Read Rene Descartes's Cosmic DNA

Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)
Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Birthchart Info

Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Lighter Side
Section: Lighter Side / Report: Fun

Cities That Satisfy Your Soul

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Experience new thrills in Sydney, Australia through adventure sports such as parasailing, windsurfing, or jet skiing. If you're into world-class snorkeling, the Great Barrier Reef is just a stone's throw away.

Your Party Personality

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your dynamic presence and assertive demeanor truly ignite any gathering you attend. However, you may cause a stir when a minor offense triggers your hot-headed response, temporarily drowning out the party music.

A Bad Horror Movie You Might Like

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Freddy and Jason are terrifying when they face their victims alone, but Freddy vs. Jason is far from the fear-inducing showdown we expected. Naturally competitive Aries will take pleasure in rooting for their favored villain in this action-filled face-off, despite its lack of prowess in the true horror department.

What is Your Type of Scary Movie

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As the zodiac's heroic figure, Aries relishes a challenge. John Gulager's gory film Feast captures this spirit, as unwitting patrons at a seedy bar find themselves battling hideous monsters. With a character named Hero, you'll be kept guessing whether he survives or not, Aries!

Your Pick for a Thanksgiving Movie

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
For the vivacious Aries, the key to choosing the perfect Thanksgiving movie lies in adhering to a set of rules. Steer clear of chick flicks and overly serious films, and instead opt for a comedy that matches your quirky sense of humor. Picture a movie that not only tickles your funny bone but also resonates with the jovial spirit of Thanksgiving Day. Get ready for an uproarious experience filled with side-splitting laughter and brilliant dialogue. This film revolves around a family blessed with opulence, their abundance rivaling even the mighty planet Jupiter. Brace yourself for a delightful cinematic adventure that promises to have everyone in stitches, creating cherished memories that will linger long after the credits roll.

Your Taste In Romantic Movies

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
You thrive on energetic movies with a fast pace and a happy ending. The Princess Bride, featuring a spirited young Robin Wright and her daring farmboy-turned-pirate overcoming all odds for love, is a classic that will captivate you. Hitch, a modern comedy starring Will Smith as a bachelor "love doctor" who falls for a woman who can see through his facade, also fits the bill.

What You Might Like To Do on a Day-Off

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
As an Aries, you thrive on physical activities, so starting your days off with a workout or engaging in new, physically demanding pursuits could be an excellent choice. Additionally, feed your adventurous spirit by exploring new places or trying out an activity you've never experienced before.

How You Write a Facebook Status, Answering the Question, Whats On Your Mind

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Ever since Facebook famously eliminated the mandatory "is" from status updates, the Warrior sign emerged as the most vocal opponent. Why waste precious seconds typing those two little letters when Aries can be busy conquering the world? An impulsive Aries doesn't hesitate to share their current activities or feelings with lightning speed. When the moment strikes, why bother making personal calls when a swift "Aries is tying the knot!" gets the job done?

Your Facebook Page

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Your photo: Your Facebook profile picture showcases you in top form. Be it guiding a group through a daunting jungle or conquering the latest marathon, your photo captures the essence of who you are in that moment.
Your applications: As an energetic Aries, you adore the Fantasy Football app! Additionally, the All About Me Survey app fulfills your desire to share your experiences with others.

Your Inner Video-Game-Player

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Fighting Games
As a resilient and proactive Aries, you flourish in the realm of martial arts and action-packed games. These games allow you to release your pent-up aggression and energy while defeating virtual adversaries.

Your Star Trek Alter Ego

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Young James T. Kirk embodies the spirit of an Aries ? exuding recklessness, immaturity, and aggression. Fortunately, he (and many Aries) eventually grow and refine their attitudes. While attending Starfleet Academy, Kirk channels his combative nature excellently, achieving mastery in hand-to-hand combat. As captain of the USS Enterprise, he remains rebellious, but develops cunning, courage, and heroism ? qualities synonymous with the Aries personality.

A Prank that Would Get You Good

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries individuals are known for their desire to be first in everything. To playfully tease an Aries, book a table at a luxurious restaurant and tip the ma?tre d' to seat latecomers before you. Keep in mind not to let the prank drag on too long to avoid Aries' famous fiery temper.

Bad Holiday Gifts to AVOID Giving You

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Imagine gifting a financial planning program to your adventurous Aries friend. This may not go down well, as it might be perceived as a restriction on their free-spirited nature. Choose something else that won't dampen their unique enthusiasm and passion for life.

Gifts You Would Like to Get

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Known for their active nature, Aries individuals are always seeking ways to stay in shape, even during the indulgent holiday season. Athletic equipment that complements their fitness pursuits is an excellent choice. Additionally, since Aries is fond of the color red, consider gifting them a cranberry scarf or a scarlet hat to win their favor. If romance is in the air, showing Aries that you prioritize their needs by purchasing tickets for two to a sporting event you may not particularly enjoy or a CD from an artist you can't stand will undoubtedly earn you significant points with your favorite Ram.

Guilty Pleasures, How You Have Fun in Secret

Sun / Aries

Aries is the sign of the fiery warrior. They often present themselves as confident and may come off as not caring about what others think of them. In reality, though, they crave positive attention. One of their guilty pleasures is getting feedback on their appearance. Aries loves to post their photo on social media sites and receiving real-time responses about how others perceive their looks. Hot or Not is a popular platform for Aries to frequent, allowing them to bask in the admiration and validation of their attractiveness.

Your Way to Have Fun on Vacation

Sun / Aries

Energetic Aries, you enjoy outdoor activities all year long. Engaging in sports like skiing, hiking, rollerblading, and biking enables you to break free from daily constraints. Choose vacation spots with exhilarating daytime activities and enticing nightlife experiences, such as mountain resorts or casino hotels.

How to Use Nighttime Dreaming to its Potential

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Your natural initiative and fearlessness can be a powerful asset when it comes to lucid dreaming. Embrace your dreams with a sense of adventure, and use your ability to take conscious control within your dream to tackle scary situations and confront your fears. Recording your dreams can help you to understand recurring themes and patterns.

Your List of Things to Do Before You Settle Down

Sun / Aries

Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Ignite your adventurous spirit and seek a partner who shares your insatiable appetite for excitement. Be the epitome of "X-treme" as you dive headfirst into thrilling sports and activities that push the boundaries of your comfort zone. Soar through the heavens like a fearless bird or dive deep into the mysterious depths of the ocean. Strap on a jumpsuit, take a leap of faith mid-flight, and experience the exhilaration of parachuting back to the ground with grace. For a taste of adventure without the logistical constraints, venture into the realm of skydiving simulators or spend an afternoon exploring the wonders of your favorite aquarium.

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