Read Rihanna 's Cosmic DNA

12:00 pm
Bridgetown, Barbados
13N6 60W23 (-4 GMT)
Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Aries (13)  
Aquarius (13)  
Aries (13)  
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Aries (26) / Taurus
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (9)  
Scorpio (12)  

Birthchart Info

12:00 pm
Bridgetown, Barbados
13N6 60W23 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Pisces (1) / Aquarius
Aries (13)  
Aquarius (13)  
Aries (13)  
Sagittarius (28) / Capricorn
Aries (26) / Taurus
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (0) / Sagittarius
Capricorn (9)  
Scorpio (12)  

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Power Pluto

Power, alwaysastrology

Pluto / Scorpio

Pluto's presence in Scorpio infuses individuals with a deep emotional intensity. Not only are they in tune with their own emotions, but they also possess a keen understanding of the feelings of others. They are often drawn to activities that evoke strong emotional responses. Intensity is a defining characteristic of Scorpio Pluto individuals.

These individuals possess an innate ability to bring hidden aspects to light. They fight for human rights and exhibit a talent for making the unconventional acceptable. Their areas of interest may include the mind, death, genetic engineering, and various forms of research.

Scorpio Pluto individuals may tend to gravitate towards darker thoughts, focusing on the hidden and secret motives of those around them while filtering out the positive and happy aspects. They often feel that they know best in every situation. On the other hand, individuals with this placement may strive to maintain a positive outlook to such an extent that they fall into denial, only realizing what was happening right under their noses when it's too late.

Emotional courage, deep understanding, and the ability to confront their own wounds as well as those they have inflicted upon others make Scorpio Pluto individuals formidable allies. However, they can also exhibit manipulative and controlling tendencies. They question established rules and may feel oppressed by societal norms. Driven by passionate natures, they seek to experience as much as possible and possess tremendous willpower. They can focus their energy on gaining wealth and power if inclined.

Prominent figures such as Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Hilary Duff, Avril Lavigne, and Lindsay Lohan have all been influenced by the Scorpio Pluto placement, demonstrating the transformative power and intensity associated with this placement.

Power, astroscoped-astrolibrary

Pluto / Scorpio

Ah, Scorpio, the very sign Pluto rules with unwavering intensity! Between 1984 and 1995, Pluto returned to its natural abode, immersing a generation in an unyielding obsession with all things sexual. Indeed, the allure of the primal desires that course through our veins captivated this cohort like no other. But there's more?these individuals shall spearhead a biological revolution that transcends boundaries. Concepts like human cloning and the dawn of a new era in scientific exploration shall find their champions among this Pluto in Scorpio generation. The symbiotic fusion of Pluto's transformative power and Scorpio's profound depth lends an unparalleled intensity and sense of purpose to this exceptional group. However, negative aspects involving Pluto may unveil psychological challenges, while its placement in the 10th House amplifies the expression of power?a cosmic dance of potency and potential.

Power, trans4mind

Pluto / Scorpio

Pluto (to transform) in Scorpio (Intense and Secretive)

Pluto in Scorpio propels you into intense and secretive explorations, particularly in the realms of sexuality, the mind, occult studies, and death. You find yourself captivated by areas such as genetic engineering, the creation and destruction of life, and the enigmatic field of occultism. Your research and discoveries during this period may remain shrouded in secrecy, withheld from public knowledge.

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