Read Robert Hand's Cosmic DNA

Robert Hand
Robert Hand
12:00 pm
Plainfield, Nj
41N22 74W24 (-4 GMT)
Sagittarius (12)  
Scorpio (9)  
Sagittarius (15)  
Sagittarius (17)  
Scorpio (23) / Sagittarius
Cancer (24) / Leo
Gemini (8) / Taurus
Gemini (2) / Taurus
Libra (1) / Virgo
Leo (7) / Cancer

Birthchart Info

Robert Hand
12:00 pm
Plainfield, Nj
41N22 74W24 (-4 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Sagittarius (12)  
Scorpio (9)  
Sagittarius (15)  
Sagittarius (17)  
Scorpio (23) / Sagittarius
Cancer (24) / Leo
Gemini (8) / Taurus
Gemini (2) / Taurus
Libra (1) / Virgo
Leo (7) / Cancer

Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Emotional Side Moon

How to Feel Happy, Safe and Fulfilled

Moon / Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio
Your Moon sign encourages delving into emotional depths. While other Moon signs might shy away from emotional intensity, you flourish in it. The transformative process and rebirth associated with Scorpio are essential aspects for you to engage with creatively, spiritually, or psychologically. Passion, depth, and loyalty are crucial components of your relationships.

Your Hidden Character

Moon / Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio
When the Moon delves into the enigmatic depths of Scorpio, a powerful and mysterious energy envelops the individual's inner character. Those born with the Moon in Scorpio possess an insatiable thirst for depth, passion, and intensity in all aspects of life. They possess an uncanny ability to perceive beyond surface appearances, tapping into their strong intuition and psychic abilities.

With their intelligent and calculating mentality, those with the Moon in Scorpio navigate life with a cold and resolute mindset. Their spiritual considerations and an inclination towards spiritual matters guide their actions, making them keen observers of the invisible realms. This lunar placement often bestows incredible mental acuity and unwavering determination.

These lunar scorpions, both sensual and emotional, possess an unyielding nature that keeps them steadfast on their chosen path. With their fixed sign status, they refuse to be swayed from their course of action. The Moon in Scorpio, however, is said to be more favorable for men than women. In either case, these individuals often face challenges in their emotional lives, marked by potential marital infidelity and emotional complexities.

Occupations in medicine, surgery, chemistry, investigative work, and spiritual pursuits align well with the innate talents of those with the Moon in Scorpio.

Emotions, alwaysastrology

Moon / Scorpio

Scorpio Moon individuals thrive on emotional intensity, possessing an uncanny ability to penetrate through the layers and delve into the innermost feelings of others. This quality may be disconcerting to some, yet intriguing to many. They yearn for change and transformation, and their lives may be marked by dramatic upheavals that feel beyond their control. If their life begins to feel too ordinary, they are the first to create tests or challenges to inject excitement into their relationships. Emotional drama fulfills them.

Scorpio Moon individuals have an unwavering desire for deep connection and commitment. They do not settle for half-hearted relationships or waste their time on superficial connections. They crave profound loyalty, although they harbor a deep fear of betrayal. They may unknowingly test their partners, and their suspicious nature often becomes apparent. However, once they commit themselves, they become fiercely loyal and protective.

Despite their great presence, even the shyest Scorpio Moon individuals possess a magnetic aura. They require ample time to learn how to control their emotions. Highly intuitive, they may sometimes wield this gift for personal gain. They are passionate and fearless, with a particular affinity for the occult and the unusual. Many individuals with a Scorpio Moon in their birth chart excel as astrologers or harbor a strong interest in the intricacies of the mind.

Scorpio Moon individuals exude an aura of intimidation and are difficult to scare or shock. They possess an innate ability to assess people and situations within seconds. Their power can be harnessed for good or ill, as the saying goes, and much depends on their upbringing. Those who have experienced manipulation or deprivation may struggle to open up to others, whereas those raised in nurturing environments tend to exhibit mild temperaments and amiable dispositions. They can display jealousy, possessiveness, and self-indulgence. At the same time, they possess vulnerability, intelligence, and ambition.

Scorpio Moon individuals are tenacious, akin to a dog unwilling to release its grip. Their stubbornness can hinder them at times, but it also empowers them to overcome detrimental habits. They tend to be emotional, materialistic, sensual, and secretive. Creativity flows through their veins, and they possess an unyielding fighting spirit, finding it challenging to admit defeat. They harbor a fiercely competitive nature, particularly when pitted against individuals of the same sex. In relationships, they may find themselves easily captivated by the whims and desires of their partners. Striking a balance in this area of their lives is essential.

Charismatic and magnetic, Scorpio Moon individuals attract many admirers. However, they must exercise caution to resist the allure of multiple relationships. Criticism is not well-received by them, and they often diverge from mainstream ideals, refusing to conform to societal norms.

Emotions, lifetips

Moon / Scorpio

Passionate intensity courses through the veins of lunar beings graced with the Moon in Scorpio, as they navigate the tempestuous waters of emotional depth and transformation. Born to a mother whose allure possessed a magnetic pull, yet harbored a manipulative and unforgiving nature when crossed, these individuals possess a profound need for absolute trust before opening the floodgates of their hearts. Delighting in the enigmatic process of penetrating the emotional core of significant others, they often shroud their own emotions in secrecy, creating an almost chilling effect when their emotional intensity is finally released.

Emotions, trans4mind

Moon / Scorpio

With the Moon's intensity permeating the sign of Scorpio, your emotional responses become a mysterious and transformative force. You possess an innate inclination to conceal your intense emotions from the prying eyes of others, often masking the depth of your feelings beneath a calm exterior. Like the depths of the ocean, your emotions simmer below the surface, occasionally surfacing in sudden and unexpected outbursts that can surprise those around you. Holding onto grudges is not uncommon for you, as you have a tendency to nurture deep-seated emotions and viewpoints that may have originated from past experiences or early childhood. Your passionate and secretive nature gives you a unique perspective on the world, fueling your drive for emotional authenticity and profound connections.

Your Habits, Reactions, Instincts, Innermost Needs, How You Show Emotions and Mother-or-Baby Yourself

Moon / Scorpio

Moon in Scorpio individuals are driven by a relentless pursuit of emotional intensity. There is an inherent intensity to Lunar Scorpios that sets them apart from others. They possess a unique ability to delve deep into the realm of emotions, seeing beyond surface-level facades and cutting straight to the core of a person. This ability to perceive what is hidden from the rest of the world can either be intimidating or incredibly captivating, depending on the perspective.

The deep-seated need for transformation and rebirth shapes the lives of Lunar Scorpios in profound ways. They often find themselves immersed in emotionally charged experiences, which can sometimes feel beyond their control. Their lives are characterized by dramatic ups and downs, attracting emotional upheaval. However, embracing this need for emotional catharsis can lead to a more balanced and less overwhelming approach to transformation. Self-awareness and acceptance serve as effective tools to navigate this inherent desire for emotional intensity.

Lunar Scorpios refuse to settle for half-measures or superficial relationships. They crave depth and authenticity in all aspects of their lives. Their passionate nature demands all or nothing.

The fear of betrayal looms large in the lives of Moon in Scorpio individuals. They seek commitment and desire partners who are willing to make sacrifices for them. Some may subject their loved ones to subtle tests, often unconsciously, which can be challenging for those in their lives. However, once Lunar Scorpios are committed, they become fiercely loyal and protective partners.

Even the most reserved Lunar Scorpios possess a captivating presence. Emotions drive their lives, yet they invest considerable effort into mastering and controlling their emotional responses. Their intuition is remarkably astute, although it may occasionally serve their own self-interest.

Strength radiates from Moon in Scorpio individuals. They exude emotional power and seem to possess an innate understanding of human nature. It is difficult to shock or intimidate them with displays of emotional honesty. Some are naturally drawn to lean on Lunar Scorpios for support, while others may feel apprehensive in the face of their profound emotional depth. Their exceptional ability to assess situations and individuals quickly and accurately can be both disconcerting and comforting, depending on one's perspective.

Lunar Scorpios often display intelligence and astuteness. Those who channel their considerable powers towards fostering intimacy and nurturing honesty in relationships tend to find the greatest happiness. They make captivating friends and lovers, offering an intriguing and rewarding connection to those who embrace the depths of their emotional world.

Your Emotional Needs for Sex, Love, and Relationships

Moon / Scorpio

In the realm of Scorpio, where emotions run deep and passions smolder with an intensity that defies the ordinary, a lover with the Moon in this enigmatic sign bestows upon you a connection that transcends the superficial. Initially, their depths may lie shrouded beneath a veil of mystery, as they cautiously assess your trustworthiness, discerning whether you are worthy of unveiling their innermost desires and needs. The Moon in Scorpio craves a level of depth that permeates every aspect of their existence, including their approach to sexuality. Emotional entanglement becomes an inexorable force, an all-consuming fire that ignites their very soul. Yet, the most dominating need that pulses through their veins is the insatiable hunger to know?to delve into the darkest recesses of your being and make love to the very core of your essence. Surrender to their intensity, and you shall find yourself immersed in a love that transcends boundaries and leaves an indelible mark upon your heart.

Men: Attracted to highly sensual and self-willed women, Scorpio men seek partners who possess an unwavering determination and an unquenchable thirst for life's pleasures.

Women: Drawn to men of power, those whose lives are woven with intricate webs of complexity and intrigue. Scorpio women crave partners who embody enigmatic qualities, enticing them with a blend of mystery and intensity.

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