Read Rene Descartes's Cosmic DNA

Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)
Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Birthchart Info

Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Nice To Know
Section: Nice To Know / Report: Childhood

Details of Your Personality, How You Were As A Child

Sun / Aries

The ARIES Child

"All I know is something comes at me, like a Jack-in-the-box, and I go up like a Sky Rocket"

In the nursery, while proud parents exchange pleasantries, a vibrant Aries baby demands attention in the bassinet. How dare you divert your gaze and converse with the nurse? Who truly reigns supreme in this domain?

Before you even reach the taxi for the journey home, this question shall be answered with utmost certainty. Your little Mars offspring is the true authority. Any doubts will swiftly fade as soon as the high chair becomes their throne, where they shall vigorously pound spoons on trays if left unattended. Subtlety has no place in their strong, active, and broad-shouldered physique. The Aries tot will spit out vegetables like projectiles from a cannon, even rubbing the cereal bowl on their bald head to express their distaste. The girls will exhibit the same directness as the boys, if not more so. Though it may seem unexpected from a tender little lady, do not be deceived by their soft appearance. April's metal is iron, and April's stone is the diamond, the hardest substance known to man.

Early on, they will walk sooner than their peers and speak with greater haste. Taming their spirited nature shall prove challenging. If you dare utter a "No, no" to an Aries toddler, they shall defiantly wag their plump finger back at you. The practice of discipline must commence early. Beware of falls and injuries to their head or face. They possess a remarkable knack for accidents, to put it mildly. Keep sharp knives out of their reach, guard against burns and scalds. Anything hot or forbidden shall inevitably attract the impulsive grasp of the Aries child. Do you think such mishaps will teach them a lesson? Think again. They will strive to break their own records.

The teething phase may bring forth high fevers and severe discomfort. Your little one will emerge from this ordeal relatively unscathed, but the same cannot be said for you.

As they grow older and stronger, having triumphed over measles, mumps, chickenpox, and scarlet fever effortlessly (for germs stand no chance against the swift recuperation of their Mars nature), your Aries child will display occasional fits of temper. You will observe their unreasonable behavior when met with obstacles, yet their anger shall be short-lived. Following each outburst, the Aries boy or girl will flash a bright, winning smile in your direction.

They will exhibit remarkable generosity, sharing toys not only with you but also with playmates, the mailman, the neighbor's bulldog, and even the alley cat. However, this generosity shall wane if someone hurts their feelings or hinders their desires or aspirations. Prepare for fiery displays of emotion.

Aries boys and girls may develop a tendency to neglect homework, and using your more compliant Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, or Pisces child as an example will hardly impress them. (I'm assuming you do not have multiple Aries offspring, as such celestial occurrences are rare for parents.) Rather than attempting to shame the spirited youngster into studying, challenge them instead. They will eagerly embrace such a challenge, much like their favorite stray alley cat laps up cream. Merely suggest that they might be slower or less bright than their peers in some way, and observe as they passionately debunk this preposterous notion. Can anyone surpass them? Not likely, my dear.

After witnessing the magic of this strategy at home, kindly inform their teacher. They will be eternally grateful, perhaps even sending you a sizable box of candy if they happen to have multiple Aries students in their class. In truth, Mars youngsters can swiftly learn anything and retain it effortlessly if they dedicate themselves. Unfortunately, not all parents possess the means to achieve this feat. They may spend years wondering why little Mike and Maggie possess high IQs yet remain stuck in the third grade for an eternity. Fear not, for Mike and Maggie shall make up for lost time with the speed of a bullet once they venture out into the world and discover others who possess greater intelligence. A couple of humbling experiences for their Mars ego, and they will diligently study to make up for lost ground.

Your April child shall possess a vivid imagination, blending dreaminess and sentimentality with practicality. If there exists such a paradoxical creature as a hard-headed, idealistic dreamer, it is your Aries offspring. They are as naive as they are resilient, as gentle as they are assertive. These conflicting traits weave together within their fiery nature, leaving you in awe and contemplation. Your friends shall experience the same sentiments in due course, not to mention their future adversaries and unsuspecting partners.

Aries children shall assume leadership roles among their playmates, introducing new games and innovative ideas to the group. They will stubbornly demand their own way, or they shall collide headfirst with authority. It is imperative to establish firm rules from the outset. Aries children left untrained in their youth shall encounter harsh lessons in adulthood. Remember that their heart is as tender as butter, concealing deep-seated fears of rejection and unrequited love beneath their brave facade. Should their bright dreams be shattered or their enthusiasm dampened, they shall seek solace in your embrace, their tears conveying a sense of tragic disappointment. Hold them close during these moments. Their hearts shall ache. Despite their rash and domineering nature, the idealism of Aries is delicate and vulnerable. They shall encounter numerous trials, each bruising their naive and hope-filled optimism. They will tirelessly strive to teach the unimaginative world a lesson or two! Though they may suffer a few scars along the way, never underestimate the resilience of your Mars child. Do not expect them to surrender easily. Prepare for an extended wait before they concede defeat.

Secure birthday presents in a safe haven, for their impatience shall brook no delay when it comes to surprises. Do not dispel their faith in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny prematurely. To believe fervently and subsequently learn not to believe toughens their emotions?a necessary lesson. Their allowance shall burn a hole in their pocket, yet they will cheerfully offer you their last dime to pay the milkman. Your Aries daughter may willingly part with a nickel each day to dissuade neighborhood bullies from stepping on ants. Harsh treatment during their impressionable years may ignite a cruel streak, but with gentle and wise guidance, they shall assert their rights with less force, exuding immense generosity and empathy for their fellow human beings. Avoid issuing orders; instead, ask them to perform tasks with a cheerful smile, and they will exert themselves to the utmost to bring you joy. Never undermine their confidence, for it is as vital to them as the air they breathe. They may attempt to run away from home, as the Mars independence manifests early on, yet they shall return wiser. Teach them that dominating meeker individuals is unkind?a fate they genuinely wish to avoid.

The presence of cold, negative individuals can inflict deep wounds upon their tender souls. However, their spirit shall never break. (Remember the diamond.) They may harbor an ardent love for books, becoming avid readers, yet their enthusiasm for settling down to four years of college may wane. Aries is too consumed by the urge to conquer challenging frontiers. Nevertheless, do not abandon hope too soon. Higher education can instill discipline and assist in aligning their passionate emotions with sudden bursts of sharp intuition. The more they resist the notion of a rigid academic schedule, yearning for the freedom to explore various occupations, the more apparent it becomes that structure is necessary.

They shall learn the value of responsibility, and you shall teach them this and other life lessons swiftly through logical reasoning and genuine affection. Both shall resonate deeply with them. Parents and teachers must never forget that Aries children thrive under praise, surging ahead to surpass their previous achievements. However, should they face criticism, their fiery spirits shall fizzle out, and they shall lose all motivation. Commend them for their admirable qualities, and they shall strive to reduce behaviors that displease you. Aries youngsters consistently rise to meet the expectations set before them, even those who conceal their fiery drive beneath a calm demeanor. These children must always be kept occupied; otherwise, they shall wander into trouble. Idleness is a gateway to danger. Provide them with ample rest to replenish their scattered and misdirected energy.

They shall adore tales of brave heroes, shining examples who conquer new realms. Yet, they shall retain their belief in leprechauns and wishing wells long after you've preserved their tiny Aries shoes in bronze and welcomed the arrival of your first grandchild. If you gently guide your Mars child, showering them with unwavering love, they shall possess the incredible power to dream the impossible dream and transform it into reality.

Overall Personality, As A Child

Sun / Aries

The Aries Child
Raising an Aries child demands a firm hand to keep them in check, as these determined youngsters are highly self-sufficient and insist on having their way. Their rebellious nature may peak during their teen years, but their defiance is usually well-founded and deliberate. Parents should be aware and prepared for this behavior.

Personality Overview, As A Child

Sun / Aries


As A Child
The Adventurous Aries Child
From the moment they can express themselves, Aries children crave your undivided attention. They have a knack for making sure they're heard, whether it's through crying or banging their spoon on the table. Subtlety isn't their strong suit. Aries kids will shout at the top of their lungs to convey their desires, regardless of gender.

With an eagerness for every milestone, Aries children often walk and talk earlier than their peers. If you want them to learn discipline, start teaching them as soon as you leave the hospital. Learning from mistakes isn't their forte, so baby-proof your house and keep dangerous objects out of their reach. Despite their feisty nature, Aries babies are also affectionate, always ready to embrace you and give goodnight kisses.

However, show them authority, and their stubbornness emerges. Respect is the key to getting them to understand. While they may have a quick temper, it rarely lasts long. Once they cool down, they return to their usual cheerful selves. Aries children are not selfish and willingly share their favorite toys, but be cautious of other children being unkind. Push them with challenges, not comparisons, and they'll complete tasks promptly.

Aries children have a remarkable memory and are creatively inclined with vivid imaginations. They dream big but also face reality. It's a unique blend of practicality and fantasy that characterizes an Aries baby. They strive to be the first and crave leadership roles.

Beneath their tough exterior, Aries children possess a vulnerable and sensitive heart. They fear being unloved and seek constant reassurance from you. When hurt by the world, they may rush into your arms for comfort. Embrace them tightly and mend their broken hearts, or they'll shatter completely. While they may believe in miracles, fairy tales, and angels, don't be the one to debunk their beliefs.

Impatience is their trait, and surprises may require hiding that birthday gift in the bank locker. Aries children may not excel in financial matters, but they're generous to those in need. They cannot tolerate injustice and have a strong moral compass. Instead of giving them orders, ask with a smile, and they'll willingly complete the task. Aries children value their freedom and remain optimistic, deeply hurt by negative thoughts.

Responsibility isn't their strongest trait, but they can be taught through logic and affection. Praise motivates them to do the right things. Keep them busy to avoid trouble since an idle mind is their devil's workshop. However, ensure they get enough rest to replenish their energy. Nurture and lead them gently, and Aries children will dare to dream the impossible and make it a reality!

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