Read Robert De Niro's Cosmic DNA

Robert De Niro
Robert De Niro
12:00 pm
New York City, Ny
41N17 74W0 (-4 GMT)
Leo (23) / Virgo
Pisces (19)  
Virgo (18)  
Virgo (20)  
Taurus (26) / Gemini
Leo (10)  
Gemini (24) / Cancer
Gemini (8) / Taurus
Libra (0) / Virgo
Leo (7) / Cancer

Birthchart Info

Robert De Niro
12:00 pm
New York City, Ny
41N17 74W0 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Leo (23) / Virgo
Pisces (19)  
Virgo (18)  
Virgo (20)  
Taurus (26) / Gemini
Leo (10)  
Gemini (24) / Cancer
Gemini (8) / Taurus
Libra (0) / Virgo
Leo (7) / Cancer

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Personal Growth Jupiter

Personal Growth, alabe

Jupiter / Leo

With Mercury in Leo, growth relies on taking pride in one's actions and accomplishments. Integrity and sincerity earn appreciation and admiration from others. However, ensure that boasting and displaying self-importance are rooted in genuine achievements to avoid arrogance or exaggeration. Leo's love for extravagant spectacles and grand celebrations is an expression of their zest for life.

Personal Growth, trans4mind

Jupiter / Leo

Gemini (Versatile and Variable):
With Jupiter expanding in the adaptable sign of Gemini, your thirst for knowledge and communication knows no bounds. You are naturally well-informed and constantly seek information from various sources. You excel at paying attention to the details of language and may even have proficiency in speaking multiple foreign languages. However, there is a subtle strain between your desire to grasp the big picture and the need to delve into the intricacies. To truly understand something, you recognize the importance of taking it step by step and examining it in detail.

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