Read Stephen Arroyo's Cosmic DNA

Stephen Arroyo
Stephen Arroyo
12:00 pm
Kansas City, Missouri
39N6 95W25 (-5 GMT)
Libra (12)  
Aquarius (20)  
Libra (28) / Scorpio
Scorpio (24) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Scorpio (2) / Libra
Leo (7) / Cancer
Gemini (21)  
Libra (8) / Virgo
Leo (13)  

Birthchart Info

Stephen Arroyo
12:00 pm
Kansas City, Missouri
39N6 95W25 (-5 GMT)

Birthchart Planets Info

Libra (12)  
Aquarius (20)  
Libra (28) / Scorpio
Scorpio (24) / Sagittarius
Scorpio (8) / Libra
Scorpio (2) / Libra
Leo (7) / Cancer
Gemini (21)  
Libra (8) / Virgo
Leo (13)  

Taking Charge
Section: Taking Charge / Report: Boss

As a Boss, How Would You Be Buttered Up

Sun / Libra

The Libra Boss (September 23 to October 22)
Underneath the Libra supervisor's charm, you'll find a disciplined military mindset. This boss loves the harmony, balance, and beauty of a smoothly running work team. The Libra supervisor also loves a good debate and enjoys taking an opposing position just for fun. Engage them in a debate, but don't turn it into a full-blown argument. Be a sounding board for their ideas and bear in mind that Librans prefer going places and doing things in pairs.

Details of Your Personality, How You Are As A Boss

Sun / Libra

The LIBRA Boss

"Unimportant, of course, I meant,"
the King hastily said, and
went on to himself
in an undertone,
as if he were trying which word sounded best,

The Libra boss exudes an aura of fairness and honesty that draws admiration from both men and women alike. Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, imbues them with powerful vibrations that can unknowingly captivate hearts.

In the business world, the Libra executive seeks balance by forming partnerships and combining their charm and intellect with complementary individuals who possess the skills they lack. They are often found sitting on the fence, meticulously weighing opposing ideas before making impartial decisions. Their restless nature may make them appear in perpetual motion, yet they never seem rushed, managing to perform tasks with effortless grace. It's like watching a skilled juggler, defying expectations by maintaining poise and balance, even in the face of frenzied activity.

Despite their gentle and sometimes shy demeanor, Libra bosses possess an inherent need to communicate and express themselves. They excel in speech, capable of persuading and swaying a room full of people effortlessly. Even the quiet ones meticulously plan their words before speaking, causing long periods of silence. It's wise to capture their statements during these moments as they are less likely to change their minds later.

Your Libra boss may often seek your opinion, not only to ensure fairness but also because they believe that without access to all available facts and perspectives, they are incapable of making wise decisions. They may gather viewpoints from various individuals, resulting in peculiar and sometimes unusual outcomes. The cleaning woman, the elevator man, and others may provide insights that, while amusing, may not be relevant to the issue at hand. Surprisingly, the Libra boss manages to arrive at logical and sensible decisions that outshine the majority.

Their inclination to seek multiple viewpoints may also stem from a desire to shift blame onto others in case of mistakes. By involving various individuals in the decision-making process, they can easily attribute any negative outcomes to external opinions. However, Libra bosses who have achieved internal harmony and unity of mind and emotions can become fountains of wisdom, offering fair and intelligent solutions to problems.

The walls of your Libra boss's office are likely adorned with pictures, trophies, and well-placed prints, creating a balanced aesthetic. The filing cabinets are neat, and you may find a radio or record player nearby to drown out the discordance of daily routine. The office colors are generally soothing, avoiding harsh or vibrant tones that may strain the eyes. Perhaps there's a subtle touch of an oriental motif, inspired by the peaceful harmony of Eastern philosophy. If your boss is a female, expect to find a potted plant and a large mirror, with music playing in the background.

Female Libra bosses outnumber those of other signs, exuding undeniable beauty and charm. They possess an impeccable sense of style, leaving their employees in awe of their wardrobe, furs, jewels, and perfumes. Male employees find themselves captivated by their irresistible charisma, surrendering to their dimpled charm effortlessly.

Despite their friendly demeanor, it's important not to get too chummy with your Libra boss. While they may encourage open communication, they won't tolerate gossip or loose tongues. Librans, both men and women, treat confidences as sacred trusts, valuing discretion above all else.

Libra bosses appreciate long, pleasant lunch hours, and it's essential to ensure they take their breaks, as hunger and fatigue may affect their liberal attitude. Rest and periodic naps are crucial for their well-being. Unions and fairness are subjects close to their hearts, and they possess a natural talent for mediating disputes. Their perspective on money leans towards extremes?they can be either the stingiest or the most generous bosses around, with no middle ground.

At some point, you may receive an invitation to your boss's home. Libra executives often enjoy entertaining their employees, creating a warm and welcoming environment. They excel in both gallantry and camaraderie, effortlessly connecting with both men and women. However, it's crucial not to be loud, vulgar, or opinionated, as harmony is the essence of their being.

While occasional indecisiveness or procrastination may test your patience, remember the genuine smile they offer, their quiet intelligence, and their willingness to find compromises. Libra bosses do not seek to dominate but instead value cooperation and loyalty. Their blending nature requires your support to help them become their complete selves. In return, they will inspire your unwavering trust. Can't you feel the subtle tug of their magnetic presence?

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