Read Rene Descartes's Cosmic DNA

Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)
Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Birthchart Info

Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

How You Relate
Section: How You Relate / Report: Dating

A Date You Might Like During Summer

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Treat your Aries to an exhilarating auto race this summer and witness their spirits soar. Aries enthusiasts adore competitiveness, making them cheer for the leading contender passionately. Demonstrate admiration by seeking their insights on betting. The thrilling experience will fuel their fiery nature.

An On-Campus Date You Might Like

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Look out for inventors and entrepreneurial clubs on campus, as Aries signs will be keen about discussing their latest innovative ideas with like-minded folks. Alternatively, you might find them at the campus fitness center, particularly if there's an intriguing rock-climbing wall that sparks their interest.

Budget Dates THAT IMPRESS You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Athletic Aries relishes any opportunity to showcase their strength. Start with a jog through the park before refueling with smoothies. If the weather is uncooperative, watch a game together and share an array of spicy snacks. Aries also enjoys a little daring - a night at a demolition derby could be just the thrill they're looking for.

Date Ideas That Would Dazzle You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Prepare yourself for an exhilarating adventure that will leave you breathless in the presence of an Aries. To truly captivate this dynamic and fiery sign, venture forth to where the heart of the action beats in a syncopated rhythm. Seek out the most scintillating play, the hippest club, or the trendiest restaurant that pulsates with life. Only by moving heaven and earth to secure the Ram's entry into an exclusive venue will you be rewarded with a torrent of passionate kisses that ignite the flames of desire.

If you yearn to reignite the sparks of passion in a long-term relationship with an Aries, embrace the thrill of the unknown. Take your beloved Ram on a journey to uncharted territories, where novelty reigns supreme. Conventionally romantic settings hold no allure for this extremist sign. Instead, opt for experiences that push the boundaries, such as attending a captivating boxing match or immersing yourselves in a controversial movie that fuels fiery debates and sparks intellectual fervor.

Date Ideas You May Like During Fall

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries isn't known for conventional romance, as quiet evenings by the fire or candlelit dinners can quickly bore them. They crave action and thrills, with adrenaline fueling their passion. Taking them to a lively football game brings excitement and competitiveness that Aries will love. Just be sure to root for their favorite team, because nothing irritates Aries more than losing or being bored.

How It Would Be To Date Your Own Sign

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
An Aries-Aries pairing can be a challenging match. Both are hot-headed, stubborn, and often blame the other when things go awry. However, they'll fuel each other's passionate nature and enjoy plenty of active fun together. The key to success is learning to fight fairly and adopting the mantra "never go to bed angry."

Your Worst Possible Slips-Ups On a Date

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
The Self-Centered Monster. When it comes to Aries, beware of their transformation into self-centered, egotistical monsters who seize every opportunity to talk about themselves. Whether it's their own triumphs or even your shared experiences, they'll use any chance to boast, complain, or fret about their own lives. If you're not astute enough to recognize that your relationship is hanging by a thread, you'll find yourself trapped in a one-person show of their monstrous ego until they stumble upon someone else foolish enough to lend an ear.

Dating Dealbreakers For You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As the fiery Ram charges ahead, they have little patience for being put on the back burner. Aries thrives on being the top priority in your life, whether it's conquering a triathlon or capturing your undivided attention. If you give off the impression that you're no longer attracted to your Aries partner, be prepared for them to walk away. And remember, never compare them unfavorably to your previous partners in a fit of anger?it's a wound that may never heal.

Dating Tip

Sun / Aries

Aries Dating Tip:
In terms of love, Aries individuals seek protection and tend to fall for those who are stronger than them. These individuals are independent in their expression and often deviate from social norms. Despite their initial behavior, look beyond the fa?ade as there may be more depth to them. Keep an open mind when dating an Aries, and try not to be easily discouraged.

How You Are When Dating

Sun / Aries

Embarking on a romantic journey with an Aries is akin to venturing into uncharted territory, where excitement and challenges intertwine to create an enthralling tale. No mere walk in the park, dating an Aries demands your mettle as they yearn for invigorating experiences and formidable goals, both in the physical and emotional realms. Engage them in lackluster conversations, and you might find this energetic goat making a beeline for the hills, while a nonchalant and circuitous approach might thwart the date before it even commences.

Born under the influence of planet Mars, Aries individuals embody an unwavering sense of personal pride, and their sensitive souls can be wounded with ease. They hold admiration and affection for those who exude energy and strength, recognizing the qualities of resilience and power in others.

How You Can Move on, Grieve and Get Over Major Heartbreaks

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As a fiery soul who tackles life head-on, you might perceive moving on as a simple task. However, why leave a trail of loose ends in the wake of a concluded romance? It's essential to address any outbursts of anger that may have occurred during the breakup by extending a sincere apology. Only then can you expect to engage in civil conversations with your former partner. Take charge of the situation with your direct approach and ensure that you tie up all loose ends. Don't neglect to retrieve any precious belongings you left behind to prevent harboring resentment later on. Once you've allowed anger and frustration to dissipate, you'll be able to treat your former lover with the same dignity you desire in return.

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