Read Rihanna 's Cosmic DNA

12:00 pm
Bridgetown, Barbados
13N6 60W23 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Aries (13)  
Aquarius (13)  
Aries (13)  
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Aries (26) / Taurus
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (9)  
Scorpio (12)  

Birthchart Info

12:00 pm
Bridgetown, Barbados
13N6 60W23 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Aries (13)  
Aquarius (13)  
Aries (13)  
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Aries (26) / Taurus
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (9)  
Scorpio (12)  

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Parenting

How You Would Handle Single-Parenthood

Sun / Pisces

Pisces parents nurture their children's creative side, unleashing their imaginations and leading them towards their dreams. They spend hours painting, drawing, and creating magical stories with their children. However, the parenting pitfall of Pisces is escapism, as basic daily chores and tasks may go unnoticed. They need to find the balance between letting their children dream and teaching them to be more responsible.

How You Would Handle Single-Parenthood

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius parents may be helming their households alone, but their children's friends always find a favorite stopover at their place. Though they may come across as irresponsibly, Aquarius parents are quite stable and believe that children must be allowed to express themselves. Still, their parenting pitfall is their intellectualism, as children need affection from their parent. Telling their children "I love you" every day will go a long way.

Your Parenting Style, Raising Them Your Way

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You lovingly encourage your children to nurture their individuality and creativity while accommodating their unique interests.
Time out:
As a Pisces parent, you might be overly indulgent. Remember to maintain balance and stay grounded.

Your Parenting Style, Raising Them Your Way

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Your children can enjoy a sense of extended family, surrounded by interesting friends and intellect, which can be highly motivating.
Time out:
Your kids might occasionally feel overshadowed by your social network. Make an effort to highlight their unique qualities and importance.

As a Mother, How You Are With Your Daughter

Sun / Pisces

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Through nurture and devotion, you teach your daughter the importance of sacrifice. She may come to appreciate your unwavering support. Avoid using guilt as a manipulation tactic, though. If your sacrifices are genuinely driven by love, allow her to make her own decisions without imposing guilt.

As a Mother, How You Are With Your Daughter

Sun / Aquarius

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Seeking an egalitarian and fair relationship with your daughter, you aim to be her best friend. However, avoid confusing her personal experiences with your own beliefs and causes. Validate her individuality, ensuring she feels valued and special for who she is, not just what she represents.

As a Mother, How You Are With Your Son

Sun / Pisces

As a Mother, How You Are With Your Son

Sun / Aquarius

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Pisces mothers are known for their unwavering devotion and attention to their sons. Your son will learn the value of charity at both home and in his interactions with others. Establish proper boundaries for yourself and your child, so he understands that compassion needn't equate to self-sacrifice.

Your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Mom

Sun / Pisces

The Pisces Mother (February 19 - March 20)
The Pisces mother nurtures her children's artistic expression, encouraging them to explore various creative outlets such as painting, drawing, or sculpting. Guided by compassion and empathy, she embarks on a magical journey with her imaginative offspring, fostering a sense of wonder and understanding. With her Water element and dreamy disposition, the Pisces mom creates an environment where emotions are cherished and self-expression is celebrated.

But while it's important to nurture children's dreams and self-esteem, a Pisces mother could fall short when it comes to showing them how to take those fantasies and make them real. The kids can't spend all day playing pretend -- and their Pisces mom certainly can't ignore other, more "real world" responsibilities, like keeping appointments or what date the school year begins. Finding a balance between encouraging creativity and providing guidance in practical matters will empower her children to navigate both the imaginative and the tangible aspects of life.

Your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Mom

Sun / Aquarius

The Aquarius Mother (January 20 - February 18)
An Aquarius mother could be a hippie, small business owner, community activist, or the mayor of your community. Because she doesn't like convention, she'll probably prefer to teach her kids at home or enroll them in alternative schools -- in short, she's no Mrs. Cleaver! But having been born under the sign of the humanitarian, Mother Aquarius is a highly interesting individual who will raise her kids to be aware of the suffering of those around them -- and to think for themselves. With her Air element and visionary outlook, the Aquarius mom encourages her children to embrace their individuality and question the status quo.

Still, while kids of an Aquarius can feel free to blast punk rock or dye their hair electric blue, they may not feel so comfortable talking to their mom about more personal issues. Even though Aquarius values the good of the community, she can struggle with handling emotions on a one-on-one level. She needs to make an extra effort to show love -- and remind her kids she values them above anyone else. Striving for open communication and creating an environment of emotional warmth will foster deeper connections.

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