Read Queen Victoria's Cosmic DNA

Queen Victoria
Queen Victoria
12:00 pm
London, England
52N30 0W8 (1 GMT)
Gemini (2) / Taurus
Gemini (7) / Taurus
Taurus (9)  
Aries (26) / Taurus
Aries (17)  
Aquarius (16)  
Pisces (28) / Aries
Sagittarius (23) / Capricorn
Sagittarius (27) / Capricorn
Pisces (27) / Aries

Birthchart Info

Queen Victoria
12:00 pm
London, England
52N30 0W8 (1 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Gemini (2) / Taurus
Gemini (7) / Taurus
Taurus (9)  
Aries (26) / Taurus
Aries (17)  
Aquarius (16)  
Pisces (28) / Aries
Sagittarius (23) / Capricorn
Sagittarius (27) / Capricorn
Pisces (27) / Aries

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: Seduce You

How Can You Be Seduced

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The path to a Gemini's heart lies through their intellect. Seek their recommendations for reading materials as Geminis love to be consulted on intellectual matters. If you possess specialized knowledge in a particular subject, don't hesitate to bring it up. Geminis are attracted to those with expertise, especially in obscure areas. Show genuine interest in their latest hobby and ask for a crash course. Displaying their knowledge is a surefire way to ignite their passion. Stimulate their mind with intriguing conversations and playful banter.

If you're a Gemini, you are a master flirt. You love the challenge of winning someone over with a clever remark. One of your favorite moves is to brush a bit of imaginary fluff from the object of your desire's shoulder. It's a great excuse to make physical contact! Your wit and charm are your greatest seduction tools.

Head-for-Bed Line: "Are you going to kiss me or will I have to lie to my diary?"

How Can You Be Seduced

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Slow and steady wins the race with Taurus. Take your time during the courtship phase and show your appreciation by presenting them with a beautiful token of your affection, like a bouquet of flowers. Bulls have a fondness for sensual stimuli, so a subtle hint of cologne can work like magic. If you have a knack for earthy humor, let it shine. A well-timed spicy joke can get Taurus in the mood. Taurus values stability and loyalty in a partner, so be reliable and trustworthy.

If you're a Taurus, you like to seduce people with soft words, encouraging caresses, and generous gestures. Your knack for gift-giving is unparalleled. Having a velvet voice doesn't hurt your chances, either. Your slow and deliberate approach adds an irresistible layer of sensuality to your seduction game.

Head-for-Bed Line: (Pointing to Bull's tush) "Excuse me, is that seat taken?"

Lose Points, Seduce

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Turn Offs for Gemini:
* Seem uninterested in their words
* Be dull and monotonous
* Criticize their chattiness
* Lack curiosity or enthusiasm for life
* Be uninteresting

Lose Points, Seduce

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Turn Offs for Taurus:
* Attempt to force them into something
* Be inconsistent, superficial, or unpredictable
* Disgust them
* Be secretive or dishonest
* Misuse or disrespect their possessions or loved ones

Win Points, Seduce

Sun / Gemini

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The intellectual sign of Gemini thrives on mental stimulation and communication. To win over a Gemini and earn significant points, engage their mind and cater to their insatiable curiosity.
To Win Points With A Gemini:
* Be witty and intellectually intriguing, stimulating their intellect.
* Stay informed about the local scene, as Geminis appreciate being in the know.
* Maintain a light and casual attitude, keeping the atmosphere fun and lively.
* Communicate your thoughts openly and persistently, fostering stimulating conversations.
* Be an interesting individual with a range of interests that pique their curiosity.
Pick-Up Line: "Excuse me, do you have your phone number? I seem to have lost mine."

Win Points, Seduce

Sun / Taurus

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
The earthy sign of Taurus is all about seeking physical comfort and material security. To make a lasting impression on a Taurus and score substantial points, you must appeal to their five senses and their desire for stability.
To Win Points With A Taurus:
* Choose a nice perfume or cologne to entice the Bull's olfactory senses.
* Spend quality time together in peaceful and beautiful surroundings.
* Indulge in good food during your outings, showcasing your appreciation for culinary delights.
* Be a dependable and trustworthy individual they can rely on.
* Maintain a well-groomed appearance, demonstrating your best self.
* Communicate in a straightforward and sensible manner.
* Show that you value their perspective by actively listening and considering their point of view.
Pick-Up Line: "You give a new meaning to the definition of edible."

Your Approach to Seducing Someone, by Element

Sun / Gemini

Gemini - Air/Swords Suite
Your seductive prowess lies in your charming and witty communication skills. With your adept way of expressing yourself, you have the power to intrigue and captivate your lover. While practical actions and follow-through may present a slight challenge, your words hold the key to unlocking their desires.

Seduction Tips: Channel your eloquence into writing a humorous and alluring poem, email, or text message. Engage them in meaningful conversations by asking thoughtful questions about their interests and passions. Engaging in word games like Scrabble or Boggle can also add a playful touch to your seductive endeavors.

Your Approach to Seducing Someone, by Element

Sun / Taurus

Taurus - Earth/Pentacle Suite
Your seduction style is firmly rooted in practicality and groundedness. Rather than relying on words alone, you prefer to express your interest through tangible actions. You find success in demonstrating your feelings rather than merely stating them outright.

Seduction Tips: Offer a soothing hand, foot, or neck massage to melt away their stress and create a sense of intimacy. Cooking their favorite meal can be an exquisite way to ignite their senses. Additionally, lending a helping hand with practical projects like shopping can deepen your connection.

Your Way of Being Attracted and Then Seduced

Sun / Gemini

(Tip: Remember, Attract first, then Seduce Gemini)
Attracting the Gemini Woman

To allure a Gemini woman, initiate a walking-talking encounter. It works to your advantage if you appear younger, possess boyish charm, or possess the attributes of a knowledgeable teacher.

Pay close attention to her hand movements, as they hold symbolic significance related to Mercury. If she occasionally and unconsciously gestures or extends her hand toward you, consider it a sign of interest.

Seize the opportune moment to gently grasp her hand, leading her to a location conducive to conversation or shared activities. This nonverbal gesture serves as a potent method of seduction.

Geminis thrive on gossip, making it an ideal conversation opener. Embrace their playful nature and adapt to their ever-changing moods, as they perpetually dwell in a state of adolescence. To attract a Gemini, demonstrate your ability to keep up with their dynamic personalities.

Show genuine curiosity about her plans and ideas. Gemini women harbor numerous thoughts and dreams, often lacking the courage to bring them to fruition. Assisting them in manifesting their aspirations can lay the foundation for attraction. They crave attention and require constant stimulation.

Gemini women are notorious for their fickleness and ever-evolving desires. One moment, they may yearn for a particular type of person, only to shift their preference soon after. Be adaptable and embrace the ever-changing nature of their desires.

Seducing the Gemini Woman

Gemini, an air sign ruled by mutability, craves intellectual stimulation. When it comes to seducing a Gemini woman, wield the power of language and engage her in continuous conversation. Share your thoughts, ideas, and emotions while encouraging her to do the same.

Pose personal questions, frequently shifting topics to keep her engaged. Create suspenseful situations akin to a cliffhanger, leaving her intrigued and eager for the next chapter of the conversation. This tension and curiosity will demand her full attention.

Female Geminis exhibit unpredictable moods and restlessly flow with the winds of change. Emulating this game of push and pull can prove effective in seducing them. Variety is their lifeblood, and monotony serves as their arch-nemesis.

Stay sharp and nimble-minded, for Geminis abhor slowness. Showcase your interest in novel experiences and remain up-to-date to captivate their attention. Avoid appearing antiquated or outdated, as Geminis yearn for vibrancy and freshness.

Surprises hold great appeal for Gemini women. Plan unexpected outings, engage in dance lessons, learn new languages together, or embark on exciting travels. Share in their versatile interests to deepen your connection.

Your Way of Being Attracted and Then Seduced

Sun / Taurus

(Tip: Remember, Attract first, then Seduce Taurus)
Attracting the Taurus Woman

Taurus embodies the essence of stability and material possessions. When seeking to attract a Taurus woman, direct your attention to her physicality and material comforts. However, avoid indulging in a lingering gaze at her chest; a single slip will squander your chances.

Physical touch, executed innocently and gently, serves as a powerful nonverbal cue. It doesn't have to be overtly sexual; instead, focus on establishing a sense of comfort within her presence.

Taurus women yearn to feel at ease in their bodies, embracing their self-contained nature. To attract them, steer clear of sexual discussions, display unwavering confidence, and radiate self-assuredness.

Act like a man, showcasing qualities of strength and reliability, rather than relying on lavish spending. Taurus desires substance over superficiality.

As creatures of habit, Taurus women are resistant to change. Instead of attempting to break their routines, endeavor to become a part of their established habits and daily agendas. A small, soft cuddly toy can go a long way in creating a favorable impression.

First impressions are crucial to the Taurus woman, and certain physical attributes can work in your favor. If you possess height and captivating blue eyes, you gain an advantage from the outset.

Taurus holds a deep reverence for nature, plants, and ecological matters. Initiating conversations on these topics can serve as an excellent icebreaker. And remember, quality, both in appearance and personality, can attract the attention of a Taurus woman.

Seducing the Taurus Woman

Seducing a Taurus woman requires tangible gestures and offerings. Keep in mind that money and gifts can be persuasive tools in winning her affections.

Taurus women seek security and exhibit possessive tendencies. They possess immense self-control and are averse to eccentric or peculiar displays. To captivate their hearts, be predictable, dependable, and sensual.

When engaging in physical touch, limit it to gentle brushes against her hands and skin. During farewells, opt for a soft and prolonged handhold instead of a hasty kiss. Indulge her in romantic dinners, surprise her with flowers, and bring her delectable treats.

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