Read Noomi Rapace's Cosmic DNA

Noomi Rapace
Noomi Rapace
12:00 pm
Hudiksvall, Sweden
62N16 17E6 (2 GMT)
Capricorn (6) / Sagittarius
Taurus (4) / Aries
Sagittarius (22) / Capricorn
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Virgo (13)  
Virgo (10)  
Virgo (26) / Libra
Scorpio (23) / Sagittarius
Sagittarius (20)  
Libra (21)  

Birthchart Info

Noomi Rapace
12:00 pm
Hudiksvall, Sweden
62N16 17E6 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Capricorn (6) / Sagittarius
Taurus (4) / Aries
Sagittarius (22) / Capricorn
Aquarius (6) / Capricorn
Virgo (13)  
Virgo (10)  
Virgo (26) / Libra
Scorpio (23) / Sagittarius
Sagittarius (20)  
Libra (21)  

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Childhood

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Capricorn


"Oh, how I -wish I could shut up like a telescope! I-think I could, if I only knew how to begin ..."

"Pat her on the head, and see how pleased she'll be!... A little kindness- and putting her hair in papers- would do wonders with her-"

Should you be one of those individuals who perceives newborn infants as miniature old men and women, mothers will not object if you reserve such descriptions exclusively for Capricorn babies. These tiny goats possess a striking resemblance to miniature octogenarians. They exhibit an aged countenance in their youth, only to appear refreshingly youthful in their later years. That wrinkled visage in the bassinet will one day transform into a smooth, unlined face when others are plagued by the wear and tear of time. Perhaps it's connected to being born in January, bridging the gap between the old year's end and the arrival of the New Year. This peculiar juxtaposition mirrors the image of an aged man with his careworn face juxtaposed with the newborn infant of the New Year, bearing a visage as pure as Ivory soap.

If you are blessed with a Capricorn child, you shall swiftly realize the paradoxical nature of their being. Even as an infant, your self-possessed little Capricorn will make you slightly uneasy with their peculiar maturity. You may utter cheerful phrases to them, such as "Does the itty bitty Baby Boo desire a scrumptious sugary cake?" In response, they will offer a serious, contemplative gaze, as though pondering just how absurd you can be. It doesn't require many of those piercing looks to shame the average parent into abandoning baby talk altogether.

Capricorn children possess strong wills and definite preferences, yet they don't create a scene to express them. Your little goat won't throw a temper tantrum or dramatically slam their fist into a mound of mashed potatoes. Nevertheless, they possess a talent for communicating their displeasure with remarkable clarity. A mother may experience a vague sense of intimidation in the presence of a Capricorn baby, although she may struggle to pinpoint the exact reason. Somehow, he or she makes her feel- well, foolish and not quite up to the mark. Let's be candid. The child's demeanor causes the mother to feel like the child, rather than the parent.

This infant is not the type to waver or succumb to wishful thinking. They crawl or waddle purposefully towards their intended destination. One might get the impression that they carefully organized the entire plan in their mind while their diaper was being changed, and now they are resolutely executing it. They are nothing if not decisive. Capricorns never shy away from making their desires known. Their message is crystal clear. Then, they patiently await your response. Suppose you respond with a "no." If it's a matter of little significance, they will likely accept the disappointment without shedding tears. However, if it's something they've deemed truly important, they will obtain it, one way or another. Your "no" holds little sway over them. Rather than engaging in a battle, they will ignore your denial and bide their time until they gradually wear you down, until you ultimately relent.

As they grow older, your Capricorn child will naturally develop a sense of routine in their life. They will ensure their toys occupy a designated space, and will become perturbed should you move them or disrupt their carefully organized system. If they embody the quintessential Saturnian child, they will willingly adhere to schedules for meals and bathroom breaks. Their interest in childish pranks or playful antics may be limited compared to other children. Even at a tender age, these boys and girls exhibit a distinct preference for the comfort of home life. The little goat would rather go on a picnic with their parents, or sit at home while the adults engage in conversation, rather than venture outside to join a group of children their own age. They seldom seek out large groups of friends. Instead, they may have a select few close companions, or perhaps only one special confidant with whom they share their innermost secrets.

School is rarely a struggle for young Capricorn students. Unless their ascendant clashes with their Sun sign, or the Moon was in a restless position at their birth, these children generally excel academically. They will arrive home, hang up their coat, and immediately sit down to tackle their homework. If they are true Capricorns, they cannot fully enjoy their playtime until they have attended to their duties.

When leisure time arrives, Saturn's play often manifests as an imitation of adults. Little Capricorn girls adore dressing up in their mother's clothing. On occasion, they may propose, "You be the baby, and I'll be the Mommy." This scenario might make you feel slightly uncomfortable, as the tot convincingly assumes the reverse role. Standing in the playpen, gurgling while peering over large spectacles, clad in your high heels and pearls, she firmly states, "Do be still, or you'll be sent to bed without supper." You get the peculiar sensation that you'd better halt the game swiftly, lest she truly tucks you into bed. Capricorn boys, on the other hand, enjoy pretending to be teachers, doctors, executives of vast corporations, or even their own fathers. When your young son dons your husband's overcoat and grasps his pipe, you may inexplicably feel tempted to request that he drive to the supermarket and procure a carton of eggs. Of course, you quickly remember that he cannot operate anything more complicated than a scooter, and he frequently ends up with scraped knees from that. Capricorn children also take pleasure in painting, drawing, and listening to music, but they seldom waste their leisure hours on aimless games. They are often engrossed in creating something practical, even if it's an exceptionally thin pot holder or a comically wobbly pencil case. Encourage them to engage in outdoor activities. Though they may not exhibit great enthusiasm for seeking sunshine and breathing in the fresh air, it is beneficial for their well-being, as it clears away the gloomy cobwebs of Saturn that sometimes cloud their young minds.

Teachers generally find Capricorn children pleasant to instruct, though they may occasionally become impatient with their slow, stubborn learning style. Nonetheless, the teacher will rarely complain of frivolous daydreaming or neglect of studies. These young scholars tend to perform exceptionally well academically once they have grasped the fundamentals. They may not learn quickly or display flashy brilliance, yet they are meticulous and diligent. The concentration associated with Saturn is not to be underestimated. It leads to accolades and top grades.

When your young goat arrives home with a report card boasting high marks for obedience, studiousness, and reliability, but with comments such as "reluctant to participate in class discussions," "refuses to recite," "timid, lacks confidence, and struggles to mingle with other students," you may begin to worry that you have raised an introverted bookworm, an individual hopelessly averse to social interaction. Then, one day, your little Capricorn casually mentions that they must arrive at school early to call the roll. You inquire, "Why must you call the roll?" Their response will astonish you. "Oh, because I'm the class president." When you exclaim, "Why didn't you tell us?" they will casually respond with modesty, "Well, it's not that important." Yet, a blush will creep upon their cheeks, revealing their delight. This pattern often repeats throughout their lives. Although they may appear slower than others, seemingly introverted and shrouded in shadows, they will quietly and inevitably assume positions of leadership, as the extroverts recognize them as trustworthy and responsible individuals. Capricorn may be assigned the task of guarding treasures and maintaining records, while the gregarious ones indulge in play and dreams. Yet, they will never feel burdened by this responsibility. What they seek is respect and authority.

Occasionally, a Capricorn child may assert dominance over weaker friends or siblings with their stubborn will, which can border on childhood cruelty. However, more often than not, the Capricorn child submits to the influence of stronger Sun signs. This can lead to issues where siblings or peers boss the little goat around, and you may feel that they are being unfairly treated. Do not fret. Capricorns possess the ability to take care of themselves. I know of a particular Capricorn girl who wholeheartedly defers to her older, more assertive Sagittarian sister. With the patience typical of earth signs, she obediently follows the orders of her fiery sibling. She never talks back or argues. However, after enduring an especially severe bout of bossiness, the older sister inexplicably finds her shoes, hairbrush, or favorite sweater "missing." Eventually, these items are recovered, and nobody in the family has the faintest idea how they became "lost." For several weeks thereafter, the bossy sister becomes significantly more considerate. Never underestimate the power of Capricorn's self-preservation instincts. Somehow, the scales always find a way to balance.

In the presence of individuals of the opposite sex, little goats tend to exhibit shyness but intense curiosity. You may hear them make remarks such as "Boys are drippy goons" or "Girls are stupid creeps." Yet, they become mysteriously excited when Valentine's Day approaches at school and they send a multitude of cards, all signed with a teasing "guess who." The adolescent years can be emotionally tumultuous for them. They will require encouragement and sensitive guidance when they start dating.

Being the parents of a January-born boy or girl is a true blessing. With few exceptions, it feels like receiving a gift from the divine. Unless pushed too far, at which point they may utter something cruel and cutting, Capricorn children are generally as sweet as the "sugy cake" they claim to abhor.

If you find yourself short on rent money, you can always borrow a few twenties from their well-stocked piggy bank. They will exhibit politeness towards their elders and obedient behavior without needing frequent reminders, except for occasional stubborn streaks. They will organize their tasks diligently and possess a genuine concern for their future, although you may need to remind them to scrub behind their ears. They will remain devoted to their home and family, seldom leaving you wondering where they are. Most of the time, they will be right beside you, cherishing every moment spent together. They harbor their own bright, grounded, and pragmatic dreams. Fear not if they overlook Sleeping Beauty and Goldilocks. When you reach old age, feeling lost and forgotten by a thoughtless younger generation, your Capricorn son or daughter will genuinely respect your wisdom. They will enthusiastically extend an invitation for you to visit or even make your home with them. It's almost as if the Capricorn child is saying, this time for real, "Now, I'll be the Mommy (or Daddy), and you be the baby. You cared for me with love, and now I'll take care of you." There will be no pretense in their actions, and Hans Christian Andersen himself could not have written a happier ending.

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Sagittarius


As the sun sets on the horizon, casting a golden glow over the world,
the Sagittarius child emerges with a beaming smile and a heart full of wonder.
Observe the bright-eyed terrier near our dwelling, with its long, curly brown hair,
fetching objects and sitting up to beg for its meal—a mere fraction of the countless talents that elude my memory.

In the vicinity of my residence resides a spirited Irish girl, born in the month of December,
a skilled guitarist and occasional songwriter.
One particular line she penned caught my attention, a fragment brimming with brilliance,
though the remainder of the lyrics eluded her grasp.
Yet she need not fret, armed with such an enticing introduction:
"There you were, waving your heart at me..."

This enchanting phrase encapsulates the essence of every Sagittarian, from mere weeks of age to a century of existence.
Chronological labels hold little significance, for they forever embody the spirit of eternal youth.
Take a moment to behold your precious Sagittarius daughter, as she joyfully waves her heart in your direction,
resembling a friendly and affectionate sheepdog.
Likewise, your Sagittarius son exudes the same unbridled enthusiasm, craving acceptance for his authentic self.
When others fail to reciprocate their warm greetings, their tiny hearts sink with disappointment.
Sagittarians are happy, playful jesters, whose laughter sparkles with tears when rejection comes their way.
Even in infancy, their sunny dispositions and longing for companionship shine through.
The Jupiter-born infant will weep when left alone,
but place their cradle in the living room, amidst the laughter and chatter of adults,
and they shall slumber contentedly, serenaded by the comforting melodies of human voices.
Their dreams shall be sweeter, wrapped in the cozy embrace of love and joy.
In later years, they may distance themselves from familial ties,
yet in their formative stages, they yearn for the security of human scents, sights, and sounds—
much like a newborn puppy snuggling against an old sweater in its basket.
Deny the Jupiter youngster such close, human contact,
and they shall withdraw, perhaps adopting sarcasm as their substitute.
Thus, they clutch tightly to a worn, tattered blanket, reminiscent of Linus from "Peanuts,"
whether it be a plush pinch pillow or a cuddly teddy bear with missing ears and a faded nose.
In their hearts, it symbolizes security, though they would much prefer your presence.

The Sagittarius boy exemplifies his carefree nature by venturing into the woods,
armed with a makeshift fishing rod and a can of worms,
whistling cheerfully, engaging in conversations with everyone he encounters,
his loyal dog faithfully trotting by his side.
As children, Sagittarians embody informality, a trait that will persist throughout their lives.
The young Jupiter girl may undergo a tomboy phase,
prompting constant reminders to "behave like a lady" as she matures.
Yet these girls and boys possess their own notions of what defines "gentility" and "femininity."
It commences with the essence of honesty, unadorned and unfiltered.
They have elevated honesty to an art form, expecting the same level of sincerity from you—
or be prepared to face their unwavering defiance.
Your authority becomes fair game for the Sagittarian child's inquisitive and rational investigations.
They will acquiesce gracefully if convinced of the logic behind your commands.
Parental edicts must withstand the scrutiny of their inquisitive and logical minds,
for if you fail to achieve a passing grade in their evaluation, you shall be left behind.
You stand there, brandishing your authority or switch, while they defiantly wave their honesty back at you.
Should you be fair and endeavor to match their honesty, the Jupiter child shall learn to respect your rules.
Firmness is required when you know you are right, accompanied by a sound and rational explanation.
In moments of error, you must admit your mistake and confess your stupidity directly and without hesitation.
Let us face it—often, parents impose rules for their own convenience, rather than for the child's well-being.
A Sagittarius tyke can detect such dishonesty from a mile away,
their nostrils quivering like those of a bird dog, while their muscles tense with anger,
bolstered by righteous indignation.
Therefore, prepare to calmly elucidate all directives and commands,
lest you expend a significant amount of energy wielding switches,
before the indomitable Jupiter obstinacy against unjustified punishment shows signs of subsiding.

A phrase frequently uttered by mothers with December-born children is "curiosity killed the cat."
Curiosity knows no bounds in the Sagittarian realm; it persists from sunrise to sunset,
weaving a tapestry of questions that decorate their waking hours.
In their earliest stages of speech and exploration, these queries manifest as follows:
"Why is it considered naughty to touch the stove?"
"Why do candies cause my teeth to loosen?"
"Why do carrots bestow curly hair upon me?"
"Why does Santa Claus require a letter, given his mystical abilities?"
"Why did Daddy wink at you when discussing a second honeymoon,
and why do you refer to the Moon as honey?"
"Why do you speak of multiple moons when Billy insists there is only one?"
(Billy being the overly astute older Aquarian brother—if such a combination graces your abode, you are in a precarious situation!)
Throughout lunch, naptime, and supper, the questions persist unabated.
"Why did you and Daddy describe Grandpa as henpecked? Is he truly a chicken?"
"Why did my teddy bear inform you that I devoured the cookies?
Why does he never speak to me as he does to you?"

Clearly, the majority of the Jupiter child's inquiries aim to puncture adult hypocrisy,
exposing smugness and blatant deceit.
Alas, becoming agitated and exclaiming, "Silence! If you utter 'why' once more, I shall paddle you.
Never dare to utter that word again," shall only elicit a response that strikes right at your core—
"Why not?"

As they mature, their questions will evolve, eventually encompassing the following:
"Why must I adhere to a specific curfew, when you claim to trust me?" (and indeed, you should trust this child).
"Why does the opinion of others hold such significance?
Do you value the opinions of strangers more than you value me?"
This is a challenging query, one for which you must prepare a response while they are still in diapers.
Sagittarian teenagers will not readily accept your rules if they are founded solely on societal norms,
rather than genuine concern for their well-being.
Of course, valid and logical explanations exist for insisting on their adherence to certain social conventions—
explanations revolving around reputation and its invaluable nature.
However, ensure that you have rehearsed and internalized these explanations to ensure their authenticity.

The ancient adage, "when children are young, they step on your feet—when they grow older, they step on your heart,"
could have been crafted exclusively for Sagittarians.
There is no escaping this reality. These children possess an inherent clumsiness, if not outright awkwardness.
Ensure that your medicine cabinet is well-stocked with iodine and band-aids.
Tiny Sagittarians trample on your feet, obstruct your progress with the dust mop and vacuum,
and impede your best-laid plans.
You may perpetually nurse a sore toe and a bruised ego.
Yet these are trifles compared to the potential heartache that awaits,
when the Jupiter boy or girl firmly plants a foot upon your heart.
Their yearning for freedom encompasses liberation from familial bonds,
and these children embark on their independent journeys remarkably early,
sometimes neglecting to phone or write for extended periods.
These absences can inflict painful stabs to the chest.
The most effective remedy for such parental heartburn lies in cultivating a sense of respect in your Sagittarian child,
instilling in them an unwavering faith in your sense of honor and tolerance.
Should you be narrow-minded and prejudiced, you may only encounter them on holidays, if even then.
However, should you refrain from judging their friends using any measure other than their true worth,
and should you demonstrate unwavering belief in their inherent goodness and aspirations,
they shall return to your embrace, rekindling their love and inevitably stumbling upon your feet.
Otherwise, they shall remain elsewhere, accompanied by a blanket, pillow, or teddy bear in the form of new friends,
who accept them for who they are and genuinely believe in their potential.

Anticipate the early emergence of romantic inclinations.
The girls, however, are unlikely to approach romance seriously—merely exploring their femininity,
provided you do not employ dates as a security blanket.
The boys may require some additional guidance on the subject of courtship and intimacy,
for an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Teach these children the value of economy, for they spend money as if it were mere paper,
a fact they have already discovered.
They must comprehend that once their allowance is spent, it is gone.
Do not shield them from the consequences.
Should they squander their lunch money on comic books or Mad Magazine,
let them carry peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to school for the remainder of the week.
Though this may appear harsh, it is a necessary lesson.
One day, the Diners' Club shall express their gratitude.

Both genders shall likely relish their educational experiences.
Their multidimensional intelligence and insatiable curiosity transform learning into a captivating game,
provided their bright enthusiasm is not stifled by monotonous routines and rigid study habits.
The more progressive education becomes, the happier and more successful these children shall be.
Restless by nature, they must not be constantly constrained,
nor should their imaginative musings be quelled,
lest their zest for knowledge be extinguished, sometimes irreversibly.
Sagittarian children subjected to severe, intolerant educators,
or who fall victim to unimaginative teaching methods,
may yearn to abandon school and seek employment.

The honor system thrives among young archers.
A Jupiter child shall never stoop to cheating, so long as they are trusted not to do so.
Otherwise, they may conclude that honesty holds little value.
If no one believes in them, why should they make an effort?

Religion may engender a deep and profound fascination.
These are the boys and girls who, at a tender age, decide to become priests, nuns,
ministers, rabbis, or missionaries in distant lands.
As they mature, they will question dogma, perhaps changing their faith and religious affiliation,
as they embark on an eternal quest for truth.
The Peace Corps invariably attracts the attention of Jupiter-born individuals.
The concept of seeing the world and applying their idealism to effect change entices them.
Sagittarians require a cause, much like a dog requires a bone to gnaw on.
In the absence of a bone, a puppy may rend the couch or chair to shreds.
Similarly, a Sagittarian child may vigorously dissect ideas, their passion veering toward fanaticism,
potentially causing irreparable damage to their future.

Their eyes remain fixed upon the trusting stars,
and as they traverse the winding path, they may stumble and fall, oblivious to the rocks in their way.
They are independent, honest little archers.
Provide them ample space to shoot their arrows and hone their archery skills.
They need to feel the grass beneath their bare feet, experience the rain upon their faces,
and allow their dreams to bask in the warm embrace of the sun's golden rays, until they are fully cooked.
There they stand, waving their hearts filled with optimism and joy.
Wave back at them, infused with cheerful faith, as together you embark on this enchanting journey.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Capricorn

The Capricorn Child
Capricorn children may appear to be serious, world-weary miniature adults. Despite their intelligence, they might struggle with developmental milestones, with fear of failure holding them back. To succeed, these children require gentle, supportive parenting to help build their confidence. As their self-assurance grows, they exhibit strong leadership abilities.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Sagittarius

The Sagittarian Child
From a young age, Sagittarian children are adventurous and understand the value of things. They often excel academically and athletically, exhibiting strong school spirit. Sagittarian teenagers must be granted ample freedom, but they will typically use it wisely.

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