Read Zooey Deschanel's Cosmic DNA

Zooey Deschanel
Zooey Deschanel
39N6 95W25 (0 GMT)

Birthchart Info

Zooey Deschanel
39N6 95W25 (0 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info


Intro And Some Highlights
Section: Intro And Some Highlights / Report: Education College

College Majors You Might Be Into

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Let your zodiac sign help you choose a course of study
When it comes to choosing a college major, your zodiac sign can provide valuable insights into the areas of study that might align with your interests and strengths. Let's explore the ideal majors for each zodiac sign and discover the exciting educational paths that await!

How You Get Ready to Go Back To School

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Going back to school can mean different things to different zodiac signs. To help each one prepare best for the upcoming academic year, we're providing a list of must-haves for each sign to play to their strengths and address their weaknesses. With a little preparation, success in school is within reach!

How to Shine-and-Impress at Your High School Reunion

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High School Reunions
Stand out from your graduating class with a few clever astrological strategies
The 10-year high school reunion is approaching, yet you are still waiting for that prestigious corner office. Should you simply stay home and hope to have more achievements to display at the 20-year reunion? No way! Regardless of your career accomplishments, there are specific traits associated with your zodiac sign that will make you stand out among your former classmates. Continue reading to discover your traits and prepare to confidently reconnect with your high school peers.

How You Navigate the World After Graduation

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Embarking on the real world with the guidance of Astrology

Stepping out into the real world after college can be a daunting task. Even if you have a clear vision of your future, it will entail hard work and perseverance to turn those dreams into reality. We're here to offer you practical advice tailored to your own zodiac sign strengths (and weaknesses) as you navigate post-graduate life.

Back To School Fashion You Might Be Sporting, Style

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Zodiac-inspired autumn fashion

In the midst of an ongoing recession, not everyone can afford the glamorous fashions spotted on Gossip Girl and 90210. Fortunately, affordable stores are keeping up with the latest trends! Discover which styles will enhance your fall wardrobe based on your zodiac sign.

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