Read Rene Descartes's Cosmic DNA

Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)
Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Birthchart Info

Rene Descartes
12:00 pm
Paris, France
49N9 2E21 (2 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Aries (10)  
Taurus (9)  
Aries (29) / Taurus
Taurus (6) / Aries
Gemini (22) / Cancer
Aries (15)  
Virgo (2) / Leo
Aries (14)  
Leo (16)  
Aries (18)  

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Mind Mercury

How You Learn

Mercury / Aries

As Mercury enters Aries, communication becomes forceful and direct. These individuals aren't afraid to express their thoughts and may grow impatient with slower thinkers. Aries need challenges in their early learning to maintain interest, as boredom and stress can trigger headaches.

How You Learn

Mercury / Taurus

Mercury in Taurus produces a slow yet more deliberate way of thinking and communicating. These individuals make firm decisions that are difficult to change. Taurus, ruling the throat, gives them a melodious and poetic speech. Practical examples enhance their learning process due to their earth sign connection.

How You Think On Your Feet

Mercury / Aries

With Mercury in Aries, people are known to be impulsive and quick to jump to conclusions. They can be verbally harsh and even mean, as opposed to the sarcasm seen in Sagittarius. They think rapidly in emergencies but have short attention spans.

How You Think On Your Feet

Mercury / Taurus

Individuals with Mercury in Taurus excel with numbers, often finding success in accounting or banking positions due to their mathematical aptitude.

How Your Mind Thinks

Mercury / Aries

Igniting Intellectual Fire. In the fiery abode of Aries, Mercury ignites the flames of passion within the mind. These individuals possess an inherent ardor for debate, quick-witted banter, and lively disputes. Their penchant for exaggeration, though unintended, can add fervor to their communication. With favorable aspects, they embrace broad-mindedness, displaying a tolerant nature and an eagerness to explore diverse perspectives. Their intellect is nimble, swiftly grasping situations and ideas, while their orderly disposition fosters studious pursuits. However, when Mercury in Aries is afflicted, hasty judgments prevail, causing them to leap before looking, leading to unreliability and a lack of accountability.

How Your Mind Thinks

Mercury / Taurus

Steadfast Cognition. Mercury in Taurus bestows a mind that resists hasty conclusions, embodying the steadfastness of the Medes and Persians. Once their cogitations settle upon a decision, it becomes a formidable task to sway their unwavering resolve. Rooted in reason and thoughtful contemplation, their judgments gain a reputation for reliability. Embracing the age-old adage, "Silence is golden," these individuals are known for their discretion and aptitude for keeping secrets. Despite their reserved nature, they possess a convivial disposition, enjoying mirth, artistic endeavors, and literary pursuits. The auspicious alignment of Mercury in Taurus engenders likability. However, afflicted Mercury taints their character, rendering them obstinate, secretive, and avaricious.

Your Concentration, Communication, and Reasoning Skills

Mercury / Aries

Rapid-fire thinkers are given birth by the placement of Mercury in a specific position. These individuals harbor a tendency to steer clear of exhaustive deliberation over all facets of an issue. They hold a penchant for brisk decision-making, fueled by a straightforward approach that gets straight to the heart of any matter. Often, their determination to surpass any opposition to their thoughts can be perceived as sheer brusqueness or aggressiveness. The possibility of their concepts facing resistance might not cross their minds, causing frustration when such an obstacle presents itself.

It's common for these individuals to have an efficient learning approach, sieving out what they consider non-essential while focusing on the key information. They possess an irresistible charm, which drives their passion for new ventures and sparks their enthusiasm. Unintended negative criticism could be taken to heart. Despite their idealistic nature, their intelligence remains unscathed and they readily embrace challenges.

The ability to motivate and promote effectively is one of their unique traits, owed to their intellectual agility. Old ideas are quickly abandoned for fresher, more exhilarating ones. They bask in competition, and for them, even a simple debate can be a thrilling sport.

Their impulsive nature and hastiness in drawing conclusions can be overshadowed by their wit and inventiveness, which make them engaging conversationalists. Their candid honesty can be a double-edged sword. They might display an intense competitive spirit, which can sometimes make them come off as know-it-alls. When appropriately directed, however, their confidence can inspire others. A love for detail and a commitment to seeing long, tedious tasks to completion is something they need to cultivate.

Strong opinions are second nature to them and they do not hesitate to express these views, even if it's to their disadvantage. They are high-energy individuals, thriving when occupied. Their magnetic energy and enthusiasm attract followers, and they relish taking the lead.

Your Concentration, Communication, and Reasoning Skills

Mercury / Taurus

The placement of Mercury in Taurus leads to individuals who thoroughly consider their decisions and stubbornly adhere to them once made. Although their demeanor may seem lackadaisical, upon closer inspection, one can see an intricate thought process at work.

It might take a nudge or two to get them to embark on new ventures. However, once they commit, their practical and sensible approach drives them to see it through to the end. Information assimilation occurs through sensory experiences, and they communicate in a deliberate, commanding manner.

Learning for these individuals gravitates towards demonstrations, concrete answers, and practical applications. Abstract concepts are not beyond their understanding, but their grasp on information strengthens when they can apply it personally. They hold defined tastes, and sensory experiences like color, scent, and touch play a vital role in their communication style. Their acumen for business and knack for finances are quite remarkable.

They can sometimes be perceived as obstinate and opinionated. They boast a robust memory and insist on tangible outcomes from their efforts. The belief that "slow and steady wins the race" guides them, ensuring they stay grounded and steady, with their feet firmly rooted in reality.

Those with Mercury in Taurus often have a pleasing voice and the discipline to endure intense training. A significant number of them are artistically inclined. They aim to create enduring works that embody their values. Although they can seem rigid in their ways, they occasionally need to step out of their comfort zone and learn to adapt.

Your Decision-Making Style and Way of Absorbing Information

Mercury / Aries

Quick and decisive action courses through the veins of those with Mercury's influence in the fiery Aries. Rather than mull over decisions, their impatient nature prompts them to seek immediate satisfaction. Their thinking process may appear rash, but it is often motivated by a visceral desire for action and results.

In dialogue, individuals with Aries in Mercury radiate with frankness and brevity. Some might perceive their communication style as uncouth or brash, especially when confronted with opposing views. In truth, this often arises from frustration when others don't readily accept their ideas. These individuals wear their ideas like a second skin, defending them fiercely due to an intrinsic emotional connection.

Their learning style mirrors a fast-flowing river, efficiently discarding any irrelevant details. They prefer streamlined knowledge acquisition, defying the tedium of minute particulars.

An innocent allure surrounds the communication of those with Mercury in Aries. They often earn respect for their straight-forward approach, offering a refreshing alternative to those who prefer circumlocution. Despite their sometimes assertive demeanor, these individuals are remarkably committed to innovation and are unafraid of intellectual challenges.

Their unmatched enthusiasm is evident when it comes to new projects and ideas. Yet, the overabundance of innovative thoughts can lead to a rapid turnover of mental pursuits, making them prone to constantly seek out fresher, more captivating perspectives.

Their gift lies in the promotion of new concepts. When an idea captivates them, they possess the ability to make it go viral, spreading the excitement like a contagious laughter. They revel in being the torchbearers of novel ideas and cutting-edge methods.

Those with Sun Sign in Pisces or Taurus may often find themselves misunderstood by others, seemingly more brusque and impatient than they intend to be. Decision-making comes as naturally as breathing to them, leaving no room for ambiguity or fence-sitting.

Your Decision-Making Style and Way of Absorbing Information

Mercury / Taurus

For those with Mercury in Taurus, decision-making is a well-thought-out process. They value thorough deliberation over rushed choices, which can sometimes be mistaken for indolence. However, their thoughtful consideration does not equate to inertia, but a dedication to insightful pondering.

Starting a new project may take a moment for Taurus men and women under Mercury's influence. Yet, once set in motion, their determination sees the project through to completion. Their slow and steady approach is backed by an arsenal of common sense.

Relying heavily on sensory input, they employ all facets of perception when assimilating information. Their dialogue may reflect the unhurried pace of their thoughts, indicative of a highly deliberate cognitive process.

They exude an aura of tranquility. Their words, not hastened or disorganized, command attention and respect from listeners. The practicality that Taurus is known for often emerges as a slightly sarcastic humor, adding an unexpected twist to their earthy, straightforward communication style.

Possessing pleasant voices that reflect the down-to-earth essence of Taurus, these individuals have a way of conveying their ideas in a realistic and authoritative tone. They favor practical demonstrations, tangible answers, and fundamental concepts when learning. They possess the unique ability to personalize information and relate it to practical uses, reflecting the Taurus trait of weighing the utility of knowledge.

These individuals have a highly refined sensory system. Their tastes are well-defined, revolving around the world of the five senses.

Individuals with Sun Sign in Aries or Gemini may come across as more stubborn than they actually are. They adhere to a no-nonsense approach in decision-making, often producing practical and useful ideas.

Your Minds Pros and Cons

Mercury / Aries

In the realm of Mercury, traversing the fiery domain of Aries, we encounter individuals whose intellectual prowess ignites a fervent spirit of argumentation and a proclivity for disputes. Their tongues dance with quick repartee, their words embellished with a touch of exaggeration, albeit unintentional. When blessed by harmonious aspects, these spirited souls exhibit a broad-mindedness and a tolerant acceptance of diverse opinions. They possess a studious nature, effortlessly grasping complex situations and novel ideas, all the while maintaining an innate sense of order and neatness. However, when Mercury in Aries is afflicted, caution is cast aside, replaced by a tendency to leap before looking. Their thoughts become vacillating, rendering them unreliable and devoid of a sense of responsibility.

Your Minds Pros and Cons

Mercury / Taurus

As Mercury enters the domain of Taurus, it bestows upon individuals a mind that resists hasty conclusions, yet, once an opinion is formed, becomes as unyielding as the ancient laws of the Medes and Persians. Rooted in thoughtful contemplation and reason, their judgments are remarkably reliable. These individuals wholeheartedly embrace the adage, "Silence is golden," exhibiting a penchant for reticence. They embody the role of trusted confidants, holding secrets with unwavering loyalty. Despite their introspective tendencies, they possess a sociable disposition, finding delight in mirthful camaraderie. Music, art, and literature resonate deeply within their souls, endearing them to all who encounter their well-aspected Mercury. However, when Mercury in Taurus is afflicted, stubbornness, secrecy, and avarice take root, diminishing their inherent likability.

Your Perception and Mindset in Communication

Mercury / Aries

Prepare to witness a cosmic fusion that electrifies the thought processes and sets them ablaze with the fiery energy of Aries. This placement of Mercury infuses the mind with a dynamic force, quickening the pace of thinking, and imbuing it with a vibrant intensity. However, amidst this celestial blaze, one must tread cautiously, for there is a tendency to gloss over intricate details. The rapid-fire nature of thought often propels these individuals into the exhilarating realm of intellectual competition. They relish the thrill of engaging in heated debates, wielding their mental prowess like a finely honed rapier. Yet, it is worth noting that this fiery disposition can ignite their temper, transforming them into quick-tempered warriors of the mind, ready to engage in verbal battles at a moment's notice.

Impatience, the restless shadow lurking within, can compel them to make impulsive and reckless decisions in the heat of the moment. The pioneering spirit bestowed upon them by the zodiac's fearless ram ignites a fervent interest in unexplored fields of study. However, they must be mindful of the Aries' notorious lack of follow-through, lest their passions lead them astray before their endeavors can fully manifest. In their quest for intellectual conquest, they communicate with a sharpness and incisiveness that can pierce through the thickest mental barriers. Alas, this overly forceful approach may inadvertently alienate those around them, for their words carry the weight of Aries' brashness. To truly thrive in their endeavors, they would be wise to cultivate a more selfless and considerate approach in their dealings with others.

Sibling and neighbor relationships often become arenas of friendly rivalry, where competitive spirits dance in harmony. Nevertheless, the celestial symphony that shapes these connections remains contingent upon the intricate interplay of celestial aspects. The pioneering warmth and childlike charm inherent in Aries can serve as valuable assets when navigating the labyrinth of human interactions. Those with Mercury in Aries possess the ability to infuse their conversations with a magnetic charisma, effortlessly drawing others into their orbit. These qualities, when skillfully harnessed, can pave the path to success in their chosen endeavors.

Your Perception and Mindset in Communication

Mercury / Taurus

Behold the wondrous convergence of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, with the steadfast earthiness of Taurus. This celestial fusion grants them a practical mindset, firmly rooted in the realm of common sense. The mental landscape they traverse is adorned with meticulous attention to detail and a keen eye for financial matters, which happen to be among Taurus' cherished domains. Business acumen flows through their veins, and their mental processes, like a slow and deliberate river, ensure that opinions are formed with utmost certainty, particularly when matters of finance are at stake.

Through the cosmic union of Mercury and Venus, the enchantress of beauty, an intricate dance of harmony and discord emerges. Inharmonious relationships and conditions may pose vexing challenges along their journey. If this celestial alliance is afflicted, a tempest of jealousy, envy, possessiveness, or stubbornness may brew within their souls. Once their minds become fixated on a particular subject, they display unwavering obstinacy, rendering their opinions resistant to change.

In their quest for wisdom, the relationship between Venus and the arts bestows upon them an innate appreciation for beauty and, in some cases, artistic talents that resonate with the souls of others. However, one must be cautious, for serious afflictions can breed an overly materialistic attitude, accompanied by greed and an unwillingness to share with others. Yet, amidst the challenges, a silver lining reveals itself—a gift bestowed upon them that allows the filtration of insignificant details from their consciousness, thereby enhancing their capacity for deep concentration.

Your Thinking Style

Mercury / Aries

Igniting the mind with the fiery spark of new ideas, those with Mercury in Aries express themselves forcefully and boldly. They are drawn to the thrill of the unexplored, fearlessly venturing into uncharted territories of experience.

Quality and Element: Cardinal Fire


Their mentality is sharp, focused, and competitive. They possess a bright and innovative intellect, with quick-wittedness being their forte. Originality is their trademark, always seeking to pioneer new paths.

Possible Challenges:

However, their passion can sometimes translate into harshness and insensitivity. They may come across as brusque or dismissive, displaying a defensive and combative attitude. Intellectual arrogance can be a stumbling block for them.

Famous People with Mercury in Aries:
Renowned figures like Albert Einstein, Carol Burnett, Christopher Walken, and Emma Thompson share this placement. Others include Adolph Hitler, David Letterman, Coretta Scott King, Al Pacino, Sarah Jessica Parker, Mariah Carey, and Marlon Brando.

The Aries Mentality:

Individuals with Mercury in Aries possess an insatiable curiosity, actively seeking out new experiences and passionately presenting their ideas to others. They have an intuitive knack for grasping the essence of a situation and presenting it with vibrant energy. They are direct and straightforward in their communication style, often dispensing brutal honesty. They spare others the need to read between the lines, making their intentions clear.

Their minds resemble high-powered flashlights, intensely focused and always on the lookout for that groundbreaking moment. They crave mental stimulation and thrive on lively exchanges of ideas. However, this can make them confrontational, often escalating conversations into arguments. They challenge others through their words and, at times, can be ruthless in their teasing.

The desire to be brilliant and emerge victorious in debates often leads them to view others as adversaries, even within close relationships. If left unchecked, they may become insufferable "know-it-alls." They grow restless and visibly frustrated when faced with delays or encounters with what they perceive as intellectual dimwits, which, in their estimation, may include a large portion of the population. They relish mental challenges that involve strategy and competition, such as chess.

Their opinions and observations stem from a self-centered perspective. They can become defensive when challenged because they identify themselves with their thoughts. While they may force their ideas onto others, their confident style breathes life into stagnant environments, sparking new ideas in those around them.

The originality of Mercury in Aries sets them apart in their respective fields. The concepts they hatch often take on lives of their own, attracting followers and rallying support. Their gift lies in sudden flashes of insight that startle others. However, they must learn patience with details and persevere through tedious aspects of projects. They excel at igniting small fires but may struggle with follow-through. Boredom is a rare occurrence for them as there is always something new to discover and explore.

Your Thinking Style

Mercury / Taurus

In the sign of the builder, Mercury in Taurus signifies a methodical and deliberate approach to communication. Their impressions are shaped through the senses, keeping them grounded in practical challenges that involve the material world.

Quality and Element: Fixed Earth


Individuals with Mercury in Taurus possess a good memory and a hands-on, tactile way of engaging with the world. They are capable and results-oriented, striving for tangible outcomes. Their thinking is deliberate, with a focus on tangible and practical matters.

Possible Challenges:

Yet, they may exhibit stubbornness and restricted speech. Their thoughts can sometimes feel heavy and plodding, akin to catching flies. Their inclination towards rigidity can hinder their adaptability.

Famous People with Mercury in Taurus:
Penelope Cruz, Salvador Dali, Daniel Day Lewis, Miles Davis, and Marquis de Sade are among the notable figures sharing this placement. Others include Uma Thurman, George Clooney, John F. Kennedy, Clint Eastwood, Cher, Linda Goodman, Crispin Glover, Rene Zellweger, Johnny Depp, Kofi Annan, Samantha Morton, and Martha Graham.

The Taurus Mentality:

When Mercury resides in Taurus, the mind slows down to carefully absorb sensory perceptions. Individuals with this placement build up their impressions methodically, choosing each word as meticulously as a mason selects bricks for a solid foundation. While their pace may be slow, they make up for it with thoroughness. They seek a solid grounding in their experiences, often exploring the world through a hands-on approach.

These individuals prefer to learn by doing, taking measured steps towards practical goals. Whether constructing a solid building, crafting a song, or designing an educational program, they value tangible results. They thrive in an unhurried environment, unpressured to make hasty leaps of logic. Approach progress with caution, carefully planning each step to ensure a solid foundation. Similar to the tortoise in the fable, they patiently address what lies in front of them, progressing steadily toward the finish line.

Mercury in Taurus bestows a grounded and authoritative voice. Their words are rich, full-bodied, and deeply rooted in the real world. They embody a no-nonsense approach that saves time in the long run. Unlike others who may fantasize about possibilities, they remain engaged in what is tangible and real. This inclination can sometimes box them into a safety zone where unproven or new ideas are viewed with suspicion.

As Venus-ruled individuals, those with Mercury in Taurus often approach their creative pursuits as crafts, becoming masters of their respective domains. They possess a strong focus and discipline that carries them through the apprenticeship phase. Additionally, they often possess melodious voices and excel in mediums where the body serves as the instrument.

Mercury in Taurus seeks to create enduring, tangible, and stable things. Ideally, their creations reflect deeply held values. They have an intrinsic need to have something to show for their efforts, be it accumulating wealth and possessions or leaving a lasting legacy. Their minds are geared towards consistent effort over time, with the expectation of abundant rewards.

Your Thoughts and Expressions Are Shaped This Way

Mercury / Aries

In the fiery realm of Aries, Mercury ignites thought processes that are swift and decisive, cutting straight to the heart of the matter. This celestial messenger thrives on intellectual sparring, fueling your penchant for mental competition. Your thinking possesses an inherent originality, a driving force that compels you to birth new ideas and embark on intellectual adventures.

Your mind dances nimbly, adept at quick-thinking and verbal debates, but beware the impatience that can seep in when faced with opposition. Delays test your limits, frustrating you to no end. This sense of urgency might extend beyond the realm of speech and communication, permeating other aspects of your life. You may find yourself speeding through life's pathways, exuding impatience amidst the flow of traffic.

Focused concentration may elude you at times, as your thoughts leap effortlessly from one subject to another, reaching conclusions swiftly and with little hesitation. The allure of impulsiveness lingers nearby, urging caution. Should this trait roam unchecked, intellectual egotism may taint your interactions, rendering them less appealing. Strive to temper your thinking and decision-making, steering clear of excessive stubbornness. Beware the sparks of a quick temper that may emerge as a consequence of this placement.

Nonetheless, your mind brims with wit and inventiveness, forever armed with a clever response and a rapid retort to any query. While delving deep into subjects may not be your forte, when it comes to swift solutions, you reign supreme.

Your Thoughts and Expressions Are Shaped This Way

Mercury / Taurus

Within the realm of Taurus, Mercury imparts a patient and pragmatic mind. Your thinking gravitates towards the conservative, firmly grounded in practicality and stability. Formal training takes a backseat to experiential learning in your quest for knowledge. Remarkable powers of concentration characterize your mental endeavors. Thought and decision-making find their foundation in the realms of practicality, materiality, and common sense. Unhurried in forming opinions, you bestow ample contemplation upon questions before rendering your answers, resisting the pressures of haste.

Financial matters are an area where you shine, exhibiting unwavering dependability in managing resources. Your shrewd business acumen and natural inclination towards resource management shape your financial prowess.

However, this placement may engender a degree of mental stubbornness and unwavering determination. Once your mind is made up, you resist altering your course or entertaining differing arguments and perspectives. At times, you may even disregard glaring conclusions that challenge your initial decisions. Beware the pitfalls of intellectual obstinacy and the potential for dogmatic viewpoints, pitfalls that Mercury in Taurus individuals often encounter.

Your Way of Expressing and Adapting

Mercury / Aries

Oh, brace yourself for the wild and untamed mental expedition that Mercury in Aries sets in motion! Your thoughts become a swirling tempest of lightning-fast bursts, surging with assertiveness and idealistic fervor. Like a trailblazing pioneer, you're brimming with innovative ideas, ready to conquer new frontiers and ignite the flames of passion within your projects. Beware, for your mind may occasionally adopt a combative tone, arguing fiercely and impulsively driven by those pesky selfish concerns. But fear not, as this placement also gifts you with an inventive and creative prowess that knows no bounds.

Your Way of Expressing and Adapting

Mercury / Taurus

Ah, the steady and deliberate mental terrain that Mercury in Taurus unfurls before you! Your thoughts take their time, gracefully meandering through the corridors of your mind, carefully constructing practical and well-thought-out strategies. Patience becomes your trusty companion, as you savor each idea and meticulously evaluate their worth. The arts and music, dear Taurus, become your soul's sanctuary, invoking emotions that resonate deep within. Your mind, oh steadfast one, possesses the remarkable ability to hold onto ideas with an unwavering grip, making careful judgments that leave lasting imprints.

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