. Instead, believe in his dreams, and one day, you may find yourself walking the red carpet beside him. Trust him, give him love, and keep him emotionally nourished. In return, he will shower you with lots of love and affection, creating a happy and nurturing home. Avoid nagging or criticizing him and always support him in realizing his hopes. Nurture his imagination, and one day, you will find yourself blessed with incredible good luck!

Personality Overview In Astro-Speak

Sun / Pisces

Individual fish merge within a school, acting as one cohesive unit. Similarly, you Pisces Fish recognize the interconnectedness of all beings. Your spirituality and emotional expression guide you, with intuition and imagination serving as both strengths and weaknesses. The mystical realm captivates you, but navigating the waters of the subconscious without grounding can lead to disorientation. Helping those in need, especially those lost in the mist of addiction or spiritual confusion, offers you solace.

The motto "Reality is just a shared illusion" captures your belief that a higher truth exists beyond our perceived reality. Yet, finding balance between the ethereal and the practical is vital for your survival in this shared illusion. Pursuing creative or spiritual paths while navigating the real world holds your greatest potential.

Element: Water
Water, symbolizing emotion, runs deep, seeking equilibrium and connecting past experiences to the present. The cycle of water mirrors our feelings, as snows melt in mountains, joining to form rivers that flow to the sea. The tides and currents churn the oceans, much like our interconnectedness.

Pisces' waters embody consciousness itself?a vast sea of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that unites each individual beyond rational understanding.

House: Twelfth
Known as the astrological refuse collector, the Twelfth House represents recycling rather than traditional endings. It challenges our limitations, dissolving what we have created to foster transformation and new beginnings, as we return to the First House.

Key Planet: Neptune
Neptune, the God of the Seas, symbolizes the dissolution of reality. From the ocean, all life emerges and ultimately returns. The mists associated with Neptune shroud our perception, forcing us to rely on imagination to navigate the hidden realms. As Pisces' ruling planet, Neptune embodies the spiritual and mystical, guiding us beyond the realm of the five senses.

Greatest Strength:
Your compassion for the vulnerable

Possible Weakness:
Confusion that hinders decision-making

Personality Overview, As A Child

Sun / Pisces


As A Child
The Dreamy and Sensitive Pisces Child

A Pisces baby lives in a world of imagination, filled with elves, fairies, and magical trees. They are somewhat different from other babies, as they rarely resort to shouting, screaming, or throwing tantrums to get their way. Instead, they have a charming tactic that can win you over. Even as they grow older, their whimsical and dreamy nature remains a prominent aspect of their personality. The world of make-believe will always appeal to them. Whenever you need them to be occupied, create a small imaginary world around them using soft toys, balloons, dolls, and other playful elements.

Pisces children possess a sharp sixth sense and intuition that can catch you off guard at times. They may resist adhering to schedules and routines, preferring to eat when hungry, sleep when tired, and engage in activities that capture their interest. It's best to adjust your expectations and go with their flow. Pisces children are not very confident in their abilities and will require reassurance and lots of attention and admiration. However, they also have moments when they crave solitude. It's important to respect these silent spells and give them the space they need, even if it means dinner is delayed.

Conventional patterns and expectations do not align well with the characteristics of Pisces children, making it challenging for teachers to fit them into a predetermined mold. They are drawn to various art forms, music, dance, and any creative outlets. Pisces children have a way with words and may excel in poetry or storytelling. Taking on responsibilities may not come naturally to them, so they will need your guidance in this area. They are highly sensitive, and harsh words can easily bring tears to their eyes.

Pisces children possess deep wisdom and often prefer the company of adults over their peers. They may be accused of lying, but in reality, they simply have their own unique perspective on the world. The realities of life can be too harsh for them, so they add their own color and warmth to make it more bearable. They require your sympathetic understanding, as they may retreat into an unspoken melancholy if they feel overwhelmed. The visions and experiences of a Piscean baby are unlike anything that others can imagine.

Encourage your Pisces child to capture their imagination through paintings, poems, or other art forms. Gradually, gently expose them to the realities of life while nurturing their fantasies. They need to develop the strength to face the world as it is, without stifling their dreams. Once they have refreshed their own souls, they can bring solace to others as well. Learn from their empathy, patience, imagination, and serenity. And who knows, one day they may bring home a silver star for you to wish upon too!

Personality Overview, Sign Info

Sun / Pisces


Ruling Planet: Neptune
Quality: Mutable
Element: Water
Basic Trait: I Believe
Closest Metal: Germanium and Strontium
Lucky Day: Thursday
Lucky Colors: Silver, Sea Greens, Mauve, Purple and Violet
Lucky Gems: Amethyst
Lucky Flowers: Iris, Orchids, Violets and Water Lilies

Personality Overview, cafeastrology

Sun / Pisces

The Compassionate Dreamers and Universal Empathy. As the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces encompasses a broad range of experiences inherent to all signs. This unique position enables Pisces Suns to empathize with individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. They possess exceptional adaptability and a receptive mind, harboring deep understanding within them. However, Pisces often find themselves yearning for comprehension and experiencing a constant state of divine discontent. Glamorizing suffering becomes an inherent aspect of their Piscean world.

Sun in Pisces individuals are frequently labeled as indecisive, but such categorization remains subjective. Behind their seemingly directionless and dreamy disposition lies a profound individual with genuine aspirations. Their dreams transcend materialistic desires, reaching a higher purpose that transcends the individual. Pisces embodies an innate love for humanity and exhibits boundless compassion?an endowment bestowed upon this sign.

Cutthroat business tactics and aggressive pursuit of worldly success are not typically associated with Pisces. Nonetheless, when given the opportunity to express themselves, Pisceans can achieve extraordinary success. Fields such as arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, and the healing arts serve as conduits for Pisces' imagination, attunement to humanity, and remarkable intuition. These gifts bestow upon them remarkable insight and creativity.

Pisces is an inherently sensitive sign, both receptive to criticism and deeply attuned to the emotions of others. Human suffering touches them profoundly, even if only in theory. Pisces individuals would not harm a fly. They believe in the inherent goodness of people and are deeply wounded by acts of callousness, making it challenging for them to utter the word "no." They actively avoid harsh realities through escapism or self-delusion. Yet, reality occasionally asserts itself, dealing Pisces a harsh blow. During these periods, self-pity takes hold, accompanied by declarations of never trusting again. Although these moments may appear sorrowful, they prove short-lived and, surprisingly, even beneficial. Pisces draws creative energy from sadness, emerging stronger, with renewed determination to face the world once more. Their compassion and trust remain intact, if not reinforced. Some may even question whether Pisces derives pleasure from suffering. While this may be true at times, Pisces typically harnesses a wealth of creative energy from these experiences. They embody the archetype of the anguished poet or artist, a trait most evident in those with Moon in Pisces.

Pisces' tendency to be late for appointments, spacey behavior, and absent-mindedness may be mistaken for irresponsibility. However, Pisces would be taken aback by such accusations. Responsible? Me? Pisces wonders. Their affinity for shopping lists, maps, directions, instructions, and even watches may be minimal, as they prefer to navigate life by feeling their way through rather than adhering to a rigid plan.

Pisces' creative essence is evident in the works of musicians such as Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins and Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, who infused their songs with Piscean themes. The allure of Pisces lies in their ability to tap into the deepest wells of human emotion, creating art that resonates with the soul.

Personality Overview

Sun / Pisces


Not interested in material things
Sharp memory

Emotional and sensitive
Prone to wistfulness
Mood swings

Pisces, symbolized by 'The Fish,' is the final sign of the zodiac. Pisceans are not driven by material possessions and are not motivated by wealth. They possess an understanding of the transient nature of material things and do not harbor greed, especially for wealth. Pisces individuals possess an easy-care attitude towards tomorrow. They exhibit one of two basic personality traits: either going with the flow or swimming against it. Only when they choose the latter are they truly content and satisfied with their lives. By doing so, they can reach the pinnacle of success.

The characteristics profile of a Pisces showcases charm and an easygoing nature. Restrictions do not bother them as long as they have the freedom to dream and live life on their own terms. Radical opinions and insults have little effect on them. It takes very few things to provoke their anger, but when it does occur, it is best to stay away. Pisceans view the world through rose-colored glasses, creating their own reality even while being fully aware of the harshness of humanity. In their world, everything is good and beautiful.

Pisceans possess sharp memories and tend to remember even the smallest details. When describing the Pisces personality, stability and calmness come to mind. Even in the midst of turmoil, Pisceans remain composed and level-headed. They possess strong intuition, and it is wise to heed their warnings. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents death and eternity. It encompasses qualities from all the other zodiac signs, making it difficult to truly understand a Pisces individual.

A Piscean exhibits organizational skills and attention to detail like Virgo, fair and detached judgment like Libra, sympathy and moodiness like Cancer, honesty and kindness like Sagittarius, love for attention like Leo, and analytical abilities like Aquarius. They can speak quickly and eloquently like Gemini, display passivity and stubbornness like Taurus, possess the ability to uncover deep secrets like Scorpio, demonstrate dedication to duty like Capricorn, and overflow with optimism, innocence, and enthusiasm like Aries.

Pisceans enjoy engaging in debates, have a deep interest in music and art, possess wisdom, and show compassion towards the weak. They derive satisfaction from helping those in distress and invest much of their energy in this endeavor. Pisceans can conceal their deepest emotions behind a veil of humor, which can range from warm and innocent to cold and cutting. Laughter serves as their protective mask, concealing their true feelings. They exhibit compassion towards the sick and strive to understand the emotions of the lonely.

Pisceans are non-judgmental and accept people as they are, fully aware of their virtues and vices. They comprehend and support individuals without passing judgment. Pisceans have a strong sensitivity, yet many fail to understand this aspect of their nature. They absorb both positive and negative energies surrounding them. The world benefits from the creativity, imagination, and empathy of Pisceans, and they are aware of their impact. Often, they sacrifice their own dreams to support the aspirations of their loved ones.

One aspect of Pisceans that can be frustrating is their tendency to avoid simple "yes" or "no" answers. Their response is often a "maybe." Despite this, they genuinely care and make it known. Pisceans possess more strength and wisdom than most people realize, and they need to recognize and embrace these qualities. When they swim against the tide, it is evident that they will reach the shore before anyone else, for they possess an innate ability to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Pisces

The Pisces Child
Full of imagination, Pisces children might sometimes struggle to discern reality from their fantasies. Parents should encourage their creativity without fear of ridicule. Free play with imaginative elements empowers Pisces children to explore their creativity in a safe and nurturing environment.

Overall Personality, As A Friend

Sun / Pisces

The Pisces Friend
Friendship comes effortlessly for Pisceans, who are drawn to helping others and always provide a listening ear. Though they may appear weak, they are devoted friends and maintain connections from the past. Due to their strong family bonds, Pisceans often consider relatives their closest friends.

Overall Personality, As A Lover

Sun / Pisces

The Pisces Lover
Idealistic and romantic, Pisces individuals often prefer fairy tale fantasies to reality. Aware of their vulnerabilities, they fear bursting the magic "bubble." Pisceans deeply in love might make immense sacrifices for their partner.

Details of Your Personality, Famous Personalities

Sun / Pisces

Famous Pisces Personalities

Pisceans are quite artistic and creative. This is one of the main reasons why you will find many people born under the Pisces zodiac sign in the field of theatre and art. There are a number of famous Pisces personalities in the field of science and politics also. Check out the names of some of the most famous Piscean celebrity.

* Albert Einstein
* Auguste Renoir
* David Sarnoff
* Dinah Shore
* Earl Warren
* Edward Albee
* Elizabeth Browning
* Elizabeth Taylor
* Frederic Chopin
* George Washington
* Gordon Macrae
* Grover Cleveland
* Jackie Gleason
* James Madison
* John Steinbeck
* Luther Burbank
* Michelangelo
* Rex Harrison
* Rimsky Korsakov
* Rudolf Nureyev
* Ted Kennedy
* Victor Hugo
* Zero Mostel

* Feb 20: Cindy Crawford
* Feb 20: Kurt Cobain
* Feb 21: Alan Rickman
* Feb 22: Drew Barrymore
* Feb 24: George Harrison
* Feb 26: Johnny Cash
* Feb 27: Elizabeth Taylor
* Mar 1: Frederic Chopin
* Mar 2: Jon Bon Jovi
* Mar 3: Jessica Biel
* Mar 7: Rachel Weisz
* Mar 10: Sharon Stone
* Mar 12: Liza Minnelli
* Mar 14: Albert Einstein
* Mar 15: Eva Longoria
* Mar 18: Edgar Cayce
* Mar 19: Bruce Willis

Edward Albee Harry Belafonte Elizabeth Browning Luther Burbank Enrico Caruso Frederic Chopin Grover Cleveland Albert Einstein Jaekie Gleason Handel, Rex Harrison Ben Heeht Victor Hugo Ted Kennedy Gordon MaeRae, James Madison Michelangelo Zero Mostel Vaslav Nijinsky Rudolf Nureyev Auguste Renoir Rimsky-Korsakov David Sarnoff Dinah Shore Earl of Snowden Svetlana Stalin John Steinbeck Elizabeth Taylor Earl Warren George Washington

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Pisces


"You are old" said the youth;
"one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balance an eel on the end of your nose-
What made you so awfully clever?"

In an office conversation about a new executive at the firm, someone asks, "Do you recall the name of the boss who had coffee with us yesterday?" Another person responds, "No, I mean the one who left this morning."

Typically, the number of Piscean bosses in corporate and industrial settings is as scarce as a bathing suit in the North Pole. Most Neptune-ruled individuals prefer to swim solo, unconfined, pursuing careers as writers, salespeople, creative artists, actors, wandering minstrels, or even soldiers-of-fortune.

However, there are a few areas where Pisces bosses can utilize their talents and become indispensable. They excel in radio stations, TV networks, advertising agencies, and public relations firms. Leading these enterprises, they joyfully dispense creative ideas from their overflowing well of imagination. Unlike certain other zodiac signs like Gemini, Sagittarius, and Scorpio, Pisces sees no reason to bluntly state the unadorned truth. They prefer not to tell it as it is. Instead, they choose to express what they believe will have the most positive long-term effect on others or tell them what they want to hear. This is not because they are deceitful. Through bitter experience, they have learned that society does not always welcome raw and unvarnished truths. Furthermore, they believe that the soul requires the embellishment of ritual and beauty, painting over solid facts. The advertising world on Madison Avenue adores them.

Pisces bosses exhibit exceptional directing skills in theater and film and are capable producers (with the assistance of a competent company manager). They can run a dance studio with incredible finesse. As heads of detective agencies or research bureaus, their uncanny psychic abilities enable them to unravel mysteries and rise to the top. Many travel agencies boast Pisces executives who achieve tremendous success. Charitable organizations often have them as their leaders. Numerous fish find happiness conducting orchestras or bands, ensuring smooth rehearsals and producing great music. They thrive as executive managers of country clubs or hotels (provided there is an efficient bookkeeper at hand). They can competently run a progressive publishing company, magazine, or newspaper, sometimes even brilliantly. You will frequently encounter fish at the helm of service-oriented businesses, and they feel right at home as camp directors or in official capacities within churches or synagogues. However, apart from teachers, professors, and a few administrators in medical or law schools, Pisces is not inherently suited for traditional executive roles.

With their sensitive nature, Pisces individuals are born to serve humanity, rather than amass power or construct vast empires. While they can be capable and competent stockbrokers and shrewd traders, they rarely ascend to the position of the head of a brokerage or bond house. The weight of such responsibility is too great for them. However, thanks to their quick and clever minds, coupled with their sometimes uncanny grasp of numbers, they can derive great enjoyment from juggling the fluctuations of stock prices. To them, it's more like a game than actual work.

If your boss was born in March, they may occasionally display a crosspatch temperament when irritated by something. They possess the gift of words, and when they choose to be brusque, their brusqueness possesses a caustic quality that can sting. However, they seldom exhibit aggressive dominance or genuine pettiness. At one moment, they may startle you with their unconventional ideas, only to execute a slippery about-face and appear to be conformists. Eventually, you'll realize that they are neither staunch liberals nor cautious conservatives. They adopt different viewpoints on different occasions to ascertain your own perspective. They can be a touch tricky. When they find your ideas and conversations interesting, your Pisces boss will listen attentively, silently and sincerely. They may even offer you a glass of sherry to create a relaxed atmosphere. If they find your words dull, their mind will wander while you speak. They might daydream about distant people and places, all while wearing a fixed smile on their face. As natural-born actors, they can make you believe they are paying attention. However, after a certain period, they grow tired of their mental wanderings, realize you are still prattling away, and abruptly interrupt you. From that point on, they will dominate the conversation, and you will listen?for hours on end.

They may have traveled extensively, and if not, they will quickly make up for lost time. Similar to Sagittarian and Gemini bosses, Pisces executives tend to keep a fully packed suitcase behind their office couch. If they don't, they should. Why not suggest it to them? They will likely find the idea splendid. Besides, the mere knowledge that their bag is zipped and ready for departure can provide them with a strange sense of comfort on dreary, rainy days or during the depths of a slushy, bitter winter when the monotony feels unbearable. They will experience periods of despondency, and those will be genuine doozies. It's best to keep your distance from them during such times, hum cheerful tunes while you work, and ensure they have their hot toddy, laced with the finest bourbon.

Treat their wives kindly?I mean wife. (It's an easy mistake to make. Alongside Gemini and Sagittarius bosses, Pisces bosses are more likely to undergo multiple marriages than other bosses.) Their spouse is probably a nice, sensible, practical individual. If she were as imaginative and original as her husband, they would both drown in an ocean of misty dreams and fantasies.

The Piscean executive harbors a partiality for creative thinkers within their organization. If you lean more toward caution than imaginative strategies, you may not receive as many glasses of sherry or as many comradely smiles, but you probably won't get fired either. While they may enjoy the company of others more, they still need you. They rely on your practical approach and organizational abilities. The favored highly inventive employee of a Pisces boss is often caught off guard when the company goes through an austerity phase, and the fish gently wields the axe, retaining the steady, reliable, and somewhat staid worker on the payroll. The Pisces boss will bid farewell with sadness, but they possess astute judgment of human nature, including their own. Although they appreciate the presence and progressive contributions of imaginative employees, their own brand of creativity flows more smoothly when supported by the careful planning and office discipline of wise old heads, even if those heads happen to be young and possess blonde or brunette locks. Discretion and conservatism are not their strongest attributes, and they are well aware of their deficiencies. They can always find another daring and enthusiastic dreamer when business picks up, but during a slight dip in profits, they cannot afford to be without workers whose noses are accustomed to grinding against the grindstone. In the meantime, they figure they will handle the daring and enthusiastic department themselves until the situation improves and they can hire more compatible individuals with their heads in the clouds. Naturally, there are exceptions to every rule, but it won't hurt to let your Pisces boss know that you can be both serious and sensational simultaneously.

You may have noticed that they have appointed a Capricorn or Taurus as an intermediary for employees seeking raises. They know better than to allow you to appeal to them personally. The Neptune nature is such that they find it nearly impossible to say no to a fellow human being who genuinely needs or desires something. They have learned early on to insulate themselves as best they can.

Keep in mind that they live in two different worlds. Such a division of nature can create a confused personality, but it can also lead to brilliance. Their thoughts can be as abstract and profound as those of a Piscean Einstein, who once proclaimed, "God doesn't throw dice." Einstein meant that the law of mathematical probability is not necessarily sacrosanct. Similarly, your Pisces boss feels that accepted business procedures are not inviolable. Time often proves their first instincts to be correct, regardless of how visionary they may sound when expressed. They possess a mystical core, a secret belief in the unseen and the supernatural, although they may be somewhat bashful about it. They won't practice Voodoo at their desk or meditate in the lotus position by the water cooler because they fear ridicule should people discover the undercurrent of their psychic vibrations. However, others always find out about it, despite their clever act of playing the role of a tough realist.

Remember the time your heart was shattered by a boyfriend who ran away, taking your engagement ring and all your dreams with him? Your Pisces boss casually invited you to dinner, filled your sorrowful mind with the kindest compliments, whisked you off to the theater, introduced you to the leading actors backstage, and treated everyone to a late supper. With all the food, wine, and sparkling conversation, he succeeded in diverting your attention from your fickle fianc?. Even though sometimes deliberately gruff, so as not to seem too obvious, for weeks afterward, he found little ways to lift your spirits until the ache subsided. You hadn't uttered a word about the breakup to anyone in the office. How did he know you needed help during that dark period? The gypsy who read his fortune by examining the lines on his hand could have told you. She immediately noticed a rare marking in his palm, indicating he is a compassionate genius. Such individuals are quite rare. That's why he is an extraordinary fish.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Employee

Sun / Pisces

The PISCES Employee
Under the twinkling night sky, poor Alice pondered her predicament, contemplating the curious nature of her existence. She couldn't help but wish she hadn't ventured down that rabbit hole, where she finds herself constantly shrinking and growing, and taking orders from talking mice and rabbits.

The abilities of a Pisces employee are heavily influenced by the environment they find themselves in. When placed in an incompatible occupation or career, they become miserable misfits, drifting from one place to another until they realize that pursuing their own dreams independently is a better path.

To foster successful collaboration and teamwork, it is crucial to find a position for the fish that aligns with their sensitivity. It should offer them the opportunity to tap into their unparalleled understanding of human suffering or channel their unique imagination towards progressive endeavors. If their deep-rooted needs for empathy and creativity are not met, they become lackadaisical, disinterested, and disheartened employees. However, when their needs are fulfilled, they can be irreplaceable gems in their respective fields?exceptional and nearly impossible to replicate. Despite their mystical inclinations, Pisceans possess a surprising attention to detail, which seems incongruous with their spiritual nature. Born under the sign that embodies the qualities of all other signs, they can either be considered the "dust bin of the zodiac" or a pathway to radiant glory. This glory does not necessarily entail achieving stardom but can manifest in subtle ways within the office if the fish is content and fulfilled with their work.

The most common statement heard in an office with a Pisces employee is, "I can't figure them out." The question of what they are up to may forever remain unanswered. Compelled by inner doubt and confusion, Pisceans tend to mask their true motives and keep their ultimate aims concealed. Revealing their entire nature would startle and shock most people, so they opt to remain guarded. Even the talkative Pisceans are deceptive, for their incessant chatter fails to unveil their genuine thoughts. The quiet ones are equally maddening, withholding their most fascinating ideas and musings as secrets. The inner workings of their dreamy Neptune-ruled minds remain an enigma.

When content with their job, they exhibit an exceptional sense of duty. However, if unhappiness seeps in, they withdraw. Physically present but emotionally distant, they gradually fade away, leaving behind only memories of their smiles and wise eyes. Maintaining harmony with such an elusive employee is no easy task. When the water stagnates, they swim away before you can purify the pool, leaving you frustrated. If they were more open about their true desires, compromises could be reached. Unfortunately, the fish often opts for abrupt change rather than engaging in honest discussions that could restore equilibrium.

While Pisceans are commonly associated with the world of arts, the term encompasses more than meets the eye. They can find contentment adjusting theater lights, curating museum exhibits, stitching intricate doll dresses, polishing brass musical instruments, designing book covers, teaching children to dance, inflating balloons for parties, arranging flowers, crafting captivating advertising campaigns, engrossed in creative writing, or experimenting with avant-garde hairstyles. Occasionally, a Pisces may pursue mechanical occupations related to mathematics, engineering, or computing, approaching these fields from an abstract perspective.

Pisces individuals make excellent teachers, blessed with an uncanny insight into their students' natures and a profound understanding of the subjects they teach. They possess a special talent for both preparing and presenting food and beverages, whether it be in high-end restaurants or by gracefully managing the entire operation.

If your business revolves around medicine, hospitals, or pharmaceuticals, rest assured that the Pisces employee is an invaluable asset. Few can match their ability to serve and care for the sick, and they feel right at home with drugs and medications. Unfortunately, their receptivity sometimes leads them to immerse themselves too deeply in their environment, which can have adverse effects on their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. When Pisces controls their instinct for immediate empathy, they can be a shining light in the field of healthcare. Social work also aligns well with the Piscean nature, and Neptune's children can be found efficiently providing welfare assistance to those in unfortunate circumstances.

The fish tends to absorb the colors of their surroundings. If you confine your Pisces employee to a small cubicle with drab furnishings, bare floors, and lifeless windows, they will gradually blend in with the office itself. One day, you might gaze upon this listless, plain, cold, and colorless creature, dressed unremarkably and possessing a nondescript personality, wondering what happened to the vibrant, sunny individual you once hired. However, rectifying such a Neptunian transformation is easier than other personnel issues. Simply hang some lively green drapes in their office, lay down soft emerald carpeting, and place a vase of cheerful daisies on their desk. Play soft, gentle music in the background and offer a sincere smile every hour. Soon enough, the fish you initially hired will resurface, radiating their true colors. The Piscean personality may be elusive, but it can be easily reeled in with the right bait.

While your Pisces secretary may be a little disorganized at home, they will likely exhibit a sense of neatness in the office. They daydream during their own time but strive to be methodical during working hours. However, their minds may wander in peculiar directions on occasion. I once worked with a Piscean girl in a radio station who had an idiosyncratic filing system. It may have been influenced by her weekends spent writing a novel. One day, the boss inquired why the drawer labeled "L" in the filing cabinet was consistently overflowing, causing him to bump into it repeatedly. Her unexpected response was, "Because of all those letters." Fairly or not, she had filed it under "Fighting Irish," as that's how everyone referred to the team in the office. Well, it did make some sense.

Female Pisceans tend to be more conventional. They are gentle, considerate, and get along well with their colleagues. They may even play the role of a den mother, nurturing and supporting others within the office. Co-workers often turn to them with both minor and major troubles, seeking solace in their sympathetic listening. You might even find yourself shedding a tear on their shoulder occasionally, as they possess a remarkable ability to understand others' emotions. Some Pisces women may dabble in tarot reading for amusement (though they secretly believe in its significance). Furthermore, they seem to possess the uncanny ability to read minds, so be cautious of your thoughts when they pass by your desk.

While an occasional Pisces employee can be finicky or critical, their lack of energy prevents them from becoming truly bothersome. Like Aries and Leo, they require numerous compliments to feel secure, but sincerity is paramount. They possess an acute perception of insincerity and will quickly detect hollow praise. If you have reason to scold a Pisces, you may wonder where they disappeared to for a day or two. They haven't left. Not yet. They're hiding behind the outgoing mail basket on their desk, attempting to render themselves invisible by speaking as little as possible, barely moving, and hardly breathing. They have been hurt, and it will take something genuinely sweet and lovely to rekindle their spirits. The fish is incredibly sensitive, and their moods mirror those around them. When darkness looms, they retreat into the depths. An inconsiderate remark can make them weep internally, even if they hide it behind a joke. Pisceans possess a gift for clever lines, and their humor, while not always apparent, is never far away.

Money holds limited significance for a Pisces employee. They may talk about salaries and bonuses, but they scarcely notice if they experience a temporary pay cut when business slows down (unless they have a large family to support). Many Pisces individuals find contentment with a reasonable wage, provided their employers are open-minded about loans. A Piscean may approach you a day or two before payday with empty pockets and a beaming smile, kindly requesting a small advance to tide them over. They may forget to repay the loan unless reminded, as there is always something else they need. There's an equal chance that they gave it to someone else. Money tends to flow through Pisces like water through a sieve. They act as intermediaries, borrowing a hundred from you only to pass it on to someone whose spouse requires an operation. While Pisces may be neglectful in repaying your loan, they will gladly give you their last dime if you find yourself in a bind, and they probably won't be in any hurry to get it back?just as they were in no rush to repay the hundred you lent them. In fact, it can become so confusing that you forget who owes what to whom. This is how the typical Pisces perceives the financial landscape. They believe that money was created to be shared. When someone needs it, the cash should be readily available. And when they don't need it, they pass it on. It's a philosophy akin to casting bread upon the waters, and surprisingly, it often works for the fish. However, such a Neptune-inspired approach may bewilder individuals of other Sun signs (unless they possess a Virgo, Cancer, or Capricorn ascendant, or an Aquarius or Taurus Moon, which can suppress the fish's spontaneous generosity).

More Pisces employees quit their jobs than are fired. They are too elusive and perceptive about human nature to wait for the painful sting of termination. Sensing dissatisfaction in advance, the fish wriggles away before you have the chance to embarrass them. The single Piscean man is less likely to leave a job lightly than his married counterpart, as the latter's spouse is likely employed. In fact, the wife's willingness to work may have been a significant attraction for him, albeit alongside romantic love. The Piscean woman may view her current position as a temporary placeholder until a man comes along to rescue her from the repellent world of professional competition, unless she is engrossed in a creative pursuit she considers a career.

There is minimal risk of a Pisces employee coveting your position. They secretly pity you for the burdens you bear. After all, it's challenging to navigate through life weighed down by responsibilities, and Pisces craves variety and change. The length of time they brighten your office will depend on the diversity of experiences it offers their wandering spirit. When snails begin to bore them or when whales and sharks threaten to consume them, they gracefully swim away. The Neptune-ruled employees never find themselves entangled in seaweed.

Details of Your Personality, How You Can Be Recognized

Sun / Pisces

How to Recognize PISCES

Hush-a-by lady, in Alice's lap!
Till the feasts ready,
we've time for a nap:
When the feast's over,
we'll go to the ball
Red Queen, and White Queen, and Alice, and all!
Then fill up the glasses
with treacle and ink,
Or anything else that is pleasant to drink.

Enigmatic and elusive, those born under the sign of the Fish possess a rare and captivating nature. They are rarely content with confinement, seeking solace in spiritual gatherings, artistic expressions, and serene settings. Whether attending a concert, exploring an art gallery, or basking under the sun on a yacht, Pisces thrive in creative and leisurely environments.

Materialistic ambitions hold little allure for Neptune's children. Wealth and power do not drive them; rather, they value the transient nature of material possessions. While they do not amass wealth effortlessly, unless it is inherited or obtained through marriage, Pisces have a unique perspective on money. They appreciate its value but understand its impermanence.

The Piscean philosophy can be summarized by the sentiment, "I don't want to be a millionaire; I just want to live like one." Money itself does not consume them. Instead, they prioritize the present moment, embracing a gentle tolerance for today, an intuitive understanding of yesterday, and a lack of intense concern for tomorrow. While swimming against the current may be challenging for most, Pisces find their true peace and happiness by defying the easy path. They recognize that opting for the effortless route only leads to a wasted existence.

The charm and easygoing nature of Pisces individuals are hard to resist. Their indifference towards societal restrictions, insults, and differing opinions is remarkable. When faced with doomsday prophecies or societal decline, they respond with a yawn, an enchanting smile, or a sympathetic gaze. Very few things can provoke them to intense action or reaction. However, beneath their serene exterior lies a sharp wit that can unleash biting sarcasm when provoked. Nevertheless, they prefer to navigate life's currents with minimal resistance, allowing the soothing waters of Neptune to wash away any anger that may arise.

Upon meeting a Pisces, one might notice their distinctly small and delicate feet, or alternatively, large and sturdy like those of a hardworking individual. The same goes for their hands?either tiny, fragile, and exquisitely shaped or robust and practical. Their skin is silky soft, and their hair, often light and fine, occasionally possesses gentle waves (although many Pisceans have darker locks). The eyes of Pisces are captivating, liquid orbs, often slightly bulging and compelling. Some even describe them as breathtakingly beautiful. Their features are flexible and animated, often adorned with dimples rather than wrinkles. While Pisceans are generally not tall, their innate grace disguises any awkwardness, making them appear to flow effortlessly wherever they go. In fact, they might even seem as if they are swimming through life.

Pisces individuals possess peculiar preferences when it comes to beverages. Some may have a fondness for ice water, while others crave tea, coffee, or soda. However, like their fellow water signs, Scorpio and Cancer, Pisces should exercise caution when it comes to alcohol. Very few can stop at just one drink, and their inclination towards excessive consumption can lead to dangerous consequences.

The fish-born individuals have an inherent desire to view the world through rose-colored glasses. They are aware of the darker aspects of humanity but prefer to dwell in their own gentle and beautiful realm, where everyone is lovely, and all actions are infused with grace. When confronted with harsh realities, Pisces often retreat into daydreams, constructing idyllic scenarios that rarely manifest. Instead of taking practical action in the face of failure, they tend to cling to their illusions, thereby delaying genuine success.

Not every individual born in March falls into the typical Neptunian trap, but many do, and it serves as a cautionary tale. The Pisces writer may spend years in bars, claiming to gather material while accumulating unpaid bills. The Pisces artist, unable to secure patronage, may spend endless hours in the park, proclaiming to study nature for inspiration while neglecting their paintbrushes. A Piscean woman with limited income may wistfully reminisce about the past and hope for a better future, disregarding the opportunities that lie in the present. Whether actors, composers, or musicians, Pisceans often face similar challenges. However, some manage to break free from the allure of escapism and take the necessary steps towards genuine success.

The symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions often leads to misconceptions about the dual desires of Pisces individuals. In reality, it represents the choice presented to them?to rise to the top or sink to the bottom without ever truly reaching their goals. Pisces must discover their purpose in serving humanity and relinquish their attachment to material possessions. Just as the Piscean Einstein swam upstream to revolutionize the concept of relative time, other Pisceans can serve through humble acts like washing dishes or shoveling snow. The choice is always there, as there is an abundance of extraordinary talents within Pisces, but their ability to see clearly in both directions can sometimes impede their progress. Their natural inclination is to retreat, either into the realms of a dedicated professional life or into the allure of artificial emotions and false excitement.

Despite their aversion to competition, the magnetic pull of Neptune draws many Pisceans toward the spotlight. Even the shyest among them often find themselves gravitating towards the theater, where they can channel their exceptional interpretive skills to express a multitude of emotions. However, this path requires overcoming distaste for the demanding rehearsals and the mundane years of experience necessary for growth. The sting of criticism can leave deep scars on the sensitive souls of Pisces, causing potential prodigies to withdraw just when fame beckons. While memorization rarely poses a challenge, with their legendary memory, a afflicted Moon or Mercury can occasionally lead them to forget even their own telephone numbers.

For Pisces individuals, life itself is an expansive stage. They view the world through a reflective lens, perceiving its fleeting and elusive nature. Consequently, they face storms with tranquil equanimity, fully aware that despondency may bring forth peculiar dreams or prophetic nightmares. When Pisces senses that something will occur, it usually does. If they advise against boarding a plane or entering a car, it would be wise to consider alternative modes of transportation.

The concept of an "old soul" often applies to Pisces individuals who embody the wisdom acquired through multiple lifetimes. This sign represents not only birth but also death and eternity within the zodiac. As the twelfth and final sign, Pisces synthesizes the qualities of all the preceding signs, creating a complex and multifaceted nature. Their exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail occasionally surface, reflecting the lessons of Virgo. They possess the fair and detached judgment of Libra and share the pleasure-seeking traits of that sign. The wild sense of fun found in Cancer is also present, along with its sympathy and occasional moodiness. Sagittarian outspokenness and generosity can manifest, as well as the Leo-like extroversion and devotion to duty reminiscent of Capricorn. Pisceans may even harbor a touch of Saturnine melancholy. Pisces truly encapsulates the characteristics of all the elements?air, earth, fire, and water?fusing them into a single complex personality. Their humor ranges from light and harmless to cold and merciless, often masking deeper emotions that they are unwilling to reveal. Pisces individuals possess a remarkable ability to rapidly scatter caustic remarks that leave others bewildered, uncertain of their true meaning or intent. This gift for satire and practical jokes stems from their desire to conceal their vulnerability, and their laughs serve as a mask to protect their inner selves.

Compassion and a desire to aid the sick and vulnerable define Pisces individuals. While they share their capacity for empathy with Virgo, Pisces takes it a step further by seeking to understand the hearts of those burdened by troubles, regardless of societal judgment. Pisces individuals offer comfort and support to those deemed weak by society, without judgment or superiority. Whether in need of a small encouragement or a substantial loan, Pisces is a reliable source, always ready to offer understanding and practical assistance. They possess an innate ability to perceive both vice and virtue and navigate the pitfalls of human existence. Many Pisceans are drawn to lives of prayer and contemplation, becoming priests or monks, dedicating their lives to the service of others.

Helping others is Pisces' instinctive response. Sometimes, their altruistic nature leads them to don a crusty and brusque exterior as a protective shield. Yet, beneath this fragile shell lies a vulnerability that Pisces soon discovers. The world has yet to fully resonate with their sensitive wavelength, and to avoid ridicule or exploitation, they often feign indifference. Their aversion to hearing sad stories stems from a desire to shield themselves. However, if rebuffed once, it is worth making a second attempt to connect with the genuine fish beneath the surface.

Pisces individuals possess a magnificent imagination, and their innate artistic talents and profound empathy allow them to create prose and poetry of exquisite beauty and enduring impact. The world would be at a loss without their artistic endeavors and their gentle compassion. Frequently, Pisces individuals bury their personal dreams to illuminate the lives of friends and family or to evoke tears and laughter in audiences through their performances. Yet, Neptune's influence can also engender conflicting and deceptive qualities within Pisces, causing them to hide their true emotions.

The mysterious and elusive nature of Pisces becomes evident when attempting to comprehend the depths of their minds and emotions. They often evade direct questions, rarely responding with a simple yes or no. Curiosity about their recent experiences may elicit evasive answers for no particular reason. They possess the ability to switch emotions on and off like flashing lights, but neither extreme reflects their true selves. Pisces experiences the world through the lens of illusion, making it difficult for them to distinguish reality from fantasy. Their internal nature, much like Neptune's vast oceans, remains unfathomable. Their whimsical laughter often masks unshed tears, and their satire can be so rapid and obscure that it leaves one feeling uncomfortable without fully understanding why. The fish-born individuals possess an incredible capacity for self-hypnosis, allowing them to overcome fears and phobias, whether it be fear of animals, heights, or crowded spaces.

Pisces individuals possess an enduring sense of pity and an unyielding desire to assist those who are weak and suffering. They extend their compassion not only to those in their immediate circle but to the burdens of humanity at large. This selfless nature, coupled with their inclination to absorb the pain and joy of others, can be a drain on their own health. Pisces individuals often neglect their well-being, channeling their energy into helping relatives and friends. Consequently, their own physical vitality may be compromised. Weaker immune systems, digestive issues, and respiratory ailments are common among Pisceans. Their metabolism tends to be sluggish, often causing them to awaken groggy and lethargic. It is crucial for them to adopt healthy eating habits and avoid the pitfalls of stimulants, sedatives, and fatigue resulting from others' emergencies. Pisceans must learn to tap into their latent inner strength, calling upon it when needed. With their innate ability to hypnotize themselves, Pisces individuals can conquer or embrace anything they choose, including fears, insecurities, and the opinions of others.

In essence, Pisces individuals exist in a realm suspended between the depths of the sea and the celestial expanse above. They possess a tenuous connection to the earth, and their very nature is fluid, mirroring the gentle ebb and flow of water. While touching the earth is a necessity, they prefer to reside in cool, moving waters?sometimes muddy, always in motion.

Pisces is not symbolized by conventional elements such as iron, mercury, gold, or lead. Instead, it resonates with the ethereal vibrations of indescribable, artificial metals?an embodiment of the unreal and the illusory. Pisces sees its reflection in the vivid hues of violet amethyst and the clarity of emerald. Their natal flowers?the water lily and the lotus?display delicate blossoms in shades of pink and white, while their stems and leaves are resilient and sturdy. There is no middle ground for Pisceans; they possess either fallen arches and fragile metatarsals or remarkably strong and flexible feet. Their unique duality extends to all aspects of their being.

Pisces individuals possess a hidden wisdom greater than they perceive, and they are far stranger than they may believe. Their ability to navigate the complexities of their own emotions and minds is a lifelong journey guided by Neptune. Only when they embrace this odyssey do they unveil their true selves and harness their remarkable potential.

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Pisces

The PISCES Child

Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream Lingering in the golden gleam-
Life, what is it but a dream?

Most babies, as the lore goes, are discovered under the shelter of a cabbage leaf. Some are delivered by storks, their tiny bodies suspended from the beaks, or found within the doctor's black bag. Not your little Pisces bundle. They arrive directly from the realm of fairy tales, clutching a fragment of moonlight. If you observe closely, you may still glimpse the reflection of elves and enchanted trees in their dreamy eyes, perhaps even a trace of stardust lingering behind an earlobe. Although their wings may have vanished by the time they reach the delivery room, a slight bump may remain as a reminder.

You must have come across those congratulatory cards for new mothers, adorned with illustrations of dimpled, rosy infants, delicate and translucent, gracefully drifting amidst poetic verses. The artist surely used your Pisces child as inspiration. This might lead you to believe that you can guide your Neptune-born little one effortlessly, or that you can mold them into any shape you desire after washing away the glistening stardust from their ears. However, reconsider. They will have their way, just like the fiery, headstrong Aries baby, the demanding and regal Leo baby, or the stubborn and resilient Taurus baby. The only difference is that your Pisces child will achieve their desires by charming you to the core, engulfing you in oceans of sweet smiles and captivating gestures.

Once the ink on the birth certificate has dried, consider enrolling your Pisces son for the lead role in the future production of Peter Pan, or your daughter for Alice in Wonderland. These iconic roles will resonate deeply with Neptune children, who don't require a stage to embody them brilliantly. They will continue to embody these characters well into their eighties. Parents who silently pray, "I wish my baby would never grow up," may have their wishes granted if their baby was born under the sign of the fish. The passing years will leave minimal imprints, forever preserving a childlike, fantastical, and dreamy quality that shrouds Pisces individuals. It will bathe them in an aura of mystery and unreality, enduring beyond the reaches of time.

By the time they are old enough to hide within jam pots, your peculiar child will already display a preference for dwelling in a world of imagination. They will find solace in activities far removed from the routines and patterns of everyday life. While seated in the high chair, they will eat with angelic grace if you assume the role of a queen or a clown during feeding time. Don a lampshade adorned with sparkling necklaces, or use a mop as a wig; apply lipstick and chalk to your face. Their imagination will fill in the rest. As they grow older, they will happily engage in play on the front porch while you tend to household chores, as long as you adorn the area with colorful balloons, play music on the record player, scatter their stuffed animals, offer popcorn, and proclaim it to be a circus.

When they finally begin attending school and experience peculiar dreams at night, you might be taken aback one ordinary spring morning while tying their shoes. "Guess who I saw last night?" they will casually remark. You will respond with a polite quip, mentally preoccupied with locating their green sweater. Ah, there it is, draped over the teddy bear they dressed up yesterday, pretending it was their best friend.

"Who did you see?" you inquire.

Their answer will come effortlessly, "Grandma Stratton. We conversed for quite some time before she bid me farewell. She asked me to remind you to water her geraniums and send Uncle Clarence the money."

Given that Grandmother Stratton passed away before your child's birth, this revelation may initially unsettle you, especially on an empty stomach before your morning coffee. However, the real shock will come after breakfast, when your child is at school and the mailman delivers a letter from Uncle Clarence, whom you haven't heard from in five years, requesting a loan to start a new business.

The wisest of parents struggle to establish a schedule that can withstand the whims of a Pisces offspring. Schedules and routines are natural adversaries, and they will employ their fertile imagination to avoid them at all costs. Their hunger will strike at unpredictable times, their exhaustion will creep in when least expected, and their playfulness will be enticed by arbitrary fascinations. Attempting to enforce eating, sleeping, or playing according to any other timetable becomes an arduous task. In reality, it's a rather sensible approach, yet the moments when they become hungry, tired, or playful may vary considerably from day to day and night to night. It is futile to resist. They won't throw tantrums, scream, or resist in order to coerce you into surrendering to their desires. Instead, they will gradually seduce you through evasive and elusive tactics, bewildering you until you capitulate. You might even find yourself inexplicably enchanted by this sheer freedom. No longer burdened by guilt when engaging in coffee chats with neighbors during feeding time, playing an enthralling game of "Princess and Frog" during the mystical hours of dawn, or sharing a bowl of vegetable soup and a cup of hot chocolate on a dreary, gray winter afternoon. It all becomes oddly alluring. They might even teach you that the ticking clock should not be an authoritative dictator ruling over your life. After all, it's merely a ticking piece of metal.

The Pisces child will demand a considerable amount of attention and appreciation. They need to be seen and acknowledged, for they often doubt their own capabilities. Shower them with as much affection and recognition as they require. Additionally, they will need moments of solitude. When they retreat into their mysterious states of withdrawal, grant them that privacy. Their mind may wander millions of light-years away, far beyond your reach. Eventually, they will return, just in time for their serving of vegetable soup and hot chocolate. However, by this point, they will have shifted their lunch hour to the late evening. If they tell you that they were soaring through the skies on a saucer with a visitor from Mars, believe them. It might just be true.

Teachers frequently find themselves perplexed when attempting to fit this peculiar puzzle piece into the standard molds of education. Your child may not conform to the round or square holes provided. They will simply refuse to adhere to a pattern that is not their own. Don't place too much blame on them. The educational system has yet to catch up with Neptune's wisdom. Many Pisces boys and girls possess artistic inclinations, harboring a profound love for music and dance. The typical Neptunian child possesses grace in their step, regardless of their physical weight. Young girls often yearn to become ballerinas, while boys tend to idolize figures such as Beethoven, Michelangelo, astronauts, or Saint Anthony, rather than scientists, presidents, or generals. They are enamored with literature of all kinds, and English may be their preferred subject, as Pisces children possess storytelling prowess. They adore words, and poetry often captivates their hearts. Initially, they may struggle with comprehending mathematics, but they will later exhibit a remarkable understanding of the abstract principles that underlie algebra and geometry.

Responsibility may prove elusive for them, leading to moments of frustration. Pisces children adhere to their own set of rules. They are sensitive and easily wounded by harshness. Tears may flow frequently. Ordinarily, they prefer the company of adults over playing with other children. Even at a tender age, they possess a deep wisdom and empathetic understanding of situations that surpass their comprehension. Children born under Neptune are often accused of lying, although their intentions are pure. There is no malice or cowardice involved. Their young minds swim in the currents of boundless imagination, whispering a thousand delightful secrets, imbued with sheer beauty that they yearn to bring to life in the cold, tangible world. The fact that these magnificent dreams perish in the sterile, desolate soil of a materialistic society is truly heart-wrenching. They require your utmost sympathy; otherwise, they will retreat into silent, brooding desolation.

The Pisces child hears melodies of the sea that they can never fully describe. The stark, brutal truth is too harsh for them to endure. They must embellish it occasionally, or attempt to imbue it with warmth and color, drawing from the Neptune hues of romance. It would be unfair to label this as lying. Instead, encourage them to gather their clouds and moonbeams, weaving them into poems, plays, or paintings. Soon enough, they will adapt to the ordinary world of cruelty, selfishness, poverty, and ingratitude. Why thrust them into it abruptly? They may encounter difficulties in conforming to the social and academic expectations that stifle their individuality. Yet, their parents and teachers can learn from them the importance of compassion, understanding, beauty, tolerance, imagination, and gentleness. The type of diploma you desire from life depends on it.

One day, either the Piscean philosophy of freedom of expression or the conformist ideals will prevail. My bet is on Pisces. Of course, your warm-hearted and amiable little Neptunian must be taught that people expect them to eventually adapt to the nonsensical, topsy-turvy concepts of society in order to survive. However, if stern and negative adults push too hard, they may lose their way back to the other side of the looking glass. Don't deprive them of their key. They require occasional escapes to refresh themselves with the true wisdom of the Red Queen and the White Knight. Only then can they better navigate the tangible world, filled with war, poverty, disease, hypocritical ethics, and ingratitude. Your little fish needs a protective cloak against the harsh winds that lie ahead. Knit it yourself with resilient, vibrant yarn. Make an effort to understand their Neptune ways. Guide them with tenderness and wisdom, and when they finally grow tall, they may reach out and grasp one of the silver stars to present it to you. Then, you will be grateful that you never scoffed at their dreams. Prepare a special spot on the mantle in anticipation.

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