Read Rihanna 's Cosmic DNA

12:00 pm
Bridgetown, Barbados
13N6 60W23 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Aries (13)  
Aquarius (13)  
Aries (13)  
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Aries (26) / Taurus
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (9)  
Scorpio (12)  

Birthchart Info

12:00 pm
Bridgetown, Barbados
13N6 60W23 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Aries (13)  
Aquarius (13)  
Aries (13)  
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Aries (26) / Taurus
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (9)  
Scorpio (12)  

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Mind Mercury

How You Learn

Mercury / Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius generates radical, free-thinking communication. These individuals often champion unconventional theories and have a humanitarian approach. Their dedication makes them influential public speakers and leaders. They appreciate playful surprises in both learning experiences and practical jokes.

How You Think On Your Feet

Mercury / Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius signifies the zodiac's inventors, such as those working at NASA. They have a unique outlook on life, sometimes bordering on bizarre. Their ingenuity leads to advancements like microwaves, improving everyday life. Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, so the energies harmonize well.

How Your Mind Thinks

Mercury / Aquarius

The Unconventional Mind. Mercury's tenure in Aquarius imparts the Uranian qualities of originality, independence, and an indomitable love for freedom. These individuals, guided by their idealistic visions, often reject societal conventions, forging their own unique paths. Fashion holds no sway over them, as they embrace a style that is entirely their own. Their thoughts challenge the status quo, advocating social ideas that far surpass the current era's development. Concepts like soul-mates and affinities, entwined with spiritual depth, stir controversy due to the unevolved state of humanity. Despite these groundbreaking notions, the intellect remains highly esteemed, attracting a circle of intellectual companions. Affliction, however, may lead to disloyalty, predatory behavior, and a propensity for criticism and slander.

Your Concentration, Communication, and Reasoning Skills

Mercury / Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius individuals carry a love for rebellion in their expressive nature. While they're not extravagant, they have an uncanny ability to incite discussions. They derive immense satisfaction from revealing the biases of others. These individuals never shy away from providing a differing perspective and sparking intellectual debates. They're quick on their feet and keen observers.

Their detached demeanor and independent approach may seem intimidating due to their perceived superiority. However, spending time with them is a delightful experience, peppered with intrigue, quirkiness, and insight.

Their learning process often features unconventional methods. They might eschew schedules but surprise with their sense of organization, which could baffle others. Their interests span across science, metaphysics, and anything pertaining to human advancement. A well-developed sense of humor and a fondness for practical jokes keep their spirits high.

Often seen as eccentrics, they revel in stirring up controversies and thrive in chaos, with little reverence for tradition. Their intuition gives them an uncanny ability to judge characters accurately. With fairness at the core of their beliefs, they stand for equality and fair play. Their humanitarian tendencies drive them to uplift the less fortunate, making them common figures in social reform movements.

Mercury in Aquarius individuals can swing between open-minded wit and stubbornness. Their unique ideas often make them excellent writers or speakers, with their thoughts sometimes being way ahead of their time. They're loyal to ideas more than individuals and aren't averse to playing the devil's advocate to spur debates.

They have the ability to comprehend the broader picture and are adept at presenting facts as required. Their curiosity often steers them towards more radical and expansive ideas. A natural affinity towards science fiction, resourcefulness, and disciplined intellectual pursuits make them stand out. They are versatile, practical, and somewhat revolutionary.

Your Decision-Making Style and Way of Absorbing Information

Mercury / Aquarius

Aquarius individuals are known for their unconventional approach to self-expression. Instead of conforming to societal norms, they take pleasure in breaking the rules and stirring others up in their own subtle way. Their quiet demeanor masks a quick-witted and observant nature that excels in intellectual debates. They possess an innate ability to challenge and offer alternative perspectives, often leaving their opponents in awe.

Being an air sign, Aquarius leans towards detachment and intellectuality. Combined with its fixed nature, those born under Mercury in Aquarius tend to have a clear intellectual agenda. They can be relentless in pushing their ideas onto others, which can be intimidating. However, in the right company, they prove to be fascinating individuals with a knack for providing refreshingly unusual, quirky, and remarkably insightful viewpoints.

Their study habits are far from conventional. While they may appear organized, their sense of order is often idiosyncratic and difficult to comprehend by others. Mercury in Aquarius individuals are naturally drawn to scientific and metaphysical pursuits, seeking progress and advancement for humanity. They possess a well-developed and distinctive sense of humor, taking great delight in practical jokes and anything that challenges the status quo.

In summary, Aquarius individuals with Mercury in their sign bring a unique and intellectually stimulating presence to any conversation. While their tendency to impose their ideas can be overwhelming, their fascinating perspectives and unconventional humor make them captivating companions.

Your Intelligence, and How You Talk To Others

Mercury / Aquarius

When Mercury aligns with the airy realm of Aquarius, an intellectual revolution takes hold, propelling the mind towards unemotional objectivity, impersonal truth-seeking, and humanitarian ideals. This placement strengthens the intellect, endowing individuals with a comprehensive mind, a good memory, and a powerful work ethic. Their mental landscape becomes a canvas for intuitive insights and original reasoning, often bestowing them with a touch of genius that defies conventional understanding. Curiosity drives them to explore diverse subjects, such as metaphysics, occultism, astrology, technology, and science. Intellectual stimulation found within friendships and group environments nourishes their mental growth, allowing their minds to flourish in collaborative settings.

Your Minds Pros and Cons

Mercury / Aquarius

Mercury, infused with the Uranian qualities of originality and independence, instills an insurmountable love for liberty within the minds of those born under the influence of Aquarius. These individuals vehemently reject social conventions, embracing their highly idealistic conceptions of the world. Fashion holds no sway over them, as they proudly flaunt their unique styles. They champion progressive ideas on social matters, often far ahead of their time. Their theories on soul-mates and affinities, although causing discord in the present, stem from a spiritual yearning to transcend the confines of purely physical relationships. While their intellectual acuity spans a myriad of subjects, popular science and mathematics hold a special allure for them. They are invariably drawn to the occult sciences, astrology being a domain where their innate talents flourish. Kindness, sociability, and a magnetic charisma attract a multitude of intellectual companions into their vibrant circle. When afflicted, this alignment leads to disloyalty, readiness to prey upon friends, and a propensity for criticism and slander.

Your Perception and Mindset in Communication

Mercury / Aquarius

Dive into the realm of Aquarius, where the cosmic fusion between Mercury and the eccentric energies of Uranus sets the stage for an intellectual journey like no other. Within this celestial dance lies a mind that dares to defy conventions, challenging the boundaries of traditional thinking. Their communication style embodies an air of intellectual rebellion, as they champion the cause of innovation and individuality.

Aquarius, the water bearer, carries the gift of high-mindedness and the pursuit of a higher truth. This celestial union bestows upon them a mind that operates on a plane of elevated consciousness. Originality becomes their guiding star, illuminating their path as they navigate uncharted territories of thought. They possess an acute sense of independence and a strong need for freedom, particularly in matters involving their mental domain.

The quest for knowledge takes on a futuristic twist for those with Mercury in Aquarius. They are drawn to advanced technology, electronics, and the realms of science and communications. Their minds thirst for progressive ideas, and they often find themselves at home within groups, exchanging thoughts and concepts that challenge the status quo. However, they must exercise caution, for their rebellious nature can lead them down a path of opposition, if not tempered with wisdom.

In their pursuit of truth, they must remember the importance of balance. Extremist tendencies in communication can hinder their ability to foster genuine connections with others. Their mental acrobatics should be employed judiciously, reserved for moments when the need for change is paramount. Aquarius represents the sign of exaltation for Mercury, allowing them to tap into the celestial wellspring of inspiration and harness their intellectual gifts for the betterment of humanity.

Your Thinking Style

Mercury / Aquarius

A mind that embraces a collective outlook, Aquarius individuals possess the ability to place information within the broader context of the social web. They are abstract thinkers who often trailblaze along a unique, original track, generating ideas that surpass their time.

Possible Challenges:

However, they may grapple with a dogmatic and stubborn attitude, sometimes assuming a contrarian or naysayer stance. Their strong opinions can occasionally become overbearing, making them appear impersonal, inconsistent, and even cold.

Notables with Mercury in Aquarius:
Norman Mailer, Oprah Winfrey, Lou Reed, Benjamin Franklin, Christian Bale, Bill Maher, Drew Barrymore, and Thomas Paine are among the notable figures sharing this placement.

The Aquarian Mentality:

Individuals with Mercury in Aquarius possess a remarkable capacity for mental leaps and logical, objective thinking. In this air sign, Mercury flourishes with speed and ease, while maintaining a fixed focus. It is as if they tap into distant frequencies, channeling that awareness into their ideas, often resulting in highly original and groundbreaking concepts.

The Aquarian thinker assumes a neutral role in discussions, gifted with the ability to perceive collective mindwaves. While their ideas embody individuality and even eccentricity, they remain attuned to the pulse of the group. Their thinking often challenges the status quo, embracing a progressive outlook. The Aquarian mindset is loyal to concepts and "the truth" rather than individuals, which may lead them to engage in verbal combat and expose subjective biases in opinions. There is a risk of becoming "know-it-alls" who overlook flaws in their own thinking.

At times, Aquarius individuals may argue solely for the sake of being different, defending viewpoints in which they have no vested interest. They excel in public discourse and often find themselves in roles such as social commentators or talk show hosts. Unburdened by emotional attachment to ideas, they effortlessly explore different perspectives and play the role of Devil's Advocate when necessary. Their purpose is to provoke thought and be respected for their intellect rather than seeking popularity.

Mercury in Aquarius endows individuals with a keen sense of the big picture. Paradoxically, their minds can become entrenched in narrow thinking, dismissing alternative viewpoints. Fascinated by processes and systems, many are drawn to fields like science and technology. The method by which they arrive at conclusions often remains mysterious. While they present facts, their exploration of mental realms leads them to unveil ideas that defy current existence. Some gravitate toward metaphysics or engage in artistic pursuits. These original thinkers possess minds capable of genius-level achievements, following their unique inspirations to the farthest reaches and beyond.

Your Thoughts and Expressions Are Shaped This Way

Mercury / Aquarius

In the realm of Aquarius, Mercury births a mind that is original, detached, and abstract, characterized by bursts of insight. Your mental landscape buzzes with ceaseless activity, thoughts arriving in flashes and fragments, often birthing seeds of invention and progress. There is no order to the chaos, as ideas swirl and coalesce, scientific and dispassionate in nature.

Your concepts may be regarded as strikingly progressive, at times transcending the current era. Your unique approach might lead others to label you as eccentric or even slightly mad. You relish in the unusual and avant-garde, delighting in shaking the foundations of the establishment and provoking controversy. Tradition holds no reverence, and the lessons of the past find little concern. You embody the pure essence of progress, reveling in rebellion, supporting causes and ideas that challenge the status quo.

Intuition courses through your veins, an impeccable judge of character. Fair-mindedness shapes your judgments, assessing people based on their knowledge and actions rather than their identity or social status. Equality and fair play form the core of your beliefs. A humanitarian at heart, you champion ideas and programs that uplift those less fortunate, dedicated to the concept of societal transformation.

Your wit dances with a wide range of ideas, yet at times, mental rigidity and stubbornness seep into your opinions. Talkative and social, you emanate an aura of aloofness and cerebral contemplation. Finding common ground in various social circles may prove challenging. Nonetheless, your verbal prowess and enjoyment of self-expression flourish in both writing and speaking.

Your Way of Expressing and Adapting

Mercury / Aquarius

Ascend to the celestial heights of Mercury in Aquarius, where the mind becomes an unstoppable force of scientific and inventive brilliance! Thoughts cascade like shooting stars, illuminating the darkest corners of the cosmos. Your mental landscape embraces originality and idealism, detached from the chains of conformity. Cleverness and wit dance hand in hand with eccentricity and radical thinking. The study of people and social issues becomes a playground for your psychologically inclined mind, birthing advanced ideas that challenge the very foundations of our society.

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